Please read this video done by karenjoymc

all4loveandbelieveall4loveandbelieve Posts: 4,455
edited January 1970 in News
I am loss for words. After reading karenjoymc video on youtube, I was in shock. I did not know if I had to cry or scream, be angry.. I send you the link so please check this out and let me know if this can be true. MJ had ultimatums, Karen stated that Michael jackson was told if he does not do his 50 concerts he will die. Or if he does the 50 concerts the fans will die. Apparently he did the obvious and faked his death for the love of the fans. He did not want for the fans to die. If this is true, this is true love for us. Michael sacrificed his life and also his children lives, meaning he left his children behind to save us, and himself. He should be called Saint Michael. LOVE YOU SO MUCH MICHAEL. LOVE ALWAYS



  • youngatheartyoungatheart Posts: 261
    This is such a touching video. Thanks for posting it. This has been a belief of mine for a long time that Michael did this for his fans. Makes a lot of sense. I just love this man more and more every day.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Makes sense if we look back at that thread about the FBI files which states he received threats since '93 and then after the trial.
    TII is full of clues..he left us a message there..he knew he wouldn't be there to perform for us in july..
    He KNEW what was going on around him ..

    LOVE you and your beautiful soul forever Michael!
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    this is quite possibly the best thread on this forum.
  • this is quite possibly the best thread on this forum.

    thanks to Karenjoymc who did her research. but still i am still a little skeptical with her source since we had so many bad experiences. I honestly hope this heshe a good and honest person.
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Michael this is a reason?? protect us?? you Love your fans so much??

    I hope you okay... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    :cry: <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Michael this is a reason?? protect us?? you Love your fans so much??

    I hope you okay... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    He was in danger also, not only the fans, so according to this he was going to die anyways
  • Great video - thank you for sharing. I hope the source is right and it was one of my first suspicions that made any sense. Question is how could he get all of the dates to line up the way he did if this was a last minute, or last few month decision? There are still so many questions. I hope he is alright.
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    :cry: <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Michael this is a reason?? protect us?? you Love your fans so much??

    I hope you okay... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    He was in danger also, not only the fans, so according to this he was going to die anyways

    yea, I dont even wanna think about the danger he was in.. well I would give my life for him... but we know he's not dead... I strongly believe he is not...
    I really really really hope he is safe!
    if he faked his death because he wanted to safe HIS life then i'm happy he is ok... but if its not just because of him.. then he loves us sooooo much! he sacrificed so much... IDK how to say.. my english is bad... hard to explain what I have in my head...
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Who are the sources? We have talked about the theory of Michael being publicly assassinated at a concert putting not only his life but the lives of many of his fans at risk. Children included. And we all know that Michael would not sacrifice not even one child forget it. No way would he allow this to happen. However, I don't know that he was made privy to those plans directly, but that he perhaps was alerted to a leak of those plans or if you will by CIA informants. My theory of that still stems from the Bahrain and Burgenmeister connection. I still feel the date of 6/25/09 being important to the gone because it coincides with the date of the filing of criminal charges against the NWO in the supreme court. Michael was going up against some mighty powerful forces and these people were not about to allow him to get in the way of the billions upon billions of dollars they stood to lose by him outing and persuading people against them. I am closely following 2 theories, but this one is stamped on my heart. It has global terroristic connections attached to it which to me, is the only way that death by protection would be considered in the intercede.
  • I think it's not wise to jump to believing this video because I think right now, after yesterday, we are all very vulnerable.

    Having said that, there are some things in the video that help to explain some of my questions.

    I found it hard to believe that MJ had planned this for so many years because he did not have his finances in order. Not just the huge debt, but I don't think this is the latest will. Also his mother is struggling financially (I do believe that, not just tabloid trash) which jeopardizes the security of his children in the Encino home. I don't believe he would have left her in that situation.

    I think he was stressed out...but this makes more sense rather than just being stressed out about the performances which would also make sense that he would have trouble falling asleep as the July performance dates drew closer. I never believed he could be a serious drug addict and a doting father...the two are not compatible. I also never thought he would put his kids through this just for a "movie." I agree, he left clues for his fans in the movie.

    Stevie Wonder's outright sadness both at the funeral and at the Rock n Roll hall of fame was real. But I also believed Michael was not dead. I couldn't reconcile the two. Now with this video, I think the sadness is that Michael will probably never be able to perform again or even return.

    I don't want to rush to judgement, but there may be some validity to this. To me, this lines up more with Michael's character than the other theories. Of course, this is all my opinion.
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    First of all, I'd like to say thank you to KarenJoyMC for her touching video...perfectly done....quietly moving....perfect music choice....I've come to prefer videos like this that employ simple instrumental much easier to just concentrate on the words on the screen and the true message...that being said, I will say that this theory, while not completely answering every question we have yet, is the only one that truly fits with the spirit of Michael Jackson as I've come to know it in this last year...and everyone else's comments here were spot on too...yes, we are vulnerable, this weekend in particular....the one year death anniversary is sort of like knocking a scab off a painful wound....still right there...maybe never going to truly our world run amok, the spectre of terrorism lies everywhere and life as we once knew it may never return....large events like concerts and sporting events are a natural target and I'm actually sort of surprised that it hasn't happened yet....we must pray that it never does....but this theory, that Michael hoaxed his death in order to save this fans' lives and his own life, would probably be the only one that, if and when that truth is revealed to the world, he would be forgiven for by non-believers....if you start to apply every element of this hoax that we have discovered so far, it really does make a lot of would explain why the family is going along with this...because if my brother/son was Michael Jackson, the world wide beloved superstar, and I was given this information, I know that I would whatever I could to protect him, his children and his fans....certain family members, Jermaine and LaToya, are FLAT OUT saying to the Media now that Michael was murdered, that Conrad Murray is simply the Fall Guy and that other sinister forces are behind it all....we tend to discount them because they've said a lot of crazy stuff thru the years....but maybe they are simply doing what Michael wants them to do....and think about this....certainly, if all this is true.....the people who are doing it....SHOULDN'T GET AWAY WITH IT, SHOULD THEY?....KarenJoyMC....keep at this please....I have subscribed to your channel...I really think you have found what we've been looking for! May God Bless You and God Bless The World!
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I am speechless, heartbroken and truly humbled to think this could be the reason. I wonder if this is the reason behind the words "pains" at the memorial? There were two major the concerts, the fans die; don't do the concerts, you die. It's inconceivable to me the evil that encompasses people. What made Michael such a target anyways? All he ever did was spread love.
    All this would explain why the This Is It "home library video" was shot in such a way to produce a movie.....he knew what was about to happen. It would explain why he would look ill, frail, worried (not that I think he did...just what I have read)....he knew what was about to happen.
    It would explain just about everything. Now we are faced with the possibility he may never be able to come back. Or could he? One thing is for sure, Michael is brilliant. If there is a way to safely return, he will. Otherwise, please stay safe and know you are loved Michael.
    Blessings Always
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    What a great video, and it really makes sense... Thank you for sharing!
  • Iused2dreamIused2dream Posts: 300
    isn't this exactly what BOW explained? Regardless, I have always leaned towards this explanation. Of course, I have no idea who/what/why but I tend to agree with "hesouttamylife"
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
  • LoudLoud Posts: 303
    Hm...I am sceptical.

    According to FBI and so on...why do people believe everything others show and supposedly know...I do not get it. For the "threats" well how can we know this is legit at all. On the one hand people talk about the media and how they are manipulating others and on the other hand it needs just one person who supposedly know something on the internet and people jump to conclusions and believe everything.

    Oh my god I cannot believe it really... <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> Why did Michael made his 30th anniversary concert, why was Michael in the public where thousands of people were there to see him walking somewhere when he received theaths against his fans. Why did Michael his History concerts in 1996/1997 when he and his fans were supposedly threatened and he never wanted that his fans would die! Terrorism was always present. Ask youselves why hasn´t Michael done something earlier when he was in fear and was afraid that his fans would be killed durin a concert (remember FBI files from the early 1990).

    This new theorie doesn´t make much sense sorry but when people think..they alway see the mistakes in what is presented. I do not buy the theorie this is a nice try...but nothing more.

    There are so many arguments against this nice idea which I spontaneously find to light up the other side.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Hm...I am sceptical.

    According to FBI and so on...why do people believe everything others show and supposedly know...I do not get it. For the "threats" well how can we know this is legit at all. On the one hand people talk about the media and how they are manipulating others and on the other hand it needs just one person who supposedly know something on the internet and people jump to conclusions and believe everything.

    Oh my god I cannot believe it really... <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> Why did Michael made his 30th anniversary concert, why was Michael in the public where thousands of people were there to see him walking somewhere when he received theaths against his fans. Why did Michael his History concerts in 1996/1997 when he and his fans were supposedly threatened and he never wanted that his fans would die! Terrorism was always present. Ask youselves why hasn´t Michael done something earlier when he was in fear and was afraid that his fans would be killed durin a concert (remember FBI files from the early 1990).

    This new theorie doesn´t make much sense sorry but when people think..they alway see the mistakes in what is presented. I do not buy the theorie this is a nice try...but nothing more.

    There are so many arguments against this nice idea which I spontaneously find to light up the other side.

    That guy in '93 was sent to prison! Then in 2003 Michael started to be threatened again, remember those tapes when he says some Italian mafia is trying to kill him and want his money? People started to stalk him again after the trials..and we know it..
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Nice idea <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> What's nice about it? The Bahrain connection is very, very real. The filing of charges against the NWO on the morning of 6/25/09 is very very real. Both the Prince of Bahrain and Michael being concerned with the plight of Jane Burgenmeister is very very real also. The probability of Michael joining in trying to help dissuade the possible mass deaths of millions of people, intitally children and the elderly is in my opinion, extremely plausible. If all he was asked to do was bring some attention to it at a concert, share a message in song, I can see him coming on board with very little persuasion. However, if the forces behind these threats got wind of what was being planned, Michael's doom along with whom ever happened to be present at the time, would have meant absolutely nothing to them. It was still all about money and power and a global agenda for mass genocide. Not just an idea <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • LoudLoud Posts: 303
    Nice idea <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> What's nice about it? The Bahrain connection is very, very real. The filing of charges against the NWO on the morning of 6/25/09 is very very real. Both the Prince of Bahrain and Michael being concerned with the plight of Jane Burgenmeister is very very real also. The probability of Michael joining in trying to help dissuade the possible mass deaths of millions of people, intitally children and the elderly is in my opinion, extremely plausible. If all he was asked to do was bring some attention to it at a concert, share a message in song, I can see him coming on board with very little persuasion. However, if the forces behind these threats got wind of what was being planned, Michael's doom along with whom ever happened to be present at the time, would have meant absolutely nothing to them. It was still all about money and power and a global agenda for mass genocide. Not just an idea <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Well everyone has their own opinion about what is going on. I do not know why (or actually I know...) why you are talking about NWO I haven´t mentioned this topic in my post above.

    I prefer not to believe everything what is spread on the internet, even about NWO. There are so many stupid ideas on the internet about this subject which is sooooo old I even learned it at school (and even wrote an exam about it) which is one of the best where I live. I do not think that they told us about NWO because it is sooo dangerous just do really reseach this subject (if you haven´t done it yet) go to a good professor and talk with him about the whole NWO and you will see how many lies are spread on the internet and what this subject is really about!

    So far I do not believe everything what just some interested people (who are not experts) present me here, sorry.
  • I want to thank you for reading my post. I see that not everyone believes that karen's
    source is legitimate. I am playing a scenario in my head, if i get death threats, what would I do? I would probably do the same thing as MJ. I would fake my death, and hide somewhere where noone can find me, but I will also take my children with me. Why did he leave his children behind? Do not tell me because of danger, I am sure he has help with the witness protection. This does not add up at all. I am not implying that Karen is lying, not at all, I am just trying to comprehend why MJ told this source he had death threats. So I am trying to understand how did Karen find this source, and who is this source, and why did MJ tell this source what he did? We had so many sources in the past year that everyone was a fraud. We cannot go to deep about NWO, or the Italian Mob. I am Italian born in canada, I personally don't think the Italian mob is after Michael Jackson. So that is one out. From all the videos I have seen in youtube, this is the one that marked me the most. . You guys in this post are the best, I am so happy to have had the experience to share everything I had in my heart. May God bless you all, and may he grant you health happiness lots of love and harmony.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I want to thank you for reading my post. I see that not everyone believes that karen's
    source is legitimate. I am playing a scenario in my head, if i get death threats, what would I do? I would probably do the same thing as MJ. I would fake my death, and hide somewhere where noone can find me, but I will also take my children with me. Why did he leave his children behind? Do not tell me because of danger, I am sure he has help with the witness protection. This does not add up at all. I am not implying that Karen is lying, not at all, I am just trying to comprehend why MJ told this source he had death threats. So I am trying to understand how did Karen find this source, and who is this source, and why did MJ tell this source what he did? We had so many sources in the past year that everyone was a fraud. We cannot go to deep about NWO, or the Italian Mob. I am Italian born in canada, I personally don't think the Italian mob is after Michael Jackson. So that is one out. From all the videos I have seen in youtube, this is the one that marked me the most. . You guys in this post are the best, I am so happy to have had the experience to share everything I had in my heart. May God bless you all, and may he grant you health happiness lots of love and harmony.

    How could he take the children with him? It would be too fishy.. What would people and the media think about that?
    Why did the kids suddenly disappear? Why haven't we seen them not even once after Michael "died"?

    That wouldn't have been a smart move..
  • 1VLOVE1VLOVE Posts: 91
    Thank you very much for your insightful video. Im going to make this short and bittersweet. I believe this video and I do believe Michael would do this for us.
    In the bible it says "there is no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend" (fans).
    Michal says "Its All For Love". And remember JJ says "It'll all come out". And it will, in time.
  • I want to thank you for reading my post. I see that not everyone believes that karen's
    source is legitimate. I am playing a scenario in my head, if i get death threats, what would I do? I would probably do the same thing as MJ. I would fake my death, and hide somewhere where noone can find me, but I will also take my children with me. Why did he leave his children behind? Do not tell me because of danger, I am sure he has help with the witness protection. This does not add up at all. I am not implying that Karen is lying, not at all, I am just trying to comprehend why MJ told this source he had death threats. So I am trying to understand how did Karen find this source, and who is this source, and why did MJ tell this source what he did? We had so many sources in the past year that everyone was a fraud. We cannot go to deep about NWO, or the Italian Mob. I am Italian born in canada, I personally don't think the Italian mob is after Michael Jackson. So that is one out. From all the videos I have seen in youtube, this is the one that marked me the most. . You guys in this post are the best, I am so happy to have had the experience to share everything I had in my heart. May God bless you all, and may he grant you health happiness lots of love and harmony.

    How could he take the children with him? It would be too fishy.. What would people and the media think about that?
    Why did the kids suddenly disappear? Why haven't we seen them not even once after Michael "died"?

    Ok I guess I am speaking because I am a mother and I would never give up my kids. But you are absolutely right.
    That wouldn't have been a smart move..
  • I always wondered why Marlon wore that FBI hat during the Jackson reality show. It's unusual for a Black man in America to sport an FBI hat given the history of Black people and the FBI or CIA (e.g. cointelpro)

    I don't know whether this theory is true or not but I do agree with the sentiment that there's a lot of reason to feel sadness. We can have peace knowing that Michael is alive, we know that he would give his life for his children and his fans, but sadness that he had to go to this extreme and has always had to deal with so much sh**
    It doesn't make sense that there is so much inhumanity towards a man with so much goodness, generosity and genius. That humanity hasn't evolved to where we should be is sad.
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    Well, now the kids are going to private school...hmm! So that would be where? I was waiting for something like this to happen. Does anyone know if they are going abroad to private school? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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