New Maura Vid -100-



  • ejayejay Posts: 455
    wow, that was THE longest 10 minutes ever!
  • wow, that was THE longest 10 minutes ever!

    agreed! but i think its a pretty good vid!
  • chiiiiiivers
  • To me the most striking was that Jessie J. and Al Sharpton were... you know who.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Could for example Joe Jackson also be a part of "it"???? (I remember him laughing after MJ's death with Jessie...)

    Maybe therefore Michael-Dave-Dave said at LKL - I did this "to liberate from my father's criminality..."

    Just guessing... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • I`m sorry but I believe that Maura has misinterpreted. If that is an image of Bamophet (which it could be), if Michael is showing the Freemason symbol (which he might be) and JAM represents artificial intelligence as she states, it is just as likely that Michael was trying to send a message contrary to what she has presented.

    I would see this message to be a warning to us that the Illuminati are Freemasons, who worship Bamophet, and they are developing artificial intelligence to control us. The integration of computer technology into the human body is one of their goals, after all.

    As for lightman, Michael comes out of him and this could very well represent Michael symbolically freeing himself from any robotics. That instead of robots or A.I. controlling us, we are the humans behind and in control of the machines. That we can break away from this. Though these technological advances may be beneficial, in the wrong hands they can also be very harmful.

    But that`s just my opinion and since Maura and I are not on speaking terms, I won`t be sharing that with her. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I just want to add that this is like a war between Michael and the "Powers that be", Michael's weapon is Love, theirs is fear and control. But as in any war, "Know thy enemy" and "knowledge is power". So educate your troops, keep your friends close and your enemies closer... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I`m sorry but I believe that Maura has misinterpreted. If that is an image of Bamophet (which it could be), if Michael is showing the Freemason symbol (which he might be) and JAM represents artificial intelligence as she states, it is just as likely that Michael was trying to send a message contrary to what she has presented.

    I would see this message to be a warning to us that the Illuminati are Freemasons, who worship Bamophet, and they are developing artificial intelligence to control us. The integration of computer technology into the human body is one of their goals, after all.

    As for lightman, Michael comes out of him and this could very well represent Michael symbolically freeing himself from any robotics. That instead of robots or A.I. controlling us, we are the humans behind and in control of the machines. That we can break away from this. Though these technological advances may be beneficial, in the wrong hands they can also be very harmful.

    But that`s just my opinion and since Maura and I are not on speaking terms, I won`t be sharing that with her. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I just want to add that this is like a war between Michael and the "Powers that be", Michael's weapon is Love, theirs is fear. But as in any war, "Know thy enemy" and "knowledge is power". So educate your troops, keep your friends close and your enemies closer... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I second that.
  • I loved your interpetation young lady. I dont think MJ is into controling us. I think he wanted free of all that as well (if he was involved) Theres so much we dont know or even have a clue about. Honestly none of us really know that much about him personally. All we know is what we have heard or read. All i know is i miss his presence something terrible. I want him back so bad. I hope he choses to return. Not necessarily to us but at least to his family (if thats not where hes at <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and just allow us to see him from afar ocassionally. To those who stalk him SHAME ON YOU! What you give you get. I firmly believe in that. They will get theirs someday. Those who have ridiculed him and insulted him will pay for what they have done. Michael Jackson I love you. I Want You Back <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I`m sorry but I believe that Maura has misinterpreted. If that is an image of Bamophet (which it could be), if Michael is showing the Freemason symbol (which he might be) and JAM represents artificial intelligence as she states, it is just as likely that Michael was trying to send a message contrary to what she has presented.

    I would see this message to be a warning to us that the Illuminati are Freemasons, who worship Bamophet, and they are developing artificial intelligence to control us. The integration of computer technology into the human body is one of their goals, after all.

    As for lightman, Michael comes out of him and this could very well represent Michael symbolically freeing himself from any robotics. That instead of robots or A.I. controlling us, we are the humans behind and in control of the machines. That we can break away from this. Though these technological advances may be beneficial, in the wrong hands they can also be very harmful.

    But that`s just my opinion and since Maura and I are not on speaking terms, I won`t be sharing that with her. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I just want to add that this is like a war between Michael and the "Powers that be", Michael's weapon is Love, theirs is fear and control. But as in any war, "Know thy enemy" and "knowledge is power". So educate your troops, keep your friends close and your enemies closer... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • I`m sorry but I believe that Maura has misinterpreted. If that is an image of Bamophet (which it could be), if Michael is showing the Freemason symbol (which he might be) and JAM represents artificial intelligence as she states, it is just as likely that Michael was trying to send a message contrary to what she has presented.

    I would see this message to be a warning to us that the Illuminati are Freemasons, who worship Bamophet, and they are developing artificial intelligence to control us. The integration of computer technology into the human body is one of their goals, after all.

    As for lightman, Michael comes out of him and this could very well represent Michael symbolically freeing himself from any robotics. That instead of robots or A.I. controlling us, we are the humans behind and in control of the machines. That we can break away from this. Though these technological advances may be beneficial, in the wrong hands they can also be very harmful.

    But that`s just my opinion and since Maura and I are not on speaking terms, I won`t be sharing that with her. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I just want to add that this is like a war between Michael and the "Powers that be", Michael's weapon is Love, theirs is fear. But as in any war, "Know thy enemy" and "knowledge is power". So educate your troops, keep your friends close and your enemies closer... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I second that.

    Me three!

    There are only 2 real emotions in the world, Love and Fear. Good and Evil. Good always triumphs over evil.

    Love will not let us down.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I`m sorry but I believe that Maura has misinterpreted. If that is an image of Bamophet (which it could be), if Michael is showing the Freemason symbol (which he might be) and JAM represents artificial intelligence as she states, it is just as likely that Michael was trying to send a message contrary to what she has presented.

    I would see this message to be a warning to us that the Illuminati are Freemasons, who worship Bamophet, and they are developing artificial intelligence to control us. The integration of computer technology into the human body is one of their goals, after all.

    As for lightman, Michael comes out of him and this could very well represent Michael symbolically freeing himself from any robotics. That instead of robots or A.I. controlling us, we are the humans behind and in control of the machines. That we can break away from this. Though these technological advances may be beneficial, in the wrong hands they can also be very harmful.

    But that`s just my opinion and since Maura and I are not on speaking terms, I won`t be sharing that with her. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I just want to add that this is like a war between Michael and the "Powers that be", Michael's weapon is Love, theirs is fear. But as in any war, "Know thy enemy" and "knowledge is power". So educate your troops, keep your friends close and your enemies closer... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I second that.

    Me three!

    There are only 2 real emotions in the world, Love and Fear. Good and Evil. Good always triumphs over evil.

    Love will not let us down.

    I agree as well. Mike has broken free and was in no way a 33rd degree mason when he recorded the Dangerous album, hence the allegations that followed, they wanted to take him down. That album is a warning, not a clue of him being a mason. The Dangerous album shows how the illuminati creates puppets in their own factory, children enter, corpses without a soul come out, and so forth. She definitely misinterpreted. In Holland we say: "Ze heeft de klok horen luiden maar weet niet waar de klepel hangt".

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I enjoyed the video. Both sides, good and evil can use the same images/symbols for their own purposes. To understand how Michael is wanting us to interpret his use, we must study his life and work, and we will find the anwers. Just because MJ is seen with many 33 masons, does not mean that he was in cahoots with them. Many times he said he walked alone, because no one understood him. He may have been surrounded by people with their own agendas for him. How many people close to MJ, completely KNOW him. What I especially like about Maura's videos is that they show that EVERY minute detail in MJ's life and world has to be analyzed.

    Just like TIalmostI said here and many other tweets:

    "People better start looking back: dates, times, names,better see those coincidence ,it's all there for you to see,if your eyes are open."
    11:51 AM Aug 16th via web
    Reply Retweet Law of time
    7:03 AM Aug 12th via web
    Reply Retweet Ready for a new paradigm?
    4:07 PM Aug 8th via web
    Reply Retweet "What if half the things ever said turned out 2 B a lie, how will you know the truth?"
    4:43 PM Aug 5th via web
    Reply Retweet Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.
    2:44 PM Aug 3rd via web
    Reply Retweet "To dismiss something without an investigation of the evidence is the height of ignorance."
    12:18 PM Aug 1st via web

    Just commenting on Maura saying at 6:07 "Now...before all of you 'Michael is Jesus' type fans start freaking out...". Where are they "all"? Are they just keeping their thoughts to themselves, because of negative pressure? I've stuck my neck out on other posts. I wish with all my heart there could be frank and open discussion on that subject because there are books that could be written on it, but it's taboo. So truth may remain hidden beneath tradition/locked vault. Jesus also walked alone, surrounded by religious leaders with their own adendas, and even his own 12 misunderstood him and one of them betrayed him.

    I watched the movie Artificial Intelligence awhile back. In the end it is aliens (kindly ones) who were watching and controlling things on earth. Huge huge subject but uncomfortable to many. And I agree that Light Man may refer partially to some type of AI. Michael's attention to detail blows me away, and I love him.
  • Just commenting on Maura saying at 6:07 "Now...before all of you 'Michael is Jesus' type fans start freaking out...". Where are they "all"? Are they just keeping their thoughts to themselves, because of negative pressure? I've stuck my neck out on other posts. I wish with all my heart there could be frank and open discussion on that subject because there are books that could be written on it, but it's taboo. So truth may remain hidden beneath tradition/locked vault. Jesus also walked alone, surrounded by religious leaders with their own adendas, and even his own 12 misunderstood him and one of them betrayed him.

    MJonmind I love your posts and agree with you completely.

    5 a : spiritual illumination
    b : inner light
    c : enlightenment
    d : truth

    6 a : public knowledge <facts brought to light>
    b : a particular aspect or appearance presented to view <saw the matter in a different light>

    8: something that enlightens or informs <shed some light on the problem>

    Light Man - illuminating man; enlightening man
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    I agree. The thing is and in being honest, when maura used to make videos based on the actual clues like the ones after 6/25, they made sense but now most if her videos are basically her interpretation of things which sometimes dowdy make sense but like yourself I can't be bothered about telling her coz I hate drama. I haven't even seen it but reading your posts I concluded this. I wish the so much talented you tube movie makers made stuff based on facts and not what they thinkof stuff. Imagine if every one wrote a book on things that are scientifically proven but were opinions about them,the world would be caotic. We are allowed to have opinions and so can maura, just dot make a video of it <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I`m sorry but I believe that Maura has misinterpreted. If that is an image of Bamophet (which it could be), if Michael is showing the Freemason symbol (which he might be) and JAM represents artificial intelligence as she states, it is just as likely that Michael was trying to send a message contrary to what she has presented.

    I would see this message to be a warning to us that the Illuminati are Freemasons, who worship Bamophet, and they are developing artificial intelligence to control us. The integration of computer technology into the human body is one of their goals, after all.

    As for lightman, Michael comes out of him and this could very well represent Michael symbolically freeing himself from any robotics. That instead of robots or A.I. controlling us, we are the humans behind and in control of the machines. That we can break away from this. Though these technological advances may be beneficial, in the wrong hands they can also be very harmful.

    But that`s just my opinion and since Maura and I are not on speaking terms, I won`t be sharing that with her. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I just want to add that this is like a war between Michael and the "Powers that be", Michael's weapon is Love, theirs is fear and control. But as in any war, "Know thy enemy" and "knowledge is power". So educate your troops, keep your friends close and your enemies closer... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • If so many of you dont like Maura's vid, then why watch them in the first place?
  • Maybe I'm stupid but I undersood Maura's vid, that Michael wanted to warn us. He showed the symbols to pay our attention to the evils of this world...
    He definitely knew what was going on... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Maybe I'm stupid but I undersood Maura's vid, that Michael wanted to warn us. He showed the symbols to pay our attention to the evils of this world...
    He definitely knew what was going on... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Yep....I'm stupid too
  • Maybe I'm stupid but I undersood Maura's vid, that Michael wanted to warn us. He showed the symbols to pay our attention to the evils of this world...
    He definitely knew what was going on... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    The problem with this video is she never actually states what she is trying to say. No conclusion and things are stated as questions etc. This leaves each of us to try and understand what she is implying and also creates the controversy that is apparent in the comments on the video.

    She also claims to have researched but she is incorrect when she says that Aleister Crowley "coined and defined" Baphomet.

    make up; "coin phrases or words"

    Baphomet first became known when the Knights Templar were tried for blasphemy, homosexuality, and devil worship by the Inquisition in the 13th century. According to confessions given by members, Baphomet was an idol that took the form of either a large head or a cat. Based on the various testimonies of the Templars, no precise description of Baphomet came to light. It is even possible that Baphomet never existed at all for the Knights, or that multiple idols might have been involved.

    Baphomet gained new fame with the 19th century mystic Eliphas Lévi, who drew the now infamous image that is often taken for the modern Christian version of Satan. However, Lévi did not believe that Baphomet was in any way equal to this Devil, saying this icon "cannot be confounded with fabulous images of Satan." Further, he says "But the adorers of [Baphomet] do not consider...that it is a representation of the devil; on the contrary, for them it is that of the god Pan, the god of our modern schools of philosophy...the god of the primitive Gnostic schools" (Levi, 1995, p. 308).

    According to Levi, Baphomet was symbolic of what he called the Great Magical Agent, which can be defined as the universal life-force. This Astral Light is also the force that adepts use in magical operations. Common analogies are the Hindu Kundalini and the First Matter of alchemy.

    In Transcendal Magic, Lévi explains the symbolism of his famous drawing:
    "Moeover, the sign of occultism is made with both hands, pointing upward to the white moon of Chesed, and downward to the black moon of Geburah. This sign expresses the perfect concord between mercy and justice. One of the arms is feminine and other masculine, as in the Androgyne of Khunrath, whose attributes we have combined with those of our goat, since they are one and the same symbol. The torch of intelligence burning between the horns is the magical light of universal equilibrium; it is also the type of soul exalted above matter, as the flame cleaves to the torch. The monstrous head of the animal expresses horror of sin, for which the mateial agent, alone responsible, must alone and for ever bear the penalty, because the soul is impassible in its nature and can suffer only by materialising. The caduceus, which replaces the generative organ, represents eternal life; the scale-covered belly tyifies water; the circle above it is the atmosphere; the feathers still higher up signify the volatile; lastly, humanity is depicted by the two breasts and the androgyne arms of this sphinx of the occult sciences" (Levi, 1995, p. 309).

    So the idea of Baphomet had been "coined and defined" way before Crowley was even born.

    My issue with this video really is that it isn't clear and concise and frankly not researched very well. There is quite a bit of drama in the comments but that is simply because the message of the video is not defined clearly. Including the statement "Now...before all of you 'Michael is Jesus' type fans start freaking out..." she has already taken a confrontational stance.

    When you are trying to convey something, through a video, it is best to try to be clear, concise, respectful and research well. Otherwise, you create the drama and controversy that we see in relation to this particular video.
  • I also feel that Michael was not a freemason, nor 33rd degree illuminati. He was a humanitarian, he has full of love, how can he be in that evil circle. They probably wanted Michael to spread their evilness and he declined, and since then he had a lot of misfortune happening to him. Michael is good and good conquers evil... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I`m sorry but I believe that Maura has misinterpreted. If that is an image of Bamophet (which it could be), if Michael is showing the Freemason symbol (which he might be) and JAM represents artificial intelligence as she states, it is just as likely that Michael was trying to send a message contrary to what she has presented.

    I would see this message to be a warning to us that the Illuminati are Freemasons, who worship Bamophet, and they are developing artificial intelligence to control us. The integration of computer technology into the human body is one of their goals, after all.

    As for lightman, Michael comes out of him and this could very well represent Michael symbolically freeing himself from any robotics. That instead of robots or A.I. controlling us, we are the humans behind and in control of the machines. That we can break away from this. Though these technological advances may be beneficial, in the wrong hands they can also be very harmful.

    But that`s just my opinion and since Maura and I are not on speaking terms, I won`t be sharing that with her. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I just want to add that this is like a war between Michael and the "Powers that be", Michael's weapon is Love, theirs is fear and control. But as in any war, "Know thy enemy" and "knowledge is power". So educate your troops, keep your friends close and your enemies closer... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Well said Serenity!! it's time for people to realize that we, as "individuals" have more power then we think. You have to rid yourself of the "fear and control" and believe that we, as a "collective", have the power to bring the dark forces to their knees! Unfortunately, most people will continue allowing the "powers that be" to control them. Sad, but true...Why is it that people are so "content" with being manipulated, when they have the ability to control their own lives? I just don't get it.
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    If so many of you dont like Maura's vid, then why watch them in the first place?

    people have opinions.. this is investigators forum so we investigating.. just because Maura said something that doesn't mean everyone have to believe and agree with her.. I like Maura's videos but I have my own opinion about things...
    I dont see anything wrong that investigators investigating her video or saying what they think...
  • Maybe I'm stupid but I undersood Maura's vid, that Michael wanted to warn us. He showed the symbols to pay our attention to the evils of this world...
    He definitely knew what was going on...
    I agree with that...its all about "Opening up our eyes to what is really happenning around us"

    Michael has a way of using his music to communicate with us.

    I don't think he would be involved in anything to do with the Masons or illuminati, but instead, seem to be fighting them and warning us through his music.

    That's the one thing I noticed with all of his music videos....he always fights the evils of the world through his dance.....
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    Thanks for the warning Mike. 4 people on the internet figured it out almost two decades later <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • If so many of you dont like Maura's vid, then why watch them in the first place?

    people have opinions.. this is investigators forum so we investigating.. just because Maura said something that doesn't mean everyone have to believe and agree with her.. I like Maura's videos but I have my own opinion about things...
    I dont see anything wrong that investigators investigating her video or saying what they think...

    I never said it was wrong to decipher her vids, or what she says is true. Some pple seem to have a personal problem with her (which is fine, we all dont have to get along). I'm jus asking why even bother? Her vids are hit or miss like most people. I'm jus looking for an unbiased assessment of the vid and to see if others agree with me on the meanin of the vid. But I guess I'm in the wrong place if thats what I want. I'll let others post her vid to this forum, if they choice to do so.

    But its all good, thx for replying
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    If so many of you dont like Maura's vid, then why watch them in the first place?

    people have opinions.. this is investigators forum so we investigating.. just because Maura said something that doesn't mean everyone have to believe and agree with her.. I like Maura's videos but I have my own opinion about things...
    I dont see anything wrong that investigators investigating her video or saying what they think...

    I never said it was wrong to decipher her vids, or what she says is true. Some pple seem to have a personal problem with her (which is fine, we all dont have to get along). I'm jus asking why even bother? Her vids are hit or miss like most people. I'm jus looking for an unbiased assessment of the vid and to see if others agree with me on the meanin of the vid. But I guess I'm in the wrong place if thats what I want. I'll let others post her vid to this forum, if they choice to do so.

    But its all good, thx for replying

    I haven't seen anyone who said : .... I dont like Maura, and that's why I dont like her vid... or something like this.. investigators explained why they dont agree .. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    with a L.O.V.E, rasyte
  • If so many of you dont like Maura's vid, then why watch them in the first place?

    people have opinions.. this is investigators forum so we investigating.. just because Maura said something that doesn't mean everyone have to believe and agree with her.. I like Maura's videos but I have my own opinion about things...
    I dont see anything wrong that investigators investigating her video or saying what they think...

    I never said it was wrong to decipher her vids, or what she says is true. Some pple seem to have a personal problem with her (which is fine, we all dont have to get along). I'm jus asking why even bother? Her vids are hit or miss like most people. I'm jus looking for an unbiased assessment of the vid and to see if others agree with me on the meanin of the vid. But I guess I'm in the wrong place if thats what I want. I'll let others post her vid to this forum, if they choice to do so.

    But its all good, thx for replying

    I haven't seen anyone who said : .... I dont like Maura, and that's why I dont like her vid... or something like this.. investigators explained why they dont agree .. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    with a L.O.V.E, rasyte

    I never said that either. I guess I'm jus bangin my head on the wall with this one. In the grand scheme of things whether one likes or dislikes maura or her vids is irrelevant.

  • Thanks for the warning Mike. 4 people on the internet figured it out almost two decades later <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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