Occult Symbol of Evil In V For Victory Public Relations Stunt

diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
Hi everyone,<br /><br />i was checking some things about Illuminati and I found that article about Alex Jones. It's about the V symbol (V for Vendetta) being an occult symbol. I always thought Jones is trying to reveal many things about them. But I was shocked when I read this. Please check the arlicle:<br /><br />http://www.roguegovernment.com/Priest_Class_Minion_Alex_Jones_Promotes_Occult_Symbol_of_Evil_In_V_For_Victory_Public_Relations_Stunt/24525/0/23/23/Y/M.html


  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    The Illuminati use many other "signs" and "symbols" , some of them even religious, Christian, but they attach their  own evil/satanic meaning to them!<br /><br />I give you just 2 examples: <br />- color PURPLE has a Biblical meaning , but the Illuminati also use this color in MK Ultra mind-programming!<br />- the Biblical cross, for Christians it has divine meaning, but the satanists took it and made some small modifications/derivations to represent their satanic meaning.<br /><br />The same for the V sign! <br /><br />The S.O. B. of Illuminati do this on purpose! They add a double meaning in order to confuse the masses of people!<br />The simplest way to verify is this: would a person signing a XXXXXXXXX million dollars cheque for charity purposes, making the V sign [Peace sign] for the press photo and be a satanist at the same time? lol I don't think so ! ;)
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