You really need to see this. . Louis Farrakhan about MJ



  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Unless he DID help!
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    Unless he DID help!

    In my view, this is very likely.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    No one paid attention to these videos when they came out because too much else was going on and the Nation of Islam issue was very sensitive because Farrakhan is an extremely controversial man because of his alleged anti-Semitism (which comes out, I think, in They Don't Really Care About Us). However, it can't be a coincidence that Michael chose this work to be the first one played when his death was announced. Surely, another work, perhaps more familiar and less controversial, such as Billie Jean or Beat It, could have played the airwaves. But this one was played and replayed. I remember this well.
    So, it could be that Farrakhan was able to intervene. Or maybe he was part of the puzzle.
  • So yes Farrakhan did say some great things about MJ, but he didn't always like MJ. In the late 80's or early 90's he had some very mean things to say about MJ. But yes then he met him and his opinion changed like so many others.

    Whether or not he's involed; Um I'm leaning toward no. But I could be wrong. Everyone can't know
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    The people surrounding Michael through his last year, have definite Nation of Islam connections:
    Rwaramba had ties to the black militant organisation, the Nation of Islam, and its controversial leader, Louis Farrakhan, whom she enlisted for help in running Jackson’s affairs.
    Before long, the Nation was supplying Jackson’s security detail and Farrakhan’s son-in-law, Leonard Muhammad, was appointed as Jackson’s business manager, though his role has lessened significantly in recent years.In late 2008, a shadowy figure who called himself Dr Tohme Tohme suddenly emerged as Jackson’s ‘official spokesman’.
    Tohme has been alternately described as a Saudi Arabian billionaire and an orthopaedic surgeon, but he is actually a Lebanese businessman who does not have a medical licence. At one point, Tohme claimed he was an ambassador at large for Senegal, but the Senegalese embassy said they had never heard of him.

    Tohme’s own ties to the Nation of Islam came to light in March 2009, when New York auctioneer Darren Julien was conducting an auction of Michael Jackson memorabilia.
    Julien filed an affidavit in Los Angeles Superior Court that month in which he described a meeting he had with Tohme’s business partner, James R. Weller. According to Julien’s account, ‘Weller said if we refused to postpone [the auction], we would be in danger from 'Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; those people are very protective of Michael'.
    He told us that Dr Tohme and Michael Jackson wanted to give the message to us that 'our lives are at stake and there will be bloodshed'.’
    A month after these alleged threats, Tohme accompanied Jackson to a meeting at a Las Vegas hotel with Randy Phillips, chief executive of the AEG Group, to finalise plans for Jackson’s return to the concert stage.Jackson’s handlers had twice before said no to Phillips. This time, with Tohme acting as his confidant, Jackson left the room agreeing to perform ten concerts at the O2.
    Before long, however, ten concerts had turned into 50 and the potential revenues had skyrocketed. ‘The vultures who were pulling his strings somehow managed to put this concert extravaganza together behind his back, then presented it to him as a fait accompli,’ said one aide.
    ‘The money was just unbelievable and all his financial people were telling him he was facing bankruptcy. But Michael still resisted. He didn’t think he could pull it off.’
    Eventually, they wore him down, the aide explained, but not with the money argument.
    ‘They told him that this would be the greatest comeback the world had ever known. That’s what convinced him.
  • Thank you for posting, always enjoy the story of Michael. (but don't trust Farrakhan)

    Farrakhan is a great man and strong leader.
  • There is a Group from the NOI called the Nation of Gods and Earth...i only found a german article...there was mentioned the Number 7 ! as a importend number and much other we find with Michael.
    And here something about the the end Michael Jackson was mentioned ....that was new...i read it since nearly 10 months.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    OK, it's Wikipedia......but not all must be false...

    NOI and the Nation of Gods and earth are 2 separate things actually. Both may preach similarities, but are different. I know this trust me.
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    This discussion has come up several times and everytime the focus is taken away from what Farrakhan is actually saying about our beloved Michael, to about Farrakhan used a racial slur, insulted a group of people, etc, etc... LISTEN TO WHAT THE MAN IS SAYING! Then tell me - Is it NOT the TRUTH?? Is what he saying a lie or is it the truth? I haven't heard anyone else describe in such a real and edifying way the actual Essence of Michael Jackson the way this man does. So for anyone who hasn't watched the video, don't be discouraged by negative comments - Watch it for YOURSELF and be the judge.
  • people should not exclude Farrakhan's greatness because of his views... if anything we should be asking how/why he formed his views about whatever...
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    The people surrounding Michael through his last year, have definite Nation of Islam connections:
    Rwaramba had ties to the black militant organisation, the Nation of Islam, and its controversial leader, Louis Farrakhan, whom she enlisted for help in running Jackson’s affairs.
    Before long, the Nation was supplying Jackson’s security detail and Farrakhan’s son-in-law, Leonard Muhammad, was appointed as Jackson’s business manager, though his role has lessened significantly in recent years.In late 2008, a shadowy figure who called himself Dr Tohme Tohme suddenly emerged as Jackson’s ‘official spokesman’.
    Tohme has been alternately described as a Saudi Arabian billionaire and an orthopaedic surgeon, but he is actually a Lebanese businessman who does not have a medical licence. At one point, Tohme claimed he was an ambassador at large for Senegal, but the Senegalese embassy said they had never heard of him.

    Tohme’s own ties to the Nation of Islam came to light in March 2009, when New York auctioneer Darren Julien was conducting an auction of Michael Jackson memorabilia.
    Julien filed an affidavit in Los Angeles Superior Court that month in which he described a meeting he had with Tohme’s business partner, James R. Weller. According to Julien’s account, ‘Weller said if we refused to postpone [the auction], we would be in danger from 'Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; those people are very protective of Michael'.
    He told us that Dr Tohme and Michael Jackson wanted to give the message to us that 'our lives are at stake and there will be bloodshed'.’
    A month after these alleged threats, Tohme accompanied Jackson to a meeting at a Las Vegas hotel with Randy Phillips, chief executive of the AEG Group, to finalise plans for Jackson’s return to the concert stage.Jackson’s handlers had twice before said no to Phillips. This time, with Tohme acting as his confidant, Jackson left the room agreeing to perform ten concerts at the O2.
    Before long, however, ten concerts had turned into 50 and the potential revenues had skyrocketed. ‘The vultures who were pulling his strings somehow managed to put this concert extravaganza together behind his back, then presented it to him as a fait accompli,’ said one aide.
    ‘The money was just unbelievable and all his financial people were telling him he was facing bankruptcy. But Michael still resisted. He didn’t think he could pull it off.’
    Eventually, they wore him down, the aide explained, but not with the money argument.
    ‘They told him that this would be the greatest comeback the world had ever known. That’s what convinced him.

    Absolutely brillant synopsis! God bless you for this information. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    The people surrounding Michael through his last year, have definite Nation of Islam connections:
    Rwaramba had ties to the black militant organisation, the Nation of Islam, and its controversial leader, Louis Farrakhan, whom she enlisted for help in running Jackson’s affairs.
    Before long, the Nation was supplying Jackson’s security detail and Farrakhan’s son-in-law, Leonard Muhammad, was appointed as Jackson’s business manager, though his role has lessened significantly in recent years.In late 2008, a shadowy figure who called himself Dr Tohme Tohme suddenly emerged as Jackson’s ‘official spokesman’.
    Tohme has been alternately described as a Saudi Arabian billionaire and an orthopaedic surgeon, but he is actually a Lebanese businessman who does not have a medical licence. At one point, Tohme claimed he was an ambassador at large for Senegal, but the Senegalese embassy said they had never heard of him.

    Tohme’s own ties to the Nation of Islam came to light in March 2009, when New York auctioneer Darren Julien was conducting an auction of Michael Jackson memorabilia.
    Julien filed an affidavit in Los Angeles Superior Court that month in which he described a meeting he had with Tohme’s business partner, James R. Weller. According to Julien’s account, ‘Weller said if we refused to postpone [the auction], we would be in danger from 'Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; those people are very protective of Michael'.
    He told us that Dr Tohme and Michael Jackson wanted to give the message to us that 'our lives are at stake and there will be bloodshed'.’
    A month after these alleged threats, Tohme accompanied Jackson to a meeting at a Las Vegas hotel with Randy Phillips, chief executive of the AEG Group, to finalise plans for Jackson’s return to the concert stage.Jackson’s handlers had twice before said no to Phillips. This time, with Tohme acting as his confidant, Jackson left the room agreeing to perform ten concerts at the O2.
    Before long, however, ten concerts had turned into 50 and the potential revenues had skyrocketed. ‘The vultures who were pulling his strings somehow managed to put this concert extravaganza together behind his back, then presented it to him as a fait accompli,’ said one aide.
    ‘The money was just unbelievable and all his financial people were telling him he was facing bankruptcy. But Michael still resisted. He didn’t think he could pull it off.’
    Eventually, they wore him down, the aide explained, but not with the money argument.
    ‘They told him that this would be the greatest comeback the world had ever known. That’s what convinced him.

    Absolutely brillant synopsis! God bless you for this information. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    These are the symbols from "We are the World". Uses as a background during the memorial as well... The half moon and star is Nation of Islam symbol:
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    He is an exellent speaker who knows what to say and how to look.
    What he say in public and what he think must not be the same....I can be wrong but i have no good feeling with him.
    He needs new members and he is an old man of 77 years and he know how to act to become what he wants.
    His permanent smile when he speaks about Michael in interviews in confusion....i think he isn't honest.
    I had googled him today and there are articles about him that are not very nice.
    In the UK he is a "persona non grata" and can't travel to the UK since 1986....there must be a reason that he can't change this status.
    Much hoax activities come from the UK.....can be concidence...
    He made such statements to catch the Michael Jackson fans....if i had not such a bad feeling when i saw him i find the speeches not bad....but every politicion makes speeches and acts absolut different !

    who knows..what we must judge from his videos is the way he pictured Michael. At least he didn't talk trash about him like some ppl did

    Sadly it isn't so easy...the one who speaks good is good and the one who speaks bad is sad, but it isn't so. It's business and everyone makes what is the best for his image, his money or what else.
    Don't bite the hand that feeds you..this is a slogan that shows how to act.

    I agree. People speaking publicly take a role and even a school teaches takes a role in front of the class room.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    On Dec. 18, 2003, the New York Post reported, “Michael Jackson has become a member of the black group Nation of Islam.”

    Similarly, on Feb. 24, 2007, the San Francisco Chronicle followed up: “Pop superstar Michael Jackson has confirmed his conversion to Islam, according to reports in the Middle East. The Arab-Israeli newspaper Panorama claims Jackson has announced the move and revealed plans to move to Bahrain.”

    After being hounded by attorneys, creditors, and critics, longtime former nanny Grace Rwaramba felt this move did not serve Jackson’s best interests, as Nation of Islam security men and handlers began ripping him off on a large scale. She cites two examples where they vastly overcharged him on rental properties, and pilfered substantial amounts of money from a personal appearance in Japan.
    Much of this activity can be attributed to Leonard Muhammad, son-in-law of Louis Farrakhan (the man erroneously accused of calling Judaism a “gutter religion”).

    Roger Friedman of Fox News explained on Jan. 14, 2004, “Nation of Islam chief of staff Leonard Muhammad is now, for all intents and purposes, running Jackson’s schedule and businesses. He was seated at the head of the table at a summit meeting for Jackson’s lawyers and accountants.”

    With Muhammad acting as his manager, Rwaramba stated that the Nation of Islam also exerted great influence on Jackson’s children. This situation created further turmoil with the mother of his children. Friedman continued, “[Debbie] Rowe has complained to friends that she does not want her children, Paris and Prince, exposed to the Nation of Islam. . . . She has told these friends that she is Jewish, and that the children, by birth, are Jewish, too.”

    One individual brought in to handle Jackson’s affairs was “official spokesman” Dr. Tohme R. Tohme, a Lebanese businessman claiming to be an “ambassador-at- large for the country of Senegal.” However, two problems arise in regard to his purported

    Tohme and his business partner, James Weller (described as a Nation of Islam strong-arm) created a firestorm when they threatened the lives of two creditors who intended to sell Jackson memorabilia. If they proceeded, Tohme told them, “there will be bloodshed to the auctioneers.” Needless to say, they filed a lawsuit against Jackson.

    Another physician—Dr. Conrad Murray—actually lived with Jackson and tried to administer CPR when the singer neared death. His past is also quite shady, as he’s not certified in either internal medicine or cardiology. He filed for bankruptcy in 1992 and has five tax liens. He also saw three judgments totaling over $435,000 filed against his company in 2008.

    Dr. Tohme nonetheless manipulated Jackson—with his physical condition deteriorating—into accepting an arduous 50-concert tour promoted by AEG Live.

    Ironically, the firm’s owner, Phillip Anschutz, is a Jewish businessman Fortune magazine called in its Sept. 2, 2002 edition, “the greediest executive in America.”

    AEG then advanced Michael Jackson $10 million (most of which his middlemen gobbled up), and appointed Conrad Murray as his personal physician. Fueled by eight different drugs—Demerol, Dilaudid, Vicodin, Soma, Xanax, Zoloft, Paxil and Prilosec—the “King of Pop,” Jackson ultimately succumbed to the same tragic fate as the “King of Rock,” Elvis Presley.

    On June 27, journalist Ian Halperin wrote in the UK’s Daily Mail, “Michael Jackson was driven by a cabal of bankers, agents, doctors and advisers to commit to the grueling 50 concerts in London’s o2 Arena.”

    He then quoted a former employee, who crystallized how each party involved wanted their ounce of flesh from Jackson. “It’s not like he’s in control of his own life anymore. It sounds like somebody else is pulling his strings and telling him what to do. Someone wants him dead. They keep feeding him pills like candy. They’re trying to push him over the edge. He needs serious help. The people around him will kill him.”

    Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and the author of many books on 9-11 and the New World Order. These include 9-11 Evil: The Israeli Role in 9-11 and Phantom Flight 93.
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