No Bam!



  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Loveneverfeltsogood wrote:
    Just a simple question, could somebody tell me what is Michael's message?, please don't yell at me

    He listens to his music
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!

    No we're not!!!! Together we are strong. We are not helpless everyone can make a change if we all raise our voice as one, spread the truth everywhere so people can realize what's going on, stop to vote for the war against Iran. The internet will be controlled very soon. We need to stop that The congress has to do what we want.
    Stop believing the media lies about 9/11.
    Do you want to hear more????

    Here you can find the people who really want to make a change, the Army of Love!! They don't say <We are helpless> . If everyone thinks the way you think Micheal would have never bothered himself with this hoax. Have some faith.

    Show me where all this has made a change?
    And I mean a significant change, like with government, where?

    Jude, I'd like you to show me how you have tried to make a change.

    We are NOT helpless, if we join forces then we can accomplish major changes. A change starts with yourself, you will have to participate and take action as well. Don't simply sit back and think "we're helpless, we're screwed, oh I feel so sorry for myself". You've got to fight for your rights. Throw out the negativity and do something, instead of thinking that we're helpless. What have you got to lose..?

    Mo, I just love your post. Thank you!!!!!
    @Jude>; the question is : are you willing to fight for your rights yes or no?
    If you are, then you are more than welcome in the Army of love.
    If not, then I'm sorry for you. You're not courageous enough!

    Don't feel sorry for me my dears, because I am a fighter and a lover, as a woman and working in a male perdominatly world I have fought for my rights my whole life, and have lost good jobs because of it, but that don't sway me, it just makes me fight harder. And lets see, what have I done to make a change,volentered for food banks, am currently arranging a trip to Africa for October 2011 to help build schools for orphans of aids, have secretly left food at doors of less fortunate, have taken in abused dogs to find a forever home,have volentered at seniors homes and hospitals,shovel snow and mow lawns for disabled,helped improve the lives of abused women, I could go on but that would seem like I'm blowing my own horn, this illuminate sect is far bigger then any of us, and we need someone who is as big, like Michael to get the masses to listen, yes little things make a difference, hopefully causing a ripple effect, but please don't say that I know not what can make a difference, I've been there and seen it.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I want to say this loud so everyone in here can hear me!!

    Stop focusing on the bam!!!!!!!!Focus on MJ's message. We don't have enough time. We need to save the world and ourselves! There is a conspiracy against humanity. We need to stop it!!!!

    I read Souzas post about the vaccinations they are making to damage the brain. I think we are all in danger. The 3rd World War is approaching. People need to wake up. People should know about what's going on!!!!!!

    Well, I am not a fan of MJ. And I never followed his news or even listened to his songs. But......
    when he died I was very curious!! I wanted to know what exactly happened to him. Then I found this site. Then I discovered Illuminata, NWO, Mind Control Programs, etc......
    I would have never found out anything if there have been no hoax there. The hoax worked with me although I'm not one of his fans and I'm sure it's gonna work with others too. Well, I believe in MJ's message and I wish to see everyone else starts to focus on our life on the planet not when MJ is going to appear again.

    And I wish TS would redirect to my post if I'm right about this!!!! Thank you Michael for letting us realize what's going on around us.

    For God's sake people!!! Focus on the message!!!! Forget about the bam now. Don't worry, Michael will come back. Just don't focus on that... There are so many important issues we need to take care about rather than spend our time wondering why MJ didn't bam yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how do you suggest we do that? Walk up to the ruling elite and shoot them in the face, this way bigger then any of us, all we can do is try to do our small part in our small part of the world, we're helpless!

    No we're not!!!! Together we are strong. We are not helpless everyone can make a change if we all raise our voice as one, spread the truth everywhere so people can realize what's going on, stop to vote for the war against Iran. The internet will be controlled very soon. We need to stop that The congress has to do what we want.
    Stop believing the media lies about 9/11.
    Do you want to hear more????

    Here you can find the people who really want to make a change, the Army of Love!! They don't say <We are helpless> . If everyone thinks the way you think Micheal would have never bothered himself with this hoax. Have some faith.

    Show me where all this has made a change?
    And I mean a significant change, like with government, where?

    Jude, I'd like you to show me how you have tried to make a change.

    We are NOT helpless, if we join forces then we can accomplish major changes. A change starts with yourself, you will have to participate and take action as well. Don't simply sit back and think "we're helpless, we're screwed, oh I feel so sorry for myself". You've got to fight for your rights. Throw out the negativity and do something, instead of thinking that we're helpless. What have you got to lose..?

    Mo, I just love your post. Thank you!!!!!
    @Jude>; the question is : are you willing to fight for your rights yes or no?
    If you are, then you are more than welcome in the Army of love.
    If not, then I'm sorry for you. You're not courageous enough!

    Don't feel sorry for me my dears, because I am a fighter and a lover, as a woman and working in a male perdominatly world I have fought for my rights my whole life, and have lost good jobs because of it, but that don't sway me, it just makes me fight harder. And lets see, what have I done to make a change,volentered for food banks, am currently arranging a trip to Africa for October 2011 to help build schools for orphans of aids, have secretly left food at doors of less fortunate, have taken in abused dogs to find a forever home,have volentered at seniors homes and hospitals,shovel snow and mow lawns for disabled,helped improve the lives of abused women, I could go on but that would seem like I'm blowing my own horn, this illuminate sect is far bigger then any of us, and we need someone who is as big, like Michael to get the masses to listen, yes little things make a difference, hopefully causing a ripple effect, but please don't say that I know not what can make a difference, I've been there and seen it.

    So why are you losing hope now??
    You have done a great job.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I hav'nt lost hope, gosh I'm looking forward to the things I have planned, I can't wait for the African trip, and I can't wait to see the smiles on peoples faces, to see that someone is truly greatful is an amazing thing.
    No, I have not lost hope, maybe frustrated at times. And one other thing, when you say "Army" in Army of love, that makes no sense to me, because, Army and love are two different things, army to me is a war like word, asscociated with war, and Love is the opposite of war.
    Mother Theresa once said that she would never attend a "Anti" anything, because of the negative wording, but she would attend a pro peace meeting anytime.
    And that is why I have not joined Army of Love, just my personal reasons, thats it. I'm sure you've been inspired by good things and thats real good. Michael said, " get it togetha', or leave it alone".
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Jude's true you've done a great job, if every day more people do what you've done this world would be better, and gradually be achieved, perhaps this seems utopian, but I think it is achievable.

    What we want to heal the world, there is also a bit utopian? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    Jude's true you've done a great job, if every day more people do what you've done this world would be better, and gradually be achieved, perhaps this seems utopian, but I think it is achievable.

    What we want to heal the world, there is also a bit utopian? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Thank you Paula, now I'm happy!
    ABC, easy as 123!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Jude, Very well, achieve something, someone is happy <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    Jude, Very well, achieve something, someone is happy <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Sorry, I don't understand?
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    I would just like to reply to the guy who posted above me.

    Your brain only allows you to believe in something for sometime, NOT FOR TOO LONG. If Michael gives us clues that he is there, it will keep us believing, but if he just is there planning and we haven't heard anything, our brains start to focus on other things. You need to be perfect things like what Michael did but if you extend it too long, many will just leave thinking that this is all fake and waste of time.

    Badsha this is what people do that don't have faith! I know that I have faith and I continue to believe. I agree with Souza that it's about the purpose not the bam! Do you ever watch the news? Do you see all of the horrible things going on nowadays? Especially with little toddlers going missing everyday. MJ wants his Army of L.O.V.E. to make an impact on the world and stop focusing on him returning if he should ever decide to do so. Keep the Faith!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Jude, With my words achieve that your you are happy.. my English is very bad <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    Jude, With my words achieve that your you are happy.. my English is very bad <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Oh yes lol now I understand, yes your words did acheive that, and thats how easy it is. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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