BIG CLUE.. Charlie Chaplin

Today i have a feeling Michael Jackson is alive.

I just do not feel he has passed over.. with all the other big celebs i knew they had gone.. like with Princess Diana, and Kurt Cobain, and others.

I just do not feel MJ has gone. I really dont. And i cannot shake off this feeling.


Michael LOVED Charlie Chaplin and he called him "THE KING OF PATHOS"

This is the definition of PATHOS: Pathos ( 'suffering' or 'experience') is a communication technique used most often in rhetoric (where it is considered one of the three modes of persuasion, alongside ethos and logos), and in literature, film and other narrative art. Pathos represents an appeal to the audience's emotions. It is not to be confused with 'bathos', which is an attempt to perform in a serious, dramatic fashion that fails and ends up becoming comedy. Within literature and film, pathetic occurences in a plot are not to be confused with tragic occurences. In a tragedy, the character brings about his or her own demise, whereas those invoking pathos often occur to innocent characters, invoking unmerited grief.

Emotional appeal can be accomplished in a multitude of ways:

* by a metaphor or story telling, common as a hook,
* by a general passion in the delivery and an overall number of emotional items in the text of the speech, or in writing.

Pathos is often associated with emotional appeal. But a better equivalent might be appeal to the audience's sympathies and imagination. An appeal to pathos causes an audience not just to respond emotionally but to identify with the writer's point of view - to feel what the writer feels. In this sense, pathos evokes a meaning implicit in the verb 'to suffer' - to feel pain imaginatively. Perhaps the most common way of conveying a pathetic appeal is through narrative or story, which can turn the abstractions of logic into something palpable and present. The values, beliefs, and understandings of the writer are implicit in the story and conveyed imaginatively to the reader. Pathos thus refers to both the emotional and the imaginative impact of the message on an audience, the power with which the writer's message moves the audience to decision or action.


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