Leaked video with Paris ODD ...



  • Do the Malnik's live in New York? That's where the children spent Christmas.
  • spencer is the one who's filming and (i think) that prince is the one who says about the movie.
    i dont know what movie they r talking about.
    and like i said,there is an other leaked video from 2003 when the kids (prince paris and the malniks kids) are singing ABC (not the jackson 5's ABC).
    the poser is leaking the video little by little just for fun i guess.
    some with the pics.

    Grazzia are you sure about the voice you hear speaking about the movie? Like Invinceble7 said, it good be Michaels voice. If I compare Prince's his voice at the Grammy with this voice it just doesn't sound like him, this voice is so polite just like MJ's.
  • GrazziaGrazzia Posts: 224
    spencer is the one who's filming and (i think) that prince is the one who says about the movie.
    i dont know what movie they r talking about.
    and like i said,there is an other leaked video from 2003 when the kids (prince paris and the malniks kids) are singing ABC (not the jackson 5's ABC).
    the poser is leaking the video little by little just for fun i guess.
    some with the pics.

    Grazzia are you sure about the voice you hear speaking about the movie? Like Invinceble7 said, it good be Michaels voice. If I compare Prince's his voice at the Grammy with this voice it just doesn't sound like him, this voice is so polite just like MJ's.
    um... is mj's voice?
    prince's voice is very deep at the grammys,in the video (i think he's talking) is more natural.at the grammys he wanted to show that hes ok,hes not nervious.i sometimes do this,not to show that im nervious.i make my voice deeper then ussual
    and i dunno if is mj's,could be but i dont think so

    i dunno where the malniks are living.
  • this is weird.
    i dunno if i make the topic in the right place but this is ODD!

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JahJqxtNaM<!-- m -->

    "The moonwalk!" and their are laghing!!
    this is not funny when your father is dead
    i wouldnt do that and make funny of it.i would rememeber my dad and i would be sad...
    what do u think?
    sry if this is disturbing

    i dont find it odd nor strange that they are laughing. i dont know if any of you ahve ever lost someone, but if you have you know you dont walk around crying for months.... you amay have sad moments.. but you also have good moment and fun moments. they are children and they get by, its a part of life. if they never had fun and vere crying all teh time.. then i would be concerned. and about the monwalkpart.. its not said in a disrespectfull way.. its just a " aaww look the moonwalk.. how cute".
  • LOL. Maybe the Malniks weren't threatening MJ, maybe they are hiding him...Why else would Paris be over at their house?

    If father is being threatened by someone, then why would he send his DAUGHTER over to theirs place?

    because they are friends?!?!? <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • I can't watch this video, but the title says "Paris with Spencer leaked video 2009". Is that Spencer Malnik?
    Really ? That's plain odd.
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