Drug Stash Found In House RECENTLY????

i_need YoUi_need YoU Posts: 933
edited January 1970 in News
there are a few weird things....ok well i thought someone already bought the house that mj was staying at when he died...how can they go back to his home and do another search warrant in that house and find more things??? im getting a little confused lol BULL HOCKEY



  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    They said that the search warrant was "newly released" not that the search was recently done.
  • they are not saying they search was recent. but lmao at the repetitive items on the list. really thats not much of a stash ~~~
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    "A newly-released search warrant details" It's the search warrant DETAILS, that have been released. This was done on the 25th or 26th June 2009, but just the details of what they found were released today. With L.O.V.E xox
  • i_need YoUi_need YoU Posts: 933
    ok thank you for clearing that up with me <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ...man they know how to stretch something so tiny to make it look huge! well i guess because its ther profession haha
  • that pill bottle with the 13 pills lol its something id like to call excedrin. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> jk. it sounds like it tho except the ephedrine. but it doesnt sound too scary. here you can pass them over here. ill test em <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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