MJ's Family left DRUG ADDICT w/KIDS

letstalkagainletstalkagain Posts: 348
edited September 2010 in General Hoax Investigation
Have you ever thought about MJ's family saying he was a drug addict and others family members such as Jermane said they never saw him do any drugs. According to Randy and Janet they said they tried to do an drug intervention, and was not allowed to come in. If I was the family whose family member who was on drugs and had small children I would call child protective services and or tell the drug addicted family member that I will cal CPS and havethe children taken away if he or she does'nt get off of drugs now !!

So with that being said what do you think of the Jackson family now ? Thoughts anyone.


  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I say this hoax was in the planning for decades and this story is a part of it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I say this hoax was in the planning for decades and this story is a part of it.

    I agree. I don't believe the addict story.
  • I say this hoax was in the planning for decades and this story is a part of it.

    I agree. I don't believe the addict story.

    did anyone who mentioned intervention ever actually say it was for drugs? just wondering.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Just curious....and no I am in no way putting MJ as a drug addict...but what makes you all debunk the addict story? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    The one thing that makes me debunk it is the conflict of family members as stated above. Randy Rebbie, and Janet say one thing then Jermaine is saying another

    Has Latoya even mentioned MJ had a drug addiction?
  • First, let's be clear on meaning of DRUGs used by Michael;those are PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS, NOT ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE type of drugs. And for that matter, children would not have been taken away from Michael. Michael many years ago admitted he was addicted to prescribed medications and was going to get treatment. However, I too believe that the story with Propofol and continuing drug abbuse is exaggerated for hoax purposes.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoRULG4k ... 1&index=13<!-- m -->
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    They were eating off MJ's loot. You can't exactly snatch his kids up and keep the free eats too. Not to mention he had staff, cooks and caretakers/babysitters.<br /><br />
  • I have been saying it since I joined this forum. Michael was never on PRESCPTION DRUGS. I remember, I read and he also said himself in an interview that he does not even take advils tylenol, aleve for a headache. He does not believe in them. So how can he take prescription drugs. Yes he probably took them when he got his plastic surgeries to numb the pain, but not that he was an addict. For God sake, he use to preach to children, everyone about drugs, how can he preach something and not do what you are preaching. I strongly believe, this was a ruse so he would have hoaxed his death. He did the same thing as Elvis.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
  • I say this hoax was in the planning for decades and this story is a part of it.

    I agree. I don't believe the addict story.

    I also agree.. that is the only thing that comes close to being logical in my opinion. Nothing else makes sense.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    From what I know the Family said they suspected Michael was using prescription meds, but they never actually saw him take drugs. I don't know what to think, since MJ's "passing" everybody has gotten only less and less credible.
  • They were eating off MJ's loot. You can't exactly snatch his kids up and keep the free eats too. Not to mention he had staff, cooks, care takers for them anyway.

    You guys act as if this is a normal family. Far from it..

    2nd that. And if the drug addiction is completely made up I'd like a believeable explanation about Michael's looks and behaviour in the past (e.g. "Invincible era"). Not necessarily saying that he was addicted around the time he died but that it could be a possibility. May I also add that I wouldn't care if he ever was addicted, as a matter of fact it would be kind of understandable if he, more than anyone, was. The family contradicting each other doesn't necessarily mean Michael never had an addiction. Heck, he even admitted it himself! Now why would someone who cares so much about his image do that? I guess we could say it was part of this 20 year old hoax but how about the "baby dangling" (as they call it) or the trial? How could those things ever fit in with a hoax? If this really is a hoax, which I doubt more and more everyday, I can't imagine it being planned so far back.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Babydangling was a stupid action.
    He was overenthusiastic and it was not his intention to harm is own child.
    But hey mediahype again.
  • Yes Mj said on TV that he was addicted to prescription meds, and had to leave the country for treatment. So yes he did have the problem. Sooooo........., either they knew and did nothing about it or seriously never tried to do enough. Janet had money so she would never have fallen victim to Michael taking away money from the family.
  • Yes Mj said on TV that he was addicted to prescription meds, and had to leave the country for treatment. So yes he did have the problem. Sooooo........., either they knew and did nothing about it or seriously never tried to do enough. Janet had money so she would never have fallen victim to Michael taking away money from the family.

    When was that again that it was said that he was addicted to prescription meds...? Right, 1993. That doesn't mean he was an addict in 2009, does it? I have never believed the "druggie" stories, they do not make any sense at all.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Who are we to judge that anyway?
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    I have never believed the "Drug Addict" story, Michael was addicted in the 90s and went for treatment, I find it very difficult to believe that a man that was living such a healthy life in Ireland -Organic food-fresh veg-good diet......Then he went back to America & just tossed that lifestyle?!?!? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    I've watched TII on blue ray many times, just love the extra's, Michael was on top of his game & that production was not just for 10 dates!!
    Michael knew what he was doing <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I don't buy the drug addict thing. just part of the hoax
    and his children were always safe with him. they were his life.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I think equally, he is not an addict and not habia made ill. Everything is a part of the plan. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Have you ever thought about MJ's family saying he was a drug addict and others family members such as Jermane said they never saw him do any drugs. According to Randy and Janet they said they tried to do an drug intervention, and was not allowed to come in. If I was the family whose family member who was on drugs and had small children I would call child protective services and or tell the drug addicted family member that I will cal CPS and havethe children taken away if he or she does'nt get off of drugs now !!

    So with that being said what do you think of the Jackson family now ? Thoughts anyone.

    The problem with that is that Michael was the family breadwinner. He brought the house that Katherine lives in with Jermaine and Randys kids and whoever else is there.

    Michael was the main man in the family.. would they risk that by shopping him to the authorities and have his children took off him> knowing if they did that Michael would cut them out of their lives forever?
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Good point dancing. Why upset the bread winner. But have to say I watched tii. Closely today and michael was one step ahead of anybody and was thinking all the time his reactions were very quick so he was either very used to the drugs or clever at covering up or what believe most of it is a lie
  • I never believed the drug addict story...and a big part of me thinks Mike saying he was addicted in 1993 may just be a part of the hoax...make it more believable in 2009...imo
  • I'm going against the grain because I do believe that he had an addiction to pain medication. Anyone with a burn as serious as his was would have certainly at one point been on very strong and addictive pain medications, and for a long period of time. Unfortunately the drugs that give the most relief are all addictive. Can you even imagine the pain that kind of urn to the scalp would be? God forbid I hate even when I burn the tip of my finger, with that kind of burn I would have been on every kind of drug known to man. That kind of pain is unimaginable.

    I don't think that it was ongoing but once addicted always addicted. Michael has suffered a few spills since then that again would have caused him to require pain meds. as with any other addiction, if it is introduced again, the body wants more of it and possibly higher dosages for the same relief. That's nothing to be ashamed about. Obviously Michael wasn't because he did admit it and I am proud of him because of his admission. I blame the pharmaceutical companies and the physicians who continue to prescribe what's easiest for them rather that trying some other means, knowing the ill effects.

    I don't consider him a drug addict, but a person with an addiction or as he would put it "high tolerance", I whole heartedly believe and I'm sure he knew it himself
  • Thing is even if Michael was addicted during the TII rehearsals and before we wouldn't necessarily be able to see that. As someone here on the forum has already explained many times, being addicted to pain meds doesn't mean you can't funktion well during the rest of the day (assuming that Michael took it at night). It's probably quite hard to detect if you're not vey close to that person. Then again the AR states differently but what does that matter since most here think it's fake.

    Idk... I mean what purpose does saying that he's addicted to pain meds (back in 93) have in a hoax. There's just so many theories and speculation but no clear picture of anything, such as an actual purpose of a hoax... Would any of you like to waist so much time of your life planning a hoax, when all you seem to want is some "normality" in your life?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Idk... I mean what purpose does saying that he's addicted to pain meds (back in 93) have in a hoax. There's just so many theories and speculation but no clear picture of anything, such as an actual purpose of a hoax... Would any of you like to waist so much time of your life planning a hoax, when all you seem to want is some "normality" in your life?

    The purpose of the hoax for him is not to have normalcy in his life, he want's to start a revolution to change this fucked up world. Yes, I would 'waist' that much time on that as well, if I had the chance to do what he does now, without doubt.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Nearly every part of tii film was about love and looking after the planet it can't just a plain rehearsal footage so it's message it must be
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