The oil spill - WAKE UP!

edited January 1970 in News

CNN published an article today, titled BP document: Worst-case scenario -- 4.2 million gallons daily in Gulf. Here's the link: <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

Do not forget to read the comments, here are some of them, and they are shocking!

There is a Media Blackout - If you live in the southern affected states - GTF out of there IMMEDIATELY. The nightmare has not started yet. The oil leak is just the beginning. The ocean floor is set to collapse creating a huge tsunami. - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
There are a lot of people to blame.
1. Pushing all drilling offshore created this mess.
2. Government is keeping a lid on the 13,000-70,000 PSI abnormal amount of pressure on the well head. If the pressure isn't reduced, fractures will bring more uncontrolled oil to the surface.
3. There have been talks about using Nukes on this which could worsen everything and collapse the well. A disaster of biblical proportions could result.
beyond hilarous... 104 million divided by 31,000 = $3354.84 each, don't know many businesses than can survive 2 months off of that.. BP is constantly trying to down play the size of the leak. I'm beginning to believe BP doesn't want to stop the leak, some sort of conspiracy is cooking here..
What about the big gas bubble that is 20 miles long, 15 miles wide and 10-15 ft high inside the oil reservoir below the BOP? 100000 lbs psi pressure building up 16000 ft below the BOP. Not if, but when the ocean floor collapses, all the ships in that area for miles around would immediately sink and there would be a tsunami. All of florida (ALL) would be totally under water....This is why they have not capped the BOP. Mass exodus - coming soon
The nightmare has not started yet. When the ocean floor around the BOP collapses. A tsunami that could be 100-200ft high will hit the entire gulf coast and also swallow up florida.
BP's estimates all seem to be conspicuously round. I mean, 1,000, 5,000, and 100,000? Very rarely do measurements of natural processes come out to such "nice" numbers. I think they're all pretty much made up.
162,000 barrels per day, not 100,000, is what BP disclosed as the "worst case scenario" flow rate............and CNN knows it, but they're purposely misleading, as usual. Don't worry USA, everything is OK, says CNN.

The following comment was posted on a Dutch site, the translation is:
As soon as the pressure decrease, after a couple of billion barrels, sea water will flow in the crater and because of the temperature in the crater around 200 degrees, steam will be released and increase the sea level so among other things, Florida will come under water.


  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529


    Who should BP compensate first for the oil disaster?

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  • Ohhhh, lovely. I love how they've been playing the blame game and pointing the finger at BP this whole time and not actually doing anything about it. And the sick part is, it was probably a government conspiracy from day one and BP is just the fall "guy".

    I can't even find the words to express how angry this makes me. I don't believe the government cares about the people in Florida and I sure as hell don't believe the government cares about me...and I don't CARE who knows that I feel this way. Bring it on.
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
  • I wonder how much more people are going to take until enough is enough? This is just outright evil! <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Ohhhh, lovely. I love how they've been playing the blame game and pointing the finger at BP this whole time and not actually doing anything about it. And the sick part is, it was probably a government conspiracy from day one and BP is just the fall "guy".

    That is exactly what I think as well. BP is a huge oil company that is NOT owned by Standard Oil (Rockefeller) <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    BP acquired Standard Oil of Ohio back in 1989 making them the #2 of the world back in the days <!-- m --><!-- m -->.

    I can't help but wonder how it's possible that BP had so many 'accidents' after this purchase, while before 1989 they only had one, in 1965...

    1965: Sea Gem offshore oil rig disaster
    In December 1965, while the BP oil rig Sea Gem was being moved, two of its legs collapsed and the rig capsised. Thirteen crew were killed. Sea Gem was the first British offshore oil rig.

    1993–1995: Hazardous substance dumping
    In September 1999, one of BP’s US subsidiaries, BP Exploration Alaska (BPXA), agreed to resolve charges related to the illegal dumping of hazardous wastes on the Alaska North Slope, for $22 million. The settlement included the maximum $500,000 criminal fine, $6.5 million in civil penalties, and BP’s establishment of a $15 million environmental management system at all of BP facilities in the US and Gulf of Mexico that are engaged in oil exploration, drilling or production. The charges stemmed from the 1993 to 1995 dumping of hazardous wastes on Endicott Island, Alaska by BP’s contractor Doyon Drilling. The firm illegally discharged waste oil, paint thinner and other toxic and hazardous substances by injecting them down the outer rim, or annuli, of the oil wells. BPXA failed to report the illegal injections when it learned of the conduct, in violation of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act.

    2005: Texas City Refinery explosion
    In March 2005, BP's Texas City, Texas refinery, one of its largest refineries, exploded causing 15 deaths, injuring 180 people and forcing thousands of nearby residents to remain sheltered in their homes. A large column filled with hydrocarbon overflowed to form a vapour cloud, which ignited. The explosion caused all the casualties and substantial damage to the rest of the plant. The incident came as the culmination of a series of less serious accidents at the refinery, and the engineering problems were not addressed by the management. Maintenance and safety at the plant had been cut as a cost-saving measure, the responsibility ultimately resting with executives in London.
    The fall-out from the accident continues to cloud BP's corporate image because of the mismanagement at the plant. There have been several investigations of the disaster, the most recent being that from the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board which "offered a scathing assessment of the company." OSHA found "organizational and safety deficiencies at all levels of the BP Corporation" and said management failures could be traced from Texas to London.
    The company pleaded guilty to a felony violation of the Clean Air Act, was fined $50 million, and sentenced to three years probation.
    On October 30, 2009, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fined BP an additional $87 million — the largest fine in OSHA history — for failing to correct safety hazards revealed in the 2005 explosion. Inspectors found 270 safety violations that had been previously cited but not fixed and 439 new violations. BP is appealing that fine. (see Environmental and Safety Record).

    2006–2007: Prudhoe Bay
    In August 2006, BP shut down oil operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, due to corrosion in pipelines leading up to the Alaska Pipeline. The wells were leaking insulating agent called Arctic pack, consisting of crude oil and diesel fuel, between the wells and ice. BP had spilled over one million litres of oil in Alaska's North Slope. This corrosion is caused by sediment collecting in the bottom of the pipe, protecting corrosive bacteria from chemicals sent through the pipeline to fight this bacteria. There are estimates that about 5,000 barrels (790 m3) of oil were released from the pipeline. To date 1,513 barrels (240.5 m3) of liquids, about 5,200 cubic yards (4,000 m3) of soiled snow and 328 cubic yards (251 m3) of soiled gravel have been recovered. After approval from the DOT, only the eastern portion of the field was shut down, resulting in a reduction of 200,000 barrels per day (32,000 m3/d) until work began to bring the eastern field to full production on 2 October 2006.
    In May 2007, the company announced another partial field shutdown owing to leaks of water at a separation plant. Their action was interpreted as another example of fallout from a decision to cut maintenance of the pipeline and associated facilities.
    On 16 October 2007 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation officials reported a toxic spill of methanol (methyl alcohol) at the Prudhoe Bay oil field managed by BP PLC. Nearly 2,000 gallons of mostly methanol, mixed with some crude oil and water, spilled onto a frozen tundra pond as well as a gravel pad from a pipeline. Methanol, which is poisonous to plants and animals, is used to clear ice from the insides of the Arctic-based pipelines.

    2006-2008: Texas City refinery fatalities
    From January 2006 to January 2008, three workers were killed at the company's Texas City, Texas refinery in three separate accidents. In July 2006 a worker was crushed between a pipe stack and mechanical lift, in June 2007, a worker was electrocuted, and in January 2008, a worker was killed by a 500-pound piece of metal that came loose under high pressure and hit him.

    2007: Propane price manipulation
    Four BP energy traders in Houston were charged with manipulating prices of propane in October 2007. As part of the settlement of the case, BP paid the US government a $303 million fine, the largest commodity market settlement ever in the US. The settlement included a $125 million civil fine to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, $100 million to the Justice Department, $53.3 million to a restitution fund for purchasers of the propane BP sold, and $25 million to a US Postal Service consumer fraud education fund.

    2008: Oil price manipulation
    In May 2010, the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation agreed in support of the country’s antimonopoly service’s decision to a 1.1 billion Ruble fine ($35.2 million) against TNK/BP, a 50/50 joint venture, for abusing antitrust legislation and setting artificially high oil products prices in 2008, TNK and BP declined comment.

    2009: North Sea helicopter accident
    Main article: April 2009 North Sea helicopter crash
    On April 1, 2009, a Bond Offshore Helicopters Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma ferrying workers from BP's platform in the Miller oilfield in the North Sea off Scotland crashed in good weather killing all 16 on board.

    2010: Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    Public protest in New Orleans following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
    On April 20, 2010, a semi-submersible exploratory offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded after a blowout and sank two days later, killing eleven people and causing a massive oil spill threatening the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. The rig is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd[66] on behalf of BP, which is the majority owner of the oil field. At the time of the explosion, there were 126 crew on board; seven were employees of BP, 79 of Transocean, there were also employees of various other companies involved in the operation of the rig, including Anadarko, Halliburton and M-I Swaco. The company originally estimated the size of the leak at about 1,000 barrels a day but later accepted government estimates of a leak of at least 5,000 barrels per day (790 m3/d). On April 30, BP stated that it would harness all of its resources to battle the oil spill, spending $7 million a day with its partners to try to contain the disaster. In comparison BP's 1st quarter profits for 2010 were roughly $61M daily. BP was running the well without a remote control shut-off switch used in two other major oil-producing nations, Brazil and Norway, as a last resort protection against underwater spills. The use of such devices is not mandated by U.S. regulators. The U.S. Government gave the responsibility of the incident to BP and will hold it accountable for costs incurred in containing the situation. On May 11, 2010, Congress called the executives of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton to a hearing regarding the oil spill. When probed for answers regarding the events leading up to the explosion, each company blamed the other. BP blamed Transocean who owned the rig, who then blamed the operators of the rig, BP. They also blamed Halliburton, who built the well casing. Scientists have been requesting the right to monitor the amount of oil that is actually being released per day, but "'The answer is no to that,' a BP spokesman, Tom Mueller, said on Saturday, May 15. 'We're not going to take any extra efforts now to calculate flow there at this point. It's not relevant to the response effort, and it might even detract from the response effort.'" Steven Wereley, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University, analyzed videotape of the leak using particle image velocimetry and estimated oil flow rates at between 56,000 to 84,000 barrels per day (8,900 to 13,400 m3/d), or equivalent to one Exxon Valdez spill every 3.5 to 2.4 days. A second, smaller leak has been estimated to be releasing 25,000 barrels per day (4,000 m3/d) by itself, suggesting that the total size of the leak may well be in excess of 100,000 barrels per day and became the largest offshore oil spill in US history.

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    Something smells fishy here.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry

    Ok, so why do you think he faked his death? Money? Status? Fame? I got news for you: he already has it all.

    I am very curious about your answer to this. What do you think is the purpose of this hoax? Because clearly you already know it's not because he wants to make people aware we are being lied to.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry

    Ok, so why do you think he faked his death? Money? Status? Fame? I got news for you: he already has it all.

    I am very curious about your answer to this. What do you think is the purpose of this hoax? Because clearly you already know it's not because he wants to make people aware we are being lied to.
    IDK why he hoax his death, if he is alive. All i konw this oil spill doesnt have anything to do with Michael, absolutly nothing. He's and entertainer an innovator, not superman! He's only human and he could do little much, let god handle this
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry

    Ok, so why do you think he faked his death? Money? Status? Fame? I got news for you: he already has it all.

    I am very curious about your answer to this. What do you think is the purpose of this hoax? Because clearly you already know it's not because he wants to make people aware we are being lied to.
    IDK why he hoax his death, if he is alive. All i konw this oil spill doesnt have anything to do with Michael, absolutly nothing. He's and entertainer an innovator, not superman! He's only human and he could do little much, let god handle this

    I just decided not to comment on these kinds of things, because it will only give me a headache. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    I agree with you Mo and Souza,
    Well! I'll say that CNN has said over the weekend that the chairman of BP is out on a yacht somewhere in some type of yacht venue. Clearly, Mr. Hayward (President of BP) could care less about the small people (the words spoken by BP chairman). Of course, there is something bigger going on than we think. This spill is in day 61 I believe and still no end in site. Supposedly, nothing like this has ever happened before. BP drilled in international waters that are unregulated so no one had a say when they initially drilled and didn't provide a shut off value in case of an accident. No one had the authority to mandate them which is why they have accident after accident without ramafications. So many people have come up with solutions to help and no one has paid them any attention. I thought that was strange! You don't know what to do but you won't accept assistance. To me it's all a sign of our last days. Unlike any other disaster this was manmade, not natural. Also, I thought Hayward going before the investigative panel and having a closed door session with President Obama was nothing more than an illusionist. No one suffered any repercussions. BP is bigger than we can imagine. They have to pay $20 billion to the victims and President Obama assigned a Czar to oversee that the clamiants are paid. Like the chairman of BP said, we are the small people. No one cares about the small people. Personally, I don't believe 20 billion is enough for restitution for what they did to innocent people. That's why everyone should wakeup and stop buying into what they're being told all of the time. Nothing is at it seems in the world nowadays. Keep the Faith!
  • This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry

    Ok, so why do you think he faked his death? Money? Status? Fame? I got news for you: he already has it all.

    I am very curious about your answer to this. What do you think is the purpose of this hoax? Because clearly you already know it's not because he wants to make people aware we are being lied to.
    IDK why he hoax his death, if he is alive. All i konw this oil spill doesnt have anything to do with Michael, absolutly nothing. He's and entertainer an innovator, not superman! He's only human and he could do little much, let god handle this

    Okay, so what has been the messages throughout this forum been about? What does the song title "They Don't Care About Us" mean? What about "Earth Song"? His message in his videos with those songs. What about ARMY OF LOVE????

    Here in Earth Song explains it all:

    Earth Song lyrics

    What about sunrise
    What about rain
    What about all the things
    That you said we were to gain...
    What about killing fields
    Is there a time
    What about all the things
    That you said was yours and mine...
    Did you ever stop to notice
    All the blood we've shed before
    Did you ever stop to notice
    This crying Earth its weeping shores?

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    What have we done to the world?
    Look what we've done.
    What about all the peace,
    That you pledge your only son?
    What about flowering fields?
    Is there a time?
    What about all the dreams,
    That you said was yours and mine?

    Did you ever stop to notice,
    All the children dead from war?
    Did you ever stop to notice,
    This crying Earth its weeping shores?

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    I used to dream
    I used to glance beyond the stars
    Now I don't know where we are
    Although I know we've drifted far

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh


    what about yesterday
    (What about us)
    What about the seas
    (What about us)
    The heavens are falling down
    (What about us)
    I can't even breathe
    (What about us)
    What about everything
    (What about us)
    I given you
    (What about us)
    What about nature's worth
    (ooo, ooo)
    It's our planet's womb
    (What about us)
    What about animals
    (What about it)
    We've turned kingdoms to dust
    (What about us)
    What about elephants
    (What about us)
    Have we lost their trust
    (What about us)
    What about crying whales
    (What about us)
    We're ravaging the seas
    (What about us)
    What about forest trails
    (ooo, ooo)
    Burnt despite our pleas
    (What about us)
    What about the holy land
    (What about it)
    Torn apart by creed
    (What about us)
    What about the common man
    (What about us)
    Can't we set him free
    (What about us)
    What about children dying
    (What about us)
    Can't you hear them cry
    (What about us)
    Where did we go wrong
    (ooo, ooo)
    Someone tell me why
    (What about us)
    What about baby boy
    (What about it)
    What about the days
    (What about us)
    What about all their joy
    (What about us)
    What about the man
    (What about us)
    What about the crying man
    (What about us)
    What about Abraham
    (What was us)
    What about death again
    (ooo, ooo)
    Do we give a damn

    Aaaaaaaaah Ooooooooh
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry

    Ok, so why do you think he faked his death? Money? Status? Fame? I got news for you: he already has it all.

    I am very curious about your answer to this. What do you think is the purpose of this hoax? Because clearly you already know it's not because he wants to make people aware we are being lied to.
    IDK why he hoax his death, if he is alive. All i konw this oil spill doesnt have anything to do with Michael, absolutly nothing. He's and entertainer an innovator, not superman! He's only human and he could do little much, let god handle this

    We're gonna need a god by the time this is over.
  • This oil documentary of about 8 minutes long is very interesting. So is the man that is being interviewed, Col. L. Flectcher, in which he explains oil is not a fossil fuel.

    Here is a summary of his background from his site, which goes beyond oil, but MKULTRA, Kennedy etc:

    The Col. L Fletcher Prouty Reference Site is a focal point where researchers can locate and retrieve articles, books, videos, and tapes on a variety of subjects which Fletcher has written and participated in.

    Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    At times he would be called to meet with Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles at their home on highly classified business. He was assigned to attend MKULTRA meetings. In this capacity Col. Prouty would be at the nerve center of the Military-Industrial Complex at a time unequalled in American History. He has written on these subjects, about the JFK assassination, the Cold War period, and Vietnamese warfare, and the existence of a "Secret Team". He backs up his his work with seldom seen or mentioned official documents - some never before released.

    Fletcher Prouty offers a rare glimpse of the "Power Elite" as described by Buckminster Fuller, or "The High Cabal" as Winston Churchill refered to them; and how they really operate. Those who have not been in a position to witness events such as these from the inside would not understand how invisible but ultimately effective they and their power structures are.

    Link to the site:

    And here is being interviewed about origin of oil:

  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    Many still do not understand the meaning of this hoax, much less absorbed the message that Mj has been trying to pass in years .. wake up Human Being <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
    And its not only MJ who is trying to pass this message...many people from media is also trying through their films, music, for a long time.
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    Edit: forget it my opion wont gain any respect, so ill will just leave you guys alone
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry

    Ok, so why do you think he faked his death? Money? Status? Fame? I got news for you: he already has it all.

    I am very curious about your answer to this. What do you think is the purpose of this hoax? Because clearly you already know it's not because he wants to make people aware we are being lied to.
    IDK why he hoax his death, if he is alive. All i konw this oil spill doesnt have anything to do with Michael, absolutly nothing. He's and entertainer an innovator, not superman! He's only human and he could do little much, let god handle this

    Okay, so what has been the messages throughout this forum been about? What does the song title "They Don't Care About Us" mean? What about "Earth Song"? His message in his videos with those songs. What about ARMY OF LOVE????

    Here in Earth Song explains it all:

    Earth Song lyrics

    What about sunrise
    What about rain
    What about all the things
    That you said we were to gain...
    What about killing fields
    Is there a time
    What about all the things
    That you said was yours and mine...
    Did you ever stop to notice
    All the blood we've shed before
    Did you ever stop to notice
    This crying Earth its weeping shores?

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    What have we done to the world?
    Look what we've done.
    What about all the peace,
    That you pledge your only son?
    What about flowering fields?
    Is there a time?
    What about all the dreams,
    That you said was yours and mine?

    Did you ever stop to notice,
    All the children dead from war?
    Did you ever stop to notice,
    This crying Earth its weeping shores?

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    I used to dream
    I used to glance beyond the stars
    Now I don't know where we are
    Although I know we've drifted far

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh


    what about yesterday
    (What about us)
    What about the seas
    (What about us)
    The heavens are falling down
    (What about us)
    I can't even breathe
    (What about us)
    What about everything
    (What about us)
    I given you
    (What about us)
    What about nature's worth
    (ooo, ooo)
    It's our planet's womb
    (What about us)
    What about animals
    (What about it)
    We've turned kingdoms to dust
    (What about us)
    What about elephants
    (What about us)
    Have we lost their trust
    (What about us)
    What about crying whales
    (What about us)
    We're ravaging the seas
    (What about us)
    What about forest trails
    (ooo, ooo)
    Burnt despite our pleas
    (What about us)
    What about the holy land
    (What about it)
    Torn apart by creed
    (What about us)
    What about the common man
    (What about us)
    Can't we set him free
    (What about us)
    What about children dying
    (What about us)
    Can't you hear them cry
    (What about us)
    Where did we go wrong
    (ooo, ooo)
    Someone tell me why
    (What about us)
    What about baby boy
    (What about it)
    What about the days
    (What about us)
    What about all their joy
    (What about us)
    What about the man
    (What about us)
    What about the crying man
    (What about us)
    What about Abraham
    (What was us)
    What about death again
    (ooo, ooo)
    Do we give a damn

    Aaaaaaaaah Ooooooooh
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    This is very disturbing news. I have been watching the reports daily. I am sickened. There is a painting of Michael that pretty much sums this entire thing up. I tried to post it here but couldn't. It is an Apocalyptic painting of Michael. The ocean looks like its on fire and red. Very strange stuff. He absolutely knew/knows what the hell is happening.
    this dont have anything to do with michael, hes not going to save the day, sorry

    Ok, so why do you think he faked his death? Money? Status? Fame? I got news for you: he already has it all.

    I am very curious about your answer to this. What do you think is the purpose of this hoax? Because clearly you already know it's not because he wants to make people aware we are being lied to.
    IDK why he hoax his death, if he is alive. All i konw this oil spill doesnt have anything to do with Michael, absolutly nothing. He's and entertainer an innovator, not superman! He's only human and he could do little much, let god handle this

    We're gonna need a god by the time this is over.
    God is here and there all the time <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    some of those comments are by far the scariest things i've ever read. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Ohhhh, lovely. I love how they've been playing the blame game and pointing the finger at BP this whole time and not actually doing anything about it. And the sick part is, it was probably a government conspiracy from day one and BP is just the fall "guy".

    That is exactly what I think as well. BP is a huge oil company that is NOT owned by Standard Oil (Rockefeller) <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    BP acquired Standard Oil of Ohio back in 1989 making them the #2 of the world back in the days <!-- m --><!-- m -->.

    I can't help but wonder how it's possible that BP had so many 'accidents' after this purchase, while before 1989 they only had one, in 1965...

    1965: Sea Gem offshore oil rig disaster
    In December 1965, while the BP oil rig Sea Gem was being moved, two of its legs collapsed and the rig capsised. Thirteen crew were killed. Sea Gem was the first British offshore oil rig.

    1993–1995: Hazardous substance dumping
    In September 1999, one of BP’s US subsidiaries, BP Exploration Alaska (BPXA), agreed to resolve charges related to the illegal dumping of hazardous wastes on the Alaska North Slope, for $22 million. The settlement included the maximum $500,000 criminal fine, $6.5 million in civil penalties, and BP’s establishment of a $15 million environmental management system at all of BP facilities in the US and Gulf of Mexico that are engaged in oil exploration, drilling or production. The charges stemmed from the 1993 to 1995 dumping of hazardous wastes on Endicott Island, Alaska by BP’s contractor Doyon Drilling. The firm illegally discharged waste oil, paint thinner and other toxic and hazardous substances by injecting them down the outer rim, or annuli, of the oil wells. BPXA failed to report the illegal injections when it learned of the conduct, in violation of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act.

    2005: Texas City Refinery explosion
    In March 2005, BP's Texas City, Texas refinery, one of its largest refineries, exploded causing 15 deaths, injuring 180 people and forcing thousands of nearby residents to remain sheltered in their homes. A large column filled with hydrocarbon overflowed to form a vapour cloud, which ignited. The explosion caused all the casualties and substantial damage to the rest of the plant. The incident came as the culmination of a series of less serious accidents at the refinery, and the engineering problems were not addressed by the management. Maintenance and safety at the plant had been cut as a cost-saving measure, the responsibility ultimately resting with executives in London.
    The fall-out from the accident continues to cloud BP's corporate image because of the mismanagement at the plant. There have been several investigations of the disaster, the most recent being that from the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board which "offered a scathing assessment of the company." OSHA found "organizational and safety deficiencies at all levels of the BP Corporation" and said management failures could be traced from Texas to London.
    The company pleaded guilty to a felony violation of the Clean Air Act, was fined $50 million, and sentenced to three years probation.
    On October 30, 2009, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fined BP an additional $87 million — the largest fine in OSHA history — for failing to correct safety hazards revealed in the 2005 explosion. Inspectors found 270 safety violations that had been previously cited but not fixed and 439 new violations. BP is appealing that fine. (see Environmental and Safety Record).

    2006–2007: Prudhoe Bay
    In August 2006, BP shut down oil operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, due to corrosion in pipelines leading up to the Alaska Pipeline. The wells were leaking insulating agent called Arctic pack, consisting of crude oil and diesel fuel, between the wells and ice. BP had spilled over one million litres of oil in Alaska's North Slope. This corrosion is caused by sediment collecting in the bottom of the pipe, protecting corrosive bacteria from chemicals sent through the pipeline to fight this bacteria. There are estimates that about 5,000 barrels (790 m3) of oil were released from the pipeline. To date 1,513 barrels (240.5 m3) of liquids, about 5,200 cubic yards (4,000 m3) of soiled snow and 328 cubic yards (251 m3) of soiled gravel have been recovered. After approval from the DOT, only the eastern portion of the field was shut down, resulting in a reduction of 200,000 barrels per day (32,000 m3/d) until work began to bring the eastern field to full production on 2 October 2006.
    In May 2007, the company announced another partial field shutdown owing to leaks of water at a separation plant. Their action was interpreted as another example of fallout from a decision to cut maintenance of the pipeline and associated facilities.
    On 16 October 2007 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation officials reported a toxic spill of methanol (methyl alcohol) at the Prudhoe Bay oil field managed by BP PLC. Nearly 2,000 gallons of mostly methanol, mixed with some crude oil and water, spilled onto a frozen tundra pond as well as a gravel pad from a pipeline. Methanol, which is poisonous to plants and animals, is used to clear ice from the insides of the Arctic-based pipelines.

    2006-2008: Texas City refinery fatalities
    From January 2006 to January 2008, three workers were killed at the company's Texas City, Texas refinery in three separate accidents. In July 2006 a worker was crushed between a pipe stack and mechanical lift, in June 2007, a worker was electrocuted, and in January 2008, a worker was killed by a 500-pound piece of metal that came loose under high pressure and hit him.

    2007: Propane price manipulation
    Four BP energy traders in Houston were charged with manipulating prices of propane in October 2007. As part of the settlement of the case, BP paid the US government a $303 million fine, the largest commodity market settlement ever in the US. The settlement included a $125 million civil fine to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, $100 million to the Justice Department, $53.3 million to a restitution fund for purchasers of the propane BP sold, and $25 million to a US Postal Service consumer fraud education fund.

    2008: Oil price manipulation
    In May 2010, the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation agreed in support of the country’s antimonopoly service’s decision to a 1.1 billion Ruble fine ($35.2 million) against TNK/BP, a 50/50 joint venture, for abusing antitrust legislation and setting artificially high oil products prices in 2008, TNK and BP declined comment.

    2009: North Sea helicopter accident
    Main article: April 2009 North Sea helicopter crash
    On April 1, 2009, a Bond Offshore Helicopters Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma ferrying workers from BP's platform in the Miller oilfield in the North Sea off Scotland crashed in good weather killing all 16 on board.

    2010: Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    Public protest in New Orleans following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
    On April 20, 2010, a semi-submersible exploratory offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded after a blowout and sank two days later, killing eleven people and causing a massive oil spill threatening the coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. The rig is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd[66] on behalf of BP, which is the majority owner of the oil field. At the time of the explosion, there were 126 crew on board; seven were employees of BP, 79 of Transocean, there were also employees of various other companies involved in the operation of the rig, including Anadarko, Halliburton and M-I Swaco. The company originally estimated the size of the leak at about 1,000 barrels a day but later accepted government estimates of a leak of at least 5,000 barrels per day (790 m3/d). On April 30, BP stated that it would harness all of its resources to battle the oil spill, spending $7 million a day with its partners to try to contain the disaster. In comparison BP's 1st quarter profits for 2010 were roughly $61M daily. BP was running the well without a remote control shut-off switch used in two other major oil-producing nations, Brazil and Norway, as a last resort protection against underwater spills. The use of such devices is not mandated by U.S. regulators. The U.S. Government gave the responsibility of the incident to BP and will hold it accountable for costs incurred in containing the situation. On May 11, 2010, Congress called the executives of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton to a hearing regarding the oil spill. When probed for answers regarding the events leading up to the explosion, each company blamed the other. BP blamed Transocean who owned the rig, who then blamed the operators of the rig, BP. They also blamed Halliburton, who built the well casing. Scientists have been requesting the right to monitor the amount of oil that is actually being released per day, but "'The answer is no to that,' a BP spokesman, Tom Mueller, said on Saturday, May 15. 'We're not going to take any extra efforts now to calculate flow there at this point. It's not relevant to the response effort, and it might even detract from the response effort.'" Steven Wereley, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University, analyzed videotape of the leak using particle image velocimetry and estimated oil flow rates at between 56,000 to 84,000 barrels per day (8,900 to 13,400 m3/d), or equivalent to one Exxon Valdez spill every 3.5 to 2.4 days. A second, smaller leak has been estimated to be releasing 25,000 barrels per day (4,000 m3/d) by itself, suggesting that the total size of the leak may well be in excess of 100,000 barrels per day and became the largest offshore oil spill in US history.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Something smells fishy here.
    mo n souza you dont mind if i print this out to show my parents??..they are waking up!!.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and i would love for them to read this..thank you both again!!..i think a few years ago i started looking into all things like nwo mind control things as such..and with our michael little hoax this year alone i have been awaken more then ever!!..thanks again michael!!..huggs n keep the faith!!
  • Ohhhh, lovely. I love how they've been playing the blame game and pointing the finger at BP this whole time and not actually doing anything about it. And the sick part is, it was probably a government conspiracy from day one and BP is just the fall "guy".

    I can't even find the words to express how angry this makes me. I don't believe the government cares about the people in Florida and I sure as hell don't believe the government cares about me...and I don't CARE who knows that I feel this way. Bring it on.

    Like MJ said - "THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US"
  • terror2k9terror2k9 Posts: 75
    Can't forget the methane gas they have said thats coming out of it, I heard if enough gas bubbles up,it can ignite to be more powerful than all our nuclear bombs all together!
    Methane levels 40% instead of normal 5% in Gulf - Scientists are Worried

    A new article out today might inadvertently add some weight to Richard Hoagland's claim /theory/rumour of a methane bubble under the sea waiting to explode on some Armegeddon -type level. ...?

    Hoagland warns of Gas Bubble and Tsunami of Biblical Proportions

    According to oceanographer John Kessler the methane levels in the oil coming from the sea floor now are at 40 % compared to the normal 5% found in typical oil deposits.

    Here's the full article , which doesn't talk about what Hoagland does but discusses another potential doom scenario ...


    Associated Press Writers= NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It is an overlooked danger in oil spill crisis: The crude gushing from the well contains vast amounts of natural gas that could pose a serious threat to the Gulf of Mexico's fragile ecosystem.

    The oil emanating from the seafloor contains about 40 percent methane, compared with about 5 percent found in typical oil deposits, said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer who is studying the impact of methane from the spill.

    That means huge quantities of methane have entered the Gulf, scientists say, potentially suffocating marine life and creating "dead zones" where oxygen is so depleted that nothing lives.

    "This is the most vigorous methane eruption in modern human history," Kessler said. source

    As you can imagine this is being discussed on many forums, and on one I found a post from someone who put together a list of methane-connected events occuring in the past two months alone. Here is what they wrote :

    Gulf disaster- METHANE

    Columbia mine disaster- METHANE

    W. VA Massey Mine explosion- METHANE

    Mexico explosion cause mile-long crack- METHANE =en

    CT Kleen Energy massive explosion, killing many- METHANE

    Texas natural gas refinery explosion - METHANE

    There are more examples from the last 8 weeks or so, but you get the idea. Is it any surprise that one of the original apocalypse movies featured METHANE? "Mad Max" Thunderdome" lol. I never forgot that. Methane. It all comes down to that.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Edit: forget it my opion wont gain any respect, so ill will just leave you guys alone

    this might be the time to just be <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> still and wait <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

  • CNN published an article today, titled BP document: Worst-case scenario -- 4.2 million gallons daily in Gulf. Here's the link: <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Do not forget to read the comments, here are some of them, and they are shocking!

    There is a Media Blackout - If you live in the southern affected states - GTF out of there IMMEDIATELY. The nightmare has not started yet. The oil leak is just the beginning. The ocean floor is set to collapse creating a huge tsunami. - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
    There are a lot of people to blame.
    1. Pushing all drilling offshore created this mess.
    2. Government is keeping a lid on the 13,000-70,000 PSI abnormal amount of pressure on the well head. If the pressure isn't reduced, fractures will bring more uncontrolled oil to the surface.
    3. There have been talks about using Nukes on this which could worsen everything and collapse the well. A disaster of biblical proportions could result.
    beyond hilarous... 104 million divided by 31,000 = $3354.84 each, don't know many businesses than can survive 2 months off of that.. BP is constantly trying to down play the size of the leak. I'm beginning to believe BP doesn't want to stop the leak, some sort of conspiracy is cooking here..
    What about the big gas bubble that is 20 miles long, 15 miles wide and 10-15 ft high inside the oil reservoir below the BOP? 100000 lbs psi pressure building up 16000 ft below the BOP. Not if, but when the ocean floor collapses, all the ships in that area for miles around would immediately sink and there would be a tsunami. All of florida (ALL) would be totally under water....This is why they have not capped the BOP. Mass exodus - coming soon
    The nightmare has not started yet. When the ocean floor around the BOP collapses. A tsunami that could be 100-200ft high will hit the entire gulf coast and also swallow up florida.
    BP's estimates all seem to be conspicuously round. I mean, 1,000, 5,000, and 100,000? Very rarely do measurements of natural processes come out to such "nice" numbers. I think they're all pretty much made up.
    162,000 barrels per day, not 100,000, is what BP disclosed as the "worst case scenario" flow rate............and CNN knows it, but they're purposely misleading, as usual. Don't worry USA, everything is OK, says CNN.

    The following comment was posted on a Dutch site, the translation is:
    As soon as the pressure decrease, after a couple of billion barrels, sea water will flow in the crater and because of the temperature in the crater around 200 degrees, steam will be released and increase the sea level so among other things, Florida will come under water.

    OMG! I read all this yesterday! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I am scared for the people in the Southern region.
    Not only that, I have relatives on both sides of my family that live in the South!
    I really really HOPE this doesn't occur!!! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    When will we learn?

    It will be when all the flowers will have disappeared!

    It seems that it is cooking something really dangerous from us. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
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