

  • Hi guys, you all make great points!

    I think DD has had his own role in this hoax, including his strange photos and attitude on his blog. I don't understand why was it good that he acted that strange and even rude sometimes (I only heard about the rudeness, I don't follow his blog), but I don't think Michael would have asked him to be involved if DD really has these many negative characteristics. And as DD still hasn't said anything about "his" LKL appearance, I think he is loyal to Michael.

    Maybe DD's role is really over by now.
    He helped Michael to show himself for us on LKL as DD, that is the main point for me.
  • After all we've seen and read, I feel confident that DD, and other friends like Karen Faye are playing their part for Michael's hoax. MJ's a movie director, and I believe he assesses the true characters of people and incorporates that into the acting role they each play, so that the acting result is extrememely believable. Same goes for members of his family, etc. Real life and fiction are so interwoven that it is seamless.

    I think this is a very smart analysis. It reminds me of the Liberian Girl video too.
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    I tried to send DD a mesage to ask him some questions, his myspace is set to "away" so no messgaes can be sent to him. So I left my message as a comment on his blog but all comments must be approved and of course he did not approve it (and yes he has been on and approved some comments since I sent it). This is what I sent him and I guess he isn't going to answer.
    hello Dave,

    We do not know each other but I have been on your myspace friends on this profile and your old one. I have read everything that you have posted and occasionally commented on your status postings. I would like to make it clear that I am not judging you and I do not want to come across as being rude or nasty but after reading your latest blog, I have some very pointed questions to ask.

    1. Why has it taken so long for you to come out with this revelation?
    You must have been aware that people suspected you were either Michael Jackson, that Michael is alive and sharing your myspace account and/or sending messages through you.

    2. "I have hinted many times that I am not Michael in my previous blogs on my old profile"
    Why hint?
    You could have saved people a lot of heart ache and confusion if you had been honest from the beginning.

    3. If you are being honest here then...
    Was it you on Larry King Live with Miko Brando on July 7, 2009 or was it Michael disguised as you because many people do believe it was Michael?
    I think that if you want truly wish to have everyone "let him rest in peace" than perhaps you should be answering this question first and foremost.

    4. Why did you upload that unusual video?
    You must be aware that this has led to people again believing that Michael is sending messages through you and/or you have something to do with Michael having hoaxed his death.

    There are many more questions I could raise but at this point I believe that you are fully aware of the reasons why people suspected that you may be involved if Michael actually did hoax his death. You have acted cryptically, sending mixed messages and allowed people to believe all of this.
    My last question for you in this case would simply be WHY?

    L.O.V.E. & light

    Interesting, this comment from Sept. 12 from 'Miss Jackson' mentions "we recognized him in the Larry King Live"... then she goes on to sound like she now has doubts as a result of DaveDave's blog...

    Sep 12 2010 1:22 PM

    Hi dave dave!

    I hope everything is ok.

    I'm asking to myself why did you say that Michael Jackson is really "dead" ! Even if it wasn't your attention you hurt me and a thousand other fans of Michael because we beLIEve he is still alive because we recognized him in the Larry King live ! Now because this clue was the biggest of the hoax to me , I start to feel some doubt about the fact Michael is alive . I am living the 25th june a second time but with the doubt it's impossible to beLIEve that he is "gone" and the worst is that I will never know if Michael is "dead" or NOT ! What should I do now ? because if Michael want that his fans beLIEve he is alive your message doesn't help him ! And all the firms like Coca Cola and McDonald's are playing with the "death" of our King !!! Look what McDonald did !! They put a bill in L.A the 25th june 2010 " IF COFFEE IS JOE CONSIDER THIS JOSEPH" and we all know that there is a controversy about the 2nd name of Michael ( Joe or Joseph) I beLIEve his real second name is Joe and what about the commercial of CocaCola "Happiness machine" there are so many clues again and because of this and because of the fact that the Dave Dave in LKL seems so obviously to Michael and especially because of your message me and a million of other fans will live with the doubt .... we just keep the hope that he is alive and well and if he is we are waiting for his return and if he is "dead" may God forgive him (that what we said in my religion , no allusion about nothing) may God Bless him , and accept him in His Paradise !

    Sorry for my speeling mistakes I 'm french and I hope you will be more clear about the fact that MJ is "gone" or not and about you because finally we don't know you very well a

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  • Replying to the head post...

    But you REALLY believe Dave Dave would appear in his blog and say "Yes, you discovered me! I'm Michael Jackson!"?

    Don't forget that he is officially "dead", and if you publicly ask one of his friends or relatives, he would surely say "he's dead", they of course can not say "he's alive", they can just give clues.
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