The Winston Churchill UFO and alien coverup released



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I'm just asking a simple question. Where is the evidence proving that Aliens do really exist ? I haven't seen it yet...Unidentified Flying Objects for the general public yes but I doubt that the Governments do not know what these objects are...

    In my opinion this is all part of the Project Blue Beam and something may happen during the 2012 Olympic Games in London. In 2012 we will enter a kind of new era, reach a new step in the evolution of consciousness, the Aquarius era. It is represented by the Olympics rings (red, green, black, orange, blue). There is a lot of symbolism behind these games.

    Reagan said that what could "unite" the entire planet would be a threat from outer-space, from another species. Looks like a diabolical plan to me and fits the NWO agenda goal, a One World Government. How easy it would be...

  • I'm just asking a simple question. Where is the evidence proving that Aliens do really exist ? I haven't seen it yet...Unidentified Flying Objects for the general public yes but I doubt that the Governments do not know what these objects are...

    In my opinion this is all part of the Project Blue Beam and something may happen during the 2012 Olympic Games in London. In 2012 we will enter a kind of new era, reach a new step in the evolution of consciousness, the Aquarius era. It is represented by the Olympics rings (red, green, black, orange, blue). There is a lot of symbolism behind these games.

    Reagan said that what could "unite" the entire planet would be a threat from outer-space, from another species. Looks like a diabolical plan to me and fits the NWO agenda goal, a One World Government. How easy it would be...

    Do your research our ,governments has been hiding UFOS and ET's for over 50 years. and there is proof that ufos do indeed exist <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Our governemnts are not goin to tell us they exist because of religions reasons, and security reasons
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I'm just asking a simple question. Where is the evidence proving that Aliens do really exist ? I haven't seen it yet...Unidentified Flying Objects for the general public yes but I doubt that the Governments do not know what these objects are...

    In my opinion this is all part of the Project Blue Beam and something may happen during the 2012 Olympic Games in London. In 2012 we will enter a kind of new era, reach a new step in the evolution of consciousness, the Aquarius era. It is represented by the Olympics rings (red, green, black, orange, blue). There is a lot of symbolism behind these games.

    Reagan said that what could "unite" the entire planet would be a threat from outer-space, from another species. Looks like a diabolical plan to me and fits the NWO agenda goal, a One World Government. How easy it would be...

    Do your research our ,governments has been hiding UFOS and ET's for over 50 years. and there is proof that ufos do indeed exist <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Our governemnts are not goin to tell us they exist because of religions reasons, and security reasons

    So tell me where are the proofs you are talking about. The Government hiding something for 50 or even 1000 years is not a proof to me and the Governments we're talking about are capable to "hide" so-called proofs and show them at the right moment, piece by piece, to achieve their ultimate goal which is a one world government with a one world religion. Yes it may seem far-fetched and crazy but not more than super intelligent green Aliens from outer-space that would come to save us from the nasty ones...Why not have faith in God our only Savior, it's the same thing but there is proof.

    Of course the Aliens are only seen by the appropriate persons and nobody with all the technology available to the general public like cameras, cell phones etc. nobody has never taken a single photo of one of these Aliens. No the Aliens only "communicate" with the Governments and have apparently a preference for the US soil to crash...

    The claim that it would "disturb" the organized religions is a big lie because I don't see in what it would disturb. If they were really Aliens they still would have been created by God, like Demons and Angels. This is only a claim to discredit the religions once again.
  • This is brilliant news, thank you for sharing. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I will read the thread fully later on but I just wanted to put this here as I don't know how many of you have seen this or are aware of it. It is a message from 1977 where all the major UK TV networks were hijacked. Interesting that this is the same year that Elvis 'died'.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Part of the hidden agenda i think. A joke pulled by radio-amateurs i gues..

    Thank you for this link, I have never seen this before. It is interesting how they state that this hoax would have been performed by some-one with great technical know -how, for 1977, thats quite impressive. The words used in the message are very interesting and are certainly related to todays events, whoever did this was very aware of our global situation. It is also interesting that this message was given by 'Galactic federation' which is the same as many channellings reported today and these channellings are saying the same thing, it's all about unity through love, light and truth. Where this came from, for me is not as important as the message they give.

    You don't need great technical knowhow to disturb radio/tv channels when they go trough "the ether" In 1977 most people had antenna's on their roofs to capture radio/tv signals. '
    Amateur radio operators can disturb that signal when they have the right equiptment.

    According to this site, it doesn't seem to be as simple as that. This is well worth reading if you are interested. I am useless with technical stuff but it does appear that they know what they are talking about, it is quite interesting.

    <!-- m --> ... en_18j.htm<!-- m -->
  • I'm just asking a simple question. Where is the evidence proving that Aliens do really exist ? I haven't seen it yet...Unidentified Flying Objects for the general public yes but I doubt that the Governments do not know what these objects are...

    In my opinion this is all part of the Project Blue Beam and something may happen during the 2012 Olympic Games in London. In 2012 we will enter a kind of new era, reach a new step in the evolution of consciousness, the Aquarius era. It is represented by the Olympics rings (red, green, black, orange, blue). There is a lot of symbolism behind these games.

    Reagan said that what could "unite" the entire planet would be a threat from outer-space, from another species. Looks like a diabolical plan to me and fits the NWO agenda goal, a One World Government. How easy it would be...

    Do your research our ,governments has been hiding UFOS and ET's for over 50 years. and there is proof that ufos do indeed exist <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Our governemnts are not goin to tell us they exist because of religions reasons, and security reasons

    So tell me where are the proofs you are talking about. The Government hiding something for 50 or even 1000 years is not a proof to me and the Governments we're talking about are capable to "hide" so-called proofs and show them at the right moment, piece by piece, to achieve their ultimate goal which is a one world government with a one world religion. Yes it may seem far-fetched and crazy but not more than super intelligent green Aliens from outer-space that would come to save us from the nasty ones...Why not have faith in God our only Savior, it's the same thing but there is proof.

    Of course the Aliens are only seen by the appropriate persons and nobody with all the technology available to the general public like cameras, cell phones etc. nobody has never taken a single photo of one of these Aliens. No the Aliens only "communicate" with the Governments and have apparently a preference for the US soil to crash...

    The claim that it would "disturb" the organized religions is a big lie because I don't see in what it would disturb. If they were really Aliens they still would have been created by God, like Demons and Angels. This is only a claim to discredit the religions once again.
    im not going to do research for you, to make it easy, here: <!-- m --><!-- m --> You will find unanswered questions about ETs and UFO's
  • don't know if i can say this right . it seems that i remember hearing some time ago that it was discovered that radio and tv transmissions (i guess actual sounds )actually enter the outer atmospher or something to that effect .

    oh geez i'm pretty sure i'm on my way to looney bin <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    i think what the whole piece of information was about was the power that words have or something.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I for one, believe there is life on other planets....who has proven otherwise ??? Our technology is not that far advanced. Earth is just a droplet in a complex universe.[/b]
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    The claim that it would "disturb" the organized religions is a big lie because I don't see in what it would disturb. If they were really Aliens they still would have been created by God, like Demons and Angels. This is only a claim to discredit the religions once again.

    I totally agree that God created all creatures in heaven and earth. Heaven meaning all the Universe, vast as it is. I believe we are not alone. If each star in our Milky Way galaxy has a family of planets orbiting it like our sun has planets, there could be billions of earth-like planets, just in our galaxy alone. Then there are billions of billions of galaxies. God is in complete control, orchestrates all events, controls time and dimension. You mention about religions, I think that especially the Bible and other religions, whatever roles they all play for our planet Earth, are all in parenthesis in the larger scheme of time and space. I believe the Bible is a major clue or key to unlock universal mysteries. 'Sons of God' are mentioned a few times in the Bible as different beings from angelic, as well as a few mentions of all creatures in heaven and under the earth. 'Sons of God' could include a huge array of beings, all able to genetically mingle with humans.

    God could have orchestrated a different 'hiStory' for each planet, each planet could have their own types of super-intelligent ones, animals and plants. God chose our particular history to include Adam and Eve choosing to sin, special people Israelites, dying Saviour to atone for Adam/Eve sin and return of Saviour to resurrect all humans.

    The distances between stars are so difficult to travel to even at the speed of light, which UFO's may have ability to do. From many stories I have read on-line about aliens interest here, much of it is in genetics. (Sarahli there are literally hundreds of testimonies online of people having experienced some type of encounter with an alien being. Yes many are bogus but I don't believe all are.) Many of these alien messages and teachings may be outright lies. Some are likely helping us, some diabolical. The evil ones very likely involved in the 13 illuminati bloodlines, CIA, ruling elite on earth. I believe they good or bad or(God) have been sending messages or hinting at reality through movies (like science fiction-eg. Independance Day, Star Trek).

    I have heard that our bodies have been genetically programmed (by God) to age at a certain rate from birth. In fact aging programmed into all life on earth in their DNA, etc. I believe aging occurred differently in the beginning of Genesis. Even the resurrection of the dead might have entirely to do with something genetically altering DNA. The Best is Yet to Come!!! Sorry to let my thinking go wild!!
  • 2 Kings 2:11 (King James Version)

    "And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

    Ok so Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven...then what was the chariot of fire for? Yes, I believe ET's do exist, but not exactly as the green little men with huge eyes and heads, but rather these may have human appearance. Are these the angels? demons? Maybe both. Maybe these spiritual creatures have the ability to transform into humans.

    Genesis 6:4

    "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

    <!-- m --> ... A4&ver=NIV<!-- m -->

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  • Sarahli wrote:
    Of course the Aliens are only seen by the appropriate persons and nobody with all the technology available to the general public like cameras, cell phones etc. nobody has never taken a single photo of one of these Aliens. No the Aliens only "communicate" with the Governments and have apparently a preference for the US soil to crash...

    The claim that it would "disturb" the organized religions is a big lie because I don't see in what it would disturb. If they were really Aliens they still would have been created by God, like Demons and Angels. This is only a claim to discredit the religions once again

    Well, the discredit or God and the discredit of " Religions would be two totally different things , would not they be?
    While God did indeed create EVERYTHING there is including the "Aliens"...he did not necessarily create the Religions of Man.
    Man Created his Religions..that I believe indisputable for any one that may look to the truth of the matter with an unbiased mind and heart...
    It would be hard to decide and choose really .as to what or whose Religion is the " Orthodox one" that tells and discloses the Nature of the Real God to be worshiped and to tell the real factual truth concerning and our human existence here in one of a minuscule spot in a vast Universe , we call the planet Earth.
    So that would be the reason why " Religions then might feel threatened by disclosure of UFO and Alien beings who may have come here thousands or even millions of years ago to the planet Earth..and may even know and hold knowledge about us and our planet altogether different than we ourselves hold to be true at the present moment of our existence. Even our science could have really be so far off in its " Evolutionary Theory" just the same as our
    CREATIONIST doctrines could also be false or at least just speaking to us in metaphorical terms and not at all in literally terms. One example here would be the ADAM and EVE " STORY"...No one today who is even a die hard fundamentalist Christian , would really believe, that there was nothing else that existed here on Earth prior to 10000 or so years ago.
    I myself am a Christian, while I still believe that the Lord Jesus the Christ did walk the Earth maybe some time 2000 or so years ago,and he was the awaited Messiah expected to come to the world, according to prophecy of the Old Testament Prophets, I do not believe that there was nothing at all here on earth before the story of Genesis and our Adam and EVe in the garden of EDEN.
    The story of Adam and Eve is told almost identically in so many other peoples mythologies and even religions repeatedly with some variations, that the Jews proclamation of the story does not hold any originality what soever.
    So..then ...if something of a more fundamental truth should be revealed through our encounter of UFO, should they have a more believable or provable account about everything mentioned here, then, of course it would be easy to see , why the established Religions would be threatened by such a discovery.
    As to your question who may have seen real UFO ...I just would like to post one link for you regarding the former President Carter having stated he did in fact see them.
    But of course, as intelligent as Mr. Carter is, some have come to ridicule him and his wife Rosalynn...saying what he saw was the planet Venus..
    I believe a man like Mr. CArter well knows what is what when he saw it.

    Here is an excerpt from the link below..

    <!-- m --> ... carter-ufo<!-- m -->

    The UFO President
    President Jimmy Carter has often been referred-to as the "UFO President" due to the fact that he publicly claimed to have had a UFO sighting prior to becoming president. Moreover, he was the only president on record to actually file a UFO sighting report related to his sighting. Thirdly, on at least one occasion while campaigning for president, Carter declared that, if elected, he would "make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists."
    Many in the UFO community were optimistic that the election of Jimmy Carter would initiate a period of openness related to the UFO subject where the truth would be given to the public. It was not to be..

    please read more on this link..about what the naysayers had to say after he actually went on record to say he saw the UFO..etc etc.. .

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  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Sarahli wrote:
    Of course the Aliens are only seen by the appropriate persons and nobody with all the technology available to the general public like cameras, cell phones etc. nobody has never taken a single photo of one of these Aliens. No the Aliens only "communicate" with the Governments and have apparently a preference for the US soil to crash...

    The claim that it would "disturb" the organized religions is a big lie because I don't see in what it would disturb. If they were really Aliens they still would have been created by God, like Demons and Angels. This is only a claim to discredit the religions once again

    Well, the discredit or God and the discredit of " Religions would be two totally different things , would not they be?
    While God did indeed create EVERYTHING there is including the "Aliens"...he did not necessarily create the Religions of Man.
    Man Created his Religions..that I believe indisputable for any one that may look to the truth of the matter with an unbiased mind and heart...
    It would be hard to decide and choose really .as to what or whose Religion is the " Orthodox one" that tells and discloses the Nature of the Real God to be worshiped and to tell the real factual truth concerning and our human existence here in one of a minuscule spot in a vast Universe , we call the planet Earth.
    So that would be the reason why " Religions then might feel threatened by disclosure of UFO and Alien beings who may have come here thousands or even millions of years ago to the planet Earth..and may even know and hold knowledge about us and our planet altogether different than we ourselves hold to be true at the present moment of our existence. Even our science could have really be so far off in its " Evolutionary Theory" just the same as our
    CREATIONIST doctrines could also be false or at least just speaking to us in metaphorical terms and not at all in literally terms. One example here would be the ADAM and EVE " STORY"...No one today who is even a die hard fundamentalist Christian , would really believe, that there was nothing else that existed here on Earth prior to 10000 or so years ago.
    I myself am a Christian, while I still believe that the Lord Jesus the Christ did walk the Earth maybe some time 2000 or so years ago,and he was the awaited Messiah expected to come to the world, according to prophecy of the Old Testament Prophets, I do not believe that there was nothing at all here on earth before the story of Genesis and our Adam and EVe in the garden of EDEN.
    The story of Adam and Eve is told almost identically in so many other peoples mythologies and even religions repeatedly with some variations, that the Jews proclamation of the story does not hold any originality what soever.
    So..then ...if something of a more fundamental truth should be revealed through our encounter of UFO, should they have a more believable or provable account about everything mentioned here, then, of course it would be easy to see , why the established Religions would be threatened by such a discovery.
    As to your question who may have seen real UFO ...I just would like to post one link for you regarding the former President Carter having stated he did in fact see them.
    But of course, as intelligent as Mr. Carter is, some have come to ridicule him and his wife Rosalynn...saying what he saw was the planet Venus..
    I believe a man like Mr. CArter well knows what is what when he saw it.

    Here is an excerpt from the link below..

    <!-- m --> ... carter-ufo<!-- m -->

    The UFO President
    President Jimmy Carter has often been referred-to as the "UFO President" due to the fact that he publicly claimed to have had a UFO sighting prior to becoming president. Moreover, he was the only president on record to actually file a UFO sighting report related to his sighting. Thirdly, on at least one occasion while campaigning for president, Carter declared that, if elected, he would "make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists."
    Many in the UFO community were optimistic that the election of Jimmy Carter would initiate a period of openness related to the UFO subject where the truth would be given to the public. It was not to be..

    please read more on this link..about what the naysayers had to say after he actually went on record to say he saw the UFO..etc etc.. .

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Thanks for your answer Supervision. But the testimony of Jimmy Carter is not a real proof. It's not because he was the President that his testimony has value of evidence. It stays a testimony.

    Regarding religions I just think that they will find a way to make it fit in. As I said they just have to say that God can create everything (and it's true) to make people believe in the Aliens they want to make them believe in. For the moment I see no hard solid evidence where there is not the shadow of a doubt proving that these Aliens exist. Both sides can't really prove their claims. I can't prove that there's no Aliens too but I find it bizarre that they can have "kept the secret" and that Aliens do not land in my garden for example. Why in the USA ? Why the Gov. are always first ? Everybody can see a light in the sky or a "spaceship" that's why there are more sightings than real "encounter". It is to make it more credible to me. But a sighting is not a proof and photos can be photoshopped easily.

    I rather believe in Demons and Angels which are also other forms of life. And Demons have certain powers permitting them to play such tricks (light in the sky). Also the Project Blue Beam. The governments have the technology to make us believe that UFO's are Aliens.

    Well I know I'm annoying because people here are so convinced about their existence. I'm sorry to be stubborn. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> It's really not make fun of your beliefs it's just that I see it totally differently and I respect all point of views.

    Vatican Considers Possibility of Aliens
    "In the interview last year, Funes told Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano that believing the universe may host aliens, even intelligent ones, does not contradict a faith in God."

    ""Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God's creative freedom.""

    "Earlier this year, the Vatican also sponsored a conference on evolution to mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species.""

    Full article: <!-- m --> ... 3197.shtml<!-- m -->
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Since I'm a kid, I believe in E.T.

    I don't know what to think about their presence here, if they are here or not.
    Maybe they are, because of all UFO's, but maybe UFO's are human technology or not explained naturals phenomenas... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
    But somewhere in the infinity of space, I'm sure there are some greys guys, or green <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    And now, I found this on the internet ( <!-- m --> ... -the-truth<!-- m --> ), some reasons why, if E.Ts are here, governments don't reveal the presence. Enjoy to read it !

    1. Complexity: The ET presence is not a simple story such as "they are here." All collected evidence points to the fact that the final story will be very complex and possibly multi dimensional. The more researchers study the phenomena the more visiting races there appear to be, and the more complex their technology looks. It appears to be far beyond what we know or can even comprehend.

    Recent UFO research announcements have continued to show a phenomenon that is constantly changing and becoming more complex. In the U.K. for example a series of "crop circles" began in the 1980s. It was a completely new aspect to the point that some considered it a new phenomenon in itself. It has developed into a complex new dimension of the UFO mystery.

    Similarly, Mexican UFO researchers have begun to document on video sightings of small white orb UFOs that have been flying over populated areas, such as around the Mexico City airport. Whn the phenomenon was first recognized the objects were seen in groups of 2- 8, but recent films show grouping that number into the hundreds.

    The most recent films have also shown some sort of serpents like white objects flying through the sky dropping off white, red, and blue spheres. Thousand of films have been made of these objects.

    2. National Security: Jimmy Carter entered the White House determined to release the UFO files, inspired by the fact he himself had had a sighting. However, after a UFO briefing Carter changed teams joining the cover-up side. He told actress Shirley MacLaine "it was true…there were occupants," and that he wanted to "shine the sunshine laws on it to see how the people would react," but he "couldn’t and wouldn’t."

    Carter spelled out that if the subject involved "national security" he wouldn’t release that material. Anything that the briefers would tie into threat to the security of the nation would be reason for Carter to keep quiet. Carter stated,

    I don’t see any reason to keep information like that secret but there may be some aspect of the UFO information with which I am not familiar that might be related to some secret experiments that we doing that might involve our national security –our new weapons systems. I certainly wouldn’t release that. But if it was something removed from our national security, in my opinion as President I would go ahead and release that. I see nothing wrong with that.

    Research attorney Peter Gerston stated "officials simply do not disclose secret information whether it be in the interests of national security or in their own vested interests.""

    3. Don’t Know What To Do: The cover-up may simply be a case of the government not knowing what to do about the ET situation. They might be simply covering up their ignorance.

    Wilbert Smith, who headed up the Canadian government investigation into flying saucers from 1950-1954, said "The only reason that those in authority have said nothing about it is that they simply don’t know what to do about it. "

    This not knowing what to do led to a situation inside the Canadian government of helplessness. Wilbert B. Smith stated, "Fact is when certain government officials came face to face with the reality of the space people, and realized there was nothing they could do about it, they promptly closed their eyes and hoped the whole thing would go away."

    4. Fear: The President and other high officials might simply afraid. Afraid to deal with the issue. When President Clinton and his executive branch people took over the government in 1993, Dr. Steven Greer obtained an inside opportunity to brief Congressman Dan Burton, the chairman of the powerful House Government Reform and Oversight Committee. Burton was very interested in the UFO case that was being made by Greer. He asked Greer for everything that he had on the subject.

    One year later Burton had backed off his UFO quest after he and his chief aid experienced some strange surveillance indications. On an interview with Art Bell on the radio show "Coast to Coast" Greer stated that Burton had now become like everyone else in government - afraid of dealing with the issue. "The problem is no one wants to act," said Greer. "They’re not acting because they are afraid."

    Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo 14 astronaut commented on the reason for the secrecy based on information that had been shared with him by old timers familiar with the intelligence factors related to the UFO cover-up. Mitchell said there is a very simple reason why governments have been so secretive: fear.

    5. In-House Secrecy: The government, particularly the executive branch of the government would like to deal with the issue in secrecy. In the early years of government involvement, the government dealt with the UFO issue in part by the use of a public investigation – Project Blue Book. The whole project turned out to be a public relations nightmare where the government was forced to deal publicly with every UFO sighting, and other non-related items that people believed were related to the phenomena.

    It is much easier to deal with an issue, especially one where there is no roadmap, in secrecy where dirty laundry and mistakes can be handled outside the scrutiny of media and the public.

    6. Alien Cover-up: The aliens are covering up as well. They appear to be using what some researchers call a "leaky embargo." They present themselves but in a way that proof can not be confirmed. Instead of landing and announcing they are here, they fly beside aircraft for a number of minutes, or pass messages to lone individuals who take the message to the world.

    The aliens could land anytime they want and make themselves known. The aliens have refused to directly announce their presence, and this forces hesitation on behalf of the government.

    If the aliens won’t announce, why should the government go first? The government is waiting to see what the ultimate goal of the aliens is.

    7. Alien Masters: The aliens are in fact in charge. They directly or control everything related to their presence and the future disclosure of their presence. This is something the government could never admit publicly.

    Government files illustrate a number of disturbing UFO sighting reports that show "hostile actions" by the aliens. Does the government want to announce this to the public, especially if the government can not control events?

    8. Government Gridlock: The announcement of an ET presence on earth would be front page news for months. It would stymie and dominate the government’s every action and not allow it to carry out any of its planned business. It would be Monica Lewinski situation times 1000.

    Agencies like NASA would become irrelevant overnight. The government would face the question of why they continued to fund NASA when they knew the primate space efforts were a waste of taxpayer money.

    9. Population Resistance: The government knows that the population is not ready to deal with aliens. It is conceivable that a certain percentage of citizens would not accept the alien presence and would in fact attack the aliens.

    This is something that the government would have a hard time controlling as American citizens have a constitutional right to bear arms. The aliens might be seen as invaders or agents of the devil "in sheep’s clothing."

    Any attack against the aliens might result in a counterattack causing massive damage on the country. (This point, however, is good news, as it shows the aliens could never take over no matter what advanced technology they had. They would end up bogged down in a Vietnam style quagmire like the one facing the United States today in Iraq.)

    10. People Don’t Care: In the last 57 years the President has only faced the UFO question twice. In the 2004 election there was not a single UFO related question to one of the two major candidates. The people therefore do not see the UFO-ET presence as a key issue. Why would the government risk all the potential fallouts for an issue that no one cares about?

    11. Past Statements: The government has lied for almost 60 years and thus must continue the lie. One lie has been used to cover another and it is becoming impossible to come clean. The government must first come up with a way to explain they have been misleading the public for 57 years.

    12. Collapse in Belief Systems: This would be particularly evident among government scientists and engineers who would have to deal with the fact that their employer has been lying to them and feeding them false data, and more importantly the fact that most of their treasured beliefs in science we wrong.

    The 1961 Brooking Institute study looked at this situation.

    ""It has been speculated that of all groups, scientists and engineers might be the most devastated by the discovery of relatively superior creatures, since these professions are most clearly associated with the mastery of nature, rather than with the understanding and expression of man."

    As science fuels the modern technological advances, and upheaval would negatively affect the economy.

    13. Fear of Death: One possibility is that the President has been threatened with death by the control group. Steven Greer told a story that a close friend of Bill Clinton’s had told him that "If the President does what you say - he fears that he will end up like Jack Kennedy." This theory of the President being threatened with death to keep him quiet is actually quite popular in the UFO community. There have even been controversial documents leaked into the UFO community that even claim Kennedy was assassinated because he gave the order to declassify the ET presence.

    14. Old Style Conservatives: Like in some religious settings the "conservatives" want to hang on to status quo as long as possible. The government would have to deal with this group which would not be willing to negotiate or compromise. This is commonly described as the reason major newspapers do not follow the UFO story. The editors are just simply old style skeptic conservatives.

    There is a rumor in the UFO community that there is a split in the UFO control group over whether or not to disclose. As there is no disclosure it would appear that the conservatives still hold the majority of the votes.

    15. Weapons Development: There is a need to develop ET technology in secret into super-weapons in case of alien attack. There is also a great desire by the military weapons people to develop weapons that are more efficient at killing. The alien technology would be a dream come true for weapon development people. Developers who control the technology may want to keep things secret to solidify their control over the technology before the public finds out. "My friends," wrote Peter Gersten, "as long as technology is the prize, no official disclosure will ever take place."

    16. Lead Time: If the American military people have figured out 70% of the secrets behind the alien technology it would be dangerous to release this. The piece released might be exactly the piece required by the enemy to complete their weapons system. The defense sector knows that in modern war lead time is critical, as many present day wars only last days or months. Any advantage gained by alien technology would develop a weapons lead time of months or years. This would give the enemy no time to build their own system.

    This lead time problem would also apply to lead times that might have been gained by an enemy also working on alien technology. Giving our adversaries an indication of what we know would allow the enemy to attack if he knew we had no counter measure.

    17. Reverse Engineering – The government is buying for time till they have completed back engineering crashed saucers.

    18. Need to Know: The population does not have the need to know. As one Navy Captain told researcher Ray Stanford in 1964 "those dealing with the problem are capable of rational judgment in the face of the unexpected. They know the facts… people are not ready to know the facts."

    This is a strong principle inside the military that they have special access to information that the population should not be given access to for various reasons. UFOs have always been described as a "need to know" item. Vice President Dick Cheney for example, when asked if he had been officially briefed on the subject of UFOs stated "If I had been briefed on that subject, it probably would have been classified and I wouldn’t be talking about it."

    19. Kickbacks and Profits: He who has the gold makes the rules. If the cover-up is controlled by insiders, as many believe, they could be resisting disclosure because of astronomical profits and kickbacks to be made from siphoning classified extraterrestrial ultra-technology into insider corporations.

    Knowledge is power, and power brings profit in the capitalist system.

    20. Loss of Power: Power brokers who know control the situation would definitely lose power. They would definitely have less power in a World style government because the U.S. population is very small.

    21. Dependence on Oil: The entire economy is dependant on oil, and everyone addicted to it has become addicted to the technologies involved. It is part of the status quo, and people don’t like change.

    Oil also involves a lot of money and jobs. This would be a major factor in keeping the money flowing to the people who are benefiting now.

    Retooling an economy based almost entirely on oil would be very disruptive to society.

    22. Short Sightedness: The government operates in the short term, and UFOs is a long term issue. Steven Greer stated that a person attached to the National Security advisor to President Reagan stated that long term in the government is 5 years.

    The President only has a term of 4 years, and because he is always seeking votes his main interests usually lie in things that are achievable in his four year term. This is especially true if one measures the possible fallout of disclosure vs the votes that could be gained.

    In a related point some military sources have said that government officials such as the President transitional figures; around for no more than eight years. There is no reason to bring them into a very complex issue for such a small period of time.

    23. Nationalism: Disclosure of the ET presence would transfer citizen allegiance from the United States to the world. It has often been said, "Nationalism is the only game in town."

    A future consideration is that if there is a one world view, the military, weapons developers, and security services people would find it hard to sell weapons and fear.

    24. Government Black Operations: Many UFOs are secret government experiments that must be protected by covering up all sightings. This was the case made in the 1997 CIA study "A Die-Hard Issue: CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90," written by CIA historian Gerald K. Haines. Haines stated that most of the UFOs seen since 1947 were caused by intelligence planes such as the U-2 and the SR-71.

    25. Abductions: If the government would to disclose that there is an ET presence here on earth, one of the first questions that would be asked to the President is "As President you are constitutionally responsible for the protection of the American people. It has been estimated that 6-8 million people have been abducted by the extraterrestrials. In light of this Mr. President what are you doing to stop it." Based on presently available evidence it appears that not only does the President not know how to stop it, he probably does not even know why the aliens are doing it.

    26. Mutilations: The confirmation by the government that 10,000 or more cattle have been mutilated would send panic throughout the American populous. The fact that the government had known and did nothing to stop it would lead to a rash of lawsuits from farmers all over the country. As the government can do nothing to stop the mutilations – they would be faced with a no win situation. If the government itself is doing the mutilations as some claim, this naturally could never be released under any circumstances.

    Some contend that there have been human mutilations, and if true it appears that the government can not stop this either. The confirmation of a human element to the mutilation phenomena would be like a nuclear bomb going off in Washington, D.C.

    27. Viruses: There is a very strong story that in January 1996, at least one alien was captured in Varginha, Brazil. One policeman Marco Eli Chereze was the key person who captured the alien and held him as they went to the hospital. Within days Marco developed other tumors and minor infection points all over his body, and he was dead in less than a month.

    28. Waived Special Access Programs: There are also levels of SAP, the first being a division into acknowledged and unacknowledged SAPs. Black Program is slang for an unacknowledged SAP. An unacknowledged SAP is so sensitive that its very existence is a "core secret." Indeed, some unacknowledged SAPs are sensitive to the extent that they are "waived" (a technical term) from the normal management and oversight protocols. Even members of Congress on appropriations committees (the Senate and House committees that allocate budgets) and intelligence committees are not allowed to know anything about these programs. In the case of a waived SAP, only eight members of Congress (the chairs and ranking minority members of the four defense committees) are even notified that a given program has been waived (without being told anything about the nature of the program). Such a program is certainly deep black (though I am not sure if that designation is actually used in the business).

    29. The Government Knows: There is a theory that the government might have many of the answers and is buying for time until they have the ability to deal with some of the more difficult UFO problems. Perhaps the control group has all the answers and the news is not good for the future of man. They may know that the alien agenda is bad, and that they are helpless to stop it. The government certainly wouldn’t want to release such an end of the world scenario.

    Perhaps the aliens are good but the control group is afraid the aliens will tell everyone the truth of what has been going on since the 1940s. The control group losses control of writing history.

    30. Building a Defense System: Those in control of the UFO data may be working on creating counter measures to defend or even attack the high technologies exhibited by UFOs. Bringing down UFOs "at will" would certainly be one technology that the military is busy trying to develop. This would be especially true if the military is taking the view that the UFOs represent an enemy.

    31. We Are Being Studied: If "they" discover you, it is an old but hardly invalid rule of thumb, "they" are your technological superiors. Human history has shown us time and again the tragic results of a confrontation between a technologically superior civilization and a technologically inferior people. The "inferior" is usually subject to physical conquest.

    b. Often in the past, a technologically superior people are also possessors of a more virile and aggressive culture. In a confrontation between two peoples of significantly different cultural levels, those having the inferior or less virile culture, most often suffer a tragic loss of identity and are usually absorbed by the other people.

    c. The Brookings Study on The Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life and Intelligence best described the fear that an encounter by our civilization with an advanced race might mean disaster. "Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior."

    32. Lobby Groups: The UFO community has only one lobbyist with very little money. Other interest groups such as the oil industry have scores of lobbyists. These lobbyists spend millions of dollars to influence congressional decisions. We simply don’t have the same influence.

    Much of what happens in Washington is highly influenced by lobbyists and Ufology does not have the public support or money and therefore can exhort very little pressure on the political system.

    33. Money: We don’t have much, and it takes a certain amount of it to finance proper research, set up political action movements which help influence government push through an important idea.

    34. Alien Threat: Perhaps the aliens have directly ordered the government (or government within the government) not to disclose the UFO secret.

    35. Apprehension of Invasion: Concern of human slavery, especially by the upper class elites, possible imprisonment by the colonizing alien races, and God knows what else. It was recorded in the 1997 CIA UFO study that the UFO over flights over the White House in July 1952 was a serious concern of President Truman’s staff.

    36. Secrecy: It is part of the nature of the military and government. Many much less important things are held secret. The military has control and simply insists the secret be kept. General Arthur Exon, for example testified he received a call from General Clements McMullin following the crash at Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. McMullin’s instructions to General Ramey, according to Exon were to concoct a "cover story" to "get the press off our back."

    37. Religious Fallout: The Christian religion is the basis of the American society and the disclosure of the ET reality would affect some sectors of the Christian community.

    In 1994, a study was done where 1,000 priests, ministers and rabbis were questioned about the impact of an ET presence on religion. One question dealt specifically how religion would react if ET were to "proclaim responsibility for producing human life." 28% of all respondents replied that the believed or believed strongly that it would create a religious crisis. (28% of the American population would be over 82 million people in crisis)

    It could be argued that the number affected by fallout in their belief structure would be small in the 21 century, but even a small percentage would deserve some protection in a group that holds a lot of power and influence in the present administration. 99% don’t have aids.

    Moreover, religious beliefs sometimes influence those who control or gather the intelligence on the subject. Inside the CIA it was said that fundamentalist Christian agents believed remote viewing was satanic, and helped put an end to research.

    Christians are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Jews are waiting for the Messiah. The appearance of aliens instead can not be viewed as something that will have a positive effect.

    38. Evolution: This would have to rank as one of the key reasons a cover-up is being supported by the control group. On many occasions U.S. intelligence has leaked the story that the aliens are our creators, and have tied this into the abduction reports. They have even hinted that Jesus was a creation of the aliens and that the aliens provided them some sort of proof that could be shown to the public. If true, these revelations would cause many problems for disclosure.

    The American society has Christianity as a religious base, and most believe that mankind was a special creation of God. To present the public with proof that they are nothing more than an alien science fair project would be devastating.

    39. Dark Inner Secrets: The cover-up of the ET reality might involve some secret inside the UFO cover-up. It is hard to image what this secret might be but one example might be if 5,000 Americans were killed in the early years to protect the secret. It might be a short trip to jail for some if the cover-up were ended.

    40. Who’s in Charge: Perhaps the government is not covering up. President Bill Clinton told Sarah McClendon there was a government inside the government that he did not control. Perhaps the government is trying but has no power to disclose. Many in fact believe that control over the UFO subject compartmented away from legal and constitutional chain-of-command oversight and control. These people according to Steven Greer are "risk-averse, do not like significant change, and will not give up control and power easily."

    Elected public officials such as the President as transient faces that will be gone in 4, 6, or 8 years.

    The government’s UFO role appears to have been run for the last 58 years by some unelected group. In reality the elected government may have no more power to disclose the UFO secrets than the average American citizen. They may be totally out of the loop, as is illustrated by a story told about Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen. The story is recounted by Dr. Steven Greer.

    Cohen was approached by an astronaut who gave him a piece of UFO evidence along with the providence for the piece. Cohen spent much time and effort trying to track where this piece of evidence had gone and was unsuccessful.

    41. Quite simply, we wouldn't have known how to deal with the technology of intelligent beings advanced enough to send a craft to Earth.

    42. Status Quo: Things aren’t all that bad, and its not worth the trouble that might arise from disclosure. Dr. Eric Walker was the former president at Penn State University, and former Chairman of the Board at the Institute for Defense Analysis, which is the top military think tank to the Defense Department. When asked to talk while he was still alive, Walker shot back, "What’s all the after all, forty years have gone by, and nobody's blown up the world."

    Everyone has a job and the people are satisfied enough to have given George Bush a second term in the White House. Don’t rock the boat. The secret weapon should be brought out only in the most extreme situations. There are still oil options to exploit like the Alaska nature areas.

    43. Psi Warfare: There is much to indicate that mental phenomena are a large part of how the aliens fly the craft and how they communicate and control UFO abductees. The intelligence community would die for this technology, and would be very afraid of such technology falling into enemy hands.

    The fact that "mental phenomena" is a key part of the UFO phenomena can be found as far back as a Canadian Top Secret memo written by the head of the government’s UFO program Wilbert Smith. He wrote,

    I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena and I gather that they are not doing too well since they indicated that if Canada is doing anything in geo-magnetics they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited Canadians.

    The idea that "mind control" technology is part of the reason for the cover-up was even raised with President Clinton’s science advisor in 1994 by Cecil B. Jones. Jones was a partner with Laurance Rockefeller in their initiative to get President Clinton to declassify classified UFO files.

    In a February 17, 1994 from Jones to Dr. Jack Gibbon’s Jones wrote,

    "My mention of mind control at the February 4 meeting was quite deliberate. Please be careful about this. There are reasons to believe that some government group has interwoven research about this technology with alleged UFO phenomena. If that is correct, you can expect to run into early resistance when inquiring about UFOs, not because of the UFO subject, but because that has been used to cloak research and applications of mind-control activity."

    44. Loss of Agenda: The President that makes the ET reality announcement will face numerous fallouts, and his entire presidential agenda will be overrun by the ET issue.

    45. President as Goat: Fear by the President of being the goat. History could record the disclosing president as being the hero, but there is an equal chance he might be seen as the president who ruined everything. It might be this human nature fear that stops the President from releasing.

    46. Alien’s Hidden Agenda: The main mission of the visiting ET presence is not clear. Until this is clear it would be dangerous to release. The wacko UFO element will get a lot of media coverage without any concrete evidence to counter the wild claims.

    The aliens are withholding the announcement of their presence for a reason. If the government announces and the aliens don’t, the government would then be forced to explain the secrecy being used by the aliens. It is apparent that the aliens have not shared this with the government.

    47. No Answers: The government has no answer to many aspects of the UFO phenomena such as cattle mutilations or human abduction. Moreover, the government not only does not know how to stop it – they don’t even know why the aliens are doing it. It would be absolutely impossible to put the President of the United States in front of a news conference where he would be made out as "the emperor with no clothes."

    48. Counter-Intelligence Against the American People: In order to hide their ignorance on the UFO situation the government was forced to spread false stories within public media sources that they had control of the situation. The government is finding their ignorance on the situation. All stories about Area 51, alien alliances for technology, and back engineered alien technologies are nothing more that counter intelligence designed to convince the public they have the ET situation under control.

    49. Alien Airspace: The aliens are allowed to fly around in U.S. airspace at will. It appears that all NORAD officials do is watch. We could never release this fact to the American population.

    50. Mass Shock and World-Wide Panic: Despite the notion that society has matured, the government knows that shock and panic would be the order of the day. People did panic during 911 and in the 2003 Northeast blackout. Even President George W. Bush panicked in the hours following 911.

    In both cases the New York Stock exchange had to be closed to stop a meltdown in stock prices.

    51. Stock Market Collapse: There would be a meltdown of the stock market. Those in control own stock. They would therefore hesitate to do things that would eliminate their holdings.

    Oil stocks would lose most of their value within minutes of the confirmation of an extraterrestrial presence. This would lead to other panicked traders selling other stocks to protect their positions. In the cases of the 911 attack and the 2003 blackout the stock market crashed and there was not much the government could do except to close the market before it reached zero. The government was able to open the market after a couple days after convincing the population that they had the situation under control, and that the event would never happen again. In the case of UFOs there is no indication that the government has any control over the situation, so opening the stock market would lead to a continued meltdown.

    A close associate of Wilbert Smith who did metallurgic analysis of UFO fragments for Smith told me clearly in an interview I did with him in the 1970s, "If you ever find out that they are going to release the UFO secret tomorrow, be sure you sell everything you have today, because tomorrow everything will be worth nothing."

    52. End of Nationalism: People would transfer their allegiance from the United States to the world. The consequences for the American government and all its departments would be obvious. In the new system whose rules would dominate? Would Americans still be allowed to control the vast majority of world resources with their small population?

    Situations like the collapse of the former Soviet Union into more than a dozen countries shows clearly that the desire among humans is still to division and a sense of nationalism based on race, religion, and political belief structures.

    53. Free Energy Dilemma: Free energy to countries like China and India with 50 cent an hour labor rates would devastate the American economy.

    It will be important for the American government to retain control over the new technology so it can be used to maintain the present economic world view. It will also be important to control the technology because it could be used by terrorists against American interest at home and around the world. There have been many examples in UFO sightings which show that the alien technology has great potential for destruction.

    54. Procrastination: The nature of government is to procrastinate on everything. Of all the issues being put off to another time, the ET presence is the biggest. Henry Kissinger, a former Secretary of State for Richard Nixon and often rumored to be a member of the UFO control group, was rumored to have stated, "UFOs are the biggest hot potato in Washington."

    Rarely does a government take up a new idea and simply pass it. Government flows with the pressures exerted by lobby groups and polls. They are in power to carry out the will of the people, not introduce new ideas.

    55. Religious Fallout: The government fears there will be very negative fallout inside the religious community which is the basis of American society. Conservative religious leaders might declare aliens the agents of the devil and a religious war could break out.

    56. Shift in Credibility: If the government were to disclose they would lose all their credibility on the subject after years of lies. This distrust would spill over into statements being made by government officials on other non-UFO related items. The power would shift from the government to the UFO community.

    More importantly, the credibility on telling the UFO story would shift to the UFO community who will claim they were right all along. Many in the media and public will look to the UFO community for answers.

    However, many in the UFO community know that the community is not united, and there are some fringe elements. These fringe elements will be giving the major media sources stories like humans are being served in an alien McDonald’s on the back side of the moon serving up humans. Researchers with negative alien viewpoints could spin the abduction and animal mutilation stories into an uncontrollable public relations disaster. These stories will carry similar weight to researchers with a more conservative view. The media would not know who to believe.

    57. Overpopulation: New alien medical technologies would cut disease and increase life spans which would cause rapid overpopulation. Some estimated state 23,000 children needlessly die each day from disease and hunger. Most of these children, however, are in third countries that are causing damage to the American economy with cheap imports because of low wages. Allowing their populations to increase faster would aggravate the problem.

    This massive growth in third world populations would upset the present world order. The American government is elected to represent its voters and not people in other countries.

    58. An Uncontrolled Release: Any attempt to make a partial disclosure announcement (the ETs are here but we won’t talk about areas of the subject that are still classified) would give the green light to people who are "read into" the program. These people might consider the partial disclosure as a green light to start talking about what they know. This might include material the government doesn’t want released.

    59. Increased Terrorist Power: The new technologies might fall into the hands of terrorists. They would be far more effective with this in their war against America. Complete control of the powerful UFO technologies would be the only safe alternative. The technology must be controlled in the same way nuclear technology has been guarded for the past 60 years.

    60. Ridicule: The reason for the cover-up is the same reason other paranormal subjects are kept secret. Those in power are afraid of ridicule by the media. Ridicule can be used by political opponents to gain votes.

    A prime example of this is the story of Nancy Reagan and her use of an astrologer to determine the President’s daily schedule, or the case of Hillary Clinton who was accused of channeling with new age guru Jean Houston. In both cases the President lost a lot of political capitol, and public relations people had to work hard to restore the White House as a place where sane and down to earth people live.

    61. Foreign Weapons: Government is concerned some UFOs may be other nations weapons systems. In 1953 the U.S. Air Force had a project called "Blue Moon" to try and photograph unidentified enemy aircraft. It was hoped the project would identify new enemy prototypes, modifications and installations being made on present enemy aircraft. The idea is to secretly study all unknown in hopes of identifying advanced technology which could be used by the U.S. military, or might be a threat to U.S. military.

    62. No Public Support: Ufology groups have been unable to marshal up the public support to create a massive demonstration and force the issue of disclosure. Therefore disclosure is an issue people don’t demand. The lack of support allows the control group to continue the secrecy. If the situation was really serious and detrimental to the well being of society more people would speak up. When UFOs is viewed as a bread and butter issue, the secrecy will end.

    63. Sources & Methods: Any disclosure announcement would confirm the locations of where the back engineering technologies have been taking place. This is free intelligence to the enemy allowing them to point their spies and satellites in the right direction.

    64. Dead Pilots: In the early days of the modern UFO era the U.S.A.F. made a number of attempts to shoot down UFOs. There were many reports of pilots dieing and there are rumors that the actual number would be a source of embarrassment to the control group should there be a disclosure.

    65. Nuclear Weapons: This is one of the main reasons UFOs are here – the evils of nuclear weapons. The government would never admit this as they would have to disassemble all their nuclear weapons and the industry around it.

  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Other believers in UFO's and Aliens:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • [youtube:1mbbei44]
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    I blindly believe that exists life in the universe .. kinda selfishness think there is only us in this gigantic universe..ty for the videos <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Other believers in UFO's and Aliens:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    I blindly believe that exists life in the universe .. kinda selfishness think there is only us in this gigantic universe..ty for the videos <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think its possible that there is life in outer space, we are not the centre of this universe. Why should we be the only ones?
    BUT.. i also keep in mind that it could be manipulation.
    Because it is possible to project images in the sky.
    So i am double about this.
  • [color=#808040]by Sarahli » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:55 am
    Thanks for your answer Supervision. But the testimony of Jimmy Carter is not a real proof. It's not because he was the President that his testimony has value of evidence. It stays a testimony.

    Well, of course I now that Mr. Carters statement has remained only a testimony...but, my reason of citing him to you was to show the connection of the Ufo sighting validity and with that of higher government officials full knowledge of the matter.

    I will re post below, what Cameron has posted to try to explain to you why Jimmy Carter's testimony was important here to mention.when we are talking about the existence or non existence of the ET.

    Cameron posted...
    2. National Security: Jimmy Carter entered the White House determined to release the UFO files, inspired by the fact he himself had had a sighting. However, after a UFO briefing Carter changed teams joining the cover-up side. He told actress Shirley MacLaine "it was true…there were occupants," and that he wanted to "shine the sunshine laws on it to see how the people would react," but he "couldn’t and wouldn’t."

    Regarding religions I just think that they will find a way to make it fit in. As I said they just have to say that God can create everything (and it's true) to make people believe in the Aliens they want to make them believe in.

    Your realize of course no one can make anyone believe in anything they do not want to believe in. Belief is something of a personal matter and extremely subjective to boot. But, you must also remember , that the Truth will always be one and indivisible.If the Aliens exist they exist..if they are indeed the creators of humans (God forbid <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )..then I am afraid the question would be as what is written in Romans.
    as Romans 9:20 says"
    But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'"
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    For the moment I see no hard solid evidence where there is not the shadow of a doubt proving that these Aliens exist.

    For the moment I also do not see a hard solid evidence where there is not the shadow of a doubt proving that the God our respective Religions teach about exists..
    We believe by faith...and what we think is rational not really knowing where and how we came to be exactly. This includes the " Theory of DARWIN", which remains really a theory, but many consider it a fact.
    But , if the here and present their case to us what is what with the whole thing here on Earth, then what are you and I supposed to do?
    Cameron posted an excellent post which explains in a very convincing (to Me) detail..why the UFO matter is being covered up, so I will not repeat it here.

    However, I will here retell my own story as to how I come to believe the ET exist, which I have posted about many times already.
    To tell the truth I have never in my whole life even considered the UFO story to be real, before I started to see Visions.
    But when I started to see Visions, one of the first Vision was that of The STAR of DAVID and I saw the UfO with the GReat Pyramids..I actually saw it as if I was looking at a movie or something. Their craft was accelerating and it stopped next to the Great Pyramids.
    Now , I do not know whether you believe in Spiritual sights or not..but..I have to share with you, it is quite an amazing thing when you start to see Visions.
    And deep down inside then I new without a shadow of a doubt that there was a direct connection with the Pyramids and the UFO Folks let alone to doubt that they exist.I know for certain they exist..cause in the same way through the Visions I also saw Jesus the Christ. And I know for certain He exists.
    Now having said that, I don't mind telling you, personally all this talk that Aliens created humans, is about to plunge me personally into a deep crisis if I can not soon tie the ends what is exactly the connection between these beings and The Lord Jesus. Perhaps then I can really understand why you seem to be reluctant to open the door to such questions.
    But nevertheless, as I have said already, the Truth is one and indivisible and we shall know it and there is no doubt that when we do come to know it..
    it will Set us free

    Both sides can't really prove their claims. I can't prove that there's no Aliens too but I find it bizarre that they can have "kept the secret" and that Aliens do not land in my garden for example. Why in the USA ? Why the Gov. are always first ? Everybody can see a light in the sky or a "spaceship" that's why there are more sightings than real "encounter". It is to make it more credible to me. But a sighting is not a proof and photos can be photo shopped easily.

    Well,about your the Photo shopped pics suspicions,please do some light research and you will know without a doubt that the sightings reported are real, and so are the abduction stories which have plagued millions of poor people who undergo psychiatric treatment and counseling .

    I rather believe in Demons and Angels which are also other forms of life. And Demons have certain powers permitting them to play such tricks (light in the sky). Also the Project Blue Beam. The governments have the technology to make us believe that UFO's are Aliens.

    Well, you rather believe in Demons and Angels..well, you have never known these beings have you, or have you seen some your self?... My guess is,You believe it them , most probably cause, you were told they do exist. Or?

    Well I know I'm annoying because people here are so convinced about their existence. I'm sorry to be stubborn. It's really not make fun of your beliefs it's just that I see it totally differently and I respect all point of views.

    You do not have to apologize at all for what you believe in at the present moment about this UfO nuisance <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    After all,. all of us can only acknowledge something when we open our eyes and heart to it...and of course our mind and sometime when we have no other recourse but to accept something that we do not wish to entertain prior to fact. Who knows you may even be right in your assessment. : <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
    Vatican Considers Possibility of Aliens

    I am willing to bet my last dollar the Vatican Knows about the existence of the UFO. It is not "considering the Possibility of the Aliens"

    "Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God's creative freedom.""

    Well said.. and quite true also,but would the Genesis Story hold up,what the Church teaches , if the Aliens have the true original copy of the whole CreationManifesto? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "Earlier this year, the Vatican also sponsored a conference on evolution to mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species.""

    Well now, every fool knows, we can have both been created by God and also have come about spontaneously out of the SEA.. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Sending you all Love..
    thanks Cameron for the enlightening Post. I enjoyed reading it.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Eventhough im not a Christian, there is something in this lyrics that makes me go hmmm.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265

    Thank you for your time to answer I appreciate the dialogue. You say that there is no proof that God exists but there are plenty of proofs all around you, your existence is a proof that God exists, the entire creation is a proof that God exists. The world, the universe is not here by meer chance. If you ask yourself the right questions you can only come to the conclusion that all this is part of a plan, that all this is the result of one single Intelligence. I really don't believe in the theory of Aliens who would have created us. This is just my deep belief.

    I also want to tell you that I have not been teached anything regarding faith in God, it just came naturally and prior to reading any revelation. I don't believe in God because it is written in the Bible or the Torah or the Quran. I believe in God because of the Creation.

    Man has twisted the word of God that's why people feel the need to look elsewhere and believe in something else but in reality believing in a superior intelligence is not far from believing in God. There are people who believe in the concept of "Nature" being a force, seems like people create their own beliefs because they suit better their standards but how do they know that it is not harming them in reality ? That's why God chose people among us, Prophets, to guide us. But men seem to never understand and always choose to disobey that's why so many civilizations have suddenly disappeared.

    The sightings are real I'm ok with that but we don't see what it is exactly. I have seen the video and the lights in the sky but what is it ? It can be anything so why jump to the conclusion that these are Aliens. And why all the past secrecy to this sudden disclosure of documents and "proofs". It strangely fit the timing of the NWO agenda and you guys here are dismissing that it can be part of their plan. Really I don't want to look like the narrow-minded person or something but as I said I see it from another perspective and I'm still not convinced by what people have posted here.

    I have never seen Demons for real and cannot show you a tangible proof (and hope I will never see one !) nor Angels (who can only appear to us in human shape) but I know that Demons exist because God tells so, because the Devil exists and that Demons are his descendants, because evil exists.
    I believe in Angels because God tells us that they exist. I know these are not proofs but my faith in God is the reason for my belief in that and I don't need visible proofs. That's also why the Books are important.

    Regarding visions and dreams I know that they can have some truths but there is also a part of subjectivity. I mean by that, that a vision is not a proof, and has only "value" if the vision finally comes true. I myself made significant dreams but I don't like to tell them because I never know if it's my imagination, my desires, etc...I don't dismiss your visions they really can have a meaning if correctly interpreted.

    God bless you. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Wanted to add this. If Aliens really exist and shown themselves it means that they are immortal because travelling the galaxy takes billions of is it that some of them "died" when their spaceship crashed ?
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    UFO ???? <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    35arrjn.jpg n6yl2w.jpg
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    UFO ???? <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    35arrjn.jpg n6yl2w.jpg

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->


    I am sure there is a link between ET and Master Yoda, they look in the same direction... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    They both want to phone home...... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    They both want to phone home...... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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