

  • In my opinion that is totally staged!, to me their looks no sign of chaos that you would expect, looks to be a scene from a movie!
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    In my opinion that is totally staged!, to me their looks no sign of chaos that you would expect, looks to be a scene from a movie!

    I agree with you, this picture is a fake. Moreover, I don't like when they use "Jacko", this is Michael Jackson, or MJ. "Jacko" sounds pejorative to me.
  • Magnolia1791Magnolia1791 Posts: 139
    In my opinion that is totally staged!, to me their looks no sign of chaos that you would expect, looks to be a scene from a movie!

    I agree with you, this picture is a fake. Moreover, I don't like when they use "Jacko", this is Michael Jackson, or MJ. "Jacko" sounds pejorative to me.
    Sometime I showed the picture to my friend. He knew absolutely no relation to what it is. I asked him: "Has taken place an agony?" and he said, confident and spontaneous: "No! Never!" And I think so too. The picture shows us what to believe. It doesn't show us the truth.
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    ..Sorry..but comparing the 2 pictures that is Michael room. The only question is: who has given this photo to the press? Was it staged inside the house?
  • peshtishorpeshtishor Posts: 94
    the photo was taken by the police
  • mjj29081958mjj29081958 Posts: 451
    the photo was taken by the police

    And the Police sold it to News Of The World, so they had to say in their article "it was taken by a family insider"?...
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    According to Detective W. Porche from the LAPD, who performed the scene investigation for the coroner (going by the autopsy report that was released (<!-- w --><!-- w -->), that was NOT Michael's room.

    Pg 4 Scene Description: "I observed the bedroom on the second floor of the home, to the right of the top of the staircase. Reportedly, this is the bedroom where the decedent had been resting and entered cardiac arrest. His usual bedroom was down the hall."

    I mentioned this in another post: ( <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=40&t=11440<!-- l --> ) and said the following:
    Something else that struck me funny (non-medical) was the scene description. It says that the bedroom where the decedent had been resting was not his usual bedroom, which was down the hall. If MJ had a doctor coming over every night, why wouldn't he be set up for treatment in his usual bedroom? Why be in this other room? It makes no sense to me unless, of course, this was a staged scene or a room where someone else was being treated. And there's nothing of a personal nature in there. I believe Michael knew photos would be published and after the Neverland nightmare, he was extremely careful to protect his privacy.

    According to accounts, Murray would show up at the mansion every night and leave every morning. If so, and assuming treatment always took place in this bedroom, when did Michael ever sleep in his "usual bedroom"? Apparently never? Doesn't add up.
  • I agree. I watched a special on 6/25 called 'Inside Michael Jacksons mansion"Never Can Say Goodbye". It showed the inside of the house and the man that had it built for his family. It made me think of a few things regarding these pictures.
    First of all I know that this wasn't MJ bedroom. They showed the master bedroom several times. It was over 4000 sf, including the closet and on the 3rd floor.It was beautiful. The realtor said when MJ first saw the room he loved it and layed down on the bed smiling. The man that built this home said that the house was 'on point.' Meaning that all materials used were only the best and you could see it in this special. There were 8 bedrooms and they showed about 4 of them. There was one bedroom that sort of looked like the one posted here but definetley decorated different Unless MJ put those mattresses on the floor I never saw a bed in the special like that. And the linens were beautiful! The realtor said that once the lease was signed they (she included) went and bought all new linens for the beds. In the special the rooms were large and did not have all the chairs like shown in this pic. Everything very much in place. I know that things were probably changed around when he was there but from what I understand he like things very tidy. I too believe that room was staged but it's JMHO. Sorry this post is so long.
  • This scene looks staged sorry. Everything is so perfectly placed. If it was so chaotic like they made it sound that room would not look that nice and clean. Please.....
    Agreed, I was planning on saying just that lol...looks like that ambi bag had just been bought especially, and taken out of it's wrapper with instruction n all...but maybe Murray needed those instructions haha... is no drug vials, no syringes which you would expect...another fake like the ambulance pic
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