FOX Twitter hacked HOAX - reports Obama assassinated

gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
edited January 1970 in News
The Preseident is Dead! - Well, President Obama is alive and well - but a few concerned internet viewers may have believed the story when a US broadcaster fell victim to a hacker attack. The group broke into Fox's twitter account and entered the hoax news that Barack Obama had been assassinated and Joe Biden had stepped into the job. The hoax 'tweets' said the President was shot twice while campaigning for re-election, when he was, in fact, in the White House. A spokesperson for the hacker group called "script-kiddies" said Fox was targeted because they thought their net-security would be 'as much of a joke as their news'.

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Seriously? These 'script kiddies' have a spokesperson who is willing to risk being arrested by speaking out.

Is that you, Mr. V, playing another joke on the media, hanging them with their own tricks?


  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • HAPPY 4TH OF JULY !!!!!! THIS IS A GOOD JOKE FOR A DAY LIKE TODAY FOR SOME IDIOTS.I honestly think it is discusting and un called for. I guess people have nothing better to do in this world ... Thank God the President of the USA IS FINE. BLESSINGS TO ALL AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.. We had CANADA day on Friday July 1st.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    HAPPY 4TH OF JULY !!!!!! THIS IS A GOOD JOKE FOR A DAY LIKE TODAY FOR SOME IDIOTS.I honestly think it is discusting and un called for. I guess people have nothing better to do in this world ... Thank God the President of the USA IS FINE. BLESSINGS TO ALL AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.. We had CANADA day on Friday July 1st.

    better late than never: Happy Canada Day to you. <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    HAPPY 4TH OF JULY !!!!!! THIS IS A GOOD JOKE FOR A DAY LIKE TODAY FOR SOME IDIOTS.I honestly think it is discusting and un called for. I guess people have nothing better to do in this world ... Thank God the President of the USA IS FINE. BLESSINGS TO ALL AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.. We had CANADA day on Friday July 1st.

    Actually the joke is on FOX, so I would say kudos to The Joker.
  • nick_93nick_93 Posts: 269
    It's even more creepy that when I first read the hoax tweet immediately after they were talking about Wimbledon on the news and they called it a 'New World Order' for men's tennis...... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
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