Enough clues!



  • mrbigshotmrbigshot Posts: 456
    Well, dead or alive, I've always had one date in mind, and this date being June 25th, 2010. If he doesn't come back, at least in the public limelight because that was what he had lived in all his life, or someone announces that his death was faked with visual proof and evidence, then you will most likely not see me anymore on here due to the fact that I think he is not with us anymore. Two years seems extreme for a celebrity of this magnitude to go into hiding, and a year may just be the perfect time and setting for an event to occur such as this. Knowing this, even if he doesn't return on this date, I'm only going to assume that he is dead in my mind and move on as sad as that sounds for you fans. It's been an incredible journey unraveling the mysterious revelations revolving around the death hoax, but at one point in time you gotta ask yourself, death is very likely no matter how plausible a hoax could be for a certain individual. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the Jackson community and fans but this will be ultimately the final straw for me. This Is It.

    Im exactly where you are....It's June 25th or nothing....like you said- THIS IS IT

    Sorry, but why June 25? Becaue it's a year exactly? Remember he said 'See you in July'...

    But what about after JULY?? What if he doesn't come back then?

    Then we clearly didn't understand his message yet and have ourselves to blame. Meaning: work even harder getting his message out. Some may drop out, but I'll stick to the end (or actually the beginning).

    I signed up for the army of love and I promised to be there, and so I will. No matter how much time he needs.

    You are totally right, I don't understand the message. but I know a year is enough time to decide whether or not you want to make a comeback considering the man is a legend in the music & entertainment industry. Michael is honestly someone who thrives on attention so if he is faking his death I don't see how much longer he will be able to hide. But sooner or later, i'm sorry to say, we have to wake up from reality and realize that people come and go in this world which means we should be fairly open to the idea that he might not be with us anymore. all we have to do is keep his legacy alive through love and respect of other people, helping out others in need, always constantly working to make it a better place for society. I've been trying to take neutral stance on the matter, but once June 25th, 2010 has come and gone, if I don't see the "World's greatest Demonstration of freedom" in our nations history then I'm going to conclude that Michael Can rest in peace, unfortunately.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Well, dead or alive, I've always had one date in mind, and this date being June 25th, 2010. If he doesn't come back, at least in the public limelight because that was what he had lived in all his life, or someone announces that his death was faked with visual proof and evidence, then you will most likely not see me anymore on here due to the fact that I think he is not with us anymore. Two years seems extreme for a celebrity of this magnitude to go into hiding, and a year may just be the perfect time and setting for an event to occur such as this. Knowing this, even if he doesn't return on this date, I'm only going to assume that he is dead in my mind and move on as sad as that sounds for you fans. It's been an incredible journey unraveling the mysterious revelations revolving around the death hoax, but at one point in time you gotta ask yourself, death is very likely no matter how plausible a hoax could be for a certain individual. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the Jackson community and fans but this will be ultimately the final straw for me. This Is It.

    Im exactly where you are....It's June 25th or nothing....like you said- THIS IS IT

    Sorry, but why June 25? Becaue it's a year exactly? Remember he said 'See you in July'...

    But what about after JULY?? What if he doesn't come back then?

    Then we clearly didn't understand his message yet and have ourselves to blame. Meaning: work even harder getting his message out. Some may drop out, but I'll stick to the end (or actually the beginning).

    I signed up for the army of love and I promised to be there, and so I will. No matter how much time he needs.

    You are totally right, I don't understand the message. but I know a year is enough time to decide whether or not you want to make a comeback considering the man is a legend in the music & entertainment industry. Michael is honestly someone who thrives on attention so if he is faking his death I don't see how much longer he will be able to hide. But sooner or later, i'm sorry to say, we have to wake up from reality and realize that people come and go in this world which means we should be fairly open to the idea that he might not be with us anymore. all we have to do is keep his legacy alive through love and respect of other people, helping out others in need, always constantly working to make it a better place for society. I've been trying to take neutral stance on the matter, but once June 25th, 2010 has come and gone, if I don't see the "World's greatest Demonstration of freedom" in our nations history then I'm going to conclude that Michael Can rest in peace, unfortunately.

    That's your loss.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • ibelieveinmjibelieveinmj Posts: 243
    I have to disagree... we do not need to focus on where is he or when is he coming back. That is still NOT what this hoax is about and we CANNOT give up on him. I believe in Michael and I think we need to continue this journey with an open mind, lots of patience and trust that wherever he is or whenever he returns, no matter what we will stand by him and be ever grateful for what we have learned thus far.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    With all due respect to all the differing views here, can I put my view forward?

    One thing I've learnt over the past months, getting to know MJ through his work, is that he skillfully reaches people on many different levels because his work has many levels. Take any of his songs/videos/films - at their most basic they are catchy, entertaining and memorable. That grabs the attention of the masses. Some will then take the time to look closer at the skill and talent behind the production and appreciate the work as a cut well above the norm. Some will look at lyrics and words and see meanings pertaining to their own lives and worlds. Some will see even deeper meanings and messages for mankind and the whole world. Some will be inspired to learn more about the mind and man behind it all.

    If you look at MJ's career, the messages have got louder and more obvious as the years have gone by. It's as if he started off being gentle with us but had to spell it out clearer and clearer as time went on. I think what's happening now is going to be DEAFENING! No-one will be able to ignore it and it'll be our job to help others see the deep levels. I don't pretent to understand everything yet but I'm willing to learn. 'Be careful what you say, don't overload!'

    Finally, while I appreciate the importance of MJ's message about the state of the world, I also think it's important to remember that he is the ultimate performer and entertainer, so this piece of Performance Art or Movie or whatever it turns out to be that he's doing right now, is also of huge importance to him. If it's taken him the best part of 20 years to plan, I think we'd be doing him a disservice if we simply treated this like a politician's speech! Being excited to see how it all plays out doesn't mean I can't appreciate the serious message also or vice versa.
  • Well, dead or alive, I've always had one date in mind, and this date being June 25th, 2010. If he doesn't come back, at least in the public limelight because that was what he had lived in all his life, or someone announces that his death was faked with visual proof and evidence, then you will most likely not see me anymore on here due to the fact that I think he is not with us anymore. Two years seems extreme for a celebrity of this magnitude to go into hiding, and a year may just be the perfect time and setting for an event to occur such as this. Knowing this, even if he doesn't return on this date, I'm only going to assume that he is dead in my mind and move on as sad as that sounds for you fans. It's been an incredible journey unraveling the mysterious revelations revolving around the death hoax, but at one point in time you gotta ask yourself, death is very likely no matter how plausible a hoax could be for a certain individual. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the Jackson community and fans but this will be ultimately the final straw for me. This Is It.

    Im exactly where you are....It's June 25th or nothing....like you said- THIS IS IT

    Sorry, but why June 25? Becaue it's a year exactly? Remember he said 'See you in July'...

    But what about after JULY?? What if he doesn't come back then?

    Then we clearly didn't understand his message yet and have ourselves to blame. Meaning: work even harder getting his message out. Some may drop out, but I'll stick to the end (or actually the beginning).

    I signed up for the army of love and I promised to be there, and so I will. No matter how much time he needs.
    same here!!..100% im here for the long haul..what ever it takes for his message to be heard by all!!..either way..you said it best..huggs n keep the faith
  • GoOoFGoOoF Posts: 150
    Okay. We all have ALL these clues we all believe he's alive. We know he is ALIVE soLets take the next step. Where is he? When is he coming back? These are the things we need to focus on instead!

    I don't think that these questions are important either.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Finally, while I appreciate the importance of MJ's message about the state of the world, I also think it's important to remember that he is the ultimate performer and entertainer, so this piece of Performance Art or Movie or whatever it turns out to be that he's doing right now, is also of huge importance to him. If it's taken him the best part of 20 years to plan, I think we'd be doing him a disservice if we simply treated this like a politician's speech! Being excited to see how it all plays out doesn't mean I can't appreciate the serious message also or vice versa.

    I agree with you, this is also a hell of a production, something he has always wanted. And of courese we are looking at how it plays out and how many more brilliant or hilarious things we find. And that is absolutely ok if you understand the message as well. If you don't understand his message yet, I do advise to dig a little deeper, because the clues are also pointing that way.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • We don't KNOW he is alive.

    Well some of us do.

    Yup, I have known that for months and months already, so that question is behind me.

    Same here, no question in my mind that he is alive.
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I stick to my instinct- July, 2011, during Cirque Du Soleil or somehow connected to that show next year.

    That is what I am thinking too. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    We don't KNOW he is alive.

    Well some of us do.

    Yup, I have known that for months and months already, so that question is behind me.

    Same here, no question in my mind that he is alive.

    If you know that you KNOW 100%, then give me proof so I could move on.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    We don't KNOW he is alive.

    Well some of us do.

    Yup, I have known that for months and months already, so that question is behind me.

    Same here, no question in my mind that he is alive.

    If you know that you KNOW 100%, then give me proof so I could move on.

    I don't know in which section that topic but the topic about that "Thank you-Note " being Michaels Handwriting convinced me 100 % I think that's proof enough for me... And Green Man
  • domdom Posts: 30
    i hate it when people ask where he is or when is he coming back, if hes really still alive then let him be happy & be happy for him- i think its so selfish to start trying to "smoke him out" or begging him to come back.if we are right and he really is still alive then part of me hopes he never comes back, for his own sake because he had a terrible life in the spotlight so id love him to be living out the rest of his days enjoying his sucess and his family.whatever he decides to do i love him but its up to him,just want him to be happy.
  • What if he does not want to come back? When he "died" he was 50 years old, of that 50 years he spent 45 being the publics "dancing monkey". He has given the world enough. Performing took his childhood, his ability to make REAL and loyal friends, and the right to happines that everyone deserves. I think if he wants the rest of his life to simply be, as much as is possible for him anyway, then he is entitled to it. This is his chance to just be a dad and "just another guy", something he has been deprived of since he was five years old. Rest in peace Michael, no matter where he is.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I don't have a date, but I believe if he ever comes back, it will be after some asses have been locked away so that he will be safe. That could take years unfortunately. But until then, I don't think we'll be hearing from Michael, and when we do, it won't be a BAM.
  • 1VLOVE1VLOVE Posts: 91
    This site has been a great contribution to the wake up call on the Illuminati, and their agenda. I have had my awakening since 1994. It has been a long ride with such information, and believe you me a lonely one at that. You must realize at first I was laughed at and was told how I should quit believing in conspiracy theories. At times I thought I was foolish for thinking that way, that I was listening to the wrong people.
    There was a gentleman back in Michigan (that is where I am from originally) by the name of Mark Scott, he was on the radio back there and had a daily talk show on this such information. The NWO, Illuminati, The Trilateral Commission and so on.

    That was my wake up call then and this is a HUGH wake up call to us now, and Michael Jackson just so happened to be AWARE, he used his gift of music and that is how he was able to put his message out there and in his videos.

    The clues for this Hoax have been made clear, there is enough information here to know that Michael is alive and when he will return is anyones guess. He is waiting for his army to grow in numbers, and that seems to be happening every day. His return will be in a way that we would never expect. Just be patienct. He will return, we have others things to concentrate on now.

    We must stay on course here, time is at hand. Also if I may add, the Hopi Indians were a very aware people also, and their message has been told for many many years. The Hopi Elders have said many times, "we are the one we have been waiting for".

    Do not have any FEAR of this change that is coming, this is and will be the cleansing that has been prophecised. They feed on our fear. Remember that.!!

    I have been presenting this info to others, more now than ever, especially since 9-11. Oh that was significant. A eyes wide open smack in the face. The sad part is that our own government was behind it. Was planned for years. That for me was the turning point of my distaste for the ones who run our nation. I remember the day they had televised the service of the 9-11 tragedy and I remember seeing President Bush and the smirk on his face, I lost it and cried my eyes out for a very long time. That is when I started to really voice my ideas and dig for more truth than ever before.
    So please let us be the voices not only for Michael, but for our childrens children, lets us make that change that needs to be made.
    Time is running out, spread the message, respect one another, help one another, show kindness to one another, love our planet, LOVE one another..............before its to late.
    This will not be easy and we must stay together and unite as ONE. This is just the beginning of the Big Shit hitting the fan. Excuse me there got carried away. Sorry for the misspellings also, seems like there is no spell check. My brain is a little withered .

    Keep talking and spreading the information that we are so grateful to have.
    This is our time to take back what is rightfully ours...........

    Thanks for allowing me to have my say............
    I'm grateful for this website and all the connected "family" we have here.
    Namasti <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Very well said!! Thank you for taking the time to write this.
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    First I just want to say that I agree the most important thing here is not WHEN he comes back but WHY he left, the main thing we need to focus on is his message and we need to spread that message, Michael is testing us to see if his loyal fans can really carry on his message while he's gone.
    But some people are saying "It's so selfish to only want him back for yourself and to just keeping asking when! when! where! where! instead of why."
    And while I agree, it is selfish, and that's not the main thing we should be focusing on, but let's not be too harsh with each other. We all have unconditional love for Michael and some people just really really miss him and want to see his face again, that's all. Sometimes even I get a little hurt when I see people say, "He's still alive but he's not coming back." I'd be sad if I knew I was never going to see him on earth again, but that doesn't distract me from the fact that we're responsible for carrying on his message. We all know his happiness comes before anything else.

    That being said! I've never had one specific date in mind, I mean you never know what could happen! You should never build your hopes up so high because chances are you'll end up disappointed. I'm HOPING he will come back this year in July ("See you in July") But it's extremely possible he won't, and if he doesn't I won't give up hope. I always knew he was not going to comeback June 25th 2010. Too many other things were going on. I wouldn't be surprised if he's waiting until we all least expect it. Trust me, he knows what he's doing! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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