
mrmikeworldmrmikeworld Posts: 14
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I know it's probably been talked about before, and I know some people are going to say the answer to my question is doubles. Here goes...

Why is MJ wearing sunglasses in a lot of the movie and rehearsals? Like I said, I know some people are going to say it's because it isn't MJ. I believe it is MJ through the whole movie. I haven't seen any real evidence to say other wise. I persoanlly think that he wore them maybe because of the drugs? It's a possibility he wore them to hide that he was under the influence of something? Just asking...

I also read somewhere he covered his eyes for a reason. Something to do with seeing into his soul or people being able to read eyes and he would rather cover them. I might be crazy on this one, but it goes back to "Why does he only wear them some days?" I think it could be he had bad days or nights with the drugs and he had to cover the signs.

Again I could be wrong, of course this is just for discussion...


  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    I have previously read that Michael wears sunglasses a lot because of uveitis, an eye problem, as a result of the vitiligo he suffered from. I don't know if this is the reason why he wears sunglasses in This is It, but it is worth considering <!-- m --> ... gmentation<!-- m -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    i think he use glasses, pescription eyeglasses (like in the trial) and just for "fashion" he didn´t use it during rehearsals, is "coolest" to use sunglasses (maybe with some prescription) <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • They are good points. However he never worse Sunglasses during any performances... just at the opening of Dangerous. So why would he need them now? Plus I think he needed glasses to read only. I never saw him wear them unless he was reading something so why on stage? why certain days only?
  • There is footage from the BAD rehearsals where MJ wore sunglasses back then too...

  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    There is footage from the BAD rehearsals where MJ wore sunglasses back then too...


    I LOVE THAT "LOOK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    on theme again... he use prescription glasses outside trial on white outfit, remember???
  • because there were doubles
  • ChristianaChristiana Posts: 626
    I don't believe in doubles myself...but hey, to each his own. It's possible that MJ wasn't wearing makeup for rehearsals, and so he just wanted to wear the shades because of that. He didn't look like he was wearing make up through most of it, in my opinion. And when he did seem to be wearing makeup, he wasn't wearing his shades. So that's my take on it. But I agree that it could have been a medical issue too.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    He has said he sometimes feels uncomfortable around people, so maybe he wants to keep a barrier between him and the people. I think he addressed it in "Moonwalk," people even told him to remove the sunglasses because "your fans want to see your eyes."
  • I had recently bought and watched a video titled "What killed 'The King Of Pop' " and in it they had Navi talking about Michael and he actually stated that one of the shots in TII was NOT Michael for the guy moved differently then Michael and if anyone knew how Michael moved it was him(Navi) for he lived and breathed learning EVERYTHING Michael so I wonder how much truth is in that..
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    I believe it could've been for one or two reasons:

    1) Doubles. Yes, I believe he used one or two on occasion.

    2) Sleepless nights could have created bags under his eyes, so he used sunglasses to cover them.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Maybe because of the lights.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I always thought it was because he's very shy, and sunglasses give him some privacy.
  • Our eyes and the mouth are connected to our feelings and emotions but our eyes are the most expressive feature of our face. We are able to tell a lot about an individual just by looking directly into their eyes. We can tell things about their character, feelings, truthfulness and even health. This is why the saying that "The eyes are the window of the soul" is really the truth. From birth, we look at faces and several studies have shown that we are born with the natural instinct to focus on the face and the eyes, mouth, expressions etc. This is part of the bonding processes but it also is our first form of communication. Lovers also deeply look into one another's eyes as part of that romantic "love" connection; another bond.

    Babies are born with a broad idea of what a face is, with the ability to recognize human faces babies and distinguish faces from other objects. If you show an infant a card with a series of random dots and lines on it, versus a card with a simple smiley face on it, the baby will hone in on the smiley face automatically. This is something we don't have to be taught how to do. Its neurologically hardwired into us. This is why infants and mothers/fathers spend a lot of time staring into each others' eyes, its part of the bonding process.

    Now imagine, being Michael and the hundreds, thousand, even millions of people, who would be trying to look into his eyes to discern his innermost feelings, to learn as much as the could about him, to see if he felt a romantic connection to them etc.

    I would wear sunglasses too, especially if I was shy. It is a way of maintaining some privacy.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    He himself has said in "Moonwalk" that he wore sunglasses and masks because he loved it, according to him wearing them he felt protected, as if he was protecting his privacy, he liked it.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Our eyes and the mouth are connected to our feelings and emotions but our eyes are the most expressive feature of our face. We are able to tell a lot about an individual just by looking directly into their eyes. We can tell things about their character, feelings, truthfulness and even health. This is why the saying that "The eyes are the window of the soul" is really the truth. From birth, we look at faces and several studies have shown that we are born with the natural instinct to focus on the face and the eyes, mouth, expressions etc. This is part of the bonding processes but it also is our first form of communication. Lovers also deeply look into one another's eyes as part of that romantic "love" connection; another bond.

    Babies are born with a broad idea of what a face is, with the ability to recognize human faces babies and distinguish faces from other objects. If you show an infant a card with a series of random dots and lines on it, versus a card with a simple smiley face on it, the baby will hone in on the smiley face automatically. This is something we don't have to be taught how to do. Its neurologically hardwired into us. This is why infants and mothers/fathers spend a lot of time staring into each others' eyes, its part of the bonding process.

    Now imagine, being Michael and the hundreds, thousand, even millions of people, who would be trying to look into his eyes to discern his innermost feelings, to learn as much as the could about him, to see if he felt a romantic connection to them etc.

    I would wear sunglasses too, especially if I was shy. It is a way of maintaining some privacy.

    in my country is a myth about the "evil eye" is when someone looks that much in the eye and has a strong eye occurs the "evil eye" for example, in the case of a newborn baby: all eyes are on the newborn baby and to be this helpless child produces the "evil eye" for this is placed a red ribbon around the wrist of the child so that there is no damage
  • He himself has said in "Moonwalk" that he wore sunglasses and masks because he loved it, according to him wearing them he felt protected, as if he was protecting his privacy, he liked it.
    Thank you for this confirmation as I haven't read that book but it seems to fit what I thought. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    u welcome <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I could be wrong, but I thought I read something to the extent that he felt the eyes were the window to the soul, and didn't want people to really see him, for they gave too much away. Maybe he was protecting the only aspects of his life, he had left.. the parts that weren't plastered on tabloids. If that makes sense...
  • I don't believe in doubles myself...but hey, to each his own. It's possible that MJ wasn't wearing makeup for rehearsals, and so he just wanted to wear the shades because of that. He didn't look like he was wearing make up through most of it, in my opinion. And when he did seem to be wearing makeup, he wasn't wearing his shades. So that's my take on it. But I agree that it could have been a medical issue too.

    For me this is the most logical answer because i believe in the NO doubles theory for TII

    MJ liked to look "cool" and he could rock that look so why not? Maybe also to hide how tired he was. Eyes are always a give away

    And plus he KNEW this would be on Tv at some point and why not look your best?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Because the eyes have it.
  • ?
    Our eyes and the mouth are connected to our feelings and emotions but our eyes are the most expressive feature of our face. We are able to tell a lot about an individual just by looking directly into their eyes. We can tell things about their character, feelings, truthfulness and even health. This is why the saying that "The eyes are the window of the soul" is really the truth. From birth, we look at faces and several studies have shown that we are born with the natural instinct to focus on the face and the eyes, mouth, expressions etc. This is part of the bonding processes but it also is our first form of communication. Lovers also deeply look into one another's eyes as part of that romantic "love" connection; another bond.

    Babies are born with a broad idea of what a face is, with the ability to recognize human faces babies and distinguish faces from other objects. If you show an infant a card with a series of random dots and lines on it, versus a card with a simple smiley face on it, the baby will hone in on the smiley face automatically. This is something we don't have to be taught how to do. Its neurologically hardwired into us. This is why infants and mothers/fathers spend a lot of time staring into each others' eyes, its part of the bonding process.

    Now imagine, being Michael and the hundreds, thousand, even millions of people, who would be trying to look into his eyes to discern his innermost feelings, to learn as much as the could about him, to see if he felt a romantic connection to them etc.

    I would wear sunglasses too, especially if I was shy. It is a way of maintaining some privacy.

    serenitys dreams you have told us before that you are deemed to be gifted. please do not take offence at what i am asking. i have a son who falls into this catagory also. would it be safe to assume that you have some quirks that average ( i use this term because i hate the term normal under these circumstances) people just don't get? i sometimes think thaat people try to put michael back in the box when he is not creating is a lot of his problem.

    one last point they did say that they would be useing doubles( they may not haave called them that) on the tour.
  • ?
    Our eyes and the mouth are connected to our feelings and emotions but our eyes are the most expressive feature of our face. We are able to tell a lot about an individual just by looking directly into their eyes. We can tell things about their character, feelings, truthfulness and even health. This is why the saying that "The eyes are the window of the soul" is really the truth. From birth, we look at faces and several studies have shown that we are born with the natural instinct to focus on the face and the eyes, mouth, expressions etc. This is part of the bonding processes but it also is our first form of communication. Lovers also deeply look into one another's eyes as part of that romantic "love" connection; another bond.

    Babies are born with a broad idea of what a face is, with the ability to recognize human faces babies and distinguish faces from other objects. If you show an infant a card with a series of random dots and lines on it, versus a card with a simple smiley face on it, the baby will hone in on the smiley face automatically. This is something we don't have to be taught how to do. Its neurologically hardwired into us. This is why infants and mothers/fathers spend a lot of time staring into each others' eyes, its part of the bonding process.

    Now imagine, being Michael and the hundreds, thousand, even millions of people, who would be trying to look into his eyes to discern his innermost feelings, to learn as much as the could about him, to see if he felt a romantic connection to them etc.

    I would wear sunglasses too, especially if I was shy. It is a way of maintaining some privacy.

    serenitys dreams you have told us before that you are deemed to be gifted. please do not take offence at what i am asking. i have a son who falls into this catagory also. would it be safe to assume that you have some quirks that average ( i use this term because i hate the term normal under these circumstances) people just don't get?
    I am not offended at all. It is safe to say I am often misunderstood and feel as if I have never quite "fitted in". This has resulted in some loneliness through out my life. But that is ok because I believe that I am exactly this way for a reason, otherwise I wouldn't have been created this way. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I sometimes think that people try to put Michael back in the box when he is not creating is a lot of his problem.
    I agree with you on this. He does not fit the "mould' and therefore he has quirks, his behaviour may seem unusual etc but he is also a very gifted individual. This difference is why he felt so lonely through out his life and is misunderstood by many people.
    one last point they did say that they would be using doubles( they may not have called them that) on the tour.

    In October 2009, Jackson's father, Joe stated and had strongly insisted that the film "is mostly body doubles" and that "the media is going to tear this movie apart" because of it.[76] TMZ stated that members of the Jackson family had felt that footage of "Jackson" in the film wasn't him - but rather body double(s).[80] On October 27, 2009 - the day before the film's release, Sony released a statement denying rumors that the film had rehearsal footage of Jackson body doubles, describing the story as "pure garbage".[80] However, according to the full credits of the film, backup dancer Misha Gabriel plays as a stunt double during some parts of the Smooth Criminal short film. However, this appears to be only during the part where Jackson jumps out of the glass window, as the film crew did not want Jackson to do the jump.

    76. Harvey Levin (2009-10) TMZ Live October 2009. Retrieved 2009-11-01
    80. TMZ Staff (2009-10-26). "'This Is It' Producers: NO MJ Body Doubles" <!-- m --> ... y-doubles/<!-- m --> Retrieved 2009-10-28.
  • ?
    Our eyes and the mouth are connected to our feelings and emotions but our eyes are the most expressive feature of our face. We are able to tell a lot about an individual just by looking directly into their eyes. We can tell things about their character, feelings, truthfulness and even health. This is why the saying that "The eyes are the window of the soul" is really the truth. From birth, we look at faces and several studies have shown that we are born with the natural instinct to focus on the face and the eyes, mouth, expressions etc. This is part of the bonding processes but it also is our first form of communication. Lovers also deeply look into one another's eyes as part of that romantic "love" connection; another bond.

    Babies are born with a broad idea of what a face is, with the ability to recognize human faces babies and distinguish faces from other objects. If you show an infant a card with a series of random dots and lines on it, versus a card with a simple smiley face on it, the baby will hone in on the smiley face automatically. This is something we don't have to be taught how to do. Its neurologically hardwired into us. This is why infants and mothers/fathers spend a lot of time staring into each others' eyes, its part of the bonding process.

    Now imagine, being Michael and the hundreds, thousand, even millions of people, who would be trying to look into his eyes to discern his innermost feelings, to learn as much as the could about him, to see if he felt a romantic connection to them etc.

    I would wear sunglasses too, especially if I was shy. It is a way of maintaining some privacy.

    serenitys dreams you have told us before that you are deemed to be gifted. please do not take offence at what i am asking. i have a son who falls into this catagory also. would it be safe to assume that you have some quirks that average ( i use this term because i hate the term normal under these circumstances) people just don't get?
    I am not offended at all. It is safe to say I am often misunderstood and feel as if I have never quite "fitted in". This has resulted in some loneliness through out my life. But that is ok because I believe that I am exactly this way for a reason, otherwise I wouldn't have been created this way. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I sometimes think that people try to put Michael back in the box when he is not creating is a lot of his problem.
    I agree with you on this. He does not fit the "mould' and therefore he has quirks, his behaviour may seem unusual etc but he is also a very gifted individual. This difference is why he felt so lonely through out his life and is misunderstood by many people.
    one last point they did say that they would be using doubles( they may not have called them that) on the tour.

    In October 2009, Jackson's father, Joe stated and had strongly insisted that the film "is mostly body doubles" and that "the media is going to tear this movie apart" because of it.[76] TMZ stated that members of the Jackson family had felt that footage of "Jackson" in the film wasn't him - but rather body double(s).[80] On October 27, 2009 - the day before the film's release, Sony released a statement denying rumors that the film had rehearsal footage of Jackson body doubles, describing the story as "pure garbage".[80] However, according to the full credits of the film, backup dancer Misha Gabriel plays as a stunt double during some parts of the Smooth Criminal short film. However, this appears to be only during the part where Jackson jumps out of the glass window, as the film crew did not want Jackson to do the jump.

    76. Harvey Levin (2009-10) TMZ Live October 2009. Retrieved 2009-11-01
    80. TMZ Staff (2009-10-26). "'This Is It' Producers: NO MJ Body Doubles" <!-- m --> ... y-doubles/<!-- m --> Retrieved 2009-10-28.

    that last pert about the crew didn't want mihael to do the window stunt takes my mind to the rocket thing .when was that in 97? i wonder how many people think he actually did that ? talk about an insurance nightmare!hey maybe that's where the tunnel thing came from.
  • found it. last paragraph about look alike dancers.

    <!-- m --> ... 7141.shtml<!-- m -->
  • found it. last paragraph about look alike dancers.
    <!-- m --> ... 7141.shtml<!-- m -->

    This also includes illusions in the manner of reputed magician Criss Angel, which would have Michael float above the stage and then land on a specific spot, the aforementioned source reveals.


    But we never saw this in in the TII movie...

    Other surprises would include, according to reports, many look-alikes that would dance and provide the wow factor, while also acting as diversions in case Michael grows tired. “A small army of Michael Jackson look-alike dancers might be recruited as a backup troupe to handle the more challenging routines so the 50-year-old singer won’t be strained during the nightly 100-minute production, his first since 1997.” Ortega adds. For more on what insiders have to say of Michael’s much-mediated comeback, including of his upcoming album

    I can not remember which MJ impersonator it was but one of them gave an interview in which they stated that they were about to meet to discuss being in the "This Is It" shows but they never actually had a chance to do that. To me, this suggests that the film is actually all Michael except for the stunt double for the window scene in "Smooth Criminal".
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