You really need to see this. . Louis Farrakhan about MJ

2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited June 2010 in News

These are very interesting.......there are more but couldn't fit them all in....

All I can say is WOW...xoxo


  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    Thanks for posting!!!
    This is really interesting to hear!
    This man has understood the true essence of Michael..
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    ye saw this time ago. it's really cool <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • cleaclea Posts: 145
    it still a man in whom I have no confidence, more than doubtful, racist ...
    he uses Michael for its movement
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    Great video. Thanks for posting.
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • Badgirl777Badgirl777 Posts: 81
    He is an exellent speaker who knows what to say and how to look.
    What he say in public and what he think must not be the same....I can be wrong but i have no good feeling with him.
    He needs new members and he is an old man of 77 years and he know how to act to become what he wants.
    His permanent smile when he speaks about Michael in interviews in confusion....i think he isn't honest.
    I had googled him today and there are articles about him that are not very nice.
    In the UK he is a "persona non grata" and can't travel to the UK since 1986....there must be a reason that he can't change this status.
    Much hoax activities come from the UK.....can be concidence...
    He made such statements to catch the Michael Jackson fans....if i had not such a bad feeling when i saw him i find the speeches not bad....but every politicion makes speeches and acts absolut different !
  • Badgirl777Badgirl777 Posts: 81
    There is a Group from the NOI called the Nation of Gods and Earth...i only found a german article...there was mentioned the Number 7 ! as a importend number and much other we find with Michael.
    And here something about the the end Michael Jackson was mentioned ....that was new...i read it since nearly 10 months.

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    OK, it's Wikipedia......but not all must be false...
  • Badgirl777Badgirl777 Posts: 81
    Here the wikipedia info about the nation of gods and earth...the moon and the number 7

    <!-- m --> ... and_Earths<!-- m -->
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    Anti Defamation League (ADL) Introduction
    UPDATED: March 19, 2010
    For nearly 30 years, Louis Farrakhan has marked himself a notable figure on the extremist scene by making hateful statements targeting Jews, whites and homosexuals.
    Farrakhan's bigoted and anti-Semitic rhetoric has included statements calling whites "blue eyed devils" and Jews "bloodsuckers" that controlled the slave trade, the government, the media and various Black individuals and organizations. He frequently denies that Jews have a legitimate claim to their religion.
    During his keynote address at the Nation of Islam's annual Saviors’ Day event in Chicago in February 2010, Farrakhan accused "Zionists" of controlling Congress and the Obama administration. He also advanced long-standing conspiracy theories about Jews and money, and asserted that the "the white right" is attempting to set up the assassination of President Barack Obama.
    In July 2009, Farrakhan delivered an anti-Semitic tirade during a speech about Michael Jackson, alleging that that Zionist Jews are out to sabotage influential African Americans and claiming that the performer suffered at the hands of powerful Jews throughout his career.
  • cleaclea Posts: 145
    Je vous remercie pour l'affichage, bénéficient toujours de l'histoire de Michael. (Mais ne font pas confiance Farrakhan) [/ quote]
    Like you, I do not trust
  • Badgirl777Badgirl777 Posts: 81
    Here more, please i am so sorry it's german but it is intersting and please use a translation to read it !
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  • cleaclea Posts: 145
    He is an exellent speaker who knows what to say and how to look.
    What he say in public and what he think must not be the same....I can be wrong but i have no good feeling with him.
    He needs new members and he is an old man of 77 years and he know how to act to become what he wants.
    His permanent smile when he speaks about Michael in interviews in confusion....i think he isn't honest.
    I had googled him today and there are articles about him that are not very nice.
    In the UK he is a "persona non grata" and can't travel to the UK since 1986....there must be a reason that he can't change this status.
    Much hoax activities come from the UK.....can be concidence...
    He made such statements to catch the Michael Jackson fans....if i had not such a bad feeling when i saw him i find the speeches not bad....but every politicion makes speeches and acts absolut different !
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    He is an exellent speaker who knows what to say and how to look.
    What he say in public and what he think must not be the same....I can be wrong but i have no good feeling with him.
    He needs new members and he is an old man of 77 years and he know how to act to become what he wants.
    His permanent smile when he speaks about Michael in interviews in confusion....i think he isn't honest.
    I had googled him today and there are articles about him that are not very nice.
    In the UK he is a "persona non grata" and can't travel to the UK since 1986....there must be a reason that he can't change this status.
    Much hoax activities come from the UK.....can be concidence...
    He made such statements to catch the Michael Jackson fans....if i had not such a bad feeling when i saw him i find the speeches not bad....but every politicion makes speeches and acts absolut different !

    who knows..what we must judge from his videos is the way he pictured Michael. At least he didn't talk trash about him like some ppl did
  • cleaclea Posts: 145
    Anti Defamation League (ADL) Introduction
    UPDATED: March 19, 2010
    For nearly 30 years, Louis Farrakhan has marked himself a notable figure on the extremist scene by making hateful statements targeting Jews, whites and homosexuals.
    Farrakhan's bigoted and anti-Semitic rhetoric has included statements calling whites "blue eyed devils" and Jews "bloodsuckers" that controlled the slave trade, the government, the media and various Black individuals and organizations. He frequently denies that Jews have a legitimate claim to their religion.
    During his keynote address at the Nation of Islam's annual Saviors’ Day event in Chicago in February 2010, Farrakhan accused "Zionists" of controlling Congress and the Obama administration. He also advanced long-standing conspiracy theories about Jews and money, and asserted that the "the white right" is attempting to set up the assassination of President Barack Obama.
    In July 2009, Farrakhan delivered an anti-Semitic tirade during a speech about Michael Jackson, alleging that that Zionist Jews are out to sabotage influential African Americans and claiming that the performer suffered at the hands of powerful Jews throughout his career.
    Yes, I already read about him and even worse
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    It's nice hearing what he had to say about Michael, but unfortunately I think he's using MJ's name ..I don't have a good feeling about him nether less NOI is not the real Islam and very different beliefs. I didn't know him until know, had he ever said anything about MJ before this ??
  • Badgirl777Badgirl777 Posts: 81
    Yes, there are videos on youtube before the Death, but i am sure he used him always and he never ever could speak bad about him....he needs the fans !
    I never heard him say that he don't like the white ppl or other bad things....he does everything for a good image outside, but we know it from the's all empty words !
    Please read the links i had posted, they show the difference between the original Islam and the NOI.
    In one video...i saw it last year he sad that he knew Michael since he go to Neverland !
    Michael said in the Bashit Interviews some thinke that Farrakhan mentioned in interviews,,, from families and the children....has he to speak for Farrakhan . Daes he use him ?
    Farrakhan has the gift to speak and the ppl are all with him.

    Michael has a Spirtituell adviser June Gatlin....she is with the NOI and Farrakhan too. There is a video on youtube where she is singing at a event " Believe " Farrakhan was there !

    There are so many conections and i rearly don't know if they ae helping or not.....i have a feeling that not... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Badgirl777Badgirl777 Posts: 81
    He is an exellent speaker who knows what to say and how to look.
    What he say in public and what he think must not be the same....I can be wrong but i have no good feeling with him.
    He needs new members and he is an old man of 77 years and he know how to act to become what he wants.
    His permanent smile when he speaks about Michael in interviews in confusion....i think he isn't honest.
    I had googled him today and there are articles about him that are not very nice.
    In the UK he is a "persona non grata" and can't travel to the UK since 1986....there must be a reason that he can't change this status.
    Much hoax activities come from the UK.....can be concidence...
    He made such statements to catch the Michael Jackson fans....if i had not such a bad feeling when i saw him i find the speeches not bad....but every politicion makes speeches and acts absolut different !

    who knows..what we must judge from his videos is the way he pictured Michael. At least he didn't talk trash about him like some ppl did

    Sadly it isn't so easy...the one who speaks good is good and the one who speaks bad is sad, but it isn't so. It's business and everyone makes what is the best for his image, his money or what else.
    Don't bite the hand that feeds you..this is a slogan that shows how to act.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Farrakhan is a great leader, speaker from what I've heard, but one of many black voices with his own ideology. What he says about Michael is truly uplifting. Sad he believes Michael dead, but I guess he's too busy to research. On the Islam theme, I've read that African blacks should not be thinking that it is their natural religion. It is not; it is Arabic or Semitic. The moslems spread their faith by force in all directions and Africans embraced it, just like some embraced Christianity when it was strongly spread there too. The original Old Testament Israelites were black-skinned ( ) African's original religions are/were anamistic, Egyptian religions, various faiths from the old testament period. Blacks cannot return to Islam; it is not theirs. Egypt is original to them, but even that has been whitened.

    One thing that stands out to me however, is (I've listened to MJ's Oxford awesome Oxford speech) what Michael says about Joe. For that reason alone, I believe the will giving his money to Katherine, 3 kids, and charity is a fake, or forged. Yeah everyone likes to hate on Joe, but MJ didn't, so neither should we. I believe Joe is very smart, is part of this hoax, and above all, Michael loves him and trusts him. He's made big mistakes and hurt his family, but he truly is the turning factor for everything in that Jackson family and is due much respect. I believe the Glenda tapes where MJ puts down his father as a leech, is fake as well. This is a LONG story which isn't over yet. There will be another will, more accurately reflecting MJ's real intent. IMO
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    He is an exellent speaker who knows what to say and how to look.
    What he say in public and what he think must not be the same....I can be wrong but i have no good feeling with him.
    He needs new members and he is an old man of 77 years and he know how to act to become what he wants.
    His permanent smile when he speaks about Michael in interviews in confusion....i think he isn't honest.
    I had googled him today and there are articles about him that are not very nice.
    In the UK he is a "persona non grata" and can't travel to the UK since 1986....there must be a reason that he can't change this status.
    Much hoax activities come from the UK.....can be concidence...
    He made such statements to catch the Michael Jackson fans....if i had not such a bad feeling when i saw him i find the speeches not bad....but every politicion makes speeches and acts absolut different !

    who knows..what we must judge from his videos is the way he pictured Michael. At least he didn't talk trash about him like some ppl did

    Sadly it isn't so easy...the one who speaks good is good and the one who speaks bad is sad, but it isn't so. It's business and everyone makes what is the best for his image, his money or what else.
    Don't bite the hand that feeds you..this is a slogan that shows how to act.

    I think I never said the one who speaks good is good and the one who speaks bad is bad. I wasn't born yesterday..what I said is that at least he made a point and didn't trash talk Michael like some others did. If he used this to promote himself or not that I don't know. I don't know who this man is, nor do I have a clue about what was his life like, but to be honest, I don't even care.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Wasnt this the guy that MJ allegedly called up and begged for help... and as far as we are aware Farrakhar didnt help him?????
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Wasnt this the guy that MJ allegedly called up and begged for help... and as far as we are aware Farrakhar didnt help him?????

    Now this would change everything. Where did you get that from? When did this happen?
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Wasnt this the guy that MJ allegedly called up and begged for help... and as far as we are aware Farrakhar didnt help him?????

    Now this would change everything. Where did you get that from? When did this happen?

    Found it: see this thread <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5954&p=94498&hilit=farrakhan#p94498<!-- l -->

    Lois Farrakhan, claims to have gotten a phone call from one of Michael's attorneys 7 days before he passed asking for help.
    At 6:27 :
    "But I got a call, I think 7 days before he passed away. It was from a lawyer, who's name I won't call, who said: Farrakhan, please get in touch with Michael, he is in serious trouble.
    I said: what do you mean?
    He said: Michael agreed to to do 10 concerts, now they've booked him for 50 and we're afraid that he won't be able to fulfil the obligation and he will be sued and this will be a way for them to take his legacy, the catalog that he owns.
    I said: and what do you want me to do? He hasn't called me.
    He said: but there are people close to him, that re follow us.
    I said: really?
    He said: Yes.
    I said: well give me a few days, let me think about it. "

  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Wasnt this the guy that MJ allegedly called up and begged for help... and as far as we are aware Farrakhar didnt help him?????

    Now this would change everything. Where did you get that from? When did this happen?

    Found it: see this thread <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5954&p=94498&hilit=farrakhan#p94498<!-- l -->

    Lois Farrakhan, claims to have gotten a phone call from one of Michael's attorneys 7 days before he passed asking for help.
    At 6:27 :
    "But I got a call, I think 7 days before he passed away. It was from a lawyer, who's name I won't call, who said: Farrakhan, please get in touch with Michael, he is in serious trouble.
    I said: what do you mean?
    He said: Michael agreed to to do 10 concerts, now they've booked him for 50 and we're afraid that he won't be able to fulfil the obligation and he will be sued and this will be a way for them to take his legacy, the catalog that he owns.
    I said: and what do you want me to do? He hasn't called me.
    He said: but there are people close to him, that re follow us.
    I said: really?
    He said: Yes.
    I said: well give me a few days, let me think about it. "


    Found this other interview, at the end he talks a bit about the 50 concerts:

  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    I think there is a big connection between MJ and Farrakhan. MJ was apparently surrounded by NoI prior to his 'death'. I strongly believe he was being helped and protected by them. I don't think that Farrakhan would have gone off for a few days to think about whether or not to help Michael, when he really needed him, especially when his own children are so close to the Jackson family, I think he would have been there like a shot.

    Here is an interesting interview:-

    FARRAKHAN: Well, I don't know the Jackson family as well as my children. My children grew up with the Jackson family. My children adored the Jackson family. They were... my son Mustapha, my son Joshua, my daughter, they were involved in many ways with the Jacksons.

    I met Michael several years ago, and I loved him long before I met him. But after meeting him -- such a gentle spirit, such a beautful human being.

    <!-- m --> ... akhan.html<!-- m -->
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