in on the hoax or not?

MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Do you think Karen Faye is in on it? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I was wondering this today as well. What with all the talk about her tweets..
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    No way
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I would think that anyone invited to the private funeral would have to know...especially if they were green screened...just my thoughts. She is playing a role in this game. Remember, she claimed to do his makeup, for a viewing. Yet we are told his face was too destroyed to have a viewing......Things that make you go Hmmmmm,,
  • 2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
    I don't think that she's in on it. Some people will lie simply for the sake of lying or because they believe and hope to convince others. She tweeted that "Michael Died", my motto is "Michael died and a survivor derived"!!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    No green screen on the burial. It really happened.

    KF may be in on it, but MJ had to fool the world, so maybe he realized he had to also fool those who were once close to him. Remember he fired KF in 2006, but brought her back for the TII tour. I would guess she had not seen him in a long time when he called her to come back on tour with him.

    So I think she's telling the truth when she says she did his makeup, but it took 9 hours to make him look like anything close to what MJ looked like. To her he was this sick, frail, skinny, victimized drug addict so yeah, he would look different than the MJ she knew in 2006. But the truth is, it wasn't MJ, it was his double and a double who could even fool those close to him.

    MJ knew KF well enough to maybe not let her in on the hoax, but use her highly emotional personaility to feed the hoax.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    No green screen on the burial. It really happened.

    I'm sorry, but I have to strongly disagree with you on this. Please have a look at one of my videos:

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    No, I don't think Karen is in.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I would think that anyone invited to the private funeral would have to know...especially if they were green screened...just my thoughts. She is playing a role in this game. Remember, she claimed to do his makeup, for a viewing. Yet we are told his face was too destroyed to have a viewing......Things that make you go Hmmmmm,,

    I can't remember seeing her at the burial, was she there?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • ElsaElsa Posts: 341
    Weren't there a lot of differences in the building and scenery in the aerial view of the Funeral?
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Ok so why is she saying she did Michael's make up? She was supposed to know how he looked, I doubt she could have been fooled by any look-alike or double or whatever..anyways I don't even think there was any body. So what's that about? Who allegedly "did the makeup"? FL or Faye? How confusing..
  • I would think that anyone invited to the private funeral would have to know...especially if they were green screened...just my thoughts. She is playing a role in this game. Remember, she claimed to do his makeup, for a viewing. Yet we are told his face was too destroyed to have a viewing......Things that make you go Hmmmmm,,

    I can't remember seeing her at the burial, was she there?

    No she was not. She was present at the private get together before the memorial (among many others), but not at the burial.

    I don't think Karen was informed of the hoax prior to June 25 2009, I think she learned about the hoax through the internet.
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    I wouldn't trust her with such an important things but...
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    She was featured in TII at the end and in the credits.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    No I don't believe she is in on the hoax, She was not a friend of Michael's she was an employee & she says herself she was not allowed to speak to Michael during TII <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    I don't trust this woman one bit
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    She's a fox.
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    No I don't believe she is in on the hoax, She was not a friend of Michael's she was an employee & she says herself she was not allowed to speak to Michael during TII <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    I don't trust this woman one bit

    Do you have a link to where she says this? I haven't seen it but I'd like to check it out. Thanks!
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Ok so why is she saying she did Michael's make up? She was supposed to know how he looked, I doubt she could have been fooled by any look-alike or double or whatever..anyways I don't even think there was any body. So what's that about? Who allegedly "did the makeup"? FL or Faye? How confusing..

    I see exactly where you come from. After years and years of applying make-up on a man's face you wouldn't be fooled with a lookalike. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    I don't think she's in it, but I think she learned about it after the 25th by hearsay. That's probably why she's so bitter-- her "beloved" Michael didn't include her in the gameplan. Just my humble opinion.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I don't think she's in it, but I think she learned about it after the 25th by hearsay. That's probably why she's so bitter-- her "beloved" Michael didn't include her in the gameplan. Just my humble opinion.

    That's what I think as well...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I dont think she is in on it. I think she feels that something is not right and has probably been asking alot of questions. For some reason, I just get the feeling that they were not as close as she would like to think. Of course, I could be very wrong about this. She just seems to be very short with MJ's fans that are just looking for answers. I dont think MJ would like that of anyone to be short with his fans.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    If Karen Faye was involved with the hoax, then how come Michael allows her to portray him as this dysfunctional man who couldn't understand what was happening to him?

    If things KF has been saying are true, it's heartbreaking to say the least. No bashing intended, but if she saw what was happening, how come she didn't do anything about it? Was she afraid to speak out? Because right now it seems the complete opposite.
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    She claims to have been very close to Michael. So if she doesn't know she's incredibly naive to the point of stupid or is playing the game very well.

    I had to Unfollow her on Twitter. Her comments were often vapid.
  • I don't think she's in it, but I think she learned about it after the 25th by hearsay. That's probably why she's so bitter-- her "beloved" Michael didn't include her in the gameplan. Just my humble opinion.

    That's what I think as well...

    I think that makes the most sense. That would explain why she's been so rude to us "delusional hoaxers" but then turns around and writes beautiful things about Michael. She has mixed feelings because she loves him, but is offended that she was not included. I'm sure Michael loves her too, but was aware of her specific character flaws that could hinder the plan...OR he simply wanted the absolute bare MINIMUM of individuals to be "in on it". Probably a combination of both. I thinkthere's people in his own family that were not included as well.
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    I would think that anyone invited to the private funeral would have to know...especially if they were green screened...just my thoughts. She is playing a role in this game. Remember, she claimed to do his makeup, for a viewing. Yet we are told his face was too destroyed to have a viewing......Things that make you go Hmmmmm,,

    I can't remember seeing her at the burial, was she there?

    No she was not. She was present at the private get together before the memorial (among many others), but not at the burial.

    I don't think Karen was informed of the hoax prior to June 25 2009, I think she learned about the hoax through the internet.

    I think she was also at the burial, the quality is pretty low, but it seems she was there with her BF



    day before burial

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Hate to compare the hoax to a pyramid, but what if there's different levels of awareness, involvement and complete understanding. There may be bottom rung people like KF who maybe just know MJ's doing a death hoax; Jermaine knows a higher level of what Michael's schedule might be like. Then there's the inner sanctum people like Lisa, Elizabeth and maybe Kenny O. that may know deeper significance and future scenarios in a fuller sense. And maybe nobody actually knows what Michael and TS know. Remember the song The Man, "His thoughts you can never tell." Maybe Michael has never really revealed himself completely to anyone...until now (ongoing future sense). (The illuminati have knowledge about what they do and their purpose, given in levels. Initiates know very little. Even those at the very top including 33 degree masons, say there are powers beyond them that give the commands, that they may not even be in complete knowledge of.)
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