No Bam!

BadshaBadsha Posts: 34
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I don't think this bam will happen, or atleast not soon.

We first thought the bam will happen in January, but nothing happened, then we thought it will happen in June, nothing happened. Then we thought a bam or something equal important will happen on 7/7 or in the month of July, but nothing happened again, NO BAM! Now we say the bam will happen in August. If there is no Bam in August, we will look forward for September. We are doing nothing but fooling ourselves into this.


  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Keep focussing on the BAM, that is EXACTLY what he needs.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    Rearly Souza ?
    I read your post...i wonder if i read it right...i translate it....yes...still hopeing that BAM will happen <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Rearly Souza ?
    I read your post...i wonder if i read it right...i translate it....yes...still hopeing that BAM will happen <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    No, it's absolutely NOT what he needs. That is what I meant by my post. He needs people to focus on the purpose of the hoax, not the bam.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Just because the BAM hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it will never happen. Mike has this all planned out and he knows what he's doing. We can only speculate when a BAM will b because none of us r Michael. For now we r gonna have 2 focus on his message and he will BAM when he is ready <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> .
    We have held out this long we can longer hopefully. He's gunna BAM but u gotta trust in Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    Sorry Souza....i was so english isn't good enough...i think i had to leave before i write such stupid sorry....i wasn't focusing on BAM, but it might be nice when it will ever happen.
    All the best !
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    sorry, i still believe 7000% (ha) that michael will bam. for me, it's not a question of if. i have faith that he wants to come back as much as we want him to. however, we have to keep reading, finding and connecting all the information that is being given to us. this is the greatest lesson of our lives. i truly believe michael is trying to show us something, to teach us something. we have to be willing to continue to learn. if we learn, we gain knowledge, and when we have knowledge we will be able to defend and protect him when he DOES BAM. I believe in TS and i believe when he says we are in the "Return." with that said, michael took a long time planning this hoax so it would be perfect (and so far, it has- people still think he's dead). the BAM will happen when he is ready to, when he feels comfortable and secure enough that the majority of us are willing to continue this fight, to continue to learn, and ultimately, continue to love. the BAM is not the end. it's the beginning. don't let your faith waver now, because i think the aftermath will be the true test. keep enlightening yourself and, most importantly, keep the faith.
  • BadshaBadsha Posts: 34
    I would just like to reply to the guy who posted above me.

    Your brain only allows you to believe in something for sometime, NOT FOR TOO LONG. If Michael gives us clues that he is there, it will keep us believing, but if he just is there planning and we haven't heard anything, our brains start to focus on other things. You need to be perfect things like what Michael did but if you extend it too long, many will just leave thinking that this is all fake and waste of time.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I would just like to reply to the guy who posted above me.

    Your brain only allows you to believe in something for sometime, NOT FOR TOO LONG. If Michael gives us clues that he is there, it will keep us believing, but if he just is there planning and we haven't heard anything, our brains start to focus on other things. You need to be perfect things like what Michael did but if you extend it too long, many will just leave thinking that this is all fake and waste of time.

    Can you explain this. My brain doesn't allow me to understand...sorry.
  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    wayy to early for a bam, why do some even focus on a bam rather then purpose of hoax in self.
  • I would just like to reply to the guy who posted above me.

    Your brain only allows you to believe in something for sometime, NOT FOR TOO LONG. If Michael gives us clues that he is there, it will keep us believing, but if he just is there planning and we haven't heard anything, our brains start to focus on other things. You need to be perfect things like what Michael did but if you extend it too long, many will just leave thinking that this is all fake and waste of time.

    I feel this way too <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I come back cause the thought of MJ being gone breaks my heart <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    wayy to early for a bam, why do some even focus on a bam rather then purpose of hoax in self.


    I am not the sharpest tool in the drawer, but from what I believe about this WHOLE ("Big picture") thing, and MJ's actual PURPOSE for putting his public life in exile for more than a year now, NOT TO MENTION what it is costing, to buy the silence of all his necessarily MANY confidants and co-conspirators...anyway, from what I know, NOTHING has happened yet. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    THINK. <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Do you---anybody--THINK,

    for a moment ,

    that he went to all this trouble---some VERY intricate fabrications, and scenarios,

    involving some twenty years of numerological calculations in every imaginable direction,

    to entertain just the most "die-hard" of his fan base????? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Stop thinking. I'll just tell you: NO <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    Correct me if I am wrong---but I don't see that ANYthing has been seriously accomplished ---directly by his real or hoaxed death. Yes, we have "Come Together" over him...SOME of us----a mere pittance, compared to the fan numbers he's HAD.

    I am so disappointed that ---since his death was SUCH a heartbreaking SHOCK, which, nearly stopped the world and almost crashed the internet, that even the <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> REMOTEST CHANCE that it could just be some kind of a rumor or publicity stunt----the mere THOUGHT that someone who made us cry so hard that day, could still have a beating heart---and NEEDED to do this for some good reason which WILL someday become crystal clear----

    That MORE people haven't stopped their self-centered boo-hooing and HEARKENED to the voice of HOPE in the air. I am <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> A MAZED, that even fans who have grown out of their teen idol mode, and have gone on to make lives for themselves, have NO <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> interest at all <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> in wondering if it could be true that their old flame is STILL working his magic---only on a much bigger scale and for some grand purpose.

    I mean, SHEEEESH, SOMEone has mentioned his name on TV or radio DAILY since the "death". How many DEAD people have you EVER heard of who get THAT much press <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Even high profile murders peter out after a few months. Even Elvis---with some persistent naysayers protesting that HIS was a real true death, weren't in the news EVERY dang-spankin' day. <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: -->

    My (unsolicited <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> , but necessary) advice, to anyone who really even wants MJ back--or are y'all just curious WHAT HAPPENED, that's all,---is <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> to get over to all the "crying" websites and TELL those people the Good News <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> It is ridiculous to me, to read over 100,000 some posts (Before I couldn't take it any more) about how much they loved him and will miss those godforsaken gold pants.

    A side trip, on that subject...methinks that if Mike had used a different kind of bait, more cerebral, less... physically titillating, he would HAVE the crowds of billions still behind him, eagerly awaiting the resolution to this Gigantic Project of his kaleidoscopic mind. IMHO...

    Not to beat him over the head, just sayin', there are people with some depth, who actually THINK of all kinds of things, and rule their feelings;

    and there are some people who are ruled only by feelings, specifically, "what can you do for me, today, baby".

    ALL Those ruled ONLY by..." the way he made them FEEL" are over on those sites reminiscing about such things, because that was all that mattered, and now that the amazing trick peacock is physically DEAD, what else IS there? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    It is NOT a cut on them, even though it sounds that way. Some people are more, some are less interested in things that burn braincells. Some are in the middle... God made us all. Life would be boring if everyone was a geek, eh? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I need a Geek to explain things to me. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I need <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> someone to just hug me because they can't help it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ---it was the first thing which came to mind---sometimes.

    We LOVE people who show enthusiasm and excitement over something as simple as wiggly hips. God knows if there was nuttin' TO it, MJ wouldn't have gotten the first voracious LOOK! Men have been ogling the wiggle of women for 6,000 years, so why not?! We NEED both types of people.

    But the "feelers" are going to need more than a puzzle to get their attention. THEY need to know "WHAT can you do for me NOW", that will be worth tearing myself away from this "Memorial Mode" with like commiserators? Whaddya GOT, Doll?
    That was just food for thought. I have no answer for that one, or I'd be over there flapping my lips. If anyone thinks of anything, let me know? But we all can go to some of these fan sites and make sure they at least <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> know what we know...

    Now----BE SWEET. DON'T LIE, and say you KNOW anything you don't. DON'T fight with the ones who want to defend their right to mourn him FOR ALL TIME, as if he were somehow their spiritual spouse, <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> who is still communicating with them... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> Just tell what YOU are here for: To investigate some MYSTERIOUS clues which can only have been given out by the Magic Man, himself.

    Give them a link to the juiciest thing YOU found here. It is impossible to argue with personal experience. Tell just briefly, what finding this (whatever "this" is about the hoax or MJ REALLY possibly leaving us clues!) out means to YOU. You can think of it as either holding out some cake, and reeling them in, or getting behind them and prodding them into the Truth of the Hoax with a little healthy motivation to QUIT all that mourning over a LIVING NUT trying to engage us all in something BIG....
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I don't think we will see him manifested publicly "BACK" until billions have joined this chariot. (But he'll be in the movies, I'm certain---he's not just sitting around waiting, twiddling his thumbs, kids <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> )

    Anything else is a waste of his time.

    You KNOW people will have wanted to be in on it. <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> They'll wonder how they missed out, <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> after they read about all the OBVIOUS clues.

    It will be so sad. And no one will EVER be able to do something like this again...

    If he comes back now, it will be because he's simply <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> disgusted with everything, and <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> tired of trying to make such <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> disinterested people SEE what they need to see. I don't think he will do that. He's very very patient. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> But...alas, human.

    Remember what MOSES (in the Bible) did, after ALL he and the Israelites had been through together, when everything worked just like he said as they walked all those miles with the presence of God? And then, he went up the mountain to have a talk alone with God? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Well, SO WHAT---he stayed <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> alittle longer than the people thought he should, and they began to think he wasn't COMING BACK, and began to party hardy to idols and gods they'd fashioned out of their collected gold.

    Long story short, God was busy giving Moses the written LAW which all our laws are based on today, mostly: Give God His due worship, respect, consideration; and love and treat your neighbor (everyone who is NOT God, incidentally <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) as you would yourself. He carved them by light from His finger <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> (the original laser beams) into stone tablets.

    Moses was SO @#$%*!# ticked off by their impatience and lack of trust---GEEZ---he SAID he'd be right back!! That he came back and blasted the ingrates with the stones.

    If you saw the movie the TEN COMMANDMENTS, you know the earth opened up and sucked all the ones who would rather have had the false gods (made from GOLD lamay? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Just kidding---couldn't resist, kids!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ) into a big canyon....

    NOT that MJ is God, or Moses or any of that. Just... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> say you're sorry, now, for being impatient and not waiting for and helping others who don't have a clue yet----IN to the "Light" (that there most definitely IS a hoax and MJ is in the THICK of it).

    Say you are sorry, <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and be patient, so MJ can do this like he wanted to---including <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> EVERYBODY possible. It just won't be The Greatest Show On Earth, otherwise <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> ...and it certainly won't be ALL for LOVE, <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> just partly... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    i don't care for the BAM, the only thing i care for-is spreading his message and knowing for sure-100% that Michael is alive, healthy and happy, that's it.I, personally, don't think that he will ever come back, but i'm almost sure that he is alive and i just want one a very big and 100% fact to prove it and i'll move on knowing that he's ok,that's the only thing i care for.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    i don't care for the BAM, the only thing i care for-is spreading his message and knowing for sure-100% that Michael is alive, healthy and happy, that's it.I, personally, don't think that he will ever come back, but i'm almost sure that he is alive and i just want one a very big and 100% fact to prove it and i'll move on knowing that he's ok,that's the only thing i care for.

    You took the words right outta my mouth
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!

    No we're not!!!! Together we are strong. We are not helpless everyone can make a change if we all raise our voice as one, spread the truth everywhere so people can realize what's going on, stop to vote for the war against Iran. The internet will be controlled very soon. We need to stop that The congress has to do what we want.
    Stop believing the media lies about 9/11.
    Do you want to hear more????

    Here you can find the people who really want to make a change, the Army of Love!! They don't say <We are helpless> . If everyone thinks the way you think Micheal would have never bothered himself with this hoax. Have some faith.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!

    No we're not!!!! Together we are strong. We are not helpless everyone can make a change if we all raise our voice as one, spread the truth everywhere so people can realize what's going on, stop to vote for the war against Iran. The internet will be controlled very soon. We need to stop that The congress has to do what we want.
    Stop believing the media lies about 9/11.
    Do you want to hear more????

    Here you can find the people who really want to make a change, the Army of Love!! They don't say <We are helpless> . If everyone thinks the way you think Micheal would have never bothered himself with this hoax. Have some faith.

    Show me where all this has made a change?
    And I mean a significant change, like with government, where?
  • I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!

    No we're not!!!! Together we are strong. We are not helpless everyone can make a change if we all raise our voice as one, spread the truth everywhere so people can realize what's going on, stop to vote for the war against Iran. The internet will be controlled very soon. We need to stop that The congress has to do what we want.
    Stop believing the media lies about 9/11.
    Do you want to hear more????

    Here you can find the people who really want to make a change, the Army of Love!! They don't say <We are helpless> . If everyone thinks the way you think Micheal would have never bothered himself with this hoax. Have some faith.

    Show me where all this has made a change?
    And I mean a significant change, like with government, where?

    Jude, I'd like you to show me how you have tried to make a change.

    We are NOT helpless, if we join forces then we can accomplish major changes. A change starts with yourself, you will have to participate and take action as well. Don't simply sit back and think "we're helpless, we're screwed, oh I feel so sorry for myself". You've got to fight for your rights. Throw out the negativity and do something, instead of thinking that we're helpless. What have you got to lose..?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Jude, the real battle has not yet begun. The best is yet to come. But being aware oneself is already a victory in itself. If we raise awareness in a global scale it would be a big Victory. Together we can make the change but you have to have faith in what you fight for and never waver and have doubt that we can do something. I would give my life to protect Michael, for the truth to be known because I'm really tired of the lies, I'm tired of all the negativity and sadness in this world, I'm tired of the wars and famines, I'm really tired of it all and my life doesn't make any sense if I don't fight against that, if I don't fight for God's cause. And when I say "fight" doesn't mean with weapons that can harm. My weapons are my faith in God, the truth, love, etc....Keep the faith it's really worth it.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!

    No we're not!!!! Together we are strong. We are not helpless everyone can make a change if we all raise our voice as one, spread the truth everywhere so people can realize what's going on, stop to vote for the war against Iran. The internet will be controlled very soon. We need to stop that The congress has to do what we want.
    Stop believing the media lies about 9/11.
    Do you want to hear more????

    Here you can find the people who really want to make a change, the Army of Love!! They don't say <We are helpless> . If everyone thinks the way you think Micheal would have never bothered himself with this hoax. Have some faith.

    Show me where all this has made a change?
    And I mean a significant change, like with government, where?

    Jude, I'd like you to show me how you have tried to make a change.

    We are NOT helpless, if we join forces then we can accomplish major changes. A change starts with yourself, you will have to participate and take action as well. Don't simply sit back and think "we're helpless, we're screwed, oh I feel so sorry for myself". You've got to fight for your rights. Throw out the negativity and do something, instead of thinking that we're helpless. What have you got to lose..?

    Mo, I just love your post. Thank you!!!!!
    @Jude>; the question is : are you willing to fight for your rights yes or no?
    If you are, then you are more than welcome in the Army of love.
    If not, then I'm sorry for you. You're not courageous enough!
  • I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!

    No we're not!!!! Together we are strong. We are not helpless everyone can make a change if we all raise our voice as one, spread the truth everywhere so people can realize what's going on, stop to vote for the war against Iran. The internet will be controlled very soon. We need to stop that The congress has to do what we want.
    Stop believing the media lies about 9/11.
    Do you want to hear more????

    Here you can find the people who really want to make a change, the Army of Love!! They don't say <We are helpless> . If everyone thinks the way you think Micheal would have never bothered himself with this hoax. Have some faith.

    Show me where all this has made a change?
    And I mean a significant change, like with government, where?

    Jude, I'd like you to show me how you have tried to make a change.

    We are NOT helpless, if we join forces then we can accomplish major changes. A change starts with yourself, you will have to participate and take action as well. Don't simply sit back and think "we're helpless, we're screwed, oh I feel so sorry for myself". You've got to fight for your rights. Throw out the negativity and do something, instead of thinking that we're helpless. What have you got to lose..?

    Mo, I just love your post. Thank you!!!!!
    @Jude>; the question is : are you willing to fight for your rights yes or no?
    If you are, then you are more than welcome in the Army of love.
    If not, then I'm sorry for you. You're not courageous enough!

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Not Bam, this is the problem, there are people that this slope of the Bam and not of the message.
    If the people do not read, it does not report on these topics and we continue allowing that the politicians us should continue putting the finger in ass (this way we say here), are awkward well
  • Just a simple question, could somebody tell me what is Michael's message?, please don't yell at me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I know a lot of you are going to answer that Michael's mesagge is LOVE, ok i feel love, what is next?, others are going to say that Michael's message is to STOP the NWO and the ILLUMINATI, ok let's do it, how?. Others would say that Michael's message is to expose the corruption in the U.S. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, if this is his message i'm sorry but i think i can't do much, or maybe his message is against the MEDIA... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    I'm not waiting for him to come back, at this point i think he is not going to return, but don't you think that we need him to come back, to tell us and the rest of the world what is his message and what can we do to help ?.
    Many of you are going to tell me: start with the man in the mirror!! Yes, this is such a great idea, i can do it, and a lot of us have already done, and not only us, there are thousands people around the world working everyday to change the world, to make it a better place and to save the children, but is not enough more people is needed and i think there is only a way...ok, call me selfish if you want but i think Michael's return is important to spread the message ( if indeed there is a message behind the hoax ) and to win this battle or at least to try it.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Just a simple question, could somebody tell me what is Michael's message?, please don't yell at me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I know a lot of you are going to answer that Michael's mesagge is LOVE, ok i feel love, what is next?, others are going to say that Michael's message is to STOP the NWO and the ILLUMINATI, ok let's do it, how?. Others would say that Michael's message is to expose the corruption in the U.S. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, if this is his message i'm sorry but i think i can't do much, or maybe his message is against the MEDIA... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    I'm not waiting for him to come back, at this point i think he is not going to return, but don't you think that we need him to come back, to tell us and the rest of the world what is his message and what can we do to help ?.
    Many of you are going to tell me: start with the man in the mirror!! Yes, this is such a great idea, i can do it, and a lot of us have already done, and not only us, there are thousands people around the world working everyday to change the world, to make it a better place and to save the children, but is not enough more people is needed and i think there is only a way...ok, call me selfish if you want but i think Michael's return is important to spread the message ( if indeed there is a message behind the hoax ) and to win this battle or at least to try it.

    Just read TS' posts. They explain clearly what is the message. The main goal is to raise awareness, disclose the truth by exposing the reality and the goal of the powers that be. Of course a return is planned and will help us in great length because that's when the real fight begins. This return has already been delayed because people don't pay enough attention on the message and tend to only focus on the Bam or even waver between Michael being still alive or dead by looking for every little clue in this sense. Behaviour that finally only makes them doubt even more because we can't possibly have the answers for everything.

    Michael has to be sure that when he returns people will not just content themselves with that situation to finally give up the fight. He must be sure that we will be there for him as a firm and faithful army of love.
  • Just a simple question, could somebody tell me what is Michael's message?, please don't yell at me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I know a lot of you are going to answer that Michael's mesagge is LOVE, ok i feel love, what is next?, others are going to say that Michael's message is to STOP the NWO and the ILLUMINATI, ok let's do it, how?. Others would say that Michael's message is to expose the corruption in the U.S. JUDICIAL SYSTEM, if this is his message i'm sorry but i think i can't do much, or maybe his message is against the MEDIA... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    I'm not waiting for him to come back, at this point i think he is not going to return, but don't you think that we need him to come back, to tell us and the rest of the world what is his message and what can we do to help ?.
    Many of you are going to tell me: start with the man in the mirror!! Yes, this is such a great idea, i can do it, and a lot of us have already done, and not only us, there are thousands people around the world working everyday to change the world, to make it a better place and to save the children, but is not enough more people is needed and i think there is only a way...ok, call me selfish if you want but i think Michael's return is important to spread the message ( if indeed there is a message behind the hoax ) and to win this battle or at least to try it.

    Hello Loveneverfeltso good, I believe that Mike's message has been coming through his songs for many years and Lilwendy post below summarises it beautifully.
    Do I personally believe that Mike needs to come back to champion his message? Yes I do! Whilst all of us can make a difference if we really want to, it will take a true leader to awaken millions to raise their voices as one and make a big difference! And Mike will need to have a good plan and a strong army (of Love).... because the battle ahead promises to be a very difficult one.

    With L.O.V.E

    by lilwendy » Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:15 am

    I just made a post summarizing everything I could muster from the redirects, TS's posts, etc.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=72&t=12941#p217650<!-- l -->

    Then I thought, well if people are still struggling with the validity of TS, then lets go directly to the source, lets see what Michael himself said in his songs.

    The results of that thought is this post here: <!-- m --> ... his-songs/<!-- m -->

    Michael Jackson Lyrics - The Messages in his Songs

    You know it’s all great to have an amazing beat but when you lose the message, it’s so sad.
    I can’t believe I listened to MJ’s songs for years, sang along, knew all the words, but somehow missed the MESSAGES.
    Michael, I apologize for hearing your music, but not heeding the words.

    Another Part of me
    Mission is to see the truth through
    We need to send out a major love

    Man in the Mirror
    If we want to make this world a better place we have to start by changing ourselves

    Leave Me Alone
    The tabloids/media misrepresenting Michael and hounding him… not giving him ANY space!

    About the state of the world – loss of love, false prophets instilling fear and doom, conditioning by the system, not knowing right from wrong, confusion and contradictions.

    Why You Wanna Trip on Me
    About the focus being on him as a star when there are WAY more pressing matters like world hunger, illiteracy, incurable diseases, gang violence, homelessness, drug addiction, corruption, police brutality, street walkers. He then asks what are we doing about it?

    Heal the World
    Making the world better for future generations. Find love in your heart, care about the people around you, be a joyful giver, start to really live, create a world with no fear, let God’s light shine through you.

    Black or White
    Needing to rid of racial prejudices… maybe even referring to the fact that it really doesn’t matter whether his own skin is black or white (due to vitiligo)

    Will You Be There
    Asking God or a friend if they will be there through all the ups and downs. Everyone trying to gain control over him, they have a role they want to see him fill, he’s tugged every which way.

    Keep the Faith
    Be confident, don’t worry about what others say, believe in yourself, keep your eyes on the prize, never give up on love, always believe in the power for love to make things right, straighten out your life, be faithful.

    HIStory disc 2
    The system is full of injustice, schemes, lies, they sell souls, try to convince you you’re wrong, tell one sided stories and cause confusion, change the rules in the middle of the game, they kick you down and the pressure is too much.

    They Don't Care About Us
    The madness all around us like being a victim of police brutality, being dehumanized, having no rights, shamed, having your reputation tarnished, being trashed and bashed and looking to God to fulfill his promises of deliverance.

    This Time Around
    Someone wanted to control him, now they are on a mission to take him down, to use, abuse and falsely accuse him.

    Earth Song
    How we are abusing the earth, killing the animals and people who inhabit it.

    He was telling us about Tom Sneddon and what a cold man he is. How he is probably part of the CIA, BSTA, or KKK

    How money is many people`s god. They will lie, spy, kill, die for it, even sell their soul to the devil. It could be the churchgoer, the government official, anyone who is corrupted.

    About how Michael lost his childhood and all the wonderment and magic that that time should have been filled with.

    Tabloid Junkie
    Our fascination with tabloids, media, and how we must NOT believe everything that is published. How the media can use its power to destroy a person. How people who want to expose government bodies and the corruption will be permanently silenced (JFK & grassy knoll, Marilyn Monroe & heroin), if we read it & buy it, we are feeding the beast.

    2 Bad
    Being targeted and people wanting to get their piece of him.

    About striving to make your mark in history and how people will try to take you down. We have to move to higher ground, to come together across all the lands. We view people in other countries as our brothers and not allow war and slaughter to occur.

    The tabloids stalk him, take pictures, tell fabricated stories and sell confusion. How much is too much when they go too far that it causes his friend to die trying to out run them. All for what? He needs privacy.

    A truth is being hidden. If we all band together we can make a difference. We can change the world. We just have to reach for the truth.

    Major ingredient for fear is the unknown. They called MJ a monster. I believe he is the monster that “they” should be threatened by. What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
    It isn’t. It’s the beginning.

    On the Line
    There will be hard times. You gotta have faith, patience and believe. Things will happen in due time. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, change. Don’t dwell in the past, look forward to your future. Act out of love and go for what you want.

    We've Had Enough
    Violent crimes are happening all over the world. Survivors are left to question why? We should leave the decisions of whether someone should live or die, taking a life, to God. We, as a people, need to speak up! We need to tell the government that we’ve had enough of this BS!

    Again about the system being in control, electric eyes are everywhere, everyone knowing who he is, telling him what he can and cannot do, having no personal life, having people write lies about him, and just needing to find a place where he can clear his head and get away.

    About how back asswards the world is today. People spending money they don’t have to keep up with the Joneses, killing for fun, joining clubs that turn out to be gangs, no peace of mind, running the rat race, loss of spirituality and family values contributing to wars and corruption around the world, how we are asleep with clouded minds, deceived and complacent, believing in nothing… sign of the times, end is coming with no warning. We must unite, turn darkness to light, and have love shine in our hearts.

    So having read these things within MICHAEL’S OWN SONGS, does it sound much different from what we’ve seen in This is It, from what TS has pointed out via the TIAI redirects? I don't think TS is as out to lunch as many of you would like to think...

    Heed the message people! Michael’s been trying to tell us this FOR YEARS!!!
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