Gary Coleman Death Photo -- For Sale

edited January 1970 in News
Gary Coleman Death Photo -- For Sale
Originally posted 5 minutes ago by TMZ Staff


TMZ has learned a series of photos of Gary Coleman in the hospital are being shopped around to the media -- and in one of the photos ... Gary is already dead.

We've seen one of the photos and declined to even look at the rest. In the pic, Gary is in the hospital, his eyes are closed and he is hooked up to a ventilation machine. It is not a pleasant sight.

The person selling the photos claims to have four photos -- the one we were shown was taken about an hour before he died. The final photo was taken after he was taken off life support.

Asking price is in the low five figures.

We're guessing someone will buy it. It's just the way it is.

<!-- m --> ... -for-sale/<!-- m -->

So, 10 days after Gary Coleman passed away someone is trying to sell his death photo. Michael Jackson is "dead" for 11+ months and yet still no death photo has emerged. The EMT's, the hospital staff, the staff at the coroners office and the Forest Lawn mortuary staff all had the opportunity to take a 'death photo' (the body has been temporarily in-vaulted at Forest Lawn for 9.5 weeks) and NO ONE wanted to make an extra couple of bucks..? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->


  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Same could've happened with Michael if he was really dead. People would've got any pic by now, but we haven't even heared about someone owning any photo..

    About Gary...this is nasty, cruel people playing with family's feelings and Coleman's memory. That's insane..The man is gone..they should let him RIP
  • popisdeadpopisdead Posts: 205 heard about some hackers that would introduce into l.a. coroners office pc equipement months ago to hack mj's authopsy pics...
    well i think that if there would be any pics we've just knew about it at this time!!! so no pics=no evidences=no death...
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443 heard about some hackers that would introduce into l.a. coroners office pc equipement months ago to hack mj's authopsy pics...
    well i think that if there would be any pics we've just knew about it at this time!!! so no pics=no evidences=no death...

    yes but those are only speculations. There are no photos because there's no dead body..If there was any pic we would've known about it, and probably seen it also.. If they managed to get those home-made videos, then they could have done the same with Michael's <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    This story is questioning the possibility that Gary's ex wife may have pushed him causing him to fall. The story comes from AOL Black Voices. It also gives details about the 911 call. It's trippy because I was just thinking the other day that there may be more to this story and that could have been a possibility because Gary and his ex wife have had previous domestic disputes. I'm starting to feel they may need to do some investigating into his death. The story seems disturbing. If these facts are true his ex sounds cold hearted to me.

    Gary Coleman's Wife Denies Causing His Fall, Parents Want Custody of Remains
    By Jeff Mays on Jun 3rd 2010 6:22PM
    Filed under: News
    Comments (26)
    Gary Coleman's parents are seeking custody of their son's remains, claiming that they are the next of kin since Coleman and his wife, Shannon Price, divorced in 2008.

    The news comes as police released Price's 911 call in which she is heard saying she is too freaked out by Coleman's blood to do much and an odd interview obtained by TMZ where Price says she took Coleman off life support because she did not want him to be like Muhammad Ali or Terri Schiavo.

    Yesterday, Coleman's lawyer questioned whether Price had the authority to take the actor off life support because they divorced in 2008. However, the Utah hospital where Coleman died said Coleman named Price as the person he wanted to make medical decisions for him if he was incapacitated when he signed an advanced health care directive.

    "The arrangement we're working on now is to get Gary back to his next of kin, which is his parents. The funeral home has been notified, the sheriff's office, we've notified them that there is to be no communication on where the body is to go unless its dealt with legally with Gary's next of kin, and that's the way it stands right now," a former manager, Victor Perillo, told the Associated Press.

    In the 911 call, Price is heard telling authorities that Coleman had gone downstairs to fix her something to eat when she heard a big bang. She also seemed traumatized by the amount of blood from Coleman's injury.

    "He just got home, I heard this big bang, I went downstairs. Blood everywhere. I don't know if he's okay. I'm not down there right now because I have a fever. If I get stressed out, I'm going to faint," she told the operator.

    "He fell. His head is bloody. There's blood all over the floor. I don't know what happened," Price continued.

    Price said she was ill and didn't want to get traumatized so she called out instructions for Coleman to apply pressure to his wounds and to stay where he was.

    "He's lethargic, I can't really help him. I just need help quick," she went on. "I just can't be here with the blood. I'm sorry, I can't do it. I can't. ... There's blood all over, and I can't do anything."

    "Yeah, I'm just panicked. I don't know what to do ... I just don't want him to die. I'm freaking out,"

    "I'm gagging. I got blood on myself. I can't deal."

    In the interview, obtained by TMZ, Price denied that she pushed Coleman. She still refers to him as her husband. She also said that she doesn't want people to think she "pulled the plug" too early.

    "I've had a lot of speculation out there. I've had a lot of people sit there and say, 'Yeah she pushed him.' This and that. People are so cruel they don't even know. I was upstairs. He was downstairs. How am I going to push him? That affected me more than anything because the scrutiny that just people come up with. They are heartless. Why would I want to hurt my husband?" she said.

    Law enforcement authorities have said there is no criminal investigation going on, and that they responded to Coleman's house on a medical call and found nothing suspicious.

    Price went on to talk about Coleman's prospects for survival after the accident. "Even if he had surgery, [he] would not have survived. The doctors told us that even if they had done surgery on him he would have died. He would have bled to death during the surgery," Price said.

    She said surgery may have involved doctors cutting out a "chunk" of Coleman's brain and that "he would not be the same...he would be like Muhammad Ali." Ali suffers from Parkinson's disease, which is responsible for his shakes and inability to speak.

    "I don't want people to sit there and think I'm a bitch and that I didn't care about him. But, you know, be in my situation. Look what happened to Terri Schiavo," she said. "Gary was gone. His eyes were dilated. ...He was just gone."

    Schiavo was in a persistent vegetative state for several years before her husband won a court battle against her parents to remove her feeding tube. She died a short time later.

    Unfortunately, at this point, it's looking like Coleman's death will be as tumultuous as his life.

    Despite the fact that Price and Coleman had a volatile relationship, complete with domestic violence arrests for both, speculation about what happened at this point is useless. Authorities should release the full details of their report. Coleman's doctors or the hospital may also want to address the circumstances of his death so that Price is not subject to undue speculation.

    Even if Coleman had divorced Price, he was still living with her and thought enough of her to assign her power over his medical decisions if he became incapacitated. As for Coleman's parents, it is sad that they could not find a way to be more involved in his life while he was alive.
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    this is so sad again the police have act to quickly not have not gotten the full story I don't believe his ex wife at all. I hope his parents go and seek justice for him.
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And about all this, I wonder why there are people who still defends the view that Michael is dead even though no evidence.
    The Gary Coleman is morbid and disrespectful asia as a human being and his family, and the worse the person who can dare to buy these photos. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • mjwrmjwr Posts: 60
    The fact there hasn't been a picture of the "dead" body of Michael Jackson made me think that something wasn't right and then I came along this forum. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    That is just sick some people have no respect or moral's. It's a shame what some people will do for money.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Could it be possible that there is no photo (except the ambo photo) of Michael because, out of respect.. no one will buy? Just a thought. If TMZ wont touch the Gary Coleman photos.. they defo wouldnt touch MJ photos.. and who else would? What paper would realistically print that?

    I know there were photos of Princess Diana that the French printed but in the UK there was a black out on that. We never saw those here.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I have a feeling his wife knows something about this.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I have a feeling his wife knows something about this.

    I was just about to post the same as i have seen the interview she gave the day after... and she is a vile woman. All she spoke about was herself and her own feelings and money she spent.. not a grieving widow.. no love for Gary at all...

    now TMZ have just posted a story saying it is his wife trying to sell these photos.
  • Gary Coleman Hospital Pics -- Sold
    Originally posted 13 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

    Just as we predicted, the pictures of Gary Coleman's final moments among the living have been sold to a tabloid -- but the photo taken after Gary died was not part of the deal ... sources tell TMZ.


    Sources say three of the four photos -- which Gary's ex-wife Shannon Price orchestrated -- may hit stands as early as this week.

    One of the photos that sold -- Shannon posing next to a bedridden Gary who is riddled with tubes.

    As we first reported, Shannon will get a cut of the profits.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    She is a disgusting woman. How can she say she loved him?? There is no love there but greed and selfishness.

    Garys parents must be heartbroken over all of this and so angry.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Woman without scruples, poor Gary must have been very unhappy next to this woman
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    She is a disgusting woman. How can she say she loved him?? There is no love there but greed and selfishness.

    Garys parents must be heartbroken over all of this and so angry.
    I agree 100%. How could she do that? She is so low down for this.
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    She is a disgusting woman. How can she say she loved him?? There is no love there but greed and selfishness.

    Garys parents must be heartbroken over all of this and so angry.

    yeah..this is realy really sad, just look at her face..its stamped that she know/did something...
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    WOW check this out!!!

    Gary Coleman’s ex-wife Shannon Price is behind a bid to sell gruesome photos of the TV star in hospital - including one of his dead body, according to US reports. claims Shannon Price, who divorced the tragic Diff’rent Strokes actor in 2008, got a production company to shoot a series of pictures, which are being now shopped around Hollywood for a five-figure sum.
    The disturbing images reportedly show 42-year-old Coleman in his hospital bed, bloodied, with tubes sticking out of his body.
    And one picture was snapped after he died, following a massive haemorrhage caused by a fall at his home in Utah.
    Price is also said to feature in one of the photos.
    The website reports that the production company used is the same one that Price gave an interview to hours after Coleman passed away.
    The 25-year-old redhead has already been criticised for allegedly making money from interviews in the wake of his May 28 death.
    Now, she is coming under fire for allegedly arranging the photo shoot - and is reportedly set to pocket a slice of the profits.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    this is sick. like what the hell is she doing? a thumbs up next to him? i would never ever, ever sell pictures of any family member or friend, regardless of celebrity status or not, to a damn magazine. this is so disgusting. i urge everyone not to buy this shit. remember, "to buy it is to feed it."

    i hope his estate can put a stop to this in some way. and someone should give his ex wife a little heads up: real love does not mean selling your beloved out, in any way, shape or form. UGH.

    in relation to michael's hoax: as much as gary coleman was loved by many, he was in no way anywhere near michael's stardom. it's comparing apples to oranges. and while gary's ex-wife is supposedly behind this sale, greed would rear its ugly head upon the people who would have handled michael's "body." therefore, i believe that there are certain people involved. a small number that were hired and trusted by michael to transport the "body" and to do the whole "he died" thing at the hospital. he was apparently on very good terms with UCLA. money talks. especially to hospitals. IF michael had died on june 25th, i have no doubt in my mind that a photo would have been leaked one way or the other.
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    She is a disgusting woman. How can she say she loved him?? There is no love there but greed and selfishness.

    Garys parents must be heartbroken over all of this and so angry.

    I agree with you, the worst mistake Gary made in his life was marrying this woman.
  • luchyluchy Posts: 149
    She is a disgusting woman. How can she say she loved him?? There is no love there but greed and selfishness.

    Garys parents must be heartbroken over all of this and so angry.

    I think Shannon did something to her husband, watched the interview on the insider he was offended when a reporter asked whether he had been abused by his wife showed him the bruise on his head and said he fell down the stairs at home
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    So the photo has been sold to the media already.

    The disturbing photos of Gary Coleman in the hospital have reportedly sold for $10,000! Earlier this week, Hollyscoop reported that Coleman’s ex-wife Shannon Price struck a deal with a tabloid for the exclusive pics.

    According to Popeater, The Globe magazine was the tabloid to do it. And this could lead to their highest-selling issue ever.

    Gary Coleman's Will Leaves Nothing to Wife

    "They are going to sell a crazy amount of magazines," a source that has seen the images tells me. "Yes, it's an ugly decision to run pictures of a man in his hospital bed minutes before he died, but dead celebrities sell."

    Gary Coleman's Wife Mastermind Behind Bloody Photos

    A shocking picture of Elvis, lying dead in his casket, was published by the National Enquirer in 1977, and became their biggest-selling issue to date. Ok! ran a picture of Michael Jackson after he’d passed last year, and that too sold for $500,000.

    The big question is—was it worth it?? Shannon Price will always have to live with the fact that she did that to her husband, and so will the magazine. In our eyes, it definitely wasn’t worth it.

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... z0qNe0xakr<!-- m -->
    Become a Hollyscoop A-Lister for a chance to WIN Cash & Prizes
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK! How in the world anyone could do such a thing to someone they "love" or anyone for that matter. It just disgusts me. Poor Gary had such a hard life, & now seeing what he had to deal with at home makes it 10 times worse. I have no sympathy or understanding for that b****. & yes she deserves to be called that. I mean, it's been confirmed by the hospital that she & her family were taking pictures of him at the hospital, what would be the reason, who does such a thing? I just feel so bad for Gary & everything he's had to go through. & I'm sure she's responsible for the fall down the stairs & maybe even his death. She did an interview after his death where she spoke about having money issues, etc. There's the motive...she's broke & they're divorced, if he's gone she can benefit. Her rep didn't deny the rumor of the pics for sale all that was said was "Gary's only wish would be for Shannon to be okay if he was ever gone." meaning she has to do whatever she can to get paid but it's okay because Gary would've wanted that. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    WOW! What a b**ch


    THIS is one of the final pictures of tragic actor Gary Coleman.

    In the snap, which appears on the front cover of this week’s Globe magazine, Gary — who passed away last month at the age of 42 — is in the hospital and hooked up to a ventilation machine. The woman in the picture is Gary’s ex-wife, Shannon Price.

    Here’s what Globe mag says on its website:

    It’s the story and pictures all America is talking about! Sitcom legend Gary Coleman was the victim of shocking foul play, a top investigator says after examining blood splatter evidence found at the pint-sized actor’s Utah home after he was discovered lying on the kitchen floor with a gaping head wound. Find out why the CSI analyst insists the Diff’rent Strokes star was murdered – and see the surprising last photos of bandaged Coleman and his ex-wife Shannon Price taken in his hospital room just hours before his tragic death. Only in GLOBE!

    According to PopEater, Globe paid just $10,000 for the pics.

    “They are going to sell a crazy amount of magazines,” said one publishing source. “Yes it’s an ugly decision to run pictures of a man in his hospital bed minutes before he died, but dead celebrities sell.

    “The photos are so tasteless that none of the glossy magazines wanted to bid on them. This allowed Globe to get them so cheap.”

    However, publishing the morbid snaps could come at a price.

    “Yes, you get one week of great sales but forever on you are known as the magazine that will do anything to get people to buy it,” said one magazine editor.

    “It’s a desperate move that damages your brand in the long run.”
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