Michael Jackson: is Lady GaGa planning to release epic....



  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Well, first of all I could imagine that MJ is working with her, second I could imagine that he's sending her out as front horse on purpose to get his messages out and third I think MJ will continue to be creating the unknown, the unseen, the unanticipated with all kind of talented artists and the stunned public will only wonder where the perfection behind will be originating from.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Well, first of all I could imagine that MJ is working with her, second I could imagine that he's sending her out as front horse on purpose to get his messages out and third I think MJ will continue to be creating the unknown, the unseen, the unanticipated with all kind of talented artists and the stunned public will only wonder where the perfection behind will be originating from.

    I beg to differ.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Well, first of all I could imagine that MJ is working with her, second I could imagine that he's sending her out as front horse on purpose to get his messages out and third I think MJ will continue to be creating the unknown, the unseen, the unanticipated with all kind of talented artists and the stunned public will only wonder where the perfection behind will be originating from.

    Wait, what message of MJ's do you think she is putting out? & in what way do you see it? One more thing, I think MJ wanted to work with her or to have her open his show because he knew she would be big & he liked how eccentric she is BUT I don't think he wanted to use her as his personal puppet. & that was before she did that Alejandro video. Ugh. Like I said she has talent in her voice but she masks it with all of her other outrageous behaviors. Who knows his reasoning & who knows her, all I know is I'm not a big fan, although I think she's one of the few today with actual talent & potential. If only she'd focus more on her music than shock value & trying to redo what's already been done.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    It's all about fame and success and how many records have been sold etc...but does it really mean that the product is good in itself ? Who is the utlimate judge as to who is good and talented and who's not. This is all subjective and everybody's free to love or not Lady Gaga. I personally don't and ? What's next ?

    We are not obliged to love Lady Gaga artistry because Michael supposedly wanted to work with her (I still don't have the proof that he actually said that if someone could enlighten me). And everybody has his/her own tastes and I really don't care to know who's best, who's the new talent of the generation etc. as long as I love an artist I just want to enjoy his/her music, extra super famous or not, the most important is the music in itself and what it brings to me.

    Some want to say that she's the next "Michael Jackson" so be it. They can talk and say things but these are just words spread in the wind. The facts are more powerful and songs like Billie Jean, Childhood, Black or White are facts printed in music history as well as Michael dance moves. For the moment Lady Gaga is just a trend to me, she is far from having made her proofs and I was skeptical about her since the beginning but I told myself ok we'll see what's coming next because of what people say here but the more time passes the more I see that she is what I dislike (professionally talking I don't know her and sorry I really don't like her videos the Alejandro one did it for me <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> ). It's a shame because she has a voice.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    She reminds me of Madonna in her heydey - nothing new there then.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    It's all about fame and success and how many records have been sold etc...but does it really mean that the product is good in itself ? Who is the utlimate judge as to who is good and talented and who's not. This is all subjective and everybody's free to love or not Lady Gaga. I personally don't and ? What's next ?

    We are not obliged to love Lady Gaga artistry because Michael supposedly wanted to work with her (I still don't have the proof that he actually said that if someone could enlighten me). And everybody has his/her own tastes and I really don't care to know who's best, who's the new talent of the generation etc. as long as I love an artist I just want to enjoy his/her music, extra super famous or not, the most important is the music in itself and what it brings to me.

    Some want to say that she's the next "Michael Jackson" so be it. They can talk and say things but these are just words spread in the wind. The facts are more powerful and songs like Billie Jean, Childhood, Black or White are facts printed in music history as well as Michael dance moves. For the moment Lady Gaga is just a trend to me, she is far from having made her proofs and I was skeptical about her since the beginning but I told myself ok we'll see what's coming next because of what people say here but the more time passes the more I see that she is what I dislike (professionally talking I don't know her and sorry I really don't like her videos the Alejandro one did it for me <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> ). It's a shame because she has a voice.

    Good post! I agree. BTW who was it that said MJ wanted to work with her or that HE was the one who wanted her for the opening act? Maybe the organizers of the concerts were afraid the tickets wouldn't sell & were working on having her open to draw in more crowds, which obviously turned out they didn't need. If there was even going to be a concert. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
    She is not like Madonna. I guess most people don't understand her, or Glam rock. Lady Gaga is an artist that is not only Pop, she takes inspiration from Rock, and has a rock attitude. She will not please most of people, but then i prefer her to be like this, rather then be like Britney Spears.

    I don't understand the hate towards Alejandro video, really. I love it, and think it's her best video to date. But then again, i guess that video was too hardcore for the masses, not everyone is used to glam rock or gothic aesthetics. And, some people didn't like the gay references, but i don't have any problem with these. I am not gay, btw. haha. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    She is not like Madonna. I guess most people don't understand her, or Glam rock. Lady Gaga is an artist that is not only Pop, she takes inspiration from Rock, and has a rock attitude. She will not please most of people, but then i prefer her to be like this, rather then be like Britney Spears.

    I don't understand the hate towards Alejandro video, really. I love it, and think it's her best video to date. But then again, i guess that video was too hardcore for the masses, not everyone is used to glam rock or gothic aesthetics. And, some people didn't like the gay references, but i don't have any problem with these. I am not gay, btw. haha. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Lady Gaga's videos or style have nothing to do with gothic or even glam rock. I listen to both of those music genres. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • bonitabonita Posts: 172
    She is not like Madonna. I guess most people don't understand her, or Glam rock. Lady Gaga is an artist that is not only Pop, she takes inspiration from Rock, and has a rock attitude. She will not please most of people, but then i prefer her to be like this, rather then be like Britney Spears.

    I don't understand the hate towards Alejandro video, really. I love it, and think it's her best video to date. But then again, i guess that video was too hardcore for the masses, not everyone is used to glam rock or gothic aesthetics. And, some people didn't like the gay references, but i don't have any problem with these. I am not gay, btw. haha. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Lady Gaga's videos or style have nothing to do with gothic or even glam rock. I listen to both of those music genres. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    agreed. i just feel like shes trying too hard and her music is reflecting that. michael jackson's burps probably sound better than gaga's music which is sad because i love music and im young but i just can't listen to today's “artists”. most of them make me sick. there will NEVER be another michael though. oh, and LEAVE BRITNEY OUT OF THIS!!!! haha
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Call me prude or whatever but the video clips of today, the music industry in general, movies, advertisements and everything that is visual is going way too far in the nudity, sex and provocation. For me it's part of the NWO agenda to push the limits farther every single day. We are bombarded with these messages everyday that's why most people don't realize that it's not normal, this is just usual for the majority.
    I totally disagree with what's going on.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I don't mind the gay references, that's great that they have someone to represent them BUT she goes too far in the rest of what she does. That video is her best & her hanging onstage with fake blood dripping down her & out of her eyes is beautiful, right? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> LOL. She is creative in her outfits, I give her that but she takes things too far, it's disgusting at times. Perhaps that's what she's going for though, who knows. I gave her credit, she can sing & play the piano but it really is overshadowed by everything else.
  • FarAwayFarAway Posts: 32
    She is not like Madonna. I guess most people don't understand her, or Glam rock. Lady Gaga is an artist that is not only Pop, she takes inspiration from Rock, and has a rock attitude. She will not please most of people, but then i prefer her to be like this, rather then be like Britney Spears.

    I don't understand the hate towards Alejandro video, really. I love it, and think it's her best video to date. But then again, i guess that video was too hardcore for the masses, not everyone is used to glam rock or gothic aesthetics. And, some people didn't like the gay references, but i don't have any problem with these. I am not gay, btw. haha. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Lady Gaga's videos or style have nothing to do with gothic or even glam rock. I listen to both of those music genres. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I mean nothing related to sound, just visual. I find that some of her appearances on Alejandro video were very similar to gothic aesthetics. As for the glam, i mean as in having elaborate costumes/appearance, which you can also notice in acts like David Bowie during his Ziggy Stardust period.
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