The U.S. military - MUST SEE!



  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    We have been fed lies and idealogies that have been being instilled in us since we were old enough to view a TV screen or read a paper . And our impressionable minds like sponges tend to lap up the BS being spun by politicians and power brokers with hidden agendas. It can be a worrying thought to have to readdress one's belief systems. Waking up involves examining everything and making an informed opinion upon your own conclusions and not what is being presented to you.These videos are a wake up call and need to be seen by the Australian people . Our Armed Forces are involved in this atrociety too. Such inhumane and wicked lack of empathy and compassion as shown by these soldiers worries me on a level that words don't adequately convey. These people showed less compassion than a wild animal. We have been lied to about the reason for this war and the truth needs to be shouted from the roof tops.
  • I agree that it's not American people or the country that are the problem... It's the government. It's always governments/politics that are the problem! I think we all should get our news from multiple sources, learn at least one foreign language, travel, talk to foreigners, and keep an open mind about everything. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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