Let's start back at the beginning with the FACTS

MJmakesmespeechlessMJmakesmespeechless Posts: 1,468
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Okay so ALOT of things are coincidence right? We have very strong assumptions about the ambulance and the memorials and dave dave and all that. We truly are GUESSING here when maybe we are being totally wrong.

Iam a strong believer of the hoax and that Michael is coming back...one day

But why dont we put together the FACTS. What do we know for SURE and not just guessing about???

Let's start right back at the beginning...


  • Okay so ALOT of things are coincidence right? We have very strong assumptions about the ambulance and the memorials and dave dave and all that. We truly are GUESSING here when maybe we are being totally wrong.

    Iam a strong believer of the hoax and that Michael is coming back...one day

    But why dont we put together the FACTS. What do we know for SURE and not just guessing about???

    Let's start right back at the beginning...

    I absolutely agree. Only facts can lead us to the truth.
    Of course, it's hard for us to really KNOW what is a fact and what is not. But we have to try our best if we want to know the truth.
    I was thinking of starting a thread where we could disuss which theories are the most likely. After we gather all the facts we know, we can more easily disuss that.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    I agree, there are too many "Off the Wall" theories out there and everything is a mess, it's time to do some housecleaning.
  • Okay so ALOT of things are coincidence right? We have very strong assumptions about the ambulance and the memorials and dave dave and all that. We truly are GUESSING here when maybe we are being totally wrong.

    Iam a strong believer of the hoax and that Michael is coming back...one day

    But why dont we put together the FACTS. What do we know for SURE and not just guessing about???

    Let's start right back at the beginning...

    I absolutely agree. Only facts can lead us to the truth.
    Of course, it's hard for us to really KNOW what is a fact and what is not. But we have to try our best if we want to know the truth.
    I was thinking of starting a thread where we could disuss which theories are the most likely. After we gather all the facts we know, we can more easily disuss that.

    I think we should gather the facts...I for one have a fact...Michael didnt like or want to tour
    He didnt want to be doing that anymore in his life.
    These are quotes from the Michael Jackson Making History Book back in 1998:
    "I love movies, and that is why my next mission is to make films. That is what I want the next chapter in my life to be - movies and records. There's no other place to go. I'll do film, do records and direct. I'll also do complete directing myself, cause I love it very much"

    Also: "I dont wanna do anymore live shows (world tours). I don't think I will! I wanna spend the rest of my life doing records and fils, I'll do some special shows here and there. You know I've been doing it since i was five, I dont know if i wanna do it anymore but i do love it very much. I wanna create for the next 100 years, and that's film work''.
  • We also have to be careful, that what we may think is a fact, it may be a lie. Meaning, the family, media, may lie, but we may think it is the truth, and we reached a dead end. We shouldn't believe everything we read or hear.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    So lets start from Michael's own words.
  • We also have to be careful, that what we may think is a fact, it may be a lie. Meaning, the family, media, may lie, but we may think it is the truth, and we reached a dead end. We shouldn't believe everything we read or hear.
    This is what I meant too - so this work won't be easy... But the only way to go to the right direction.
  • So lets start from Michael's own words.
    This will be the best. But start with videos (be careful with those which are cut - like what Bashir did), those are more reliable than articles.
  • I think we should gather the facts...I for one have a fact...Michael didnt like or want to tour
    He didnt want to be doing that anymore in his life.
    These are quotes from the Michael Jackson Making History Book back in 1998:
    "I love movies, and that is why my next mission is to make films. That is what I want the next chapter in my life to be - movies and records. There's no other place to go. I'll do film, do records and direct. I'll also do complete directing myself, cause I love it very much"

    Also: "I dont wanna do anymore live shows (world tours). I don't think I will! I wanna spend the rest of my life doing records and fils, I'll do some special shows here and there. You know I've been doing it since i was five, I dont know if i wanna do it anymore but i do love it very much. I wanna create for the next 100 years, and that's film work''.

    Michael talked about making movies in the interview with Geraldo too. So it can be called a fact, yes.

    About tours/live shows he could have changed his mind though. As Jennifer Batten said in the inteview with Souza and Mo: entertainers many times say that this will be their last tour, because it's a good business trick to encourage people to buy tickets. I guess saying they don't want to do more live show/tour can make people buy more "greatest hits" album and DVDs about old tours.
  • @ MJmakesmespeechless:
    People change their mind in time; sometimes they even change as people. We can't rely on something Michael said in 1998 to support the idea that he didn't want to tour in 2009. And the O2 gig wasn't a "tour" per se, as MJ was going to be stationed in one country. But if you want to use Mike's general dislike of touring, that's fine...

    I'll try to offer some facts:
    1. "painS" in MJ's WYBT song at the July 7 memorial.
    2. Inconsistencies/mistakes in footage from the Sept. 3 funeral (e.g. missing tree).
    3. Inconsistencies in footage taken by various people at 100 Carolwood Drive (supposedly on 25 June 2009), around the time that the ambulance arrived.
    3. Differing accounts by family members as to where they were when they got the news - esp. Janet.
    4. Ben (paparazzo - I forgot his last name) saying "the other D-day..."
    5. Photos, flowers and themes used at memorial and burial are from "Liberian Girl" video.
    6. Various people (family members, chef Kai Chase, Kenny Ortega) were quite smiley in the wake of MJ's death/disappearance. Not many signs of grief.
    7. TII dancers were used at the funeral.
    8. Many people present at the funeral looked quite happy/content, including Macaulay Culkin, Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, dancers.
    9. MJ's family arrived late for the funeral.
    10. Some significant MJ friends did not attend the memorial and/or the funeral.

    There are a LOT more to be added, and I don't know if it's feasible to compile a comprehensive list. Maybe if we all do 5-10 facts we'll manage? <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> In the meantime, we should just try to be aware of what's fact and what's hypothesis/theory or opinion or "something from a book" or "something from the media". We have to compartmentalize things. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    How about this one? The FACT that when questioned by Larry King about MJ's body and its whereabouts JOE stated
    "Well, I dont'' know Larry, you have to ask whoever has it" WTF? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    And i wishi I could upload the videos of Jane'ts two differing stories seriously? As far as her explaining her whereabouts on the day MJ died.

    ALSO.........it is a fact that Katherine Jackson was seen in Target a few days after MJ's "death"

    How am I doing so far???? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • @ MJmakesmespeechless:
    People change their mind in time; sometimes they even change as people. We can't rely on something Michael said in 1998 to support the idea that he didn't want to tour in 2009. And the O2 gig wasn't a "tour" per se, as MJ was going to be stationed in one country. But if you want to use Mike's general dislike of touring, that's fine...

    I'll try to offer some facts:
    1. "painS" in MJ's WYBT song at the July 7 memorial.
    2. Inconsistencies/mistakes in footage from the Sept. 3 funeral (e.g. missing tree).
    3. Inconsistencies in footage taken by various people at 100 Carolwood Drive (supposedly on 25 June 2009), around the time that the ambulance arrived.
    3. Differing accounts by family members as to where they were when they got the news - esp. Janet.
    4. Ben (paparazzo - I forgot his last name) saying "the other D-day..."
    5. Photos, flowers and themes used at memorial and burial are from "Liberian Girl" video.
    6. Various people (family members, chef Kai Chase, Kenny Ortega) were quite smiley in the wake of MJ's death/disappearance. Not many signs of grief.
    7. TII dancers were used at the funeral.
    8. Many people present at the funeral looked quite happy/content, including Macaulay Culkin, Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, dancers.
    9. MJ's family arrived late for the funeral.
    10. Some significant MJ friends did not attend the memorial and/or the funeral.

    There are a LOT more to be added, and I don't know if it's feasible to compile a comprehensive list. Maybe if we all do 5-10 facts we'll manage? <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> In the meantime, we should just try to be aware of what's fact and what's hypothesis/theory or opinion or "something from a book" or "something from the media". We have to compartmentalize things. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    How about this one? The FACT that when questioned by Larry King about MJ's body and its whereabouts JOE stated
    "Well, I dont'' know Larry, you have to ask whoever has it" WTF? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    And i wishi I could upload the videos of Jane'ts two differing stories seriously? As far as her explaining her whereabouts on the day MJ died.

    ALSO.........it is a fact that Katherine Jackson was seen in Target a few days after MJ's "death"

    How am I doing so far???? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    1) Ben Evenstad and his group was the "official" reporter outside of Michael's home.
    2) TMZ was the first one to post the story - before Michael was even officially declared "dead".
    3) UCLA Medical Center did not take authority for claiming the death.
    From the UCLA Newsroom site. Notice it is titled "A Statement on the Death of Michael Jackson at UCLA Medical Center." It does not say it is a statement from UCLA. Then notice it says "The family of Michael Jackson made this brief statement available on June 25 at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.
    4) Jermaine gave the official statement at the hospital declaring "The King of Pop died at 2:26 pm". How convenient that he just happened to have a change of clothes in the car.
    5) The manager, Frank Dileo, has said he was the first one to see Michael's body. He also said he was the one that broke the news to the children.
    6) Frank Dileo says he was called by a fan. Joe says he was called by a fan.
    7) Joe was at an awards show a couple of days after Michael's death; peddling his new business to the world instead of mourning his son.
    8) Dr Murray posted the video that was eerily similar to Michael's video claiming his innocence and thanking fans for their support.
    9) Dr Murray has been able to walk around (and fly around) a free man.
    10) Coke a Cola seems to show up in pictures far too often as does the number 3 and the sunflower.
    11) LMP asking for fake sunflowers to be sent to Michael at FL.
    12) The windows at FL and the tomb don't always match what TMZ puts in their articles.
    13) AEG made a "decision" to make a movie of the rehearsal footage - and the decision was made within a few days. Sony won the bid even though they weren't the highest bidder.
    14) Kenny Ortega's comment at the Memorial "we were here a little less than a week ago"...
    15) Several of the tributes being canceled for lack of participation or support.
    16) The Comic Book "Fated" - everything surrounding the plot and the timing of the book being finished...
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    -The several security cameras at the mansion went missing, and are yet to be found. Can't help but wonder where it went, and who has it.

    -Murray (the CARDIOLOGIST) did not have a defibrillator, and wasn't familiar with CPR.

    -Murray isn't licensed to practice in London.

    -LAPD didn't mark the house as a crime scene until FOUR DAYS after the incident. After the family had already been in and out, taking things away.

    -TMZ was the first to pronounce him dead, the first to release the 911 call, and the first to release "A Place With No Name". They're always the first on every story. Always.

    -Apparently Prince Michael saw what happened and was called up to the room. You would think that would be traumatizing for a 12 year old, right?

    -Took quite a while to bury him.

    -Happy funeral, completed with people waving at cameras as they passed.

    -Parts of TII weren't done yet. Costuming, props, etc. And all of this a few days before opening night. I can't see Mr. Jackson the perfectionist ever being okay with this.

    -This Is It dancers were funeral ushers. Uhhh...?? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    -If I understand correcty Mark Torbiner was listed as one of Michael's enabling doctors. This is the same guy who worked against Michael in the 1993 trials. Why would he go to him?! Of all people!
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669

    1. BAM scene, inappropriate for rehearsal, from Michael's own words: "Let me breath my own time. I will come back here........etc."
    2. Missing tapes from the house with recording the June 25th,2009.
    3. Late call to 911. In fact, even if Murrey wanted to kill Michael, MJ and Murrey were not alone at home. What about children, security, bodyquards, nanny, chef. They could call alert.
    4. Mother Katherin in fact was shopping at Target on the 3rd day of her son's sudden death.
    5. fact that Jermain confused Michael's whereabouts; "airport" confused with "hospital". In fact, it was Very Odd.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I like this post. A lot of topics are left open, because they are based upon what "popped" into someone's head or inaccurate interpretations.

    - There was no practically mention of Michael's passing in TII documentary. No "In honor of Michael Jackson who passed away before those concerts took place" or "In loving memory of..." etc.
  • I think we should gather all the important interviews here too. Transcripts are better than videos in a way that everyone can understand them more clearly. But watching a video is important too - to see the body language.

    Here is the transcript of FRANK DILEO's interview with Larry King:

    <!-- m -->http://mjkit.forumotion.net/all-odd-thi ... rank+dileo<!-- m -->

    (Now I don't have time to gather more, but will do later.)
  • We also have to be careful, that what we may think is a fact, it may be a lie. Meaning, the family, media, may lie, but we may think it is the truth, and we reached a dead end. We shouldn't believe everything we read or hear.

    I agree with this. It's hard to know what is fact.

    However, there are a few indisputable facts such as TMZ reporting the death before it was announced. That by itself should be enough for people to question the entire thing. As well as everything others have mentioned. Every once in a while, when I'm feeling a bit off my rocker, I'll go back to the hoax recap to refresh my memory. It reminds me of why I'm here, and reminds me that I'm not crazy at all. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    We also have to be careful, that what we may think is a fact, it may be a lie. Meaning, the family, media, may lie, but we may think it is the truth, and we reached a dead end. We shouldn't believe everything we read or hear.

    I agree with this. It's hard to know what is fact.

    However, there are a few indisputable facts such as TMZ reporting the death before it was announced. That by itself should be enough for people to question the entire thing. As well as everything others have mentioned. Every once in a while, when I'm feeling a bit off my rocker, I'll go back to the hoax recap to refresh my memory. It reminds me of why I'm here, and reminds me that I'm not crazy at all. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    These days, I feel off my rocker most of the time.
  • We also have to be careful, that what we may think is a fact, it may be a lie. Meaning, the family, media, may lie, but we may think it is the truth, and we reached a dead end. We shouldn't believe everything we read or hear.

    I agree with this. It's hard to know what is fact.

    However, there are a few indisputable facts such as TMZ reporting the death before it was announced. That by itself should be enough for people to question the entire thing. As well as everything others have mentioned. Every once in a while, when I'm feeling a bit off my rocker, I'll go back to the hoax recap to refresh my memory. It reminds me of why I'm here, and reminds me that I'm not crazy at all. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    These days, I feel off my rocker most of the time.

    Haha yeah me too, more often than not! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I like this post. A lot of topics are left open, because they are based upon what "popped" into someone's head or inaccurate interpretations.

    - There was no practically mention of Michael's passing in TII documentary. No "In honor of Michael Jackson who passed away before those concerts took place" or "In loving memory of..." etc.

    This is a big one. No mention of Michael actually dying. No "1958-2009" at all.
  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    I love this topic...I always found the helicopter scene very interesting...the 'wiggle', while entering helicopter the feet are unbound and there's straps over body. after leaving they're bound with the missing straps. Also the coroner van leaked vid not matching the RTL 'making of vid'.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I would also suggest to list FACTS ABOUT MICHAEL's DEATH. WHAT FACTS WE HAVE, or WERE GIVEN THAT PROVES MICHAEL REALLY PASSED. This controversial facts will help to figure things out. We will see which ones prevail. Do not scare to face the truth, no matter how horrible would that be, but we need to find the truth finally. I feel sorry for us already, we all are emotionally exhausted, aren't we?
    So far prevail FACTS that MICHAEL IS ALIVE!
    1.We have investigation going on, involved LAPD
    2. We have coroner official report of autopcy ( do not count inconsistencies)
    3.We have family and trust claimed in the court for different benefits........
  • I would also suggest to list FACTS ABOUT MICHAEL's DEATH. WHAT FACTS WE HAVE, or WERE GIVEN THAT PROVES MICHAEL REALLY PASSED. This controversial facts will help to figure things out. We will see which ones prevail. Do not scare to face the truth, no matter how horrible would that be, but we need to find the truth finally. I feel sorry for us already, we all are emotionally exhausted, aren't we?
    So far prevail FACTS that MICHAEL IS ALIVE!
    1.We have investigation going on, involved LAPD
    2. We have coroner official report of autopcy ( do not count inconsistencies)
    3.We have family and trust claimed in the court for different benefits........

    This is fair - we should look at both sides as we are trying to find the truth.
    4) There was a memorial (do not count the inconsistencies)
    5) There was a coffin (do not count that it looked similar to James' Browns coffin)
    6) There was a funeral (do not count the inconsistencies)
    7) Dr Conrad Murray did show up in court for the arraignment (do not count the toys on the bench, the trash cans outside, etc)
    8) We haven't had anyone admit that Michael is alive (do not count the slip ups)
    9) The children haven't been seen with Michael (do not count the masked person at the theme park in October that some think was Michael)
  • I feel even the slip ups may be lies, maybe to throw us off. I am not saying that Michael is dead now. Maybe they know about this forum, they are reading everything we are writing, so they are playing with our mind. How can a father not know where is the body of his own son. Come on give me a freaken break. That was so weird from his part. That alone is playing with us. Unless he did not want to say, because Michael is not dead, we would find out he is not at that specific place. Too many contradictory stories from the sisters and brothers. Which one is the truth? Is it conspiracy, is it murder, way before he left to the airport? What is it?

    How about the death certificate, I checked it again, no one signed it. Oh Yeah Latoya did sign it because no one wanted to sign it. This is what she said on a talk show. How can a sibling sign a death certificate <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Another thing which puzzles me alot, when they brought Michael at the hospital why did they say his name was Soule something.. I do not remember his full name ( sorry) Why such lies <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Which facts are real and which are false. I feel that something is off here. It is 1 yr and 2months we are investigating the death of Michael and we still did not find any conclusive answers. Do not get me wrong. I BELIEVE MJ IS ALIVE. I do believe he left us clues. Conrad Murray is another character. How can you enjoy yourself in Florida when you are in court for murder. Isn't he afraid that MJ fans will do something to him? I think too many inconsistencies, and it is a real mess. I wish every one, LOVE PEACE AND HARMONY
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Conrad Murray is another character. How can you enjoy yourself in Florida when you are in court for murder. Isn't he afraid that MJ fans will do something to him? I think too many inconsistencies, and it is a real mess.

    Has any other news source or any people in general ever seen Conrad Murray in person(other than in court)? It seems like the only place you hear of him is at TMZ, which is odd. You would think the paparazzi would be following his every move given he allegedly murdered the biggest artist of all time. Or there would be pics of him on the internet from the general public, but yet, there are none. (that I've seen anyway) He's involved in one of the biggest stories ever and yet there are never swarms of paparazzi around him. I don't get it. He seems like a figment of TMZ's imagination to me!
  • I think we should gather all the important interviews here too. Transcripts are better than videos in a way that everyone can understand them more clearly. But watching a video is important too - to see the body language.

    Here is the transcript of FRANK DILEO's interview with Larry King:

    <!-- m -->http://mjkit.forumotion.net/all-odd-thi ... rank+dileo<!-- m -->

    (Now I don't have time to gather more, but will do later.)
    As I said, I think it would be helpful if we gathered the important interviews. What certain people said in connection with Michael's death are facts in a way that this is what they said. We don't know why they said those things, but these were what they wanted to say for some reasons...
    I would like to post some of the LKL interviews from CNN's site, but I don't know how to do it. Can someone help and explain it to me please?
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