A Believers’ Confessional

WhiteNightWhiteNight Posts: 91
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
My confession to all of you, my fellow beLIEvers

This is actually something I wrote at the spur of the moment. I personally do not believe in confessionals but I figured that this would be the best thing to call it. It would actually be nice if this could be a place where fellow beLIEvers post their own feelings, fears and confessions as important dates knock at our doors. This is actually something I’m a bit ashamed of so please understand that it is not easy for me to show this to the world so to speak. It was really hard to write this because I could not stop myself from crying.

I had just seen that special on Animal Planet about Michael Jackson and Bubbles: ‘The Untold Story.’ The last bit of that show with Latoya talking with Bubbles stuck with me for some reason. Yes I believe that Michael may still be alive but there are things that tend to pull on the ‘heart strings.’ It did not cause me to have doubt but seeing Latoya cry like that broke my heart into a million pieces. I just felt like hugging her and crying with her.

I know that I am not very active on here but I read nearly everything you guys post. I feel like I know all of you because of that. So here I present you my personal confession. I was actually gonna delete this but I decided that I should share this with you instead.

It’s almost that time…

As I sit here, I’m riddled with thoughts and memories. It’s really hard not to think about him. I ask myself… Have I gone mad? Am I losing touch with reality?

Here I am hanging by a thread. I feel that if I move just a little, I’ll fall into a dark hole. A bottomless pit with no end, that is, no end in life. But only death could end it.

There isn’t a day that doesn’t go by in which I don’t think of him. He still haunts me in my dreams. I want him to leave me alone but he doesn’t. He continues to dance on the black reflective corridors of my mind. It’s as if he is calling me to go with him.

The love that I have for this man is nearly unrivaled by anything on this earth. I have never in my life loved another human being like this. They say that love is a beautiful thing but if that were so, why is this so painful?

I demand an answer from myself as I did that day and every day since then.

Why does this matter? Why does he matter? I was not a fan before that day so why is he so important to me? Why did it have to take what happened on that day for me to pay attention to him?

It’s like a sickness, a disease with no cure.

No matter where I go, there he is in the form of an elegant broach, in the form of a sequined article of clothing or in a fedora hat that adorns a mannequin. I want to run away from the world to avoid seeing objects that provoke such emotions. But even if I could, I would be in the confines of my room, a room which is filled with memories of him. For it was modified and conceived in the wake of my deepest sorrow. Every stroke of the paintbrush was executed with such strong emotions towards him and his plight. I can’t escape from looking at any portion of my habitation without being reminded of what I felt when I was working on it.

There is no closure whatsoever.

I wish I knew when this would all end. I wish that it were that simple. I wish that I could just move on but I can’t.

Every day that goes by, I’m pummeled with emotions and thoughts that eventually lead to him.

I am a prisoner of such emotions and I can’t break free.

Like a ball and chin, I carry this immense burden with every step that I take. It’s so heavy and it’s weighing on me. It really is.

Despite the fact that there is such strong evidence that he is alive, I’m still unable to rid myself of this misery.

It is going to be a year and yet my wound is still fresh and it refuses to heal.

The summer sun shines ever so brightly but it can’t seem to penetrate even the thinnest parts of this cloud that hangs over me. I’m drenched in my own tears. I almost can’t have salt because I’m sickened with the many tears that I have tasted.

I can’t imagine being subjected to life in which there is such emptiness and longing. The air that I breathe is forever filled with the bitter scent of nostalgia.

What’s wrong with me?

Why is this happening to me?

When will this end?

I wish I had an answer to all of these questions but sadly, I don’t and I do not know if I ever will.

All I know is that on that day, June 25th 2009, my old self died and I was born to a whole new world but I’m not sure if I like it.

Without Michael, I’m not sure if I like it at all.



  • quinnnaduquinnnadu Posts: 21
    It all comes down to if you just wasnt to go with what the media says and just accept that as closure or just be a beLIEver and follow the clues. Michael didnt want to make this easy on the fans in my opinion, he needed to make it hard to see if people really did still love him.
  • missy_missymissy_missy Posts: 108
    whitenight, that was really brave for u to post ur emotions like that. alot of us can understand what u are going through. before 25th june 2009, i always admired and liked mj's music but i wasnt a die-hard fan. since 25 june last year, i am always reading up on everything mj, i cried so hard as well,and bought all of his past cd albums. i believe he is alive, and everyone around me thinks i cam crazy so i keep it to myself. bamsday is coming soon - i hope!
  • My confession to all of you, my fellow beLIEvers

    This is actually something I wrote at the spur of the moment. I personally do not believe in confessionals but I figured that this would be the best thing to call it. It would actually be nice if this could be a place where fellow beLIEvers post their own feelings, fears and confessions as important dates knock at our doors. This is actually something I’m a bit ashamed of so please understand that it is not easy for me to show this to the world so to speak. It was really hard to write this because I could not stop myself from crying.

    I had just seen that special on Animal Planet about Michael Jackson and Bubbles: ‘The Untold Story.’ The last bit of that show with Latoya talking with Bubbles stuck with me for some reason. Yes I believe that Michael may still be alive but there are things that tend to pull on the ‘heart strings.’ It did not cause me to have doubt but seeing Latoya cry like that broke my heart into a million pieces. I just felt like hugging her and crying with her.

    I know that I am not very active on here but I read nearly everything you guys post. I feel like I know all of you because of that. So here I present you my personal confession. I was actually gonna delete this but I decided that I should share this with you instead.

    It’s almost that time…

    As I sit here, I’m riddled with thoughts and memories. It’s really hard not to think about him. I ask myself… Have I gone mad? Am I losing touch with reality?

    Here I am hanging by a thread. I feel that if I move just a little, I’ll fall into a dark hole. A bottomless pit with no end, that is, no end in life. But only death could end it.

    There isn’t a day that doesn’t go by in which I don’t think of him. He still haunts me in my dreams. I want him to leave me alone but he doesn’t. He continues to dance on the black reflective corridors of my mind. It’s as if he is calling me to go with him.

    The love that I have for this man is nearly unrivaled by anything on this earth. I have never in my life loved another human being like this. They say that love is a beautiful thing but if that were so, why is this so painful?

    I demand an answer from myself as I did that day and every day since then.

    Why does this matter? Why does he matter? I was not a fan before that day so why is he so important to me? Why did it have to take what happened on that day for me to pay attention to him?

    It’s like a sickness, a disease with no cure.

    No matter where I go, there he is in the form of an elegant broach, in the form of a sequined article of clothing or in a fedora hat that adorns a mannequin. I want to run away from the world to avoid seeing objects that provoke such emotions. But even if I could, I would be in the confines of my room, a room which is filled with memories of him. For it was modified and conceived in the wake of my deepest sorrow. Every stroke of the paintbrush was executed with such strong emotions towards him and his plight. I can’t escape from looking at any portion of my habitation without being reminded of what I felt when I was working on it.

    There is no closure whatsoever.

    I wish I knew when this would all end. I wish that it were that simple. I wish that I could just move on but I can’t.

    Every day that goes by, I’m pummeled with emotions and thoughts that eventually lead to him.

    I am a prisoner of such emotions and I can’t break free.

    Like a ball and chin, I carry this immense burden with every step that I take. It’s so heavy and it’s weighing on me. It really is.

    Despite the fact that there is such strong evidence that he is alive, I’m still unable to rid myself of this misery.

    It is going to be a year and yet my wound is still fresh and it refuses to heal.

    The summer sun shines ever so brightly but it can’t seem to penetrate even the thinnest parts of this cloud that hangs over me. I’m drenched in my own tears. I almost can’t have salt because I’m sickened with the many tears that I have tasted.

    I can’t imagine being subjected to life in which there is such emptiness and longing. The air that I breathe is forever filled with the bitter scent of nostalgia.

    What’s wrong with me?

    Why is this happening to me?

    When will this end?

    I wish I had an answer to all of these questions but sadly, I don’t and I do not know if I ever will.

    All I know is that on that day, June 25th 2009, my old self died and I was born to a whole new world but I’m not sure if I like it.

    Without Michael, I’m not sure if I like it at all.


    Alma, you are not alone. He touched us all from the casual fan, to the forever fan and even to the curious fan that became hooked on 6/25/09. His presence haunts us all. But why????? I ask myself the same reason everyday. I have followed him for 40 years and it's been like loosing a family member. Yet, I don't even know him. So why is he SO present in all of us? Why have we all been brought together??? THERE HAS TO BE A REASON. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON AND THAT IS WHY WE ARE HERE. Let's see where the journey takes us. BRAVE post Alma - chin up. You are here for a reason.((((Alma))))))
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Whitenight...you are not alone. I never imagined I would be spending so much time reading all these posts and be so attached to finding the truth, to the point that it consumes my normal everyday life. I was chosen to be here, and sometimes that makes me mad. My lprevious life has been neglected, and my conquest to find the truth has become my every breathe, my every thought and my every action. It's like an overwhelming power that draws me here everyday and night. Regardless of whether you are a fan or not, it's become more than that. I've tried to turn away, but don't last longer than a day...You guys are the only ones that understand this. If I fall, it won't be alone. We all Love You...Cheers, xoxo
  • I definitely know how you feel about never really being a fan of him until last year. I was the same way, I was too lost in all of the lies that surround him. I was a big fan when I was a little girl, I would listen to his music ALL the time. He was my idol, then something happened and I stopped liking him... Then that day came and suddenly he was everything. If I am not thinking about anything my mind will just wander off to Michael. I adore him so much now that it seems idiotic. I admire his music and dance obsessively. I would do anything just to meet him and talk to him.

    I am glad I'm not the only one that obsesses about him like that. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Alma you really touched me with everything you wrote. I feel the same way you do only difference is I have loved Michael since I was in 1st grade back in 1969 but his hold on me is extreme and strong. He's like this wonderful phantom love, a peaceful angel shadow that follows me everywhere and literally over sees everything I do, each moment I live.
  • Know what? I am really loving ALL of you right now. No One overstands the way you all do. It IS as if he has magical powers isn't it? Did he put a spell on us? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Most of us can agree that we've never been so consumed in feelings for someone..but we struggle to grasp how almost the entire world feels identical to us. It's amazing. It's hard...but..it's also easy
  • Laine29Laine29 Posts: 44
    A disease without a cure - you got that right, Michaels the only drug that's gonna fix me <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    I told my mother when I was 4 years old that I was going to marry Michael Jackson. She tells me that I said it with such conviction. You could say he was my very first love. I grew older, and while my apparently deep 4 year old love for Michael wasn't always present in my mind, he was always somewhere there. I always followed up on his various stories, what was going on in his life. June 25th marked a turning point for me. My 4 year old self re-emerged. The love I somehow had when I was a young girl was back. Times a billion. The old saying, "you don't know what you have til it's gone," can't hold a candle to this feeling of loss I have about Michael. Since I've joined the forum, I know this feeling is shared by many.

    Michael is an enigma. Something so unexplainable and so attractive (I mean this in every way possible- looks, personality, etc). You can try to define Michael until you die, but you will never grasp him. He's unattainable, yet humble. He's perfect, yet human. He's the Prince Charming you read about as a girl, who not only saves you, but the world. He's the guy you can't wait to bring home to Mom, yet can still be "bad." He's doing this for himself, his family, his children, for you, for me, for the world. He's put himself in the spotlight, through the pain, the judgment, the torture for our faces he's never seen. Could I do that? Could you do that?

    June 25th was hard. The anniversary is harder. The 25th was the stab in the heart, the anniversary is the twist of the knife. I find comfort in this forum- in the truth that we've found, in the fight we've promised to fight, in Michael himself.

    It's 11:51 in California. A year ago he was apparently still practicing at Staples. Does it seem like a year? No. It seems like 20. For whatever reason God willed me to look up "Michael Jackson Death Hoax" on youtube in February, I am thankful.

    The road has been an uphill climb. Post-BAM, it's going to be bumpy. We will feel a wrath that we haven't experienced before. If we remember why we're doing it (LOVE), if we keep our eyes on the prize (TRUTH), then this entire Dante's Inferno we've been traveling for a year will not be in vain.

    Michael, on your command, we begin.

    Love you more. Seriously.
  • I just watched the special on Bubbles on animal planet and woo hoo I boo hooed right along with Latoya!! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> wahhh <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I don't know what to think anymore... he may surely be gone <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ooh but I hope he is still here able to be loved...

    getting back in the bed now... later my straight-jacket friends <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • breakodawnbreakodawn Posts: 50
    2good2btrue....I have to agree with you about everything that you posted.I ask myself every day,why do I think about Michael all the time.I think part of it is because my mum and I visited the USA from the 19th April 2009 until the 1st May 2009.After the 25th June 2009 I felt deep inside that something wasn't right about this,and thats when I started investigating .While in LA there was no talk in the news about Michael being in town,even on our Hollywood Hills tour the guide took us past the house where Michael was staying and only mentionned the wreaths were still up because Sean Connery doesn't stay there much and hadn't had a chance to take them down.He never even mentionned Michael at all .I personally thought that he was rehearsing in London.I have shyed away from posting much,but I think after nearly a year I feel more confident in posting.This has certainly been an adventure and only my young son listens to my updates on our Michael.After looking back over all the strange happenings in the last year,my thoughts on Holmby Hills residence is that I don't think he was really staying there.Perhaps this was all part of the illusion.I feel so much better now talking to you all here as this has been a long emotional and painful year and I miss Michaels visual presence so bad.What a wonderful gift Katherine and Joe have given us.I have to catch up on so much about Michael discovering the man I never knew.It's certainly a great adventure.Love xxxxooo.
  • Whitenight...you are not alone. I never imagined I would be spending so much time reading all these posts and be so attached to finding the truth, to the point that it consumes my normal everyday life. I was chosen to be here, and sometimes that makes me mad. My lprevious life has been neglected, and my conquest to find the truth has become my every breathe, my every thought and my every action. It's like an overwhelming power that draws me here everyday and night. Regardless of whether you are a fan or not, it's become more than that. I've tried to turn away, but don't last longer than a day...You guys are the only ones that understand this. If I fall, it won't be alone. We all Love You...Cheers, xoxo

    Well said. My sentiments exactly. This is a very spiritual thing we're experiencing. A game changer for sure. This is a very hard day for me. I'm going to turn off the television and take the day off from work and go swimming. Gotta clear my head.
  • Alma you really touched me with everything you wrote. I feel the same way you do only difference is I have loved Michael since I was in 1st grade back in 1969 but his hold on me is extreme and strong. He's like this wonderful phantom love, a peaceful angel shadow that follows me everywhere and literally over sees everything I do, each moment I live.

    Wow. I feel exactly the same. I have never turned my back on him since 1969.
  • I told my mother when I was 4 years old that I was going to marry Michael Jackson. She tells me that I said it with such conviction. You could say he was my very first love. I grew older, and while my apparently deep 4 year old love for Michael wasn't always present in my mind, he was always somewhere there. I always followed up on his various stories, what was going on in his life. June 25th marked a turning point for me. My 4 year old self re-emerged. The love I somehow had when I was a young girl was back. Times a billion. The old saying, "you don't know what you have til it's gone," can't hold a candle to this feeling of loss I have about Michael. Since I've joined the forum, I know this feeling is shared by many.

    Michael is an enigma. Something so unexplainable and so attractive (I mean this in every way possible- looks, personality, etc). You can try to define Michael until you die, but you will never grasp him. He's unattainable, yet humble. He's perfect, yet human. He's the Prince Charming you read about as a girl, who not only saves you, but the world. He's the guy you can't wait to bring home to Mom, yet can still be "bad." He's doing this for himself, his family, his children, for you, for me, for the world. He's put himself in the spotlight, through the pain, the judgment, the torture for our faces he's never seen. Could I do that? Could you do that?

    June 25th was hard. The anniversary is harder. The 25th was the stab in the heart, the anniversary is the twist of the knife. I find comfort in this forum- in the truth that we've found, in the fight we've promised to fight, in Michael himself.

    It's 11:51 in California. A year ago he was apparently still practicing at Staples. Does it seem like a year? No. It seems like 20. For whatever reason God willed me to look up "Michael Jackson Death Hoax" on youtube in February, I am thankful.

    The road has been an uphill climb. Post-BAM, it's going to be bumpy. We will feel a wrath that we haven't experienced before. If we remember why we're doing it (LOVE), if we keep our eyes on the prize (TRUTH), then this entire Dante's Inferno we've been traveling for a year will not be in vain.

    Michael, on your command, we begin.

    Love you more. Seriously.

    Beautifully stated. So eloquent.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Alma i feel just the same way as u do, while reading your post tears were running from my eyes, as if i myself have written it, be srong i know its too hard cause i'm not able to control my emotions today too but keep the faith,dunno what to say ,i'm really heartbroken, noone can understand me here in my country,as if i'm all alone, noone with whom i could share my feelings and fears about MJ, i hate to say it but in my country only a few channels have mentioned him during their programes, really painful.
  • rowdyangelrowdyangel Posts: 546
    My confession to all of you, my fellow beLIEvers

    This is actually something I wrote at the spur of the moment. I personally do not believe in confessionals but I figured that this would be the best thing to call it. It would actually be nice if this could be a place where fellow beLIEvers post their own feelings, fears and confessions as important dates knock at our doors. This is actually something I’m a bit ashamed of so please understand that it is not easy for me to show this to the world so to speak. It was really hard to write this because I could not stop myself from crying.

    I had just seen that special on Animal Planet about Michael Jackson and Bubbles: ‘The Untold Story.’ The last bit of that show with Latoya talking with Bubbles stuck with me for some reason. Yes I believe that Michael may still be alive but there are things that tend to pull on the ‘heart strings.’ It did not cause me to have doubt but seeing Latoya cry like that broke my heart into a million pieces. I just felt like hugging her and crying with her.

    I know that I am not very active on here but I read nearly everything you guys post. I feel like I know all of you because of that. So here I present you my personal confession. I was actually gonna delete this but I decided that I should share this with you instead.

    It’s almost that time…

    As I sit here, I’m riddled with thoughts and memories. It’s really hard not to think about him. I ask myself… Have I gone mad? Am I losing touch with reality?

    Here I am hanging by a thread. I feel that if I move just a little, I’ll fall into a dark hole. A bottomless pit with no end, that is, no end in life. But only death could end it.

    There isn’t a day that doesn’t go by in which I don’t think of him. He still haunts me in my dreams. I want him to leave me alone but he doesn’t. He continues to dance on the black reflective corridors of my mind. It’s as if he is calling me to go with him.

    The love that I have for this man is nearly unrivaled by anything on this earth. I have never in my life loved another human being like this. They say that love is a beautiful thing but if that were so, why is this so painful?

    I demand an answer from myself as I did that day and every day since then.

    Why does this matter? Why does he matter? I was not a fan before that day so why is he so important to me? Why did it have to take what happened on that day for me to pay attention to him?

    It’s like a sickness, a disease with no cure.

    No matter where I go, there he is in the form of an elegant broach, in the form of a sequined article of clothing or in a fedora hat that adorns a mannequin. I want to run away from the world to avoid seeing objects that provoke such emotions. But even if I could, I would be in the confines of my room, a room which is filled with memories of him. For it was modified and conceived in the wake of my deepest sorrow. Every stroke of the paintbrush was executed with such strong emotions towards him and his plight. I can’t escape from looking at any portion of my habitation without being reminded of what I felt when I was working on it.

    There is no closure whatsoever.

    I wish I knew when this would all end. I wish that it were that simple. I wish that I could just move on but I can’t.

    Every day that goes by, I’m pummeled with emotions and thoughts that eventually lead to him.

    I am a prisoner of such emotions and I can’t break free.

    Like a ball and chin, I carry this immense burden with every step that I take. It’s so heavy and it’s weighing on me. It really is.

    Despite the fact that there is such strong evidence that he is alive, I’m still unable to rid myself of this misery.

    It is going to be a year and yet my wound is still fresh and it refuses to heal.

    The summer sun shines ever so brightly but it can’t seem to penetrate even the thinnest parts of this cloud that hangs over me. I’m drenched in my own tears. I almost can’t have salt because I’m sickened with the many tears that I have tasted.

    I can’t imagine being subjected to life in which there is such emptiness and longing. The air that I breathe is forever filled with the bitter scent of nostalgia.

    What’s wrong with me?

    Why is this happening to me?

    When will this end?

    I wish I had an answer to all of these questions but sadly, I don’t and I do not know if I ever will.

    All I know is that on that day, June 25th 2009, my old self died and I was born to a whole new world but I’m not sure if I like it.

    Without Michael, I’m not sure if I like it at all.


    I think you've just read my mind because your words show that I am feeling the exact same way as you. Very brave of you to share that. Sending you lots of love XXX
  • Whiteknight - you said it beautifully. I'm convinced that this is a spiritual journey. I have stopped fighting and just submitted myself to whatever path God takes me. I too have tried to give it up, tried to stop reading this website, but yes...he's everywhere. There's a reason. I don't know what it is but I'm trully am allowing God to take me wherever He wants. I share many of Michael's empathies for the hurt, the poor and the emotionally damaged souls. I always have. I don't know if that's where this is going, but I had been praying prior to Michael's death for God to fulfill the purpose in my life.

    We all need to pray for each other. I don't believe this is a coincidence. Somehow, someway, someday...I believe we will all be working with each other to accomplish something huge. Ithink Michael has been praying for an Army for some time...and we have answered the call. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have always been fascinated by war and those who fight the good fight...from Joshua and David to Martin Luther King and John Kennedy. In fact, my children call me warrior. I think what lies ahead will be a huge battle so I'm praying for all of us that we "gird our loins" and be prepared. It's been an isolated year except for all of you. I'm so grateful for your fellowship.

    I live by this motto from one of the American Revolution heroes - Edmund Burke

    "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

    I'm just standing by for orders. A good solider knows how to follow.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Whiteknight - you said it beautifully. I'm convinced that this is a spiritual journey. I have stopped fighting and just submitted myself to whatever path God takes me. I too have tried to give it up, tried to stop reading this website, but yes...he's everywhere. There's a reason. I don't know what it is but I'm trully am allowing God to take me wherever He wants. I share many of Michael's empathies for the hurt, the poor and the emotionally damaged souls. I always have. I don't know if that's where this is going, but I had been praying prior to Michael's death for God to fulfill the purpose in my life.

    We all need to pray for each other. I don't believe this is a coincidence. Somehow, someway, someday...I believe we will all be working with each other to accomplish something huge. Ithink Michael has been praying for an Army for some time...and we have answered the call. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have always been fascinated by war and those who fight the good fight...from Joshua and David to Martin Luther King and John Kennedy. In fact, my children call me warrior. I think what lies ahead will be a huge battle so I'm praying for all of us that we "gird our loins" and be prepared. It's been an isolated year except for all of you. I'm so grateful for your fellowship.

    I live by this motto from one of the American Revolution heroes - Edmund Burke

    "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

    I'm just standing by for orders. A good solider knows how to follow.

    Good topic and this post struck a chord with me. I also simply yeilded to what I felt God was trying to say to me. I remember walking and literally saying that to God, I yeild to You in this. I won't resist this glorious feeling! I wasn't a fan before his death, but researched after his death news. In a few weeks of saturating myself with everything MJ, I fell madly in love. Then started grieving, and the pain was so intense, right in my heart, I was amazed at the power of the feeling. The ONLY thing that took away the pain was faith that he was alive! I've laughed lots, panicked lots, and have been stuck like glue to this site. Rollercoaster ride! Michael has bared his soul so it's okay if we do too!
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Wow, wow and WOW!!! I got chills reading all of your posts...I also feel like I was "chosen", as does my husband. We truly are a family here, united by Michael! What a blessing we are living. We are truly understanding Michael's message...LOVE. There is soooo much love here on this site and it warms my heart to read my own words, written by others, right here! We have stuck by our hearts and the heart will lead you down the right path, I truly believe that. Michael never said this was going to be an easy journey, he said it was going to be an adventure and I know I will be here till the end!

    We truly Love you Michael and just by chance that you read this, I hope you can see the love here...we will wait and we will be here for you when you return!

    Lots of Love to my "Michael Family"
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I agree with all of you and I truly believe that no other group of people especially people from around the world can be united as closely as Michael's fans. There is something special in him that is able to unite us all in this way <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> So much love surrounds him and his fans it's like we are all one big family trying to change the world and it's so beautiful! <3 It's our mission to stand by him and be there for one another! We ARE chosen ones!!! And it is because of Michael that we realize this <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> xoxo love you guys my mj family <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Marissa87Marissa87 Posts: 30
    My confession to all of you, my fellow beLIEvers

    This is actually something I wrote at the spur of the moment. I personally do not believe in confessionals but I figured that this would be the best thing to call it. It would actually be nice if this could be a place where fellow beLIEvers post their own feelings, fears and confessions as important dates knock at our doors. This is actually something I’m a bit ashamed of so please understand that it is not easy for me to show this to the world so to speak. It was really hard to write this because I could not stop myself from crying.

    I had just seen that special on Animal Planet about Michael Jackson and Bubbles: ‘The Untold Story.’ The last bit of that show with Latoya talking with Bubbles stuck with me for some reason. Yes I believe that Michael may still be alive but there are things that tend to pull on the ‘heart strings.’ It did not cause me to have doubt but seeing Latoya cry like that broke my heart into a million pieces. I just felt like hugging her and crying with her.

    I know that I am not very active on here but I read nearly everything you guys post. I feel like I know all of you because of that. So here I present you my personal confession. I was actually gonna delete this but I decided that I should share this with you instead.

    It’s almost that time…

    As I sit here, I’m riddled with thoughts and memories. It’s really hard not to think about him. I ask myself… Have I gone mad? Am I losing touch with reality?

    Here I am hanging by a thread. I feel that if I move just a little, I’ll fall into a dark hole. A bottomless pit with no end, that is, no end in life. But only death could end it.

    There isn’t a day that doesn’t go by in which I don’t think of him. He still haunts me in my dreams. I want him to leave me alone but he doesn’t. He continues to dance on the black reflective corridors of my mind. It’s as if he is calling me to go with him.

    The love that I have for this man is nearly unrivaled by anything on this earth. I have never in my life loved another human being like this. They say that love is a beautiful thing but if that were so, why is this so painful?

    I demand an answer from myself as I did that day and every day since then.

    Why does this matter? Why does he matter? I was not a fan before that day so why is he so important to me? Why did it have to take what happened on that day for me to pay attention to him?

    It’s like a sickness, a disease with no cure.

    No matter where I go, there he is in the form of an elegant broach, in the form of a sequined article of clothing or in a fedora hat that adorns a mannequin. I want to run away from the world to avoid seeing objects that provoke such emotions. But even if I could, I would be in the confines of my room, a room which is filled with memories of him. For it was modified and conceived in the wake of my deepest sorrow. Every stroke of the paintbrush was executed with such strong emotions towards him and his plight. I can’t escape from looking at any portion of my habitation without being reminded of what I felt when I was working on it.

    There is no closure whatsoever.

    I wish I knew when this would all end. I wish that it were that simple. I wish that I could just move on but I can’t.

    Every day that goes by, I’m pummeled with emotions and thoughts that eventually lead to him.

    I am a prisoner of such emotions and I can’t break free.

    Like a ball and chin, I carry this immense burden with every step that I take. It’s so heavy and it’s weighing on me. It really is.

    Despite the fact that there is such strong evidence that he is alive, I’m still unable to rid myself of this misery.

    It is going to be a year and yet my wound is still fresh and it refuses to heal.

    The summer sun shines ever so brightly but it can’t seem to penetrate even the thinnest parts of this cloud that hangs over me. I’m drenched in my own tears. I almost can’t have salt because I’m sickened with the many tears that I have tasted.

    I can’t imagine being subjected to life in which there is such emptiness and longing. The air that I breathe is forever filled with the bitter scent of nostalgia.

    What’s wrong with me?

    Why is this happening to me?

    When will this end?

    I wish I had an answer to all of these questions but sadly, I don’t and I do not know if I ever will.

    All I know is that on that day, June 25th 2009, my old self died and I was born to a whole new world but I’m not sure if I like it.

    Without Michael, I’m not sure if I like it at all.


    I think you've just read my mind because your words show that I am feeling the exact same way as you. Very brave of you to share that. Sending you lots of love XXX

    Thank you so much for writing the words I've longed to write. You read my mind too.
    I'm afraid. I am moving away from home, and I am scared to move on because I don't want to current 'relationship' with Michael to change.

    Today was so difficult. I tried to distract my self with friends and normal Friday night activities but all I could think about was WHEN WHEN WHEN. I'm slipping. I need something major to lift me back up.
  • WhiteNightWhiteNight Posts: 91
    I meant to get on here but stuff happens I suppose.

    quinnnadu: I did forget to say this but one thing that must be understood is that I was not a beLIEver when all of this started. I actually believed that Michael really was gone for about 4 months after June 25th, 2009. So I do carry with me memories of that immense feeling of loss. It’s really hard to rid myself of them because there is always that little ‘What if...’ element in anything without REAL cold hard facts. Yes there is purposed ‘evidence’ but none of this has been directly confirmed by anyone of importance or for that matter, anyone in Michael’s camp. I’m not trying to disrespect anyone by saying this but it’s just the way I see it.

    Even so, I’m still a beLIEver and nothing will change that.

    But after all, ‘I’m only human...’ Doubt is one of the many threads of ‘human nature.

    missy_missy , neversaynever, happythoughts: I was not a fan PERIOD. LOL All I listened to was Japanese/Asian music. I would go to Anime conventions hardcore. And I would wear nothing but anime shirts and bags. I would also cosplay (dressup) as anime characters in conventions and compete at the craftsmanship level of costume design. I have even travelled thousands of miles to meet famous Manga-ka (Japanese comic book authors) I was a HARDCORE anime fan/addict without any other interests. I would submerge myself in all things Japanese/Asian. There is evidence of that in my signature. (my anime renditions of Michael) How could this affect someone like me?

    Michael and his message are everything to me.

    I think that this is a testament to how important this really is. This has brought people from all walks of life together. I totally agree. There is a reason for this.

    2good2btrue: I totally feel you in regards to everything that you have said! I love you too! X3

    nefari, peacock shine : Yes, his hold is quite strong. I can’t seem to pull away no matter how much I try. LOL But even though it’s painful sometimes, I’m loving every moment of it. (I hope that did not come out wrong >_>)

    Laine29: No Kidding! LMAO!

    mjfansince4: That was a beautiful and deep post. Thank you so much for sharing that!

    this1crazygirl: ‘straight-jacket friends...’ That just cracked me up! LOL!!!

    breakodawn: WOW! That’s VERY interesting and it’s worth thinking about.

    SoldierofLOVE: Yes I have to agree. This is definitely something VERY spiritual.

    MashMike: I could not stop crying when I typed ‘my confession.’ It’s even difficult to read even though it’s composed of my own words. It is hard but I will always ‘keep the faith.’

    rowdyangel: I send you lots of love too *hugs*

    Rita Hayworth, MJonmind, mjj4ever777, missdanipyt: OMG.... That’s really something. Aside from my former anime obsession, I had been searching within myself and seeking salvation. And then ...BAM! (June 25th 2009) I use to be an atheist.

    Now I read the bible everyday when before, I would never touch one with a 10ft pole. lol

    I ‘m not very sure on what my mission is (precisely) but I do agree with in that we are ‘chosen’ and will work together to accomplish something so big that not even the most prepared beLIEver will be able to wrap their mind around it. And yes, we really must "gird our loins" in preparation for what is to come.

    After so much questioning (Why me?!?!?! WHY WHY WHY!?!), I have finally given in and surrendered.

    God knows what he does. I’m the one who does not so therefore, I must follow.

    Marissa87: I understand how you feel. I know that it can be difficult sometimes but ‘keep the faith.’ *hugs*

    I would like to thank all you guys for posting your support and your stories. I’m truly touched by them and I really mean it when I say that.

    Hugs and L.O.V.E. to all of you,

  • FITAFITA Posts: 77
    Hi, Alma.

    I was not a beLIEver at first either. However, I had this nagging feeling that just would not go away--the feeling that Michael is still with us. There were other signs, too; and I won't go into them; but I started looking into the evidence, and I became a beLIEver. It's not that I never have doubts. Of course, I have them. Like you said, "I am only human;" and that is just a part of "human nature." I was a fan in the early to mid '80s and then, for reasons I don't even remember, I stopped being a fan. I still loved and cared about Michael; but I didn't follow his every move. Now, I am back as a fan reawakened, and also as a friend; and I have been corresponding with him for about a year now. Now his music has new meaning to me; and I listen from a different perspective.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I was a casual fan always loved his music and always stuck up for him during the trials

    But I am like you I feel it is like a pull towards something and it wont let go

    I am a grown woman with children and it will not leave my mind as too what has happened.

    right from the start i did not feel he had died and i want to know why I feel like this it is driving me mad
    Just the other day a friend called me obsessed it upset me at first because I thought cant she see what I can see that nothing adds up but hse can not.

    So why can I and all of you

    Thank goodness you all feel the same
  • xxmjxxxxmjxx Posts: 304
    Oh god that is how i feel too,i somtimes think im going crazy,ive always liked michael and his music,but god only knows what happened on the 25th of june last year,my stomach churns when i see or hear anything to do with him,im not to good with words,but i know exactly how you feel,and you really are not alone xxxx
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