Arno Bani LIED about MJ photoshoot!



  • I work with photography and Photoshop for several years.

    One of the unique ability to prepare images
    for printing by adding on them date, time or comment. Date, time or
    comment will be visible on the printed image so you will always be
    able to tell when it was taken!

    Usually the photographer puts in the photo the year in which it is made.
    Image is processed with a Photoshop . Rather looks like a 3D but it is not.
    For example I will give you another photograph of Michael worked with Photoshop, which has almost the same effect.


    On the left is not processed with Photoshop

    Excuse me for my English but it is not my native language <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Thank you for your input Mst1. So to confirm, you're saying that you can put any date you want on the photo, but it is customary to stamp the photo with the date it was taken. That makes the most sense to me because, for example, if I was a collector of MJ pictures, I would want to know when any particular photo was shot, not when it was printed. The photo could be reprinted 10 different times over a span of 50 years with a different date stamped on each reprint, but the date that really matters is the date that the picture was taken, imo.

    I find it interesting that Arno or his people lied about the date of the photoshoot even though they have timelines readily available in his bio. I mean, if you're going to lie about something like this, at least cover your ass by not posting information that could blow your cover, duh. This makes me think that there's a clue somewhere in this story. What's the significance of 1999, for instance.
  • That photo is sooo cold, just something about it. Is it the only one of it's kind or is there a series of poses? I hate to say it but it's like he is dead and someone had the nerve to pose him and photograph him. Photoshopped or not there is something way too private about it and that is NOT an MJ hair style that he ever wore day to day.

    I agree with you.
  • dejavudejavu Posts: 330
    That photo is sooo cold, just something about it. Is it the only one of it's kind or is there a series of poses? I hate to say it but it's like he is dead and someone had the nerve to pose him and photograph him. Photoshopped or not there is something way too private about it and that is NOT an MJ hair style that he ever wore day to day.

    Yeah it's from a set of around 12 being sold.

    (ps I dont think it's as cold/dead as you think it is! it's just a beautifully sad picture)
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Great !
    But, I don't know if it's the same for you, but when I see this photo it's look like a drawing in computer texture. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
    You and me both, LOL! I think it is- I just don't see it as a real photo of MJ, and now with this inconsistency, I think it was "created" for something to with the hoax- maybe to show that he's currently safe, as that blue thing on his eye looks just like that symbol Souza posted that "protects against the evil eye", that blue circle with an eye in the middle..
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I want to see a photo of Arno Bani! I have found no site that has definate proven photos of this guy. I see his art, read all about him but I want photos and not someone guessing oh that might be him or questioning if a photo is him. I want good photos of HIM. It seems he's as elusive as Murray.
  • That photo is sooo cold, just something about it. Is it the only one of it's kind or is there a series of poses? I hate to say it but it's like he is dead and someone had the nerve to pose him and photograph him. Photoshopped or not there is something way too private about it and that is NOT an MJ hair style that he ever wore day to day.

    Don't worry dear, there are other images from that photoshoot, including ones where his eyes are open and unphotoshopped. Trust me, he's alive in these pics. As for his hairstyle, it's just pulled back in a ponytail, he's done that for other photos.

  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    He still looks dead and I still want to see this photographer guy. Those photos are just odd and lifeless.
  • I want to see a photo of Arno Bani! I have found no site that has definate proven photos of this guy. I see his art, read all about him but I want photos and not someone guessing oh that might be him or questioning if a photo is him. I want good photos of HIM. It seems he's as elusive as Murray.

    Just click on this link, and then click on English or French, then click on "Bio". His picture is on there....funny-looking dude.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Yeah he is funny looking, and much younger than I expected. I'm noticing that his other subjects are the same odd texture and look though. This must just be his artistic style and it's an effect he uses but I am not fond of it on Michael. Michael is perfection without whatever he's doing to him in this art.
  • Michael is perfection without whatever he's doing to him in this art.

    That's right!! I can live with the effect, but that blue circle around his eye just kills it for me.
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
    You can not find any photos from him on his website excepted the one concerning Michael ...
    It seems that he doesn't want to promote his work ...
    He also has a facebook account:!
  • I wonder if any one of us is brave enough to contact Arno Bani through his Facebook or e-mail and ask him to confirm when he took the photos. I don't speak French <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338

    This guy says that Michael wanted to have a photo of him for the third millennium ...
    Then why not to have used it when he was still alive ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    And why to have kept these photos secret for more than 10 years ...
    Something very bizarre isn't it ?
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    I guess i'm the only one who thinks the photo could also be from the Dangerous era. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    There is another piece of this guys work on his main website of an egyptian looking guy and it has the same sort of glowing smooth eerie effect as the Michael photo. Yeah I wonder too why these Michael shots have just now come out in the open since the "death". That's what scares me a little because they do look so "dead".
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323

    This guy says that Michael wanted to have a photo of him for the third millennium ...
    Then why not to have used it when he was still alive ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    And why to have kept these photos secret for more than 10 years ...
    Something very bizarre isn't it ?

    Well, that's weird. If Michael wanted to have a photo for the third millennium, wouldn't that mean it would need to be taken in the third millennium? That statement lends even more credibility to the photos being taken later than 1999:

    3rd millennium: In contemporary history, the third millennium is a period of time that commenced on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 3000, of the Gregorian calendar. This is the third period of one thousand years in the Common Era.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

  • This guy says that Michael wanted to have a photo of him for the third millennium ...
    Then why not to have used it when he was still alive ... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    And why to have kept these photos secret for more than 10 years ...
    Something very bizarre isn't it ?

    Yes, very strange. Unless Michael did not like the pictures and asked that they not be released. But now that Michael's not around, they decided to release them and sell them. More people trying to cash in on his "death". Still doesn't explain why they're lying about the date of the photoshoot. That bugs me to no end.

  • Well, that's weird. If Michael wanted to have a photo for the third millennium, wouldn't that mean it would need to be taken in the third millennium? That statement lends even more credibility to the photos being taken later than 1999:

    3rd millennium: In contemporary history, the third millennium is a period of time that commenced on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 3000, of the Gregorian calendar. This is the third period of one thousand years in the Common Era.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    That's a very good point, PJ. Why not just wait to have the picture taken in 2001. Even December 31st, 2000. But a whole two years before the beginning of the 3rd millenium (if that's even true)? I don't think so.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Just found this on youtube
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->


    If you pause ad 0.16, and you read the really small letters on the left, then you'll see 2010 <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
    Before the year on this photo it's written vente aux enchères Pierre Bergé & associés which means Auction Pierre Bergé & associés ... So 2010 could refer to the auction and not to the photo itself ...
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Before the year on this photo it's written vente aux enchères Pierre Bergé & associés which means Auction Pierre Bergé & associés ... So 2010 could refer to the auction and not to the photo itself ...

    Oh, OK, thank you! May I say you have really good eyes!
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I dont think he looks dead or lifeless in this photo. I think its just extremely photoshopped. I've seen many pictures of Michael where he is extremely photoshopped, the ebony photoshoot from 2007 is a good example.
    I however also agree in that Michael needs absolutely zero-photoshop whatsoever, he is beautiful the way he is <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I like these pictures though, too. He's very handsome with the hair out of his face <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I hate that photo of Michael. It scares me to death. It has something not living going on with it and it bothers me to no end.
    I agree with you on that. There is something about that picture that does not set well with me.

    This is a great find on the timeline.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Well then-- I'm starting to think it may have been taken just before his "death" or after, released as a timely clue.

    Just some thoughts, it kind of looks like a blue moon on his eye. Wiki says, A "blue moon" is also used colloquially to mean "a rare event", reflected in the phrase "once in a blue moon". According to Farmer's Almanac, currant blue moons are/were Dec. 31, 2009, Nov. 21, 2010, Aug. 21, 2013, May 21, 2016.

    Is he trying to look like he's sleeping, or dreaming? (not dead) To me looks beautiful, handsome, but peaceful, perhaps sad--the weight of the world on his shoulders. If it's the sleeping/dreaming look. Is this whole hoax a dream in his mind. Are we living in his mind, this alternate reality. My husband and I went to see the movie, Inception, today. Crazy mind-bending drama and special effects in it, alright. That was the thoughts that went through my mind as I was watching it, especially since someone posted the connection on a thread, about Warner Bros connected to TMZ. Michael had a thought, a dream, to share with the world, or to plant in our minds. The levels of consciousness are like going deeper into the rabbit hole.

    So MJ says the pic was for the third millenium. Well in the TII song, he talks about thousand years.

    And it feels as though I've seen your face a thousand times
    And you said you really know me too yourself
    And I know that you have got addicted with your eyes
    But you say you're gonna leave it for yourself
    I never heard a single word about you
    Falling in love wasn't my plan
    I never thought that I would be your lover
    Come on baby just understand

    This is it
    I can say
    Im the light of your world
    run away
    we can feel
    This is real
    Every time I'm in love that I feel

    And I feel as though I've known you since a thousand years
    And you tell me that you've seen my face before
    And you said to me that you don't want me hanging around
    many times wanna do it here before
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    With extra makeup and photo touch-ups could his look at 50 here, match the look below.

    IMO, no.

    This photo is, to me, taken either far back and heavily photoshopped or it's a doll/mannequin/dead person. The make-up and styling are very artistic and all, but the mood of the image is very cold and heartless. Like a ghost, nothing warm...
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