Let's start back at the beginning with the FACTS



    Just one sentence from it: "We were both interested in film."

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=100&t=9683<!-- l -->
  • I think we should gather the facts...I for one have a fact...Michael didnt like or want to tour
    He didnt want to be doing that anymore in his life.
    These are quotes from the Michael Jackson Making History Book back in 1998:
    "I love movies, and that is why my next mission is to make films. That is what I want the next chapter in my life to be - movies and records. There's no other place to go. I'll do film, do records and direct. I'll also do complete directing myself, cause I love it very much"

    Also: "I dont wanna do anymore live shows (world tours). I don't think I will! I wanna spend the rest of my life doing records and fils, I'll do some special shows here and there. You know I've been doing it since i was five, I dont know if i wanna do it anymore but i do love it very much. I wanna create for the next 100 years, and that's film work''.

    Michael talked about making movies in the interview with Geraldo too. So it can be called a fact, yes.

    About tours/live shows he could have changed his mind though. As Jennifer Batten said in the inteview with Souza and Mo: entertainers many times say that this will be their last tour, because it's a good business trick to encourage people to buy tickets. I guess saying they don't want to do more live show/tour can make people buy more "greatest hits" album and DVDs about old tours.

    I remember those in Geraldo and that was back in about 2005....also in his "Home Movies" collection Michael said he did not like to tour. Then someone in the crew told him to say it nicer and he said "I love to tour" LOL not really meaning it at all.

    The Fact remains whether he said it 12 years ago or 5 yrs ago HE DID NOT LIKE/WANT to tour anymore!
  • I love this topic...I always found the helicopter scene very interesting...the 'wiggle', while entering helicopter the feet are unbound and there's straps over body. after leaving they're bound with the missing straps. Also the coroner van leaked vid not matching the RTL 'making of vid'.

    Yes of course and the WHITE sheet...who carts a dead body around in a white sheet?
    No body bag. HUGELY strange!
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    This keeps staying in my mind...the fact that Orianthi had her album and tour planned... how can you be on 2 tours at the same time? And Michael Beardon had the music contract with Lopez Show? So there never was gonna be a TII tour? You just don't magically have these things happen overnight... right? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    This keeps staying in my mind...the fact that Orianthi had her album and tour planned... how can you be on 2 tours at the same time? And Michael Beardon had the music contract with Lopez Show? So there never was gonna be a TII tour? You just don't magically have these things happen overnight... right? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    For real? This is important evidence if it is true.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I think we should gather the facts...I for one have a fact...Michael didnt like or want to tour
    He didnt want to be doing that anymore in his life.
    These are quotes from the Michael Jackson Making History Book back in 1998:
    "I love movies, and that is why my next mission is to make films. That is what I want the next chapter in my life to be - movies and records. There's no other place to go. I'll do film, do records and direct. I'll also do complete directing myself, cause I love it very much"

    Also: "I dont wanna do anymore live shows (world tours). I don't think I will! I wanna spend the rest of my life doing records and fils, I'll do some special shows here and there. You know I've been doing it since i was five, I dont know if i wanna do it anymore but i do love it very much. I wanna create for the next 100 years, and that's film work''.

    Michael talked about making movies in the interview with Geraldo too. So it can be called a fact, yes.

    About tours/live shows he could have changed his mind though. As Jennifer Batten said in the inteview with Souza and Mo: entertainers many times say that this will be their last tour, because it's a good business trick to encourage people to buy tickets. I guess saying they don't want to do more live show/tour can make people buy more "greatest hits" album and DVDs about old tours.

    I remember those in Geraldo and that was back in about 2005....also in his "Home Movies" collection Michael said he did not like to tour. Then someone in the crew told him to say it nicer and he said "I love to tour" LOL not really meaning it at all.

    The Fact remains whether he said it 12 years ago or 5 yrs ago HE DID NOT LIKE/WANT to tour anymore!

    People who worked with Michael have all said that after suggesting touring to him, MJ started venting how another tour would kill him. If someone wasn't sources, ask away.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I believe that pictures tell a million things. So I decided to share some pix. I didn't want upload the backstage pictures of the memorial, as all of you already know them but I'll be sharing some others.

    Circus elephants arrives Staples Centre just before Michael's memorial!

    Michael behind the camera picture (Liberian Girl) at the memorial

    MJ 2040 25+06+2009=2040

    Joe Jackson's laughter just 1 day after Michael's "death"

    TII album PRODUCED by Michael Jackson!

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Forest Lawn picture from 1952

    Conrad Murray's Child Support Case

    MJ's "body" transport with the helicopter

    Earphones at the memorial


    Obama's speech

    Jermaine's announcement

    Credits go to Betti Ash for these pictures!
  • I believe that pictures tell a million things. So I decided to share some pix. I didn't want upload the backstage pictures of the memorial, as all of you already know them but I'll be sharing some others.
    Great idea!
    By the way, where can I find the bigger version of the photo of the body where we can see the IV? It seems that there is no white sheet on the head of that body and it's head is bold. I don't want to talk about this topic here, as this thread is for facts, and I don't want to take it to another direction, just please tell me where I can find it. Thanks!
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    And lets not forget these happy-go-lucky fellas...




    Are they mourning? I certainly can't tell. Looks more like a bachelor party than a memorial.
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    The main evidence for me:
    - Michael always said he was victim of conspiracy, and today we see that this is the greatest truth.
    After death, the brothers (Jermaine and Latoya) repeated, after Joe and Katherine ... I think somehow this is a warning and an explanation.
    "Nobody said anything publicly ... California Governor, Obama, UCLA physicians, officers of the LAPD ... nor mourning was declared in the country ... do not know how rules are in the U.S. but here in Brazil, much less influential than celebrities die and Chairman declares national mourning.
    -Murray was gone three days and was not even considered a suspect!
    And the slapstick-with Murray continues ... Just TMZ sees!
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • xxmjxxxxmjxx Posts: 304
    I could be totally wrong.but that last pic looks photo shopped to me, <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891




  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Ok gotta read this later.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Exactly. The biggest doubt that Michael did not die comes from family's very strange behavior, plus many other clues.Summarizing all these FACTS, we conclude that MJ most likely alive rather than dead and family never opposed that rumor.

    4 days after son's "death"

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMTbODVE5R8<!-- m -->

    1 month after son's, brother "funeral". both so happy.

    <!-- m -->http://www.accesshollywood.com/katherin ... eo_1168653<!-- m -->

    Maybe it is Jehovah witness thing. Go figure.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Forest Lawn picture from 1952

    Conrad Murray's Child Support Case

    MJ's "body" transport with the helicopter

    Earphones at the memorial


    Obama's speech

    Jermaine's announcement

    Credits go to Betti Ash for these pictures!

    Everytime I see the pic of the flat body. I am sorry, guys, but I have to chuckle because there is noway you can that is a body. My mother really believed that MJ was so skinny that was why he looked that way. I just busted out and laugh. I didn't even bother to explain it any further. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Agree with above comment and pictures. Another odd FACT, there is no incident in the history that someone was buried after 2 months of passing, even if they needed to perform many autopsies + father did not know where was his son's body at all the time. Hardly possible for experienced coroner to be needed to dissect deceased 3 -4 times to find cause of death? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • These are all great pics and the facts in writing too. I decided to re-read my Moonwalk book over the weekend and came across some quotes that stood out and i thought i would post here. I know of course this book is 22 years old and Michael took 4 years to complete it
    BUT i feel that some of these things and quoted in particular are still very revelant today and how Michael felt and still feels today.

    Michael talking about drugs...Page 104

    "This isnt to say we were never tempted. We were musicians doing business during an era
    when the drug use was common. I don't mean to be judgemental-it's not even a moral issue for me-but I've seen drugs destroy too many lived to think they're anything to fool with.
    I'm certainly no angel, and I may have my own bad habits, but drugs aren't among them."

    Another quote page 133
    Michael talking about the Wiz and Dianna Ross and how he felt acting was in his future

    "She didn't. It was Berry Gordy who said he hoped I'd audution for The Wiz. I was very fortunate he felt that way, because I was bitten by the acting bug during that experience. I said to myself, this is what Iam interested in doing when I have a chance.THIS IS IT"

    Page 171. Michael talking about his own song Heartbreak Hotel and Elvis

    "By the time our song came out, people though that if I kept living in seclution the way I was, I might die the way he did. The parallels aren't even there as far as I'm concerned and I was never much for scare tactics. Still, the way Elvis destroyed himself interests me, because I don't ever want to walk those grounds myself"

    Page 249
    Michael already thinking about "The final curtain call..."

    "The Victory Tour was originally going to be called "The Final Curtain" because we all realized it was going to be the last tour we did together. But we decided not to put the emphasis on that."
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