More Detail of June 25th...Associated Press

edited January 1970 in News
<!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Please remove if this is a are more details from the Associated sad!

LOS ANGELES – A year ago, the world watched as Michael Jackson balanced on the edge of a precipice. Behind the once-proclaimed King of Pop was a bleak stretch of pain and artistic decline. Ahead lay a series of 50 London concerts — a high-rolling bid to reassert his musical brilliance and re-establish control of his life.

Jackson was poised for a great leap of faith, one testing himself and those who believed in him. It was a chance to silence detractors who had mocked his increasingly clownish, artificial appearance and what appeared to be an equally artificial and veiled version of family life with the three children he was raising alone.

Harsher critics cast him as a man who used wealth and celebrity to elude justice on child molestation charges.

The elaborately staged shows set to begin last July 13 at London's famed O2 Arena represented winner take all, or lose all, for an entertainer who'd been famous for most of his 50 years.

He was ready. The audience was ready. Then he was gone. Less than three weeks before his new life may have started on a stage filled with special effects and song, the old one ended in a cloud of drugs and unfulfilled dreams.

Outwardly, Jackson had seemed fit as he prepared for the London shows, and his autopsy found he was in relatively strong physical condition for a man his age.

But privately, he was struggling with chronic insomnia that he battled with a regular regimen of powerful drugs.

In the year since Jackson's shockingly abrupt death on June 25, 2009, from an overdose of sedatives, a fuller picture of his last day has emerged. What follows is a comprehensive reconstruction of those final 24 hours by The Associated Press.

Exactly what happened during that time may never be known, as the only person with him was his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who administered a series of drugs to help his patient sleep. Murray is due to stand trial later this year on a charge of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.

But witness accounts and court documents agree: Jackson's final day started off like many others.


Early in the afternoon of Wednesday, June 24, Michael Jackson came down the stairs of his rented mansion and sat with his kids for what would be their last meal together.

He had a rehearsal later that night so he wanted to eat something light but sustaining. His personal chef, Kai Chase, prepared seared ahi tuna with an organic salad and a glass of carrot and orange juice.

"He smiled and put his hands together for a prayer," Chase said. "He said, 'Thank you, God bless you.'"

The singer, Chase recalled, looked well, seemed energized and was in a good mood.


Shortly before 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jackson left his eight-bedroom mansion at 100 North Carolwood Drive in Holmby Hills, an exclusive Los Angeles neighborhood sandwiched between Bel-Air and Beverly Hills.

He got into the back of a navy-blue Escalade driven by bodyguard Faheen Muhammad. His personal assistant, Michael Amir Williams, sat in the front.

They traveled downtown to the Staples Center, where Jackson and his team of musicians and dancers were in final rehearsals before heading to London. Jackson's logistics director, Alberto Alvarez, met the Escalade and drove Jackson in a golf cart to his dressing room.

Several people recalled Jackson being in good shape that night.

"He was completely enthused," said Dorian Holley, Jackson's longtime vocal director and a singer for the upcoming "This Is It" shows. "It was hard to discern any difference between his energy and his physicality between then and his earlier days."

Jackson went through several classic numbers, including "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'," "Billie Jean," "Smooth Criminal," and "She's Out of My Life."

With an enormous monitor installed onstage, Jackson for the first time was shown video accompaniments to some of these songs, said Holley, who was standing beside Jackson during the rehearsal.

"It was eye-popping," Holley said. "He was grinning from ear to ear."

Tim Patterson, one of two cameramen who shot footage of the rehearsals and later helped edit it into the film "This Is It," recalled that Jackson was especially wowed by a 3-D segment on "Thriller" where a crystal ball floats out toward the audience.

"I remember Michael reached out and grabbed it," Patterson said. "He loved it."

Later that night, Jackson and his dancers performed "Thriller" on stage in full costume for the first time.

"His face said it all, he loved it," said Kriyss Grant, one of the dancers Jackson picked for the show.

Ken Ehrlich, an executive producer of the Grammys, went to the Staples Center to discuss with Jackson a Halloween special. Afterward, Ehrlich watched from the stadium floor as the rehearsal continued.

"He was really in good shape, he was very excited about the tour, very excited about getting it going," Ehrlich said. "He certainly didn't exhibit any signs of being tired or not being with it."


The rehearsal ended around midnight Wednesday night with a performance of "Earth Song." The singer hugged his dancers, thanked the crew and wished them a good night. "God bless you," Patterson and Grant recalled him saying.

Jackson returned to Carolwood Drive, stopping briefly at its metal gate to greet a small group of fans who had gathered outside his home.

As they pulled into the driveway, the bodyguard Muhammad noticed Dr. Murray's car parked outside the home, just as it had been many nights previously.

Jackson's security personnel escorted him into the house and to the foot of the stairs. No one, except for Murray and Jackson's children, was allowed upstairs.

Soon after Jackson arrived home, he started complaining of fatigue and that he needed sleep.


Murray, according to a police affidavit, was concerned Jackson was addicted to propofol, a powerful anesthetic normally used only in medical settings with special equipment on hand. He told police he was trying to wean Jackson from propofol and had not given him the drug for two nights.

At around 1:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 25, he again tried this approach, giving Jackson a 10-milligram Valium tablet. The anti-anxiety medication had no immediate effect and about a half hour later, the doctor gave 2 milligrams of lorazepam, another medication from the same family as Valium, administered through a saline drip.

When Jackson remained awake, Murray administered a 2-milligram dose of midazolam, another sedative, at 3 a.m., then another 2 milligrams of lorazepam at 5 a.m.

By 7:30 a.m., Jackson remained awake. Murray told police he injected another 2 milligrams of midazolam into Jackson's drip.

Still, Jackson could not sleep.

He lay restlessly on the white sheets of his renaissance-style double bed with a curlicued headboard. Beside him, investigators would later find a porcelain doll in the likeness of a little blond boy. Several oxygen bottles were by the door and on the night stand beside the bed was a stack of DVDs, including children's films.

Authorities would also note how untidy and warm Jackson's living quarters were. Jackson kept his inner sanctum fully heated, even though it was early summer in Los Angeles.


After experiencing a sleepless night, Murray said Jackson made repeated demands for propofol, a white liquid drug he sometimes would refer to as his "milk." Around 10:40 a.m. Thursday, Murray said he gave in to Jackson's demands and pushed 25 milligrams of the substance into Jackson's drip.

The chronology comes from a June 27 police interview with Murray, though the doctor's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, has contested investigators' interpretation of events. Chernoff declined to comment for this story.

Murray remained with the sedated singer for about 10 minutes, then left for the bathroom, the affidavit stated. Less than two minutes later, Murray returned — and found Jackson not breathing.

Phone logs show Murray made at least three calls between 11:18 and 11:51 a.m. — to his Las Vegas clinic, a patient, and a friend.

When Murray discovered Jackson was not breathing, he called the personal assistant Williams and at 12:13 left a message saying, "Call me right away, call me right away," according to a statement obtained by AP. Williams called back and Murray said: "Get here right away, Mr. Jackson had a bad reaction. He had a bad reaction."

Williams called Muhammad, then Alvarez, who was located in a security trailer outside the house. Alvarez told investigators he rushed upstairs and entered a bedroom to find the singer lying on a bed with his arms outstretched and his eyes and mouth open.

At his side, Murray was administering CPR with one hand.

"Alberto, Alberto, come quickly," Murray said, according to the statement. "He had a reaction, he had a bad reaction."

In a proposed contract with concert promoter AEG, Murray had asked for a heart resuscitation machine and a nurse as a condition of treating Jackson. Neither was in place when the singer died.

Two of Jackson's children, Prince and Paris, came in the room, crying as they saw Murray trying to save their father. They were quickly escorted outside.

Alvarez told investigators that Murray asked him to pick up a few vials with rubber tops and put them in a bag. It was only after these bottles had been cleared that Murray told Alvarez to call 911.

"I need an ambulance as soon as possible," Alvarez told a dispatcher. "We have a gentleman here that needs help and he's not breathing."

They put Jackson on the floor, then Muhammad rushed into the room and began helping with chest compressions while Murray attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.


By 12:27 p.m. on Thursday, paramedics had arrived. They later wrote Jackson was not breathing and had no pulse at 12:29 p.m.

However, Murray stated he could feel a weak pulse in Jackson's upper thigh area, Alvarez and Muhammad said. No one else felt it.

A paramedic report stated that emergency responders tried two rounds of resuscitation attempts and were ready to discontinue treatment, but Murray said he would take responsibility and insisted resuscitation be continued in the ambulance.

The stricken star was taken the short distance to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center at 1:07 p.m., when doctors tried a range of resuscitation techniques, including the insertion of a balloon pump designed to move blood around his body.

Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.

After the death was called, Murray started crying, Williams told investigators.

He told the Jackson children that their father had passed away, then asked to return to the house.

"Is there any way I can go home, or be taken to the house," the doctor said, according to Alvarez's statement. "I want to get my car, and I'm hungry."

Williams said he didn't think it was a good idea for Murray to return to the house. He spoke to Muhammad and they concocted a story that police had taken all the keys to the vehicles.

Murray indicated he would take a cab, and Williams said he saw him leave the hospital through a side door.

Williams told Muhammad to call security at the home and make sure no one got into the house.

"Lock it down," Williams said.


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this story.


  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    wow! an action packed day and Murray was 'hungry'? i would have l lost my appetite had i been the doc who clearly according to this article was shady and responsible for MJ's death.. weird!
  • Why on earth didn´t Murray call 911 himself instead of calling round to other people asking them to call an ambulance!! What kind of doctor is that? (Oh, stupid question...)

    It really hurts to read about how happy Michael was about the rehearsals, looking forward to the concerts and apparantly enjoying life. He just needed some sleep. I´m on stage myself quite often and I know how terribly difficult it can be to wind down afterwards when the adrenaline is pumping!

    This breaks my heart and if Dr Murray doesn´t land in jail, then I don´t know what....
  • performing cpr with one hand?????????????
    Murray was hungry!!!
  • katoooooookatooooooo Posts: 371
    and now, paris and prince were in the bedroom...
  • The more we read what happened that day the stranger it gets. I thought Murray called only Prince to come and see his father. I never thought Paris was there. Oh well, poor Dr Murray he was so hungry he used up all his energy doing CPR with one hand. What was the other hand doing? lol..
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    and now, paris and prince were in the bedroom...
    Yeah, I didn't think Paris was in the bedroom. According to Kai Chase, Paris was downstairs with her and the rest of the staff. The story is changing again.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I dont know what to say anymore.
  • performing cpr with one hand?????????????
    Murray was hungry!!!
    yes, I read somewhere else that he had one hand under his back and one hand on his chest.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    mykidsmum, you are right. It is possible to do cpr with one hand under the persons back and the other on his chest. This helps build resistence whilst on a soft surface....but on the other hand, this didn't really happen because MJ didn't die. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • alivealive Posts: 369
    HUNGRY????? Are you kidding me???? This is fake! Has to be!!!! I could barely eat a thing for days when this appetite whatsoever...and he is HUNGRY?? No way!!!!
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    There sure have been a lot of weird articles coming out today! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Something BIG is about to happen!!!

    This article is just another one to add to the list...the story of what happened that day is continually changing, proving that the media never print the "truth" , because they don't know what the truth is!

    This has to be a hoax...Mj, you are a genius, please comeback soon. Your army of love is waiting for your return so we can fight all the injustice in this world!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    60 Minutes - A living for the dead talked about the monetary benefits of hoaxes of dead celebrities to the deceased estates. Of course Michael was included. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->;cbsCarousel
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    i actually got a chill when i read the part about only murry ,jackson and the children being allowed upstairs. i have been to graceland for the tour . i remember that it was said no one is allowed upstairs but family.

    guess it is a strange thing to grab my attention. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • This is the first time I have read that Murray was already at the house, before Michael got home. I thought Michael had him called after he came home. I never seem to read the same story twice. And, yes, I had also read that Paris was downstairs with Kai the whole time. I dunno!
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    No matter how you believe alive or dead you have to agree this part would be weird.

    Why would Michael want to sleep if he was up past 10:00 AM? That doesn't sound reasonable. This time line is screwed up. I know people with insomnia, and from my experience (and certainly not everyone's) they have all just said forget about it after the sun came up and tried to sleep when night rolled around. It does not seem feasible that he would want this drug so late in the day. That would mean he would not see anyone for many hours during the day. Does not compute.
  • No matter how you believe alive or dead you have to agree this part would be weird.

    Why would Michael want to sleep if he was up past 10:00 AM? That doesn't sound reasonable. This time line is screwed up. I know people with insomnia, and from my experience (and certainly not everyone's) they have all just said forget about it after the sun came up and tried to sleep when night rolled around. It does not seem feasible that he would want this drug so late in the day. That would mean he would not see anyone for many hours during the day. Does not compute.

    You are absolutely right.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    60 Minutes - A living for the dead talked about the monetary benefits of hoaxes of dead celebrities to the deceased estates. Of course Michael was included. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->;cbsCarousel

    I just watched this also. i like the part when the journalist says( when talking about Elvis) "he's dead", and the other guy says "are you sure?" And now this guy no longer owns the rights to Elvis. Hmmm.. I wonder why? because he is alive?

    So many strange reports coming out lately....
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    seems like pricilla said on the one ophra thing that this guy owned everything but the house. i wonder if that includes the yard where the gravesites are?
  • No matter how you believe alive or dead you have to agree this part would be weird.

    Why would Michael want to sleep if he was up past 10:00 AM? That doesn't sound reasonable. This time line is screwed up. I know people with insomnia, and from my experience (and certainly not everyone's) they have all just said forget about it after the sun came up and tried to sleep when night rolled around. It does not seem feasible that he would want this drug so late in the day. That would mean he would not see anyone for many hours during the day. Does not compute.
    not only that, but he had an appointment at 2! Plus he had to have lunch with his kids... for the time that Kai worked with them, this was something that didn't happen, he always came down stairs right on time. This is why, if it's true, why some believe it was intentional. Or, he was gone way before that and the Dr. couldn't get up his nerve to do anything about it and concocted this stupid story as cover...I mean if he had said..."I gave him propofol at 1 in the morning after he came home and I left him to do whatever and I came back and he was dead." He would be screwed! No, he spent the night trying to figure out how the hell he was gonna get himself outta this situation...
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    No matter how you believe alive or dead you have to agree this part would be weird.

    Why would Michael want to sleep if he was up past 10:00 AM? That doesn't sound reasonable. This time line is screwed up. I know people with insomnia, and from my experience (and certainly not everyone's) they have all just said forget about it after the sun came up and tried to sleep when night rolled around. It does not seem feasible that he would want this drug so late in the day. That would mean he would not see anyone for many hours during the day. Does not compute.
    not only that, but he had an appointment at 2! Plus he had to have lunch with his kids... for the time that Kai worked with them, this was something that didn't happen, he always came down stairs right on time. This is why, if it's true, why some believe it was intentional. Or, he was gone way before that and the Dr. couldn't get up his nerve to do anything about it and concocted this stupid story as cover...I mean if he had said..."I gave him propofol at 1 in the morning after he came home and I left him to do whatever and I came back and he was dead." He would be screwed! No, he spent the night trying to figure out how the hell he was gonna get himself outta this situation...

    seems like if he died earlier that what was said the coroner would be able figure that out. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • ...Later that night, Jackson and his dancers performed "Thriller" on stage in full costume for the first time.

    Really. I guess they didn't film it Michael had on the black and while outfit with the crown black pants for most of it and the red shirt 777 at the beginning. I had read that Michael hadn't even tried on Zaldy's Thriller outfit or red shoes. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Here is the almost same article from Daily News.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    In this scenario he looks complete idiot or disable person with down syndrome, moron!
    What the hell does "I am hungry"mean? So, Michael stopped breathing at 10.50 am, but Murey made phone calls to friend and patient at 11.18am and 11.51am. So, no call was made to 911 for an hour after MJ was not breathing????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Then at 12.13 pm HE FINALLY REMEMBERED THAT MJ IS DYING HE FINALLY CALLED WILLIAMS TO CALL HIM BACK??????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Then he waited Williams to come to the house to call Alvarez WHO FINALLY CALLED 911?????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Bizarre!!!! It is comedy, it can not be real. I want to shout!!!!! Then this all is not enough, paramedic arrived at 12.27pm BUT TOOK MIHCAEL TO THE HOSPITAL at 1.07pm?????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Then they were 1hour 20 min. trying to save Michael who had not had a pulse since 12.29 pm!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> 2.26 pm Michael was pronounced dead! Murrey started crying then called children (he supposed to be last person calling children with that type of news) and said HE IS HUNGRY! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Should I cry or laugh???? Bull Shit! I want pull hear on my head. Why would they remind this bull shit to us?
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Here is the almost same article from Daily News.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    In this scenario he looks complete idiot or disable person with down syndrome, moron!
    What the hell does "I am hungry"mean? So, Michael stopped breathing at 10.50 am, but Murey made phone calls to friend and patient at 11.18am and 11.51am. So, no call was made to 911 for an hour after MJ was not breathing????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Then at 12.13 pm HE FINALLY REMEMBERED THAT MJ IS DYING HE FINALLY CALLED WILLIAMS TO CALL HIM BACK??????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Then he waited Williams to come to the house to call Alvarez WHO FINALLY CALLED 911?????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Bizarre!!!! It is comedy, it can not be real. I want to shout!!!!! Then this all is not enough, paramedic arrived at 12.27pm BUT TOOK MIHCAEL TO THE HOSPITAL at 1.07pm?????? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Then they were 1hour 20 min. trying to save Michael who had not had a pulse since 12.29 pm!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> 2.26 pm Michael was pronounced dead! Murrey started crying then called children (he supposed to be last person calling children with that type of news) and said HE IS HUNGRY! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Should I cry or laugh???? Bull Shit! I want pull hear on my head. Why would they remind this bull shit to us?

    Here's another version:

    Michael Jackson Death Timeline Dispute Critical to Conrad Murray Defense, Prosecution
    February 17th, 2010 8:15 AM by Free Britney Tags: Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson

    In a new twist, Dr. Conrad Murray’s attorney, Michael Flanagan, says his client made a mistake in his initial interview in the Michael Jackson homicide investigation.
    "Dr. Murray's timeline of events the day Michael Jackson died is wrong”. he says. “Doctors make mistake. That is what he did, and it was simply that. A mistake".

    Really, Conrad Murray?

    Jackson's personal physician is changing the story he initially told police in the aftermath of MJ's death - a significant move for the prosecution and defense.
    According to police reports, Murray told the LAPD that he gave Propofol to Jackson at 10:50 a.m., then left Jackson alone for two minutes to go to the bathroom.

    Murray then went on to say that when he returned to Jackson’s room, he wasn’t breathing and he began CPR. However, a 911 call wasn’t made until after noon.
    In addition, a voicemail Conrad Murray left at 11:54 a.m. that day to another patient, Bob Russell, was released yesterday. Murray was calm and collected on it.
    That seems dubious if Murray had been performing CPR on Jackson for an hour before the call. To that end, Flanagan says Murray was wrong about the timing.

    The timeline of events surrounding the death of Jackson will most likely be central to the criminal charges - involuntary manslaughter - against Dr. Conrad Murray.
    Some reports even say that both the defense and the prosecution plan to use the newly surfaced voicemail as a centerpiece to their case, which is fascinating.
    Murray’s legal team aims to discredit cops' initial interviews with their client in a bid to convince a jury they bungled the situation, according to some sources.
    But Flanagan says that he believes his client simply made a mistake when it came to the timeline that fateful day. "Dr. Murray's timeline was wrong", he said.

    He also suggested that there was reportedly another phone call between Murray and his girlfriend in Houston, shortly after noon. He called 911 at 12:21.
    But if Murray did administer Propofol to Jackson at 10:50 a.m. as he initially said, it would be natural for cops to assume he did not check on him until later.

    Police say he most likely left Jackson alone for approximately 73 minutes – not two minutes as he claimed - after administering Propofol, a powerful sedative.
    This would be damaging to his defense. Murray’s calm call at 11:54 a.m. fits not only his defense, but a police theory that he simply left MJ alone for awhile.

    Who do you believe?

    <!-- m --> ... y-defense/<!-- m -->

    This is mind blowing! .....
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Whatever lawyer tries to defend his client it is his job. However the fact that Murrey administered propofol at 10.40 or 10.50 am but 911 arrived at 12.21 it is enough to see there is something unusually wrong. Plus now some William appeared we never heard of. Reall bizarre. I want to know the truth.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    The biggest thing that has pointed to a hoax for me is EVERYTHING surrounding The Conrad Murray Case - The Court of Last Resort!! Ha ha! Nice one, Michael!
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