Possible secret room in Encino?



  • 2good...you know he is in Neverland..ha..ha..
    Moved from Encino eons ago, doubt if he would risk it.Too many of the grand kids and their mamas too coming to see sweet Grandma Kate.
    plus..remember the visions ...practically point to Never Never Land.We actually saw his "Ghost " in Hd there already..when Larry went to visit.
    LOL MIke does have a way of getting ATTENTION <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Supervision, you have a point. Wonderland, Neverland, Encino...who knows. It was a picture I was holding onto for mths, and then I thought, why not show it now...There are actually 2 people in the garden......could be staff cleaning up outside as there is water splashed around near the fountain.....It actually looks like Prince.. xoxoxoxox
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Laugh if you like, but I think the person under the tree has a surgical mask on. It could be anyone, or people playing us, but I'm just saying that's what it looks like to me.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I second that....just remember this was an ariel shot taken by TMZ when they reported the stun gun incident.......Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Time ago I read an article that talked about how Encino had some kind of "secret room" on the roof or something like that.. Now you can "so what?" ..well, happens that Tito is always saying on twitter "I'M ON THE ROOF, CAN YOU FEEL IT" .. Wondering, could Michael be closer than we can even imagine? Living in Encino in that room? ..

    When Michael Jackson is your name, anything is possible, lol!
    But this does reminds me of a video I saw on Youtube about someone
    saying they saw Michael walking through the Enico house, I'll see if I can
    find it <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I know which video you're talkin about but it wasn't the encino house....
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I can tell you for sure the roof is a special room in ENcino ,under the roof, where Michael kept all pictures,memories,was statues of him..it was a resting place for him,an inspiring place.It was great!

    So there IS a room in the roof????!!!

    I mean that could explain Titos "On the roof"-Tweets.

    And wasn't it Tito who tweeted something like "guess who's tweeting you" or "guess who's watchin you" Don't know it exactly
  • Hello from France,
    When I read your post, I remember the katherine's biography. She said that Michael liked to be in the attic, it was his refuge (chapt 14). This book is very interresting. I read the french version on elusiveshadow.com (for all my compatriots! dossier puis lecture).
    Why no reedition of this book ? We learn a lot in this book. Do you know it?
    Since june 25, I always think he is in the attic. Why not? He is with his mother and his children, he doesn't need anything else!

    Well the following day June 26 2009 Katherine went shopping to buy 4 sleeping bags.. Why 4??? There are only 3 grand kids. Who was the 4th one for? Probably MJ sleeping in the attic with his 3 children. That would make sense..
  • mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
    Hello from France,
    When I read your post, I remember the katherine's biography. She said that Michael liked to be in the attic, it was his refuge (chapt 14). This book is very interresting. I read the french version on elusiveshadow.com (for all my compatriots! dossier puis lecture).
    Why no reedition of this book ? We learn a lot in this book. Do you know it?
    Since june 25, I always think he is in the attic. Why not? He is with his mother and his children, he doesn't need anything else!

    Well the following day June 26 2009 Katherine went shopping to buy 4 sleeping bags.. Why 4??? There are only 3 grand kids. Who was the 4th one for? Probably MJ sleeping in the attic with his 3 children. That would make sense..

    maybe katherines sleeping in the sleeping bag..idk guys i think tmz does this for our attention just to f$%k with us no other reason....they mocked mj when he was alive (still alive btw) and now if he is dead look at what they r doing and we r going right along with it.....
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    I think mike is hiding in the closet...and wants to come out any day now...
    Its time for some fresh air...<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Just want to state that today I feel like Mike is at the Encino house. Just a hoax hunch and some gentle leading from TMZ. <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    i think wherever he is -in Encino,Neverland or somewhere else he sees the children frequently, that's why i didnt believe the bodyguard's "nephew" from the very start.
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