"Remembering Michael" magazine



  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    " 2Bad.....
    Yes I do think a lot of what we are seeing is planted. Why on Earth would we want to see pictures of his supposed death bed, a "mysterious bloody shirt (with a cheap price!), Dr. Murray, the death certificate, the paramedic report....and more, in a tribute magazine? This is not really a tribute magazine. It starts out great, but it shows us more than we need to see.
    It contradicts itself also. Within the "Gone Too Soon" article, on pages 58-59 it talks about his schedule that last night;
    -He arrived at the center about 6:30pm
    -He only began rehearsing at 9pm
    -He was back home by 1:30am
    yet a few pages away.......
    the "Dr. Death" article on page 75 it states:
    -"Just hours before his tragic death on June 25, 2009, Michael had been in the final, grueling, 10-hour rehearsals......".

    Was it:
    6:30pm - 1:30am (7hours) (with the actual rehearsal beginning @ 9pm)
    was it an actual 10-hour rehearsal...(no exact hours given)

    It couldn't have been both........how long was his last rehearsal?
    These articles don't have an author listed. I only see the name Rafe Klinger
    as "Chief Writer" Does anyone know of him?

    Also, on pages 68-69:
    His beautiful child are pictured. We see Blanket holding the, "order of service" (that's what they call it) couple of things:
    1) what is the top photo of exactly, just curious, looks cool
    2) why is there a photo of MJ from This is It? It looks separate.....on page
    69 it seems to cover the writing about the other picture.

    BTW....you are very sweet to help out a fellow member getting this magazine. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> thanks for the great post.......never tired, no rambling,
    only great thoughts! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Blessings Always!"

    I did find an extra copy today!!! Yeah! I PM'd the person that wanted it so I can mail it to her/him.
    You bring up things I caught as well. Why the photos that hurt? Why the bloody shirt of all things?!?
    I noticed the hours didn't make sense either. You see this is the stuff that most don't see. Just like the different birthdates on the "official" Yea right documents.
    I just don't believe it!!!
    I shake my head at wonder hearing intelligent people (non-believers mostly) that go on about those documents and don't really stand back enough to actually see them!
    I may be crazy and I may be in denial but daggone it!! I know that this crapolla doesn't make sense and Michael is alive. Since the very first report of what happened I started to go hmmmm. Thank God I found others to talk it through!!
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