A very confronting video....the murder of Michael Jackson

2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Seems like Michael had many reasons to fake his death.....or he was really murdered. What bothers me alittle, is not my lack of faith, but more the fact that if he was really murdered, I have'nt done a thing about it...not even fighting for justice. Instead, I am spending my time , trying to solve the hoax death theory. This really concerns me now. I hope we realise that there are more fans fighting for justice, then there are "believers" I feel so lost now after watching this video...any suggestions????



  • On one of the many specials on tv on the anniversary of Michael's "death" they talked about the catalog and how, if he didn't do the shows he would lose the catalog. <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> Since he knew he could not do all 50 shows, the only way he could get out of them and keep his catalog, was to fake his death. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I think and hope and pray that this is what happened and that Michael is still alive. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I also think he had other motives to fake his death and that this was the thing that pushed him to do it when he did. We love you Michael...L.O.V.E.

    Keep the Faith and beLIEve!
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    No need to lose hope, i'm still very sure that he is alive, that he managed to get away, to save his life, even if we ignored all those clues that we have found out, the family's behavour doesnt make sense at all, if the member of your family was murderd in a very cruel way would u sit back and wait for the justice, from time to time claiming that the justice will prevail-and now it's obvious that Murray is not going to be charged?would you go shopping just the next day of your son's "death" suspectin' that he might be murdered?i think u wouldnt, noone would behave like that, i know that maybe they are not a perfect family but still they are a big and united family and love each other and if MJ was really murderd and if LaToya knew who is behind it(as she claims so) things would be very different, would have been more realistic i think, keep the faith.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Thankyou for your replies...its things like this that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm,.

    Did you get time to look at the other sites suggested at the end of the video???
  • I'm almost convinced that Mike was killed deliberately, from two great plans for almost two decades ago (different people with common interests), whose final result may seem close to happening:
    1) 100% Sony/ATV.
    2) 100% Neverland.
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    PS: I really want to believe that Mike was smarter, or that he had the protection of the government (FBI) and is still alive, but at the same time I understand the context of his life in recent months (AEG, Thome Thome, ..) each of which represents the interests 1 and 2 and the list continues. I'm afraid we do not see the obvious.
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • On one of the many specials on tv on the anniversary of Michael's "death" they talked about the catalog and how, if he didn't do the shows he would lose the catalog. <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> Since he knew he could not do all 50 shows, the only way he could get out of them and keep his catalog, was to fake his death. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I think and hope and pray that this is what happened and that Michael is still alive. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I also think he had other motives to fake his death and that this was the thing that pushed him to do it when he did. We love you Michael...L.O.V.E.

    Keep the Faith and beLIEve!
    from what I read and something that is hush hush, is MJ defaulted on a loan...Sony covered the loan and in return acquired half of MJ's share of the Sony/ATV catalog. This meant MJ no longer owned the "controlling" share and no longer had any decision making power. Not only this, but if he wanted to hold on to his share (which he needed to if he was desperate for funds) then he was subject to Sony's whims!
    We have to ask ourselves,
    -what does Sony gain by having MJ out of the picture?
    -what does MJ gain by being out of the picture in regards to the Catalog? In regards to Sony?
    -follow the money leads to Sony...they are making a fortune on MJ's death.
    -MJ's "share" in the Catalog is really in name only and Sony can at anytime exercise it's right to acquire the remaining share...which was in the stipulation of covering that loan for MJ. Obviously they won't do it "NOW" That would look too suspicious.
    - you also have to realize that the trials and accusations of MJ were a planned attack on MJ in order for him to fizzle out financially...this can be seen as a long term strategy of Sony to acquire this Catalog. If MJ is not making any money, His catalog is the only thing he has left of value, he will be forced to sell. They couldn't just "kill" him back in the day, because that would not give them the share of the Catalog...it would go to MJ's children, NO, Sony had to insure a way to gain control of it first...the answer...find a way to ruin MJ financially with no possibility of a comeback. When Sony saw the fact that MJ was still in demand and 50 shows sold out in hours, they realized they had to act and fast before he was back in position to regain control of his share!!!
    The thing people don't understand is the magnitude and scope of this catalog, which is actually PUBLISHING RIGHTS to the songs of hundreds of famous artists and songs! This catalog has been estimated at more than a BILLION! Media and industry try to shade the true amount, but experts have estimated it in this range...over the years, it could be even more!
  • I think they really were plotting to kill him, and I think Mike knew that as well. He knew his fate, so he decided to take it into his own hands. Think about this; if Michael knew he was going to be murdered, and if he can prove his suspicions, nobody will blame him for faking his death! That is why I always thought those FBI death threat files were significant. Nobody will be "mad" at him for this hoax once they know his life really was in danger, and that will be the ultimate way to expose them.
  • What am I hearing here!!! Everyone is thinking Mj is dead? I don't believe it are you losing faith? What do you think they will let us see, that he is a alive and well, of course we will hear and see that he was murdered etc.. His own father when they interviewed him LKL was uncomfortable and did not know what to say. That for me it means that he was lying. Please remember all the investigation some of you found which led us to believe that MJ is alive. Please do not lose faith now. I know I felt the same way, you see the investigations and than we feel he is alive, we see the videos and we feel he is dead, mixed feelings. By keeping the faith and being positive we will succeed in finding the truth. The truth is MJ is alive and well. I have intuitions which I have already posted in other threads, and my intuitions do tell me that he is alive and well. So please no more none sense, let's have faith and no more doubts. Love u all my friends.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    but noone is losing hope, where did u see it? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> i'm pretty much sure that he is alive
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Even if we believe that he faked his death we are all looking for the truth. A lot of investigating has been going on by the people of this forum and if that could end up proving he died then we have still done a great job of investigating. We are all simply looking for the truth so I don't think we are wasting our time with the hoax forum.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Im not a believer, im a truth seeker. This forum has uncovered a lot of lies and inconsitencies. We are closer to the truth when we were.

    Wait for the trial.. if there is a trial.. and then disseminate the information from there. We do not have the full information, we have not heard Dr Murrays side (not from his mouth, only from lawyers)

    Have an open mind and do not look at this situation with tunnel vision. Michael could be alive, but there is a strong possibility he has been murdered and this is a cover up. Either way, we are all on the case.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    The no. 1 reason he's alive. His family. Then his close friends, then work associates, people who daily rubbed shoulders and spoke to MJ in person, felt his soul and heart. Do they ALL want MJ's money and don't care about the man and his life being in danger. All heartless jerks? (No way.) And would they not have seen a murder plot coming and begged and pleaded with him to pull out from this TII plan and issued more body guards around the clock. Meanwhile millions and millions of people not connected to him, love him so much they cried real tears, and spend countless hours and months investigating his "death". His family should/will be listed in the top supporting cast.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Will have to look at this later.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    No need to lose hope, i'm still very sure that he is alive, that he managed to get away, to save his life, even if we ignored all those clues that we have found out, the family's behavour doesnt make sense at all, if the member of your family was murderd in a very cruel way would u sit back and wait for the justice, from time to time claiming that the justice will prevail-and now it's obvious that Murray is not going to be charged?would you go shopping just the next day of your son's "death" suspectin' that he might be murdered?i think u wouldnt, noone would behave like that, i know that maybe they are not a perfect family but still they are a big and united family and love each other and if MJ was really murderd and if LaToya knew who is behind it(as she claims so) things would be very different, would have been more realistic i think, keep the faith.

    Great post!!! Agree with you 100%. Thank you <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    When my child was killed, I could not even get up enough strength to eat, or drink, or bathe, or think. I was lost in despair. Go shopping? Make a recording company announcement? Smile? No way. This behavior on the part of close family members is very suspect.

    However, AEG &Sony remain very suspect in Michael's disappearance what ever the end to the means. I find something very sinister about their sudden unified interest in Michael's comeback. I am keep in a close eye on what transpires over the next several months because I do believe thy had ulterior motives. I believe they baited Michael and did a switcheroo once they had his signature on that contract. They were prepared to bleed him dry and no, they didn't care whether he ever performed live again. In fact, I believe that that was the plan all along. They were banking on it <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> All they wanted was to confidence him enough that he would trust them and sign that piece of paper which was akin to signing his life away. Once that was done, game over. I don't buy anything Sony since, and won't until I learn 100% that my theory is wrong.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    When my child was killed, I could not even get up enough strength to eat, or drink, or bathe, or think. I was lost in despair. Go shopping? Make a recording company announcement? Smile? No way. This behavior on the part of close family members is very suspect.

    I am truly sorry about your loss. You must be a very strong person indeed. LOVE to you
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    When my child was killed, I could not even get up enough strength to eat, or drink, or bathe, or think. I was lost in despair. Go shopping? Make a recording company announcement? Smile? No way. This behavior on the part of close family members is very suspect.

    I am sorry for your loss! I agree with what you say here and that is why I believe that Michael is very much alive! I just lost my best friend, a little over a week ago and I am still having trouble trying to get back into the "swing" of things. If Michael had really died or worse, been "murdered", there is no way the family wouldn't be doing every thing in their power to get "JUSTICE". They would be yelling from the roof tops! Instead Katherine goes shopping? I don't think so. This has been a very carefully planned out "hoax" and I am sure Michael is ALIVE and "watching".
  • When my child was killed, I could not even get up enough strength to eat, or drink, or bathe, or think. I was lost in despair. Go shopping? Make a recording company announcement? Smile? No way. This behavior on the part of close family members is very suspect.

    I am sorry for your loss! I agree with what you say here and that is why I believe that Michael is very much alive! I just lost my best friend, a little over a week ago and I am still having trouble trying to get back into the "swing" of things. If Michael had really died or worse, been "murdered", there is no way the family wouldn't be doing every thing in their power to get "JUSTICE". They would be yelling from the roof tops! Instead Katherine goes shopping? I don't think so. This has been a very carefully planned out "hoax" and I am sure Michael is ALIVE and "watching".

    mjj4ever777 I am so sorry for your loss, I have children , I know how I would feel if I would lose one of them. I agree with you, if you lose a loved one you do not go shopping for a sleeping bags etc.. you would send someone else to do the shopping, even Joe Jackson in the interviews he was so strange and figity.. He figited every 5 mins, and he did not know much. I do strongly feel that MJ is alive and well.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Thank you and bless you for your kind remarks. I get kind of a chill up my spine and I guess I am very sensitive to it because I have mentioned the behavior to a few people who have said to me, well, it was just his time, or God knows best, and even maybe his family is finally able to be at peace. It burns me up <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> It WAS NOT HIS TIME. God had nothing to do with it. It was an evil deed if it happened. And lastly, no matter what a family goes through, the death of a child, especially as a result of murder, never leaves them at peace. I don't care if he were a mass murderer. Your child's suffering will always haunt you.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    When my child was killed, I could not even get up enough strength to eat, or drink, or bathe, or think. I was lost in despair. Go shopping? Make a recording company announcement? Smile? No way. This behavior on the part of close family members is very suspect.

    I am sorry for your loss! I agree with what you say here and that is why I believe that Michael is very much alive! I just lost my best friend, a little over a week ago and I am still having trouble trying to get back into the "swing" of things. If Michael had really died or worse, been "murdered", there is no way the family wouldn't be doing every thing in their power to get "JUSTICE". They would be yelling from the roof tops! Instead Katherine goes shopping? I don't think so. This has been a very carefully planned out "hoax" and I am sure Michael is ALIVE and "watching".

    The loss of a best friend is no less painful than the loss of a beloved family member. Sometimes even more so. I am too very sorry for you loss. Love has no boundaries.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Im sorry for your loss hesouttamylife and mjj4ever777 .. It's horrible, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Be strong and never stop shining & smiling..By doing good to the world and making others happy is the only way to make those memories a bit more easier to live with..

    @the hoax

    My heart and mind are telling me Michael is alive..
    We will know the truth when Murray's trial will come to its end..people will learn they don't have to be judgemental as it happened with Michael's trial back in 2003..
    If he really was dead there wouldn't be so many inconsistencies and clues all over the places & the family would have done something by now and showed they really lost a dear one, a member of the family..Michael!

    Things don't add up. Miracles come in moments, be ready and willing

  • hopehope Posts: 543
    When my child was killed, I could not even get up enough strength to eat, or drink, or bathe, or think. I was lost in despair. Go shopping? Make a recording company announcement? Smile? No way. This behavior on the part of close family members is very suspect.

    However, AEG &Sony remain very suspect in Michael's disappearance what ever the end to the means. I find something very sinister about their sudden unified interest in Michael's comeback. I am keep in a close eye on what transpires over the next several months because I do believe thy had ulterior motives. I believe they baited Michael and did a switcheroo once they had his signature on that contract. They were prepared to bleed him dry and no, they didn't care whether he ever performed live again. In fact, I believe that that was the plan all along. They were banking on it <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> All they wanted was to confidence him enough that he would trust them and sign that piece of paper which was akin to signing his life away. Once that was done, game over. I don't buy anything Sony since, and won't until I learn 100% that my theory is wrong.
    Oh my goodness, I have thought and felt the same, almost word for word. I have AWAYS thought Sony, Branca and AEG play a big role in why he had to do this. I also think Joe and Ms. Katherine are not fools. They love their son, and would do whatever they could to protect him, whether he wanted their help or not. I say this as a mother as well.
    I am so sorry for your loss. No parent should have to bury a child, no matter what age or circumstance. <3
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    When my child was killed, I could not even get up enough strength to eat, or drink, or bathe, or think. I was lost in despair. Go shopping? Make a recording company announcement? Smile? No way. This behavior on the part of close family members is very suspect.

    I am terribly sorry to learn this.

    I believe Michael is alive for one of the basis is of course family, too calm and smiling after "sudden death" of the son, father, and sibbling. Since Michael owns 50% Sony, profit goes to him too. Don't be so hard on Sony. MJ had a problem with Tomy Mottola. After he got fired , Michael stayed with Sony although he was telling he is going "to think them out"
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    For hesouttamylife and mjj4777....please accept my deep condolences for the loss of your loved ones! I am praying for your peace of heart!

    As for this video, the more I think about this, the more I am suddenly, finally figuring this out....I believe that MJ has had a "contingency plan" for years...this Contingency Plan is The Hoax....when his life started careening out of control due to the Media's slanderous, malicious treatment of him with the chi-mo allegations in the 90's, I think he realized that his life wasn't just crazy, but ultimately, dangerous and life threatening....I think he came up with a plan...."THE Plan"....just in case he needed to use it....little did he know, things would only exponentially worsen for him the next decade....toward the end, he realized that it was now inevitable that The Plan had to actually become a reality...the Beatle's Catalog/Sony/AEG/Thome Thome/Colony Capital Connection (and probably other's) were the Lions At The Gate....for the sake of his own life and those of his children, he then enlisted his Family at the end....they have to know....this is the only logical explanation for their behaviors since his "Death"....no doubt in my mind....and through it all, Michael has thought of us...his fans....he loved us so much that he left us clues so we wouldn't be left in the dark....like bread crumbs in the forest ala Hansel and Gretl....I'm not convinced yet that he will return to the general world population....but I am convinced that he will let us, his fans, know, DEFINITELY, WITHOUT QUESTION, that he is alive, well and somehow seeing his children....they are his reason for living and they have never seemed like children who have lost the only parent they have ever known....the most incredible parent, on top of that...if Michael Jackson were my father and only parent and he actually died....I would not be as put together as these beautiful kids are...it just makes NO SENSE TO ME....
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I also think we need to keep in mind that MJ was very smart!
    If he knew and even felt that he would be murdered I do not feel that he would just sit like a PIGEON waiting for it to happen! Lets backtrack, he told Latoya, Jermaine, Joe said on Larry King that he told his mom........

    To me it just does not sound like MJ would just wait for it to happen! ESPECIALLY if he knew it!

    I know if I were in his shoes I would not wait I would try to beat the villains at their own game! SO,,,I would have some sort of plan and enlist trusted people to help me with the plan. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    PureLove yiu welcome <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    hesouttamylife i feel your pain and i'm so sorry for your loss, i know how it feels to lose a very close and dear person,stay strong and God bless you
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