LilouLilou Posts: 319
Recent days have been crammed with non-stop work due to the new semester beginning. I don't know how to say this but I will just say it. I appreciate all of your support but I am not Michael Jackson. I absolutely understand your desire to hold on to someone who is no longer here, but this particular desire is non-productive. Life comes and goes and we all strive for certain things. The main thing that you strive for, a resurgence of Michael Jackson, can never be satisfied. I have hinted many times that I am not Michael in my previous blogs on my old profile, however, everybody wants to believe that Michael is alive. This particular fantasy will never come to fruition. All human life at some point comes to an end. The only life that is left of Michael is his music, his children, his family and of course his fans who have supported his dream. Michael worked so hard in life to teach peace, love and understanding to the masses through his brilliant mind accompanied by his incredible musical ability. We all must appreciate his art of spreading love throughout the world. Through accomplishing what no one has ever accomplished he became a deity of sorts. A deity, as defined on <!-- w --><!-- w --> is "a divine character who is considered a supreme being or God-like." But Michael Jackson was not a God. He was a human being with flesh and bones. He suffered much more in his life than any one of you can ever imagine. So now I ask you all to let him rest in peace.

Yours truly,

Dave Dave


  • LilouLilou Posts: 319
    I have hinted many times that I am not Michael in my previous blogs on my old profile, however, everybody wants to believe that Michael is alive.

    Pfff sorry but if he talks about "i'm not appart of some hoax" or "the Man the Myth The legend"...please finish off me <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    Oh lord...he is just not in the hoax.
    Not every close friend of Michael can be that...but this statement makes me a little bit sad... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Oh lord...he is just not in the hoax.
    Not every close friend of Michael can be that...but this statement makes me a little bit sad... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Don't you think that if DD is not "in the hoax" he would have suspected that something was not right when he watched "himself" on the LKL show?
    Remember that MJ is "dead" to the world, what did you expect? The family have been saying the same since June 2009.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    If he really thinks this then why didn't he come out and say it was him on LKL when it hit all of the media? He could have easily done that.

    Also, why put up loads of photos of him in Michael Jackson type poses on him myspace? To fuel our 'delusion' maybe?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Oh lord...he is just not in the hoax.
    Not every close friend of Michael can be that...but this statement makes me a little bit sad... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Don't you think that if DD is not "in the hoax" he would have suspected that something was not right when he watched "himself" on the LKL show?
    Remember that MJ is "dead" to the world, what did you expect? The family have been saying the same since June 2009.

    Exactly. If people loose faith over this then I really don't know what to say... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Maybe it's time for you to start reading TS' posts Lilou...
    <!-- m --> ... aled01.php<!-- m -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    We know DD is not MJ - but the person we saw on LKL definitely was.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Oh lord...he is just not in the hoax.
    Not every close friend of Michael can be that...but this statement makes me a little bit sad... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Don't you think that if DD is not "in the hoax" he would have suspected that something was not right when he watched "himself" on the LKL show?
    Remember that MJ is "dead" to the world, what did you expect? The family have been saying the same since June 2009.

    "Staging the return"
    I think is time to the people who is on the hoax to start to stay away of the posibility of him being ALIVE because if they can prove that they are in the Hoax they are doing something criminal. I think that if all the people around MJ start have this attitude is because maybe he will comeback (soon or not) they have to stay away of the posibility of KNOW about the HOAX <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> (sorry english is not my language)
  • At first, after reading his latest blog (Honesty), made me sad. He just made me wanna crushed, ruining my high hope on MJ's being alive and will return one day. But after I thought about his blog again, I mean wait a minute. Why should I 100% believe him? He popped up right after MJ's burial (Sept' 3rd 2009), after LKL interviewed the person who pretended to be him (Dave Ruthenberg). I personally believed it was not him, it was MICHAEL!
    He's purpose on myspace is not clear. He never explain or confirm that he really was in the LKL. Instead, he wrote encryptic words, puzzling messages and statuses! And one day BAM! He errased his account because he got irritated by his members since some of them were confused by his puzzling words and began to believe that he's MJ or at least believe that he's really in the hoax and has been cooperating with MJ. There was a time where people believed that there were 2 people under his account on myspace, Dave himself and Michael. They wrote messages everyday to MJ through him. I knew that because of it he started to pissed off, because he felt that people wanted to befriended him since he's a friend of Michael. That's why he erased his account for (I think) a week, maybe less than a week. I thought, that's it. He was angry and never wanted to be in myspace again. But I was wrong. He made a new account with ANOTHER encryptic statuses like, "The myth, the legend", "Wanted Dead or Alive", (HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.????) why did he do that???

    He just keeps making us think that he DOES want to give us a clue, that he is part of the hoax, or at least knows about the hoax! Damn it! Why does he like to confuse us??????? To make us feel ridiculous?

    I think this time, he's just tired and wants to move on with his own life and see if people genuinely want to be his friends. OR.... MJ perhaps really wants to have a peaceful life, so he ordered Dave to write this blog. I've seen a view members of his myspace, ask boldly about MJ's being alive or not. So, if I may conclude this, I think he's still part of the hoax and he's role as MJ's messenger has come to an end. That's simple. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> What about you guys? What do you think?
    (oh sorry about my English) <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • We are given false information all the time. The media tells us things and we just blindly believe it without doing any research. Here on this forum, we have learned that we must think for ourselves and take every bit of information given to us with a grain of salt and realize it's all apart of the bigger picture.

    Whether Dave is "in on it" or not doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that he can change some of your minds just by typing up a blog. In fact, that could be the point in him doing so... to see how many of us completely forget everything we've learned in the past year and a half over something that someone said.

    It's a nicely written blog, and it surely sounds sincere. But so has Janet and Jermaine when speaking about Michael... And if this is a hoax, then don't you think some believable acting is required from everyone involved? And don't you think it'd be much easier to act through a blog than in person?

    I'm just saying we can't let what one person types up erase from our minds the piles and piles of evidence that we've accumulated. That just isn't logical, and it certainly doesn't demonstrate that we've learned how to think for ourselves.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    DD has been playing before with hoaxers, fans and supporters of MJ <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323

    It's a nicely written blog, and it surely sounds sincere. But so has Janet and Jermaine when speaking about Michael... And if this is a hoax, then don't you think some believable acting is required from everyone involved? And don't you think it'd be much easier to act through a blog than in person?

    That's a really good point. DD could just as easily made a video. After all, he's done it before. It IS much easier to act through a blog. People can't read your body language.

    He's said over and over that he's not Michael Jackson. Fine. But he never went the extra step to say he's not Michael Jackson on LKL. That, to me, remains suspicious.

  • It's a nicely written blog, and it surely sounds sincere. But so has Janet and Jermaine when speaking about Michael... And if this is a hoax, then don't you think some believable acting is required from everyone involved? And don't you think it'd be much easier to act through a blog than in person?

    That's a really good point. DD could just as easily made a video. After all, he's done it before. It IS much easier to act through a blog. People can't read your body language.

    He's said over and over that he's not Michael Jackson. Fine. But he never went the extra step to say he's not Michael Jackson on LKL. That, to me, remains suspicious.

    Exactly. Because he has to know that we never claimed Michael was living as him on a regular basis as The Sun reported. We only said it about LKL. So really, he's only responding to the people who think Michael is pretending to be Dave Dave all the time or even took on his identity. He's not responding to the ones who believe it was Michael as him on the LKL show.
  • I would like to add:

    Don't underestimate Michael Jackson. He has been to hell and back a few times already and like before he WILL rise again!
  • Here, Here! Jacilovesmichael and Michaelsupporter....very well said! I once again concur with you both!

    And think about this....nobody ever, EVER said it was going to be easy to believe in the Hoax....but lest we forget, this is a MARATHON, not a SPRINT.....picture yourself, as I now do, as a marathon runner....have you considered that we might only be in Mile 7 of a 26 mile race so far?....Endurance...Patience...Fortitude....these are the qualities we must summon and muster...Just like in Life, if you get knocked down, courage is what it takes to get back up...each and every time....that's the character-building truly believe in Michael Jackson and His Plans both takes and makes a strong character....but most importantly, never for one minute forget you are MIchael and this community...if need be, in moments of doubt, rely on that L.O.V.E. to see you through...and remember the Marathon truly helps!
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Don't you think that if DD is not "in the hoax" he would have suspected that something was not right when he watched "himself" on the LKL show?
    Remember that MJ is "dead" to the world, what did you expect? The family have been saying the same since June 2009.

    Agree with u, besides we never claimed that DD is Michael, that the real DD doesnt exist, the only thing that we said was that DD on LKL is Michael, and i'm almost sure of it, noone can make me change my mind, i follow MJ for too many years, besides do you really expect Dave admit that it was MJ during the interview? it's natural that he denied it.
  • I tried to send DD a mesage to ask him some questions, his myspace is set to "away" so no messgaes can be sent to him. So I left my message as a comment on his blog but all comments must be approved and of course he did not approve it (and yes he has been on and approved some comments since I sent it). This is what I sent him and I guess he isn't going to answer.
    hello Dave,

    We do not know each other but I have been on your myspace friends on this profile and your old one. I have read everything that you have posted and occasionally commented on your status postings. I would like to make it clear that I am not judging you and I do not want to come across as being rude or nasty but after reading your latest blog, I have some very pointed questions to ask.

    1. Why has it taken so long for you to come out with this revelation?
    You must have been aware that people suspected you were either Michael Jackson, that Michael is alive and sharing your myspace account and/or sending messages through you.

    2. "I have hinted many times that I am not Michael in my previous blogs on my old profile"
    Why hint?
    You could have saved people a lot of heart ache and confusion if you had been honest from the beginning.

    3. If you are being honest here then...
    Was it you on Larry King Live with Miko Brando on July 7, 2009 or was it Michael disguised as you because many people do believe it was Michael?
    I think that if you want truly wish to have everyone "let him rest in peace" than perhaps you should be answering this question first and foremost.

    4. Why did you upload that unusual video?
    You must be aware that this has led to people again believing that Michael is sending messages through you and/or you have something to do with Michael having hoaxed his death.

    There are many more questions I could raise but at this point I believe that you are fully aware of the reasons why people suspected that you may be involved if Michael actually did hoax his death. You have acted cryptically, sending mixed messages and allowed people to believe all of this.
    My last question for you in this case would simply be WHY?

    L.O.V.E. & light
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Good questions Serenity. Let's hope he answers them!
  • It took him a year to address this? Please DD you are not fooling me. You had plenty of time to squash this, instead you put up a strange video with two faces. You ignored the messages from people who asked you about it and you have NEVER said it was not MJ on LKL.
    As a matter of fact, after reading what he wrote, I question if it was DD who wrote it. Maybe MJ asked him to post it. Maybe MJ thought it was time DD responded
  • Won't you guys just leave Dave Dave alone, and stop harassing the guy. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Use common sense, he said hes not michael. DUH!!! We all ******* know that!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> But he won't denied or confirm the man that looked like him on LKL wasn't him.
  • Won't you guys just leave Dave Dave alone, and stop harassing the guy. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Use common sense, he said hes not michael. DUH!!! We all ******* know that!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> But he won't denied or confirm the man that looked like him on LKL wasn't him.

    If DD was offended by my asking him questions, he would have removed me from his friends but he didn't. If his video was not supposed to be viewed by everyone, he would have asked me to remove it from my youtube months ago but he hasn't...<!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    You asked him very good questions
    Serenitys_Dream, i'm looking forward to his reply, but i'm almost sure that he is gonna say that it was him on LKL, that MJ is dead, that we should live in real life and move on, things like that, it's natural.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Has anyone asked Larry King point blank - was that MJ on your show dressed as DD?
  • LilouLilou Posts: 319
    I still believe,sure!!i don't lose hope and faith !no,and never! But i didn't expect to read a post like that in the all !I wondered why he tells us that,now?!He has a lot of opportunities before and he never said it directly,he seems to be fed up with the "hoax" many clues are not resolved yet..I was so shocked to read it..I said my emotions at that time..
    I think it's because,it's the first time he said it since the beginning of the hoax..
  • First of all: someone mentioned that maybe it wasn't even DD who wrote that post on his blog. I mean, the way he's been acting you a feeling that DD's an immature person with childish behavior. But that post sounds very mature, totally not like him they way he's been presenting himself until now. I might be wrong but that's the feeling I get when I read it...
    Second: the strangest thing is that he would come up with something like that NOW, after many months of teasing the fans with cryptic messages, hints of all sorts and making silly videos no one understands. So either he got tired of playing with us, or he's been told to stop this rubbish. Told be whom??
    Third: he NEVER addressed the LKL show because that's what everyone wants to know anyway. Was it DD on LKL or not?! So by saying "I'm not MJ" he doesn't say "it wasnt MJ on LKL", clearly. Therefore, to me what he said isn't relevant at all. He can't say yes, MJ is alive. Can he?? So what's the deal?? I think he just needs to stop that silly behaviour cause he might just spoil everything for MJ. I'm sure he knows of the hoax, maybe he wasn't involved as much as he would have wanted to be, whatever. Or maybe he really is conveying a msg from MJ: don't believe everything you hear...etc.
    Fourth: even if he says it was him on LKL, I won't believe him. I trust my own senses, not what I read on someone's blog.
    Fifth: like other here said, EVERYONE's been saying MJ is dead. OF COURSE! Because: "he's STILL dead" (quoting LK)

    Keep the faith, my friends!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    After all we've seen and read, I feel confident that DD, and other friends like Karen Faye are playing their part for Michael's hoax. MJ's a movie director, and I believe he assesses the true characters of people and incorporates that into the acting role they each play, so that the acting result is extrememely believable. Same goes for members of his family, etc. Real life and fiction are so interwoven that it is seamless.
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