MJ's name to be carved on the tomb today



  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I've always said that once his name and date of birth, date of death are inscribed on the crypt, I'm out. However, are they talking about his crypt or this erection at his home in Gary? The latter doesn't count.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    LOL, I bet it will say:

    Michael Joseph Jackson
    King Of Pop
    August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

    Which is all BS. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Oh my. It does say the crypt. Oh well, we'll see. I'll be there on his birthday, I'll make up my mind around that time as to whether I need to devote more of my time to fishing out his executors. We already know who they are, they would then have to be outed by name not just association.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    I haven't read the whole thread, nor do I have time to, but I do want to make sure u guys know that that foxnews site is fake. They're the ones that posted about the fake celebrity deaths last year, like Miley Cyrus, Justin bieber, etc... Fake site guys, so untrue news...
    It seems like the real site to me.
  • @ agathi- Don't worry about your mother! My mom is veryvery stubborn and controlling, and I'm 21 now-but from the time I was born until I was 18-she would act the very same exact way! She still does! She thinks I'm a nut because I know Michael Jackson is still alive, along with Elvis Presley and TuPac Shakur. Other people call me nuts because I talk of 2012 as the Earth rising to the 5th dimension. Other people call me crazy because I know of the Talmud of Jmmanuel, Arabic scrolls found by Billy Meier in 1963 (where the Shroud of Turin was found), shows that Jesus said he was NOT the son of God or the son of Creation-but Mary was inseminated by an "archangel" aka extraterrestial named Archangel Gabriel, and that Judas did not decieve him-but JUDA... A MAJORITY OF PEOPLE have NO idea of what our history is really about, what's real and what's not. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> But, you, my dear friend, are wise at a young age-for knowing what the media shows is FALSE and A DOG AND PONY SHOW and Michael's wisdom and genius is what is TRUE! Great job! Keep your head up and don't listen to other people! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Remember how persecuted those were who said the Earth was round, and the Earth revolved around the Sun-not the Sun around the Earth! Lol They were going to KILL these people! And they were right the whole time! Remember this <3 <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/talmud/talmud.pdf<!-- m -->
    (for anyone that wants to read the Talmud of Jmmanuel-this is the free PDF file)

    tusia6631 -Thank you for your kind words! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <<--you made me do this! HaHa

    Watch out for everything today! Today is his 2nd memorial! Should be interesting...
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    Did it happen?
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> You all simply MUST not let every little wisp of a breeze rattle the crap out of you.

    I don't care what ANY one reported or any one says they heard, I already KNOW this much: we are all on a HOAXED DEATH Investigators site. Many many things have been said about "death" here, which could be disrespectful or hurtful for people who have actually had THAT awful reality come to their home. Yes, we love MJ and we cried when we thought he died, and some of us STILL, cannot be convinced for more than a few moments (!) that it IS a HOAX and he IS alive. So, try this on for size:

    Death is the WORST possible thing that can happen to us. It is disrespectful to take less than seriously, IF we are REALLY talking about a REAL PERSON who now is under ground, ALL dreams perished. All relationships severed. All curtains down. Hope dead.

    Michael Jackson had such profane, <!-- s:mad: -->:mad:<!-- s:mad: --> disgusting rumors and allegations spread about him during his life, that even though he was COMPLETELY exonerated and published far and wide that he was INNOCENT of all charges, not too much changed. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Small minded people get crap into their mind and they keep their twisted views because it allows them to feel better about themselves. They are jealous of his talent, money, power, fame, looks, sheer niceness, which they distrust, and NEED to have something to hold against him, in order to stand taller than him, by walking ON him. They should be ashamed, but it hasn't really hit them, yet. Too immature, too ignorant.

    ALL the King's horses and ALL the King's men have dilligently TRIED to restore MJ's halo---his sparkling, <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> SQUEAKY-CLEAN reputation, for YEARS now, armed with verdict papers and EVERY kind of reminder of pure things we ALL know about him.

    Because rumor and innuendo is such a DANGEROUS, fast spreading poison, with exponential tentacles, and the tongues of men are an unrestrained beast in this life, I am ashamed to say that there will always be SOME talebearer giving crap legs and wings...

    No matter HOW careful one is, to burn every spinning wheel in the Kingdom, SOME loser has a functioning model in their attic, waiting to start the damage all over again.

    I'm a fan of Michael Jackson's. Seriously---the whole 9 yards. Crush, fascination, obsession, T shirt owning, video playing, now, cooled down, just simmering with admiration and awe, card carrying, HOAX beLIEving, MJ fan. I am serious about him. But, probably not as broken as his actual FAMILY would be. If I thought for ONE moment he was really deceased, I wouldn't be here, hashing it out with "y'all". I would grieve by myself, respectfully.

    I've found, you can't tell people, who are "set" in "error", anything---and I don't waste time, knowingly. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> But, please steady yourselves. He is not dead. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    This I KNOW (and you can take it or leave it) : When MJ REALLY dies, when that beauty and love has been snuffed out, and his body is put away FOREVER, and his family REALLY is heartbroken and hurt and GRIEVING, and feeling HELPLESS, as they all were at his travesty of a molestation trial----


    is what will be carved on his tomb (The last line is what Joe TOLD the press, in present-tense, NO uncertain terms, and they IGNORED, THEN):

    "My son was a good boy"

    These will be the loudest words EVER stuck in the human heart, from a rough guy who, himself, with firsthand knowledge, was amazed and broken hearted that someone SO good would be SO crucified. THEY will be believed, and SHAME everyone who sees them.

    That's when I'll believe Michael Jackson is gone for good; when his father's loving words are carved in MJ's STONE. Only then will Mike rest in peace. Remember, that he said,"...if you leave this world knowing you are loved...." BTW, I never heard or read ANYwhere than MJ even knows this. I wish someone would TELL him.
  • No word of it happening so far so I guess it was just a false alarm. No need to despair or loose hope.
    Keep the faith guys! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    :roll: You all simply MUST not let every little wisp of a breeze rattle the crap out of you.

    I don't care what ANY one reported or any one says they heard, I already KNOW this much: we are all on a HOAXED DEATH Investigators site. Many many things have been said about "death" here, which could be disrespectful or hurtful for people who have actually had THAT awful reality come to their home. Yes, we love MJ and we cried when we thought he died, and some of us STILL, cannot be convinced for more than a few moments (!) that it IS a HOAX and he IS alive. So, try this on for size:

    Death is the WORST possible thing that can happen to us. It is disrespectful to take less than seriously, IF we are REALLY talking about a REAL PERSON who now is under ground, ALL dreams perished. All relationships severed. All curtains down. Hope dead.

    Michael Jackson had such profane, <!-- s:mad: -->:mad:<!-- s:mad: --> disgusting rumors and allegations spread about him during his life, that even though he was COMPLETELY exonerated and published far and wide that he was INNOCENT of all charges, not too much changed. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Small minded people get crap into their mind and they keep their twisted views because it allows them to feel better about themselves. They are jealous of his talent, money, power, fame, looks, sheer niceness, which they distrust, and NEED to have something to hold against him, in order to stand taller than him, by walking ON him. They should be ashamed, but it hasn't really hit them, yet. Too immature, too ignorant.

    ALL the King's horses and ALL the King's men have dilligently TRIED to restore MJ's halo---his sparkling, <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> SQUEAKY-CLEAN reputation, for YEARS now, armed with verdict papers and EVERY kind of reminder of pure things we ALL know about him.

    Because rumor and innuendo is such a DANGEROUS, fast spreading poison, with exponential tentacles, and the tongues of men are an unrestrained beast in this life, I am ashamed to say that there will always be SOME talebearer giving crap legs and wings...

    No matter HOW careful one is, to burn ever spinning wheel in the Kingdom, SOME loser has a functioning model in their attic, waiting to start the damage all over again.

    I'm a fan of Michael Jackson's. Seriously---the whole 9 yards. Crush, fascination, obsession, T shirt owning, video playing, now, cooled down, just simmering with admiration and awe, card carrying, HOAX beLIEving, MJ fan. I am serious about him. But, probably not as broken as his actual FAMILY would be. If I thought for ONE moment he was really deceased, I wouldn't be here, hashing it out with "y'all". I would grieve by myself, respectfully.

    I've found, you can't tell people, who are "set" in "error", anything---and I don't waste time, knowingly. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> But, please steady yourselves. He is not dead. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    This I KNOW (and you can take it or leave it) : When MJ REALLY dies, when that beauty and love has been snuffed out, and his body is put away FOREVER, and his family REALLY is heartbroken and hurt and GRIEVING, and feeling HELPLESS, as they all were at his travesty of a molestation trial----


    is what will be carved on his tomb (the last line is what Joe TOLD the press, in present-tense, NO uncertain terms, and they IGNORED, THEN):

    "My son was a good boy"

    These will be the loudest words EVER stuck in the human heart, from a rough guy who, himself, with firsthand knowledge, was amazed and broken hearted that someone SO good would be SO crucified. THEY will be believed, and SHAME everyone who sees them.

    That's when I'll believe Michael Jackson is gone for good; when his father's loving words are carved in MJ's STONE. Only then will Mike rest in peace. Remember, that he said,"...if you leave this world knowing you are loved...." BTW, I never heard or read ANYwhere than MJ even knows this. I wish someone would TELL him.

    beautiful. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • grayshkigrayshki Posts: 90
    I haven't read the whole thread, nor do I have time to, but I do want to make sure u guys know that that foxnews site is fake. They're the ones that posted about the fake celebrity deaths last year, like Miley Cyrus, Justin bieber, etc... Fake site guys, so untrue news...
    It seems like the real site to me.

    We haven't heard it anywhere else, have we?
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    they can engrave his name all over that damn crypt i refuse to believe:

    1. he's dead
    2. he would ever be buried there
  • Credit goes to factfinder from MJHD

    <!-- m -->http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/20 ... el-murder/<!-- m -->
    As fans around the world mourn their hero Friday, some members of the Jackson family will visit his tomb at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles. And his name is to be carved on the currently-unmarked crypt.

    Under the quote about the name on the crypt it said "this will bring the family closure"! sorry really, they have been through a funeral/memorial, autopsy, death certifiicate etc and further 12 months, and just putting carving on the tomb will bring closure really!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> sorry think it is BS its just words, wont give me closure.
  • tusia6631tusia6631 Posts: 101
    so do u know guys if this name was eventually carved? and what it actually says?
    have u got any inf? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    they can engrave his name all over that damn crypt i refuse to believe:

    1. he's dead
    2. he would ever be buried there

    Amen! I am with you 100%. I have my heels firmly dug in! God bless you, Mjfansince4! Thank you for your faith and your love for MJ! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • :roll: You all simply MUST not let every little wisp of a breeze rattle the crap out of you.

    I don't care what ANY one reported or any one says they heard, I already KNOW this much: we are all on a HOAXED DEATH Investigators site. Many many things have been said about "death" here, which could be disrespectful or hurtful for people who have actually had THAT awful reality come to their home. Yes, we love MJ and we cried when we thought he died, and some of us STILL, cannot be convinced for more than a few moments (!) that it IS a HOAX and he IS alive. So, try this on for size:

    Death is the WORST possible thing that can happen to us. It is disrespectful to take less than seriously, IF we are REALLY talking about a REAL PERSON who now is under ground, ALL dreams perished. All relationships severed. All curtains down. Hope dead.

    Michael Jackson had such profane, <!-- s:mad: -->:mad:<!-- s:mad: --> disgusting rumors and allegations spread about him during his life, that even though he was COMPLETELY exonerated and published far and wide that he was INNOCENT of all charges, not too much changed. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Small minded people get crap into their mind and they keep their twisted views because it allows them to feel better about themselves. They are jealous of his talent, money, power, fame, looks, sheer niceness, which they distrust, and NEED to have something to hold against him, in order to stand taller than him, by walking ON him. They should be ashamed, but it hasn't really hit them, yet. Too immature, too ignorant.

    ALL the King's horses and ALL the King's men have dilligently TRIED to restore MJ's halo---his sparkling, <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> SQUEAKY-CLEAN reputation, for YEARS now, armed with verdict papers and EVERY kind of reminder of pure things we ALL know about him.

    Because rumor and innuendo is such a DANGEROUS, fast spreading poison, with exponential tentacles, and the tongues of men are an unrestrained beast in this life, I am ashamed to say that there will always be SOME talebearer giving crap legs and wings...

    No matter HOW careful one is, to burn ever spinning wheel in the Kingdom, SOME loser has a functioning model in their attic, waiting to start the damage all over again.

    I'm a fan of Michael Jackson's. Seriously---the whole 9 yards. Crush, fascination, obsession, T shirt owning, video playing, now, cooled down, just simmering with admiration and awe, card carrying, HOAX beLIEving, MJ fan. I am serious about him. But, probably not as broken as his actual FAMILY would be. If I thought for ONE moment he was really deceased, I wouldn't be here, hashing it out with "y'all". I would grieve by myself, respectfully.

    I've found, you can't tell people, who are "set" in "error", anything---and I don't waste time, knowingly. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> But, please steady yourselves. He is not dead. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    This I KNOW (and you can take it or leave it) : When MJ REALLY dies, when that beauty and love has been snuffed out, and his body is put away FOREVER, and his family REALLY is heartbroken and hurt and GRIEVING, and feeling HELPLESS, as they all were at his travesty of a molestation trial----


    is what will be carved on his tomb (the last line is what Joe TOLD the press, in present-tense, NO uncertain terms, and they IGNORED, THEN):

    "My son was a good boy"

    These will be the loudest words EVER stuck in the human heart, from a rough guy who, himself, with firsthand knowledge, was amazed and broken hearted that someone SO good would be SO crucified. THEY will be believed, and SHAME everyone who sees them.

    That's when I'll believe Michael Jackson is gone for good; when his father's loving words are carved in MJ's STONE. Only then will Mike rest in peace. Remember, that he said,"...if you leave this world knowing you are loved...." BTW, I never heard or read ANYwhere than MJ even knows this. I wish someone would TELL him.

    beautiful. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Very beautifully said. Thank you. By the way, I'd love to tell MJ that he's loved and I think we've done that on this forum but if he should read this, or someone that knows him should read this, please tell him that he's loved to eternity and back. Really.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Yes, MJ is totally loved by us... and I'm certain he can feel it everyday....

    But, I meant that, with him being BESIDE himself, worrying about his own children---I don't think he had the time to watch his own dad on the news that evening, all broken and yet matter of fact, make it PLAIN for any fool to see that he LOVED his almost 40 year old son SO much, he still saw him as "his baby boy".

    I don't think MJ EVER knew that his dad had felt this or publicly PROCLAIMED this.

    Joe did NOT say he was a good "man". It would have sounded cool, or artificial.

    He spoke with a lump in his throat, TOO ANGRY over the IRONY to say anything else to the bloodsuckers pushing mics in his and Katherine's faces. He said it exactly like this, dripping with the love and respect only a father can feel for a man he is PROUD to know as his son,

    "My SON is a good boy"

    I have to tell you, I lost it right there--given all we hear about Joe and MJ! Joe is just an old SOFTIE, especially when it comes to Mikey in hater-trouble <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    I WISH MJ could see this for himself, if he hasn't. He'd be so blessed. I KNOW he would feel it, and be nourished to the bone. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Someone give JOE a big hug!!!!!! I ALWAYS LIKED HIM! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    i am sorry i wasn't around then . is there some footage of joe making this statement?
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This is where he is.......and this is what will be written on the crypt...........
  • mjssoulmatemjssoulmate Posts: 820
    hm... it took very long to do that. I can't understand why they didn't carved it before?(If he's really gone)

    well from what i know, when my relatives passed we didnt put up a headstone until probably 10 months or so after the death

    A headstone goes on a grave. Don't they have towait a while for the earth to settle before a headstone is placed? That is not the case with a tomb that has been there for many years (unoccupied). They could have had his name on there before September 3rd.

    Just saying..
  • they can engrave his name all over that damn crypt i refuse to believe:

    1. he's dead
    2. he would ever be buried there

    Amen! I am with you 100%. I have my heels firmly dug in! God bless you, Mjfansince4! Thank you for your faith and your love for MJ! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    trust me i dont think hes there. but ig he was to be dead ts really not up to him on where he be buried. if he had wishes it would be nice of family to honor them but saying you dont think he would ever be buried there, it wouldnt be his choice. and trust me i am a beLIEver but perhaps if he HAS passed thats just a decoy location. i dont know.
  • Maybe they'll carve the name Albert Moreno. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I would show a screen shot, but I can't seem to figure out how.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I don't believe there will be a name or date.
    If so, then it would be King of Pop ; 1958-Forever
    Michael Jackson is alive.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    i am sorry i wasn't around then . is there some footage of joe making this statement?

    I imagine it would be on YouTube. I'll look later today, to see if I can find it.<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    they can engrave his name all over that damn crypt i refuse to believe:

    1. he's dead
    2. he would ever be buried there

    Amen! I am with you 100%. I have my heels firmly dug in! God bless you, Mjfansince4! Thank you for your faith and your love for MJ! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    trust me i dont think hes there. but ig he was to be dead ts really not up to him on where he be buried. if he had wishes it would be nice of family to honor them but saying you dont think he would ever be buried there, it wouldnt be his choice. and trust me i am a beLIEver but perhaps if he HAS passed thats just a decoy location. i dont know.

    You have hit upon something with a decoy location. That is an excellent point! God bless you for your insight! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Michael Jackson will not be burried at Forest Lawn
    according to x17online.com



    Looks like an ark...can a body fit there? or may be are just the ashes?
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