Jermaine, Halima & Sushi

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I just thought of something and shoot me down if I'm wrong, because I don't have kids yet, but Jermaine is tweeting a lot lately that he is eating Sushi with his wife Halima. He says he doesn't like it, but she likes it so much. But quoting from his Wiki page:

"In 2004 Jackson told the media that he married Halima Rashid who is originally from Afghanistan. They currently live in Los Angeles, but often travel around the world. Jermaine Jackson and Halima Rashid are planning to have twin girls. Jermaine announced this in an interview with BBC World Service on June 26, 2010. Jermaine and Halima have decided to name them Mecca and Madina Jackson."

I don't know, but isn't raw fish bad for you when you are pregnant? Or did I totally miss something and are they planning to adopt kids? One of my friends had twins and she looked like a small elephant when she was only 4 months pregnant, I don't really see Halima growing that much. Can someone enlighten me?

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



  • Good point. Yes, most fish is not good when you are pregnant. Halima doesn't look like she's expecting. Maybe she lost them? IDK - last I heard they were getting divorced but that never happened either...the media thing again, I believe <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Good point. Yes, most fish is not good when you are pregnant. Halima doesn't look like she's expecting. Maybe she lost them? IDK - last I heard they were getting divorced but that never happened either...the media thing again, I believe <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Yes, but the Wiki page says Jermaine anounced it himself on June 26. I haven't found the video yet, but I am sure that if she would have lost the twins, the media would be all over it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I took that as an aspiration of theirs...I had no idea she was actually pregnant.
  • NakiskaNakiska Posts: 90
    Well, I'm pregnant ( almost 3 months) and all of the doctors that I went to said that I cannot eat anything raw, including fish. So you are right, Souza. Raw food is bad for pregnant women.
  • Oakley_Sanilya
    @halimarashid do you want to have children?
    about 6 hours ago via web in reply to halimarashid

    @Oakley_Sanilya i don't have any children, just one @jermjackson5 LOL
    about 6 hours ago via web in reply to Oakley_Sanilya

    Seems strange that Halima hasn't tweeted about any twins and being pregnant etc if she really is pregnant. She just tweets she doesn't have any children except Jermaine (a joke of course).

    So why did Jermaine say this in the following interview:

    Jermaine says Islam would have saved MJ
    25/06/2010 08:40:00

    June 25, 2010 - On the anniversary of Michael Jackson’s untimely death aged 50, the King of Pop’s older brother and fellow member of The Jackson Five, Jermaine Jackson, speaks to BBC World Service. Highlights include Jermaine’s thoughts on how Islam might have saved his brother, how Michael was misunderstood by the media and on keeping the legacy of the Jackson family alive.

    On Islam having the power to save Michael Jackson

    Jermaine Jackson: I always felt that I was his protector.

    Ed Butler: Why do you say that?

    JJ: I felt that if Michael would have embraced Islam he would still be here today and I say that for many reasons. Why? Because when you are 100 per cent clear in your mind as to who you are and what you are and why you are and everybody around you, then things change in a way that’s better for you. It’s just having that strength. God is so powerful. He was studying. He was reading a lot of books, because I brought him books from Saudi Arabia. I brought him books from Bahrain. I was the one who originally put him in Bahrain because I wanted him to get out of America because it was having a cherry-picking time on my brother.

    EB: But he wasn’t willing to convert was he?

    JJ: Not that he wasn’t willing to convert. All of his security became Muslims because he trusted Islam, because these are people who would lay their lives down and also who were trying to be the best kind of human beings they could possibly be not for Michael Jackson, for Allah. So having those people around, you knew that you would be protected because it is protection from God.

    Michael was most concerned about children around the world going to bed without food. He would talk about it. And he was concerned about our planet, what we are doing to this planet because of greed. And that was his whole thing to bring an awareness. He was doing these things before the Al Gores, and global warming-ists, he was on it. And he sung about it. He did videos about it. Spent millions and millions and millions of dollars on videos just to show the world for three minutes, look at what we are doing.

    There is your answer. Michael did not convert to Islam but he did study it extensively

    On Michael’s child molestation charges and the posthumous adoration he should have received in life

    EB: Did you ever believe the child molestation charges brought against him?

    JJ: Do you believe them?

    EB: Well they were certainly discounted in court.

    JJ: He was cleared on all counts. The child Jordan Chandler came and said he had never touched him. His father committed suicide. And that’s what I mean about the media to attack my brother and to shame him around the world because of something that they know he did not do. And still a lot of people don’t want to believe it. The love that they are giving my brother now he is dead, is the love they should have shown him when he was alive. The FBI investigated my brother for 17 years and found nothing. And then they just vindicated him after his death. So that’s the BS that America does. It’s bullshit. And I will say they clearly should have given him that when he was alive. That would have made him feel better within his heart.

    Jordan Chandler recanted?
    I don't think the FBI is really involved in the hoax.

    On life after Michael and being the Jackson family ‘rock’

    EB: What’s it been like since Michael’s passing?

    JJ: It’s been tough. There aren’t no words to describe the feeling. It’s a feeling that one would only know once they experience it. We are just learning to live with it. We’ll never get over it and it’s very tough.

    EB: Do you miss him?

    JJ: I miss him very, very much because we’ve been so connected throughout our lives, since the very beginning. We share a history that’s just unbelievable, from childhood all the way up to adult age. And what comes to mind is the memories of the tours and music and even before that, us just around the house, going to elementary school and things like that, it’s amazing.

    Healing comes from performing the songs, accepting awards on his behalf, doing tributes and things like that because it’s just something that you can’t explain. You have to just remember all the good memories and all the things that he did and that he’s still doing and inspiring through his music and through his whole belief in trying to make this world a one-ness. That was his message in his music and his belief. That was his wake up.

    Present tense.
    One-ness, we are all connected. Another Part of Me.

    EB: You were there talking to the media on the day he died in Los Angeles. You were described as a “rock” to the family. Is that a role you recognise?

    JJ: I don’t really look at it like that. I just step forward and take charge. I don’t like hearing things that are not true about my family, it disturbs me quite a bit and I just have to say something and I have to let the world know that’s not who we are, this is who we are. And when the media takes a left-turn then I have to get them back on track.

    On visiting Michael’s body in the morgue and how the media only understood him after death

    EB: Shortly after he died you spoke movingly about going to visit his body in the morgue. And you said at the time “I thought all about what they put him through”. Who are they?

    JJ: The media, the conspiracy, there are always people out to get you in your life when you are successful. My description of Hollywood is a beautiful woman with a sore on the side of her face and if you kiss her you will get infected. That’s Hollywood. And they smile in your face and they mean something else. Everybody that pats you on your back is not your friend. And they understood Michael after he was gone, they didn’t understand him while he was here.

    On protecting Michael’s legacy and that of the Jackson family

    EB: Do you see your role now as protecting Michael’s legacy?

    JJ: Not just my responsibility, the whole entire family’s. Jackie’s, Rebbie’s, Tito’s, Marlon’s, Randy’s, Janet’s, La Toya’s, myself. It’s all of our role, to keep not just his legacy alive but the whole entire Jackson family. Because we are a family first, before all of this music and success. We’re family. We were a family before that, even if that goes away we will continue to be a family.

    Jermaine on his unborn daughters and naming his son ‘Jermajesty’

    EB: You have seven kids yourself now, having lots of kids seems to run in the Jackson tradition.

    JJ: Well there's seven, and I'm having two more girls. The reason being is because I have six boys and one girl now, so when I have two more girls I'll be just like my father - three girls and six boys.

    EB: Have you planned names for them yet?

    JJ: Mecca and Medina.

    Jermaine doesn't say that they are expecting Twins. He just says they are going to have "two more girls". He doesn't even say that Halima is currently pregnant. He says "having" doesn't seem to be adopting. He seems to imply things but he isn't stating for a fact that there is a pregnancy and it is twins at all.

    So how does he know that they will "have" 2 girls in the future?
    Maybe it was the names that were relevant?

    EB: No J's this time? You have six Js. Jermaine Junior, you've got a Jermajesty.

    JJ: Yes. He's the nine year old. ...But there is Jermaine Junior, Jeremy, Jourdynn, Jaimy, Jaafar and Jermajesty, and my daughter Autumn, who is the one girl.

    EB: How did you come up with a name like Jermajesty? It’s extraordinary.

    JJ: Jermajesty’s name came from not knowing what I’m going to name him and it’s part of my name which is J-E-R-M-A and instead of going I-N-E, I just said Jermajesty. And when I named him I didn’t think it was going to do anything but the media jumped on it. But the name was made up. I didn’t want him to have a nickname like Jerm or something so I said call him his name, Jermajesty, that’s his name, Jermajesty

    Mecca is a city in Saudi Arabia, and the holiest meeting site in Islam, closely followed by Medina. Every year, millions of Muslims perform the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca walking seven times around the Kaaba and more than 13 million people visit Mecca annually.

    Medina is a city in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia, and serves as the capital of the Al Madinah Province. It is the second holiest city in Islam, and the burial place of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and it is historically significant for being his home after the Hijrah.

    The Kaaba is a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam.[2] The building predates Islam, and, according to Islamic tradition, the first building at the site was built by Abraham. The building has a mosque built around it, the Masjid al-Haram. All Muslims around the world face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are.

    One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime if they are able to do so. Multiple parts of the Hajj require pilgrims to walk seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction (as viewed from above). This circumambulation, the Tawaf, is also performed by pilgrims during the Umrah (lesser pilgrimage). However, the most dramatic times are during the Hajj, when about three million (officially) pilgrims simultaneously gather to circle the building on the same day
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    @serenity- I think you posted in the wrong thread.. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If I was Halima, I would not have taken the chance to harm myself or the baby/(ies) just to have some sushi.
    I haven't heard much about her pregnancy either.
    Don't know what to make of it yet..
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I already thought the 'planning to have twin girls' was just plain weird. Like you can plan that. Something is up with this, need to think about it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Well there are sushi with vegetable, avocado... not necessarily raw fish.
  • @serenity- I think you posted in the wrong thread.. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If I was Halima, I would not have taken the chance to harm myself or the baby/(ies) just to have some sushi.
    I haven't heard much about her pregnancy either.
    Don't know what to make of it yet..
    Why do you think I posted in the wrong thread?

    That is Halima's tweet, she has no children and never mentions being pregnant when asked if she is wants children etc.

    The interview I posted is the one in which Jermaine mentions "having 2 more girls". I just copied the entire thing from a previous post I made.

    Seems relevant to the topic in OP.

    Here are the relevant things picked out of the article and the tweets again:

    @halimarashid do you want to have children?
    about 6 hours ago via web in reply to halimarashid

    @Oakley_Sanilya i don't have any children, just one @jermjackson5 LOL
    about 6 hours ago via web in reply to Oakley_Sanilya

    Seems strange that Halima hasn't tweeted about any twins and being pregnant etc if she really is pregnant. She just tweets she doesn't have any children except Jermaine (a joke of course).

    So why did Jermaine say this in the following interview:

    JJ: Well there's seven, and I'm having two more girls. The reason being is because I have six boys and one girl now, so when I have two more girls I'll be just like my father - three girls and six boys.

    EB: Have you planned names for them yet?

    JJ: Mecca and Medina.

    Jermaine doesn't say that they are expecting Twins. He just says they are going to have "two more girls". He doesn't even say that Halima is currently pregnant. He says "having" doesn't seem to be adopting. He seems to imply things but he isn't stating for a fact that there is a pregnancy and it is twins at all.

    So how does he know that they will "have" 2 girls in the future?
    Maybe it is the names of the "two girls" that is relevant, Mecca & Medina?
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Oh. Now that I read it with more time..
    I guess I need to pay more attention..
    or go to sleep.
    Good night.
  • Oakley_Sanilya
    @halimarashid do you want to have children?
    about 6 hours ago via web in reply to halimarashid

    @Oakley_Sanilya i don't have any children, just one @jermjackson5 LOL
    about 6 hours ago via web in reply to Oakley_Sanilya

    Seems strange that Halima hasn't tweeted about any twins and being pregnant etc if she really is pregnant. She just tweets she doesn't have any children except Jermaine (a joke of course).

    So why did Jermaine say this in the following interview:

    Jermaine says Islam would have saved MJ
    25/06/2010 08:40:00

    June 25, 2010 - On the anniversary of Michael Jackson’s untimely death aged 50, the King of Pop’s older brother and fellow member of The Jackson Five, Jermaine Jackson, speaks to BBC World Service. Highlights include Jermaine’s thoughts on how Islam might have saved his brother, how Michael was misunderstood by the media and on keeping the legacy of the Jackson family alive.

    On Islam having the power to save Michael Jackson

    Jermaine Jackson: I always felt that I was his protector.

    Ed Butler: Why do you say that?

    JJ: I felt that if Michael would have embraced Islam he would still be here today and I say that for many reasons. Why? Because when you are 100 per cent clear in your mind as to who you are and what you are and why you are and everybody around you, then things change in a way that’s better for you. It’s just having that strength. God is so powerful. He was studying. He was reading a lot of books, because I brought him books from Saudi Arabia. I brought him books from Bahrain. I was the one who originally put him in Bahrain because I wanted him to get out of America because it was having a cherry-picking time on my brother.

    EB: But he wasn’t willing to convert was he?

    JJ: Not that he wasn’t willing to convert. All of his security became Muslims because he trusted Islam, because these are people who would lay their lives down and also who were trying to be the best kind of human beings they could possibly be not for Michael Jackson, for Allah. So having those people around, you knew that you would be protected because it is protection from God.

    Michael was most concerned about children around the world going to bed without food. He would talk about it. And he was concerned about our planet, what we are doing to this planet because of greed. And that was his whole thing to bring an awareness. He was doing these things before the Al Gores, and global warming-ists, he was on it. And he sung about it. He did videos about it. Spent millions and millions and millions of dollars on videos just to show the world for three minutes, look at what we are doing.

    There is your answer. Michael did not convert to Islam but he did study it extensively

    On Michael’s child molestation charges and the posthumous adoration he should have received in life

    EB: Did you ever believe the child molestation charges brought against him?

    JJ: Do you believe them?

    EB: Well they were certainly discounted in court.

    JJ: He was cleared on all counts. The child Jordan Chandler came and said he had never touched him. His father committed suicide. And that’s what I mean about the media to attack my brother and to shame him around the world because of something that they know he did not do. And still a lot of people don’t want to believe it. The love that they are giving my brother now he is dead, is the love they should have shown him when he was alive. The FBI investigated my brother for 17 years and found nothing. And then they just vindicated him after his death. So that’s the BS that America does. It’s bullshit. And I will say they clearly should have given him that when he was alive. That would have made him feel better within his heart.

    Jordan Chandler recanted?
    I don't think the FBI is really involved in the hoax.

    On life after Michael and being the Jackson family ‘rock’

    EB: What’s it been like since Michael’s passing?

    JJ: It’s been tough. There aren’t no words to describe the feeling. It’s a feeling that one would only know once they experience it. We are just learning to live with it. We’ll never get over it and it’s very tough.

    EB: Do you miss him?

    JJ: I miss him very, very much because we’ve been so connected throughout our lives, since the very beginning. We share a history that’s just unbelievable, from childhood all the way up to adult age. And what comes to mind is the memories of the tours and music and even before that, us just around the house, going to elementary school and things like that, it’s amazing.

    Healing comes from performing the songs, accepting awards on his behalf, doing tributes and things like that because it’s just something that you can’t explain. You have to just remember all the good memories and all the things that he did and that he’s still doing and inspiring through his music and through his whole belief in trying to make this world a one-ness. That was his message in his music and his belief. That was his wake up.

    Present tense.
    One-ness, we are all connected. Another Part of Me.

    EB: You were there talking to the media on the day he died in Los Angeles. You were described as a “rock” to the family. Is that a role you recognise?

    JJ: I don’t really look at it like that. I just step forward and take charge. I don’t like hearing things that are not true about my family, it disturbs me quite a bit and I just have to say something and I have to let the world know that’s not who we are, this is who we are. And when the media takes a left-turn then I have to get them back on track.

    On visiting Michael’s body in the morgue and how the media only understood him after death

    EB: Shortly after he died you spoke movingly about going to visit his body in the morgue. And you said at the time “I thought all about what they put him through”. Who are they?

    JJ: The media, the conspiracy, there are always people out to get you in your life when you are successful. My description of Hollywood is a beautiful woman with a sore on the side of her face and if you kiss her you will get infected. That’s Hollywood. And they smile in your face and they mean something else. Everybody that pats you on your back is not your friend. And they understood Michael after he was gone, they didn’t understand him while he was here.

    On protecting Michael’s legacy and that of the Jackson family

    EB: Do you see your role now as protecting Michael’s legacy?

    JJ: Not just my responsibility, the whole entire family’s. Jackie’s, Rebbie’s, Tito’s, Marlon’s, Randy’s, Janet’s, La Toya’s, myself. It’s all of our role, to keep not just his legacy alive but the whole entire Jackson family. Because we are a family first, before all of this music and success. We’re family. We were a family before that, even if that goes away we will continue to be a family.

    Jermaine on his unborn daughters and naming his son ‘Jermajesty’

    EB: You have seven kids yourself now, having lots of kids seems to run in the Jackson tradition.

    JJ: Well there's seven, and I'm having two more girls. The reason being is because I have six boys and one girl now, so when I have two more girls I'll be just like my father - three girls and six boys.

    EB: Have you planned names for them yet?

    JJ: Mecca and Medina.

    Jermaine doesn't say that they are expecting Twins. He just says they are going to have "two more girls". He doesn't even say that Halima is currently pregnant. He says "having" doesn't seem to be adopting. He seems to imply things but he isn't stating for a fact that there is a pregnancy and it is twins at all.

    So how does he know that they will "have" 2 girls in the future?
    Maybe it was the names that were relevant?

    EB: No J's this time? You have six Js. Jermaine Junior, you've got a Jermajesty.

    JJ: Yes. He's the nine year old. ...But there is Jermaine Junior, Jeremy, Jourdynn, Jaimy, Jaafar and Jermajesty, and my daughter Autumn, who is the one girl.

    EB: How did you come up with a name like Jermajesty? It’s extraordinary.

    JJ: Jermajesty’s name came from not knowing what I’m going to name him and it’s part of my name which is J-E-R-M-A and instead of going I-N-E, I just said Jermajesty. And when I named him I didn’t think it was going to do anything but the media jumped on it. But the name was made up. I didn’t want him to have a nickname like Jerm or something so I said call him his name, Jermajesty, that’s his name, Jermajesty

    Mecca is a city in Saudi Arabia, and the holiest meeting site in Islam, closely followed by Medina. Every year, millions of Muslims perform the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca walking seven times around the Kaaba and more than 13 million people visit Mecca annually.

    Medina is a city in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia, and serves as the capital of the Al Madinah Province. It is the second holiest city in Islam, and the burial place of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and it is historically significant for being his home after the Hijrah.

    The Kaaba is a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam.[2] The building predates Islam, and, according to Islamic tradition, the first building at the site was built by Abraham. The building has a mosque built around it, the Masjid al-Haram. All Muslims around the world face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are.

    One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime if they are able to do so. Multiple parts of the Hajj require pilgrims to walk seven times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction (as viewed from above). This circumambulation, the Tawaf, is also performed by pilgrims during the Umrah (lesser pilgrimage). However, the most dramatic times are during the Hajj, when about three million (officially) pilgrims simultaneously gather to circle the building on the same day

    Even if Michael has converted to islam, and it´s a big if, Jermaine couldn´t just say it. As a convert myself I know the hatred some people have for islam and muslims from my own experience so I can imagine how it would be for him.

    Muslims also go back and forth between the hills Safa and Marwa (also common names for girls) seven times during the pilgrimage in Mecca and throw seven stones at the devil (symbolic) on three days, seven pebbles each day.
    Just for curiosity ..... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
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  • jenwren20jenwren20 Posts: 282
    Well there are sushi with vegetable, avocado... not necessarily raw fish.

    I've done a food handling course and the rice itself can be the problem, not just the fish. Cooked rice can harbor nasty bugs which can be dangerous to pregnant women.
  • I already thought the 'planning to have twin girls' was just plain weird. Like you can plan that. Something is up with this, need to think about it.
    That´s what I thought as well.. Planning to get pregnant is one thing (if it works out), but planning to get girls, and then two of them... Unless they don´t do some kind of in-vitro fertilization and genetic "manipulation" I don´t see how that could be planned...
  • I know this is far out there ........but any chance they could be implying (with their twisted stories) that Michael has recently become a father to twin girls!?!?!?!? I had always heard MJ wanted more children!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @ Serenity,
    Medina is the Arabic name for city in general as well.
    Mecca is The birthplace of Muhammad.

    For Muslims, the pilgrimage to Mecca is part of one of the fundamental aspects of their faith, the so-called pillars of Islam. Each year, nearly three million pilgrims go to the Holy City to perform the Hajj pilgrimage or greater during the Muslim month of Dhu al-Hijjah. Many more make the minor pilgrimage or Umrah, which can be practiced throughout the year. Very few non-Muslims have seen the rites and rituals of Hajj as it is totally forbidden to enter non-believers in Mecca and Medina.

    The choice of names for "the girls" are too of a coincidence.
  • I'm glad that Jermaine is happily married and possibly expecting twins. However, I hope this time that he will do the manly thing and takes care of his responsibilities by not dumping both wife and children on Katherine's doorsteps to house and care for. For some reason Jermaine strikes a wrong nerve in me. Don't know why, it's kinda odd, but he does.
  • I'm not Muslim. Maybe someone who is could answer this question for me. Would anybody practicing the Islamic faith choose to name their children after such sacred places as Mecca and Medina? This doesn't seem like what a devout Muslim would or should do.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    I know this is far out there ........but any chance they could be implying (with their twisted stories) that Michael has recently become a father to twin girls!?!?!?!? I had always heard MJ wanted more children! brain is about to explode from everything I have been reading, but i am starting to wonder the same thing as you! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    This article says Michael loved sushi, according to Mr. Nobuyoshi Kuraoka, the Restaurant Nippon owner.
    Here is video of MJ eating sushi.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Just some other comments, if Jermaine wants to have another girl after the twins, he'll have to name her Jerusalem, because it's the third holiest Islam site. (a J name to go with the brothers)

    Jermaine has a troubling personality to me, though that's just him. First of all his nonsense about Michael not knowing who he is/was, is so full of you know what. Jermaine might know who he Jermaine is, but nobody cares. I would think the writing/singing of the Word to the Bad, was just the tip of the iceberg to his jealousy of Michael. And his wanting to clear Michael's name to the world and all that, I sure didn't notice all Michael's siblings crying up a storm to clear MJ's name when he was going through all his woes. I respect Jermaine in his private life, having his kids, living his choice of religions, having his own music career (not singing Michael's songs). But in regards to his relationship to Michael, Jermaine is a joke, his brothers in the Jackson 5 Dynasty treat him like a joke, and I think Michael lets him do his pompous thing, and it all fits in with the plans Michael has. MJ just lets everyone be their natural selves for this hoax. (except for the burden of lying on his death--but I'm sure they are being paid well for their emotional stress)
  • Jermaine seems to have had a turbulent personal life before he married Halima. How many children does he have ?
    Does he really have a daughter named Dawn with an unknown woman ? In that case the number of children would be 8 not 7.
    His father Joe had twin sons and now Jermaine says he will have twin girls. He says he will then have same number of children as his father, 9 children. But Joe has another daughter, JohVonnie, so the number of children would be 10 ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Adding the dead twin, 11 ??
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I just thought of something and shoot me down if I'm wrong, because I don't have kids yet, but Jermaine is tweeting a lot lately that he is eating Sushi with his wife Halima. He says he doesn't like it, but she likes it so much. But quoting from his Wiki page:

    "In 2004 Jackson told the media that he married Halima Rashid who is originally from Afghanistan. They currently live in Los Angeles, but often travel around the world. Jermaine Jackson and Halima Rashid are planning to have twin girls. Jermaine announced this in an interview with BBC World Service on June 26, 2010. Jermaine and Halima have decided to name them Mecca and Madina Jackson."

    I don't know, but isn't raw fish bad for you when you are pregnant? Or did I totally miss something and are they planning to adopt kids? One of my friends had twins and she looked like a small elephant when she was only 4 months pregnant, I don't really see Halima growing that much. Can someone enlighten me?

    Sorry but this one made me LMAO !! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Oh Souza thank you !! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • reading Jermaine s answer again, i would say he s just kidding...he wishes to have to more girls cause he found names he likes...

    I do that all the time with my friends...i m saying i m gonna have 2 boys and a girl but that s just what i wish...doesnt mean i m pregnant or able to control the sex of my future kids

    Jermaine doesnt say Halima s pregnant.....well at least i never read/heard anything like that
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I'm not Muslim. Maybe someone who is could answer this question for me. Would anybody practicing the Islamic faith choose to name their children after such sacred places as Mecca and Medina? This doesn't seem like what a devout Muslim would or should do.

    I follow the Quran, what's called the Muslim or Moslem faith (I never know how to write it) and I don't think it's forbidden specifically, it's like people call their children with names of Prophets. And Paris is also the name of a city, not sacred yes but still. Really I think it's not forbidden, it's written nowhere in the Scripture and they are a lot of lies out there, a lot of things have been changed from the original religion. I'm just going to give an example for you to figure out. A lot of Muslims say that when you "convert" (I don't like this term because it does not represent the reality, someone who believes in God is already a muslim because muslim means submitted to God...) you have to change your name which is totally false, all the names are acknowledged by God. Unity after all.

    Well I'm not going to enter the subject deeper than that, it would be too long and it's not really the purpose of this post.

    "I'm having two more girls" seems like it's in the process, he is having them, he is going to have them...maybe it's adoption. They are adopting two girls and it's in the process because of administration and all the papers you have to fill out...maybe.

    Now why Medina and Mecca ? Even if it's not forbidden I find it weird to call daughters like that...I heard a conspiracy theory where it said that in the NWO agenda the destruction of Mecca is planned... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Sounds crazy I know.
  • @ Sarahli -- thankyou for your reply on the Mecca/Medina issue. When I read the names of the girls, however, I questioned the credibility of this story. I was "buying" the story up until that point. It justseems incongruous to me.

    Congrats to Jermaine and Halima if they are expecting or adopting. However, this story, for me, is highlighting "twins", as well as "Mecca" and "Medina".

    @ MJonmind, I like your response that if Jermaine and Halima have a third girl, they should name her "Jerusalem". LOL. Definitely food for thought.
  • I'm not Muslim. Maybe someone who is could answer this question for me. Would anybody practicing the Islamic faith choose to name their children after such sacred places as Mecca and Medina? This doesn't seem like what a devout Muslim would or should do.

    I follow the Quran, what's called the Muslim or Moslem faith (I never know how to write it) and I don't think it's forbidden specifically, it's like people call their children with names of Prophets. And Paris is also the name of a city, not sacred yes but still. Really I think it's not forbidden, it's written nowhere in the Scripture and they are a lot of lies out there, a lot of things have been changed from the original religion. I'm just going to give an example for you to figure out. A lot of Muslims say that when you "convert" (I don't like this term because it does not represent the reality, someone who believes in God is already a muslim because muslim means submitted to God...) you have to change your name which is totally false, all the names are acknowledged by God. Unity after all.

    Well I'm not going to enter the subject deeper than that, it would be too long and it's not really the purpose of this post.

    "I'm having two more girls" seems like it's in the process, he is having them, he is going to have them...maybe it's adoption. They are adopting two girls and it's in the process because of administration and all the papers you have to fill out...maybe.

    Now why Medina and Mecca ? Even if it's not forbidden I find it weird to call daughters like that...I heard a conspiracy theory where it said that in the NWO agenda the destruction of Mecca is planned... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Sounds crazy I know.

    I agree with Sarahli, as far as I know there is nothing wrong naming your girls Mecca or Madina, although I think the names are not very common. And true there is no need to change your name when you "convert". I see now that Jermine is not talking about twins, rather two girls. Mecca and Madina, makes me think about Prophet Muhammads migration (hijra). Leaving one place for another due to persecution and a plot to be killed ( conspiracy ?)
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