GLADYS KNIGHT Paris Jackson Deserves Her Teeth KNOCKED OUT



  • I agree marumjj,<br /><br />Gladys Knight was only going by what she know how it was back then.  Parents were more harsh to their kids even further back than Mr. Jackson was with his kids.  They were into that spare the rod biblical reference.  She's speaking from experience.  <br /><br />And then of course Knight didn't say exactly what TMZ printed.  She didn't say Paris deserves to get her teeth knocked out or she's a snot nosed little brat.  In fact, all the tabloids didn't print that Paris called Janet anything did they?  They wrote that Janet called her the b word.  So I'm confused.<br /><br />And btw, Knight said people read into what Paris tweets.  Well isn't that what she's doing?  Reading into what tabloids are writing?
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    on 1343406106:
    <br />She is not Jackson family so what does she know what's really going on.<br />and for her sayin that Paris would not have any teeth left it is was her she was talking to like that just shows the point how no one should pay attention to Gladys.<br /><br />Yes Paris is 14 years old and a teenager.<br /><br />Everyone seem to be getting off track in the media, she began tweeting because she wanted her grandmother back home and because Randy began lying about the stroke (that was probably what started all the worrying). And Janet, Jermaine and randy and Rebbi was preventing them to get a hold of Katherine.<br /><br />Media is spinning out of control.<br /><br />Who know what would have happened to Katherine or the kids if she didn't tweet that stuff.<br />
    <br /><br />That's the media though, spin it so out of control that the actual story to begin with is lost and appears to have never existed.. spirals down the rabbit hole.<br /><br />I find it really hard hearing people say that abo,ut young people it doesn't matter how it was in the 50's, 60's or the 80's those years are long gone and we are in the 21st century <br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    You know if Joe said this he'd probably be run out of town on a rail or burned at a stake some where or tarred n feathered n left in stocks.<br /><br />Gladys Knight says it and everyone shrugs.<br /><br />Think about that.
  • rachel1018rachel1018 Posts: 121
    maybe it was misunderstood
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    hopefully at some point she will find out what was really said and make it right. i don't think it will bode well for her in public opinion if she doesn't . jmo
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