An Article from 2007 but very important!!!

PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Ok this may be old news and could be posted on the forum. So you can delete it. I read this article and there're very interesting parts in it. I think it's a very good one for us to understand more about the hoax. I'll be writing the important parts in red. Pls tell me what you think about it.

Michael Jackson Talks About His New Life in Vegas and His Comeback

Posted Feb 5th 2007 7:06PM by Robin Leach
Filed under: Shows, Celebrity, Luxe Life

Michael Jackson's long-awaited return to 'King of Pop' status has begun and it's being masterminded by the mysterious, secretive British entertainment tycoon who is behind the phenomenal success of Simon Cowell's ratings juggernaut 'American Idol' and David Beckham's $250-mega-million deal that is bringing the soccer king to the United States.

I can exclusively reveal that megastar producer-manager, Simon Fuller, has held top-secret strategy planning meetings in Vegas with Michael and Emmy award-winning director-choreographer, Kenny Ortega, who has created two of Michael's previous smash, sell-out world tours. By the way, Kenny won his first Director's Guild of America award on Sunday for outstanding achievement with his 'High School Musical' production for Disney.

They invited me to join their dinner in a private room behind the watchful eyes of 2 security guards at Steve Wynn's Wing Lei Chinese restaurant at the mogul's Wynn resort hotel and casino. It's Michael's fourth visit to the Epicurean Award-winning restaurant since moving to Vegas ending his 18-month self-imposed exile from the US living in Dubai and at Michael Flatley's castle in Ireland.

Ironically, Michael who normally shuns cameras, was undetected just 100 feet away from the 200-strong media mob reporting on Paula Abdul's 'Woman of the Year' award and star-studded attendees. A bit later when I told Simon Cowell, who was also in Vegas for Paula's award, that his partner was just around the corner, he laughed and said, "Doing another one of his world-shaking mega-deals, I suppose."

Michael, who was looking well, relaxed and very happy told me, "I'm doing fine and am well and really enjoying myself in Vegas. It's a great place to call home." His hand shake and voice were strong and firm. On Michael's pending Vegas show and return to pop royalty, Kenny added, "We're talking business and looking at lots of different possibilities. This is a blue-sky time with a lot of different scenarios up in the air. We're working through all of them to find the best – the one that makes the most sense that's good for everybody."

I was reliably told that if anybody could transform Michael into a box-office megastar all over again, it would be entertainment mogul Simon Fuller, "This is the perfect match: the world's biggest pop-star being looked after by the most successful mogul-manager in the world."

First stop though for Michael, who will celebrate his 49th birthday on August 29 this year -- the same birth date as mine coincidentally -- is Japan. He'll fly from Vegas next month for two fan-appreciation events on March 8 and 9.

Says Michael, "Japan is one of my favorite places in the world and I am very grateful to my fans there who have always been my strongest supporters and have helped me achieve several historic milestones in my life." Some 300 VIPs, paying over $3300 each, will hold a meet and greet handshake photo-session with Michael on day one with general fans massing for a get-together on day two.

Michael, who last performed a concert in Madison Square Garden back in 2001, is not expected to perform while in Japan, although he has created charity fund-raising records and TV specials with large groups of other pop stars in the interim. Although he's had more than 12 #1 chart hits, the last was in 1995 and he hasn't toured since the mid- 1990s.

He remembered that the last time he and I had met was over breakfast as guests of Donald Trump at his Atlantic City Trump Plaza hotel. But this visit together was not the time or the place to discuss his self-imposed 18-month exile after the Santa Barbara acquittal of child molestation charges in 2005. Michael lived for a while in the oil-rich nation of Bahrain before moving onto Ireland as a longtime guest in the sprawling castle of 'Lord of the Dance' creator Michael Flatley.

Michael returned to the States six weeks ago on Christmas Eve, as Luxe Life reported here back on December 24. He moved into a home on the west side of Vegas near Sahara and within easy reach of the Strip. In addition to a long dinner with Steve Wynn, which resulted in speculation about a possible Jackson show there, Michael's also met several times with Vegas deal-maker Jack Wishna who said:, "Michael is poised to return to the top of the entertainment world soon. He is one of the greatest all-time entertainers in the world." Wishna is the businessman who engineered Trump's Vegas debut with the $2.8 billion Trump International Hotel Tower, which is nearing completion on the Strip near the New Frontier hotel across from Steve Wynn's resort hotel casino.

Michael was happy to discuss how he's been spending some of first month in Vegas. He told me he enjoyed taking his children to see Lance Burton's magic show at the Monte Carlo. "I really love magic," he said. "I really liked his show. It's amazing and very enjoyable. I love getting caught up in the magic."

Protected by his own security and Monte Carlo security, Michael went in through a back security entrance rather than cause a scene with fans and sat in the lower mezzanine un-noticed in front of the sound booth – and just as the show was ending, he took off so the audience wouldn't be distracted from Lance's curtain calls.

Michael has only given one quick telephone interview since returning to Vegas although he did speak at the Atlanta funeral of the late soul singer James Brown. He confirmed officially to me a funny interview story about the Associated Press reporter covering the 'King of Pop's' return to the United States to live. The rules were that the reporter could not disclose his Vegas residency and was allowed only one question. When the AP reporter asked how Michael was and he answered that he was fine, that was considered the one question!!

So for me, it was an honor to be invited into the inner sanctum. I found Michael relaxed and confident -- happy that the troubled past was getting put all behind him and happy that he's begun rebuilding his career again. "It's a whole new Michael here in Vegas," I was told. " He feels comfortable here. He loves being able to go out and basically not get hassled. He likes the restaurants here for the food but his favorites are the shows. I think he'll get to see everyone of them over the next few months. It's the first time in a long time Michael is feeling less pressured and much at ease. He is ready to go to work again and is in a great space and a wonderful sense of mind."

To celebrate, this weekend Michael was out and about again- enjoying The Beatles LOVE musical at the Mirage. After the late-show, he visited the LOVE boutique to pick out some Beatles show souvenirs – and surprisingly even happily posed with fans for photos with his ever-watchful security agreeing to relax the normal rules for his safety. Then he went backstage to meet the cast and crew of the show congratulating them on their performances and thanking them for the spectacular show.

"They were in awe of him and he the same about all of them. He was very respectful and told them it was an incredible experience that he'd remember forever. I think he's going to bring his children into see it next," one of the company staffers told me.

For now though, the only public outing of his three children has been a visit to the Circus Circus where they were spotted on a visit to the hotel's attractions here on the Strip. Prince Michael I, Paris and Prince Michael II, also known by nickname Blanket, didn't even bother with disguises when they went on the amusement rides there -- naturally under the watchful eye of their nanny and Michael's team of bodyguards along with the Circus Circus security staffers.

Michael's friendship and professional relationship with director and choreographer Kenny Ortega dates back many years. and once again they are teaming up. "Be it a concert tour or a show staged from Vegas they'll tackle it together," said a friend. "They have complete trust in one another so it will be their project going forward."

With the triple-threat team in place for Michael's return, he's already started work on a new album. Some of the tracks have already been recorded at Flatley's Irish castle with the help of of the Black Eyed Peas.
Don't be surprised if Michael and will are spotted when BEP plays the Orleans Arena during NBA All-Star weekend to work out the best way to finish the tracks they've selected to go with. Says will, "I'm a real fan of his. You get to work with just a couple of great people during your life who shed light on the Earth and Michael is one of them."

Michael, Simon and Kenny happily posed for our Luxe Life photos. I told them all that everybody was eagerly awaiting Michael's return to the limelight and that Vegas was delighted he now called our city his new home. " Its all going to be good, very good" said Michael, and Kenny added: "We're going to get it done and when it is you'll know it'll be the right way working out for the best for everybody involved."

Kenny Ortega-Michael Jackson-Simon Fuller


The link of the article:

My view about this article: Ok first of, the date of the article is interesting to me. It's made on 2/5/2007 2+5=7 7/2007 <---So we have 7s again <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

Michael started to make secret meetings with very important people in Vegas in 2007. I think we need to dig more about this megastar producer-manager Simon Fuller. After Michael came back to the USA, we see that he prefered to live in Vegas where he calls there "home". The reporter and Michael himself said that he was too happy and relaxed. Michael was going to Circus and Magic shows with his kids. And he tells how much he loves Magic. To me this whole article and interview with Michael shows that Michael was very healthy and happy AND he doesn't sound like a person who was getting serious death threats! He was going everywhere and the kids without any disguises. If he was getting death threats from illuminati or from someone else I don't believe that he could go out easily and he couldn't be so much relaxed. It seems like he was preparing his COME BACK and he was trying it to be MONUMENTAL! With all the Magic tricks and illusion, like he says "The Best is Yet to Come"... THE BEST SHOW ON EARTH!!!


  • I wonder what happened to Simon Fuller.. as far as i am aware he didnt manage MJ in the end..
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I wonder what happened to Simon Fuller.. as far as i am aware he didnt manage MJ in the end..

    Or maybe we don't know if he did or not <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    wow that's interesting article.. explains some things..

    and the album what will be released in November same one talked about maybe this album is the same Michael worked back then?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    wow that's interesting article.. explains some things..

    and the album what will be released in November same one talked about maybe this album is the same Michael worked back then?

    Yeah and Akon and says that they will WAIT becoz they don't know what they will do with the songs they worked with Michael. Wait for what? LOL
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Very interesting article. I have been trying to find clues that are associated with American Idol. I have felt for a while now that there is some sort of MJ/American Idol connection. I just haven't figured it out yet. Thanks for sharing this great find!!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Very interesting article. I have been trying to find clues that are associated with American Idol. I have felt for a while now that there is some sort of MJ/American Idol connection. I just haven't figured it out yet. Thanks for sharing this great find!!

    YW and yes definitely this shows the connection of American Idol too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Jack Wishna said that Michael is alive correct?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Jack Wishna said that Michael is alive correct?

    When did he say that? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> This article is from 2007 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    After 6-25-09 obviously! It was a video interview on youtube. He said like he doesn't believe Michael is gone.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    I can't find it anywhere. I must be wrong, sorry.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I found this person's blog that also seems to think there is an American Idol connection. There are some more interesting information on this website. It is the first story.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    I was thinking of Las Vegas DJ John Dote'! He thinks Michael's alive.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I can't find it anywhere. I must be wrong, sorry.

    ohh that's ok hun. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I found this person's blog that also seems to think there is an American Idol connection. There are some more interesting information on this website. It is the first story.

    hmm one more thing I need to check out. Thank you <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • mentions the children being without mask. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • [youtube:28qpwgx5]

    AWESOME! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I have been fortunate to witness THIS in person, in 2001.
    The Best Money and Time I ever spent in Vegas.

    It is phenomanal.

    Thanks for the article PureLove and reminding me of "Lord of The Dance".
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    AWESOME! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I have been fortunate to witness THIS in person, in 2001.
    The Best Money and Time I ever spent in Vegas.

    It is phenomanal.

    Thanks for the article PureLove and reminding me of "Lord of The Dance".

    YW hun. I'm glad that I reminded you of Lord of the Dance. Nice video, WoW! It's such a very interesting article and I believe that it explains a lot about the hoax. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • [youtube:31cuxkva]

    AWESOME! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I have been fortunate to witness THIS in person, in 2001.
    The Best Money and Time I ever spent in Vegas.

    It is phenomanal.

    Thanks for the article PureLove and reminding me of "Lord of The Dance".

    That was spectacular - thank you for sharing this video! Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Very interesting article. I have been trying to find clues that are associated with American Idol. I have felt for a while now that there is some sort of MJ/American Idol connection. I just haven't figured it out yet. Thanks for sharing this great find!!

    YW and yes definitely this shows the connection of American Idol too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Simon Fuller is one of the main producers of American Idol so I suppose that is the connection.
  • Very interesting article. I have been trying to find clues that are associated with American Idol. I have felt for a while now that there is some sort of MJ/American Idol connection. I just haven't figured it out yet. Thanks for sharing this great find!!

    YW and yes definitely this shows the connection of American Idol too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Simon Fuller is one of the main producers of American Idol so I suppose that is the connection.

    Isn't he also in connection with America got talent?
  • I am going to throw something out there that may be far fetched but, here goes.

    With all the judges leaving and being fired from American Idol, Michael could use his comeback to be the judge to replace Simon Cowell. I am not saying he would just show up and say look here I am. He could come back and then when American Idol is done with the tryouts and is on live tv. Michael could be a judge.
  • I am going to throw something out there that may be far fetched but, here goes.

    With all the judges leaving and being fired from American Idol, Michael could use his comeback to be the judge to replace Simon Cowell. I am not saying he would just show up and say look here I am. He could come back and then when American Idol is done with the tryouts and is on live tv. Michael could be a judge.

    That would be great, and maybe those poor contestants will have a good mentor telling them how to sing. MJ would be the best. 2 Jacksons as judges that would be cool.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I am going to throw something out there that may be far fetched but, here goes.

    With all the judges leaving and being fired from American Idol, Michael could use his comeback to be the judge to replace Simon Cowell. I am not saying he would just show up and say look here I am. He could come back and then when American Idol is done with the tryouts and is on live tv. Michael could be a judge.

    That would be great, and maybe those poor contestants will have a good mentor telling them how to sing. MJ would be the best. 2 Jacksons as judges that would be cool.

    There's no Jackson at American Idol right now. Randy Jackson is NOT Michael's brother
  • I am going to throw something out there that may be far fetched but, here goes.

    With all the judges leaving and being fired from American Idol, Michael could use his comeback to be the judge to replace Simon Cowell. I am not saying he would just show up and say look here I am. He could come back and then when American Idol is done with the tryouts and is on live tv. Michael could be a judge.

    That would be great, and maybe those poor contestants will have a good mentor telling them how to sing. MJ would be the best. 2 Jacksons as judges that would be cool.

    There's no Jackson at American Idol right now. Randy Jackson is NOT Michael's brother

    I know that. I wasn't born yesterday. But his last name is RANDY JACKSON AND MICHAEL LAST NAME IS JACKSON RIGHT? so it makes 2 jacksons.. That is all I meant
  • the speach. didn't micael say something about showing them talent like they've never seen before?
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    mentions the children being without mask. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Sometimes the best place to hide, is in plain sight.
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