Jermaine, Halima & Sushi



  • I guess one cannot overlook the possibility of a surrogate mother for these twin girls either!?!?!??!
  • I sought out to find the source of this story, the BBC World Service. I'll just put up the quote that Souza copied from Wiki (at start of this thread):

    "In 2004 Jackson told the media that he married Halima Rashid who is originally from Afghanistan. They currently live in Los Angeles, but often travel around the world. Jermaine Jackson and Halima Rashid are planning to have twin girls. Jermaine announced this in an interview with BBC World Service on June 26, 2010. Jermaine and Halima have decided to name them Mecca and Madina Jackson."
    <!-- m --> ... sonal_life<!-- m -->

    I went to BBC World Service website, and there is no such interview. Only tabloids (and Wiki) reporting on this. Busted!
  • I sought out to find the source of this story, the BBC World Service. I'll just put up the quote that Souza copied from Wiki (at start of this thread):

    "In 2004 Jackson told the media that he married Halima Rashid who is originally from Afghanistan. They currently live in Los Angeles, but often travel around the world. Jermaine Jackson and Halima Rashid are planning to have twin girls. Jermaine announced this in an interview with BBC World Service on June 26, 2010. Jermaine and Halima have decided to name them Mecca and Madina Jackson."
    <!-- m --> ... sonal_life<!-- m -->

    I went to BBC World Service website, and there is no such interview. Only tabloids (and Wiki) reporting on this. Busted!
    The interview is posted here and I posted the transcript on page 1 of this thread. I believe it is an interview that was broadcast on radio, Capital FM (I am not positive if that was the format though)
  • @Serenitys_Dream -- thankyou for the transcript. However, the transcript is citing BBC World Service as interview source. Are you able to find info @ the source?
  • I think I found the radio interview. <!-- m --><!-- m -->. Ok, I've listened to the interview, seems legit. Sorry for getting hyper.
  • We had sushi on our cruise and it didnt involve raw fish. It was seaweed, rice, avocado and crab and HOT wasabi!! So maybe she isnt eating raw fish. Just an idea.
  • i'm proud 2 be a beLIEver. Always. Sushi hahaha. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Well, I'm pregnant ( almost 3 months) and all of the doctors that I went to said that I cannot eat anything raw, including fish. So you are right, Souza. Raw food is bad for pregnant women.
    we use sushi in the wrong way actually...I love sushi and ate it all the time I was pregnant...what I was really eating was sashimi rolls. My favorite was california rolls or veggi rolls which have no uncooked fish. There is even sushi with smoked salmon and fried salmon skin as well as vegan. There is SO many varieties of sushi, you don't even have to touch the uncooked fish stuff to get full <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I think this whole story is not about the ?pregnancy? seems to be more likely a clue towards where MJ might be hiding out all this time.......Medina and Mecca...Saudi Arabia......(many visions from fellow member) have distinct links to sheiks and desert, and pillars..etc. Jermaine has always been the only one instructed to talk on behalf of the family, and is the biggest clue giver.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    MJ grave has been covered by a black curtain-like structure just like the Mecca temple... Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.......xox
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I think this whole story is not about the ?pregnancy? seems to be more likely a clue towards where MJ might be hiding out all this time.......Medina and Mecca...Saudi Arabia......(many visions from fellow member) have distinct links to sheiks and desert, and pillars..etc. Jermaine has always been the only one instructed to talk on behalf of the family, and is the biggest clue giver.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    MJ grave has been covered by a black curtain-like structure just like the Mecca temple... Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.......xox

    Exactly!!!!!!!!!!! That's the point. I am happy that someone found that out and finally said that. Thank you 2good2btrue.
    That was my thought at the very beginning when I found out about the hoax!!! I was asking myself: where could MJ hide from all the media eyes? And the answer was : The Middle East. I remember when he was in Bahrain walking around the streets without body guards because in the Arab World famous artists like MJ aren't necessarily that loved by Arabs. Arabs are simply not that obsessed with European or American singers and Movie Stars. So IMO this could be the right place for him to hide as no one will follow him or chase him there. Then I tried to figure out in which Arab country he might be hiding, so I thought about UAE, Unied Arab Emirates, especially Dubai because this city is to be compared to an American city, it is very modern and it has a western life style. And I read once that Jermaine usually travels to Dubai for business reasons. And by the way it was mentioned in Souza's interview with Jennifer Batten, the guitarist who worked with Michael Jackson that the makeup artist Karen Faye who worked for MJ was never fired after his death and that she headed to the Middle East. So one can ask himself why would his make-up artist go to the middle east and leave the USA?
    The answer is simple!!!! Michael Jackson might be in the Middle East!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Then the statement of Jermaine came out. Mecca and Medina!!!!
    By the way no Moslims call their daughters Mecca or Medina. These are no girls names.
    So the message is clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael Jackson might be in Saudi Arabia!!!!!
    Take it or leave it!!!!
  • newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
    I know this is far out there ........but any chance they could be implying (with their twisted stories) that Michael has recently become a father to twin girls!?!?!?!? I had always heard MJ wanted more children!

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> As soon as I read "twin girls" I immediately thought of LMP!!!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    diggyon .....welcome aboard the Emirates Airline....This has been my gut feeling from the beginning....and the longer the hoax is alive, then MJ will be in disguise doing whatever he wants to do without anyone noticing him....the kids as well.

    The reason we have all these leaks of pictures of the children etc. is to throw the papparazzi off and buy MJ more with them a little..
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    diggyon .....welcome aboard the Emirates Airline....This has been my gut feeling from the beginning....and the longer the hoax is alive, then MJ will be in disguise doing whatever he wants to do without anyone noticing him....the kids as well.

    The reason we have all these leaks of pictures of the children etc. is to throw the papparazzi off and buy MJ more with them a little..

    You're right 2good2btrue!!!!!!!!!!!

    But I still think that MJ is in the Middle East. Period!!!!

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    diggyon .....welcome aboard the Emirates Airline....This has been my gut feeling from the beginning....and the longer the hoax is alive, then MJ will be in disguise doing whatever he wants to do without anyone noticing him....the kids as well.

    The reason we have all these leaks of pictures of the children etc. is to throw the papparazzi off and buy MJ more with them a little..

    You're right 2good2btrue!!!!!!!!!!!

    But I still think that MJ is in the Middle East. Period!!!!

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    By the way, what is that Jackson Island on the picture you posted?? Does this place really exist?
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    It is a proposed island to be made of Michael Jackson at Dubai............there are several designs...

    <!-- m --> ... &id=568655<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Jackson said his brother was not against converting to Islam. “All of his security became Muslims because he trusted Islam, because these are people who would lay their lives down and also who were trying to be the best kind of human beings they could possibly be not for Michael Jackson, for Allah,” he said.

    “So having those people around, you knew that you would be protected because it is protection from God,” he added.
  • ni-co-leni-co-le Posts: 535
    if this is true ,than the children havent seen their father since he went away right ?
    about the name Medina : there are people who call their daughter Medina .....but Mekka ? i am not sure <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> But i do agree about Michael beeing in the middle east somewhere <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    It is a proposed island to be made of Michael Jackson at Dubai............there are several designs...

    <!-- m --> ... &id=568655<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Jackson said his brother was not against converting to Islam. “All of his security became Muslims because he trusted Islam, because these are people who would lay their lives down and also who were trying to be the best kind of human beings they could possibly be not for Michael Jackson, for Allah,” he said.

    “So having those people around, you knew that you would be protected because it is protection from God,” he added.

    Hey, during some years I considered working there....4 years ago I applied to work in Gulf Air <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I didn´t pass the physical tests <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> would that be a sign? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Michael was in Bahrain and I think I saw a pic of him fully clothed in the veil outfit so nobody could really know it's MJ unless he starts moonwalking in the mall in Dubai if they play his music <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> hopefully he resists the urge to dance
  • badriabadria Posts: 51
    EXCELLENT diggyon & 2good2btrue

    that what i think from day 1.

    michael visited UAE in 2005 and then visited us (OMAN). he loved the environment here. when he visited oman.. it was not published officaly at all.. was just rumors.... his visit was published after his so called (death! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> )

    he visited many many omani famlies and read about our culture and religion (islam)... the first thing he told his kinds when they arraived to oman ( welcome home kids!)... ( as per what i read in an article about MJ visit to oman!)... i can put the article for you.. but it's in arabic! <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    michael was with no guard around him while he was here in oman. we are not crazy about cilibrities like in amirica or europ.... but doesn't mean we don't like them!... no... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    now about michael island in dubai.... it's true... but i don't know if they start to build it or not... i will ask my friends in uae! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    allah bless all <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • @Badria
    I read this article some days ago in ENGLISH <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Hope it will help you
    Michael Jackson: The man behind the legend

    Saturday, June 27, 2009 11:26:53 PM Oman Time

    MICHAEL Jackson was a legend who is sure to live in eternity. The whole world pursued him for his stardom and talent, but it was in Oman where he felt “truly at home”.

    Michael came to Oman with plans for only three days but he went on to stay with us for 45 days. He loved Oman and its people. People treated him with love, just like a close friend. Michael was very impressed by the love and hospitality he got here which was sadly missing from his life.

    Michael was highly impressed by Omani’s rich culture and many a times visited the Muttrah Souq. He bought several souvenirs from the souq and got quite friendly with the people. He visited the homes of many Omani families and spent a lot of time with them. He learned a lot about Omani lifestyle.

    Michael spent a lot of time with us in our house. We often got together for lunch and he soon became a part of our family. He felt very comfortable here and shared a lot about his life and how people had treated him.

    A doting dad

    During one of those days, Michael told us about his children and said he wanted them to get the same affection that he received here. He asked them to come to Oman. When they finally arrived, he hugged them and told them in the car, “Welcome home kids”. I told him: “Michael, be careful, I’ll quote this in the media.” He said, “I don’t care, I love being here.”

    We didn’t ask him to say this. People in other places offered him so many things but still he felt being at home in Oman.

    At home we had organised a party for his children to introduce them to our kids. My sisters prepared a cake for him and his children. It was very special as it had his kids’ names in Neverland and Peter Pan with Michael’s face saying, “Free to be me in Oman”. Michael had tears in his eyes and he told me, “I want to stay here.”

    My nephew Talal Zubair is a big fan of Michael. At the party he organised a show and imitated Michael’s moves and jives. Michael was thrilled and his kids said, “Dad you have to take Talal with you on stage next time.”

    Talal and Michael became very close and they used to talk over the phone most of the time. Talal was devastated when he heard the news. The entire family was.

    I don’t care what the media says but Michael was a loving father and was very patient with his kids. He used to teach them new things most of the time. I don’t believe all the rumours that float in the media.

    One day we went with the kids to watch a movie. On his way back, Michael asked his son who was sitting behind in the car, what he learned from the movie. The boy was very intelligent and Michael was challenging him with more and more questions. He wanted his kids to be brilliant and to live the childhood he never had.

    Michael himself read a lot. We gave him books about Oman’s heritage, architecture, crafts and music. One day he called me at 7am to ask about the different dynasties in Oman, the forts and the history.

    The other side

    Michael was very open and he loved people. Many people visited him at the hotel where he stayed and took pictures with him, but nobody took advantage of his global celebrity status. They did not release the photos in the media. That’s why he felt secure in Oman.

    He loved Oman because people treated him like an ordinary person. He was happy to be here. He had travelled around the world and people used to tell him “Michael we love you.” Only in Oman they told him: “we love you and we want you to stay here”. Many people are very sad at such a great loss.

    Michael was humble, generous and a true humanitarian. You would never believe what you hear or read about him if you had met him in person.

    Sadly people around him took advantage of him.

    Michael left Oman to go to the US when James Brown died. He was very sad but he promised to come back. He was planning to come to Oman in December this year to work with us.

    He wanted to work especially with Dr Riyadh Hamzah to compose music and write poems together. I have a recording that says how much he wanted to live in Oman.

    We will miss him a lot but he will always be in our hearts. I don’t think the world will ever have another Michael Jackson. He was one of a kind.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I already thought the 'planning to have twin girls' was just plain weird. Like you can plan that. Something is up with this, need to think about it.

    Yes, the "planning" of twins is strangely stated unless it is an adoption. Although twins were in his immediate family, I believe the potential for this passes through the mother.
    Does Halima have twins in her immediate natural family?

    I guess I thought that Jermaine was a vegetarian. Can't remember how I "know" that, but, anyway, there is sushi with no raw meats in it, so Halima could very well BE with child(ren).... <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> or they are both speaking figuratively, some how.

    The state of the world and this entire Hoax, with such a dire message, makes me wonder --- WHY on earth they would interrupt their traveling and charitable work, NOW with this. I mean, she's young...just imho. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> None of MY biz... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • Halima's Twitter

    @sallydavis222 I am not pregnant.
    August-18-10 9:42:45 PM via web in reply to sallydavis222
  • I know this is far out there ........but any chance they could be implying (with their twisted stories) that Michael has recently become a father to twin girls!?!?!?!? I had always heard MJ wanted more children! brain is about to explode from everything I have been reading, but i am starting to wonder the same thing as you! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    or maby jermaine had an affair tat the press din't know bout and nobody knows bout it and it resualted i twin girls and that the girl is still pregnat wit them so they saying there have twins to cover it up
  • I know this is far out there ........but any chance they could be implying (with their twisted stories) that Michael has recently become a father to twin girls!?!?!?!? I had always heard MJ wanted more children! brain is about to explode from everything I have been reading, but i am starting to wonder the same thing as you! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    or maby jermaine had an affair tat the press din't know bout and nobody knows bout it and it resualted i twin girls and that the girl is still pregnat wit them so they saying there have twins to cover it up

    Halima's Twitter

    @sallydavis222 I am not pregnant.
    August-18-10 9:42:45 PM via web in reply to sallydavis222

    It is also very unkind and disrespectful to suggest such things that are based solely on fantasy and speculation.
    The comments were made obviously for other reasons. Perhaps Jermaine was dropping us some hints/clues which would mean that he is helping us to understand what is going on.
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