Michael Hoax Trials and Tribulations-72-73-74

applehead250609applehead250609 Posts: 2,615
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
[size=10pt]The first and second video has very good info,and it's amazing to see how this people have no MORALS  smiley_spider  and not a grain of common sense  :cry:  :x .It is the typical way of washing hands and not taking any responsabilty at all    /cook/  :x .Like someone did a comment :[/size]<br /><br />
The Big Pharma, the media, and yes, our wonderful elected officials are all in bed with each other   /cook/ and making sure they keep the wealth and power over the other 99% of people.
<br /><br />Michael Hoax Trials and Tribulations 72 Murray & The Pharmaceutical Companies II <br />
<br /><br />Michael Hoax Trials and Tribulations 73 - Murray & The Pharmaceutical Companies III<br />
<br /><br />[size=10pt]On the last video about animal testing and the cruel treatment on them, I didn't closed my eyes Fairy,not at all  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: .OMG what kind of people can do this to some helpless animals  :x ???? My eyes are wide open and I really don't like what I see ,in fact I'm very,very angry  :x!!!!! [/size]<br /><br />Michael Hoax Trials and Tribulations 74 Murray & The Pharmaceutical Companies IV <br />
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  • Thank you very much applehead250609.<br />Yes there are a lot of things about the Pharmaceutical Companies that we need to know<br />as they play a big part in the conspiracy.. Thank you for posting my vids
  • on 1324240747:
    <br />Thank you very much applehead250609.<br />Yes there are a lot of things about the Pharmaceutical Companies that we need to know<br />as they play a big part in the conspiracy.. Thank you for posting my vids<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]I thank you Fairy  :) !!!!!! I hope you don't mind I post your videos,in fact I saw all of them  respect/ .<br />I really miss our conversations ,you know,wow old times  :P !!! Thank you for your great videos and for your hard work,take care  :) !!![/size]
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