Why are TMZ so quiet?



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Geez who cares about Lindsay??? Today is the 7th guys! It's 7.7.3 TODAY IS AN IMPORTANT date! So where's news? Where is TMZ??? We had nothing still. What's going on???
  • Wasn't ALL THIS already said on june 25 ???

    I mean, my heart is always open for Michael, anytime night and day (like a KFC drive in !) BUT I do not wish people to wait and hope for nothing. Let Michael surprise us...

    I had "thoughts and images" yesterday, that were strange and sweet. Don't wish to talk about but it just gave me hope.

    So people, as usual, I'll grap everybody's hand, and hope with you all !
  • sorry, double post
  • bluepiggybluepiggy Posts: 141
    hmm, tmz is too quite
  • What happened to TMZ btw? Aren't they in on the hoax? Why don't they post anything recently? Maybe they were never involved in the hoax.
  • mjj29081958mjj29081958 Posts: 451
    What happened to TMZ btw? Aren't they in on the hoax? Why don't they post anything recently? Maybe they were never involved in the hoax.

    I do believe that, and I always did. We were discussing it some days ago.
  • I find this a very abrupt stop of newsgiving, honestly, I sometimes really think something went wrong in the hoaxplanning or resurfacetactics and the press is waiting for further instructions OR it IS kind of a calm before the storm to give it more value in the sense of the unexpected showing up.
    C´mon it does not make sense to all of a sudden STOP, there is enough going on to report at least a little bit more..
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    TZ is a gossip site anyway. Who cares!
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