Worthy of redemption?

Is Oprah Winfrey worthy of redemption after all she had said or implied about MJ not being innocent and not coming to his defense using her show as a platform like she should have? Do you guys think her views about MJ will change after talking with Mrs. Katherine and the children or will her views stay the same? I noticed that a lot of MJ fans are not interested in her show or say that she is a selfish person or something to that effect, because of the 1993 interview she did in Neverland and the interview with LMP she did a few years back.

My thing is that before the hoax I wasn't aware that she did not take up for MJ (I hadn't seen the LMP interview when it first aired) and I always had a high regard for her and her show. Is it possible that she is not what she is in the public eye? Sure people make mistakes but, realizing (when the hoax started last year) that she wasn't in MJ's corner and watching the LMP interview, has left me a bit TORN (although last year's show on MJ, where she reviewed the 1993 interview was a good show in my opinion).
I surely hope that with this upcoming interview with Mrs. Katherine and the kids will change her mind about MJ completely (if it hasn't changed it when she did last year's show about him).

Even if she does not take up for MJ in the future, is she still worthy of forgiveness and redemption?

Thoughts? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->


  • She is not worthy of redemption. Because she once was a journalist turn talk show host.
    She did not worry about gathering information and research evidence for MJ she just jumped on the band wagon and followed all the other haters. If she would have done her job she would have been able to see things on her own.

    I do not like her and never had. She is phony.
    Glad to see her leave.
  • She is not worthy of redemption. Because she once was a journalist turn talk show host.
    She did not worry about gathering information and research evidence for MJ she just jumped on the band wagon and followed all the other haters. If she would have done her job she would have been able to see things on her own.

    I do not like her and never had. She is phony.
    Glad to see her leave.
  • did she really say that she thought michael was guilty?
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I had to vote yes even though my emotions wanted to say no because I believe in the principle at least that anyone can change if they make a quality decision and follow through. But there must be genuine repentance or change of heart and the wrong must be righted to the best of their ability.
  • did she really say that she thought michael was guilty?

    As far as I know, I think she did not state it verbally, but she implied it.
  • I had to vote yes even though my emotions wanted to say no because I believe in the principle at least that anyone can change if they make a quality decision and follow through. But there must be genuine repentance or change of heart and the wrong must be righted to the best of their ability.

    I think so too.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    According RK
  • I also agree with you RK. As long as the intentions are sincere and coming from the right place and not for self serving reasons.
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    I must say Oprah surprised me and I was quite disappointed in her attitude and comments about Michael. She of all people should know how the media perceives some of them and most of all Michael. It was in very poor taste how she handled Michael and especially that interview with LMP. Now that is one person I do not like at all. The things she said about Michael was so uncalled for. She was the man's wife no one forced her to marry Michael she did that on her own and being married for two years or so you tell me thats the only thing that ran cross her mind when she married him was "Holy mary mother of God". That was cold and so wrong. But its about LOVE and forgiveness and that is what Michael has been trying to teach us for the longest time not to hate and so I feel everyone deserves a second chance, even Oprah and LMP.
  • It's good to see people not just talking about love, but actually living it!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Every person is worthy of redemption? I know some people don't like Bible coming into discussion but it just came to my mind, that Jesus said on the cross, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Michael said much later in life that he forgave his father because he understood better, the reasons why he did what he did. We all come from somewhere, some background, some experiences that shape our ideas and reactions. I'm sure Oprah did what she did for some reasons she felt were right at the time (who knows if she is a puppet for evil NWO masters). And another thing is that every good story usually has protagonists, or some evil or hurtles to overcome. She provides some of that along with Sneddon, Dimond, Arvizos, Matolla, Bashir and more. But that doesn't meet we should trust her and the Jackson's be buddy-buddy with her. If Michael wants to include her in the hoax for whatever reason, it'll be interesting, but I believe Michael will be a whole lot kinder than she was to him.
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Did she ever say after his *death* that she was wrong?
  • Did she ever say after his *death* that she was wrong?

    I'm trying to remember if she mentioned it explicitly or not in the program from last year... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Only God can answer that question...I don't think that we can be the ultimate jugdes as to know if she is worthy to be forgiven or not...we cannot know what are the innermost thoughts of the people, we cannot.
    Also I think that this is giving her too much importance (as if she not already had enough with her show) I mean by that, that what she thinks shouldn't be THAT important in the first place...it's like if she was a kind of big authority were you would absolutely have to go to be officially adjusted...it just proves once again the huge power that the media have....if Michael finally uses her show to do something it doesn't mean that they will become the best friends ever...it's just because the focus has to be put on the means by which we can spread the message on a large audience, I don't think that it is a question of doing peace with her or taking revenge or something like that. If it happens that she realizes the mistakes that she made......good side effect.
  • Everyone is worthy of Redemption. Oprah has done alot of good for the world as whole, just cause she slighted MJ doesnt discredit the good she has done. She just viewed, in my eyes, in a different light.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Worthy of redemption....but by whom exactly?
  • I have a question for anyone who has voted "No"..

    If Oprah realizes her mistakes and changes her heart and makes an attempt to make things right...Why wouldn't you forgive her?
  • Everyone is worthy of Redemption. Oprah has done alot of good for the world as whole, just cause she slighted MJ doesnt discredit the good she has done. She just viewed, in my eyes, in a different light.

    That's true! Even if she was hatin' secretly on MJ, she does do charitable things...
  • Worthy of redemption....but by whom exactly?

    Redemption from MJ fans and appreciators. xD <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • All I have to say is SCREW HER and she's just a puppet she was just pleasing her masters Oprah is like the fakest person i've heard of man
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I think she could be if she apologized, admitted she was wrong and went about trying to clear Michaels name.

    Remember, even Aphrodite Jones thought Michael was guilty at one point.
  • There is another thread on here talking about Michael's Angels. Heisinme09 and I believe that Oprah could redeem herself quite nicely if she brought these "angels" on to discuss the truth about Michael's innocence and the truth about who Michael really is. We are going to do an online petition that will need signatures. Do we have any volunteers to help spread this through your twitters and Facebook pages?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Went to her site <!-- m -->http://www.oprah.com/index.html<!-- m -->

    on the Oprah Show
    Mon 10/18:
    Exclusive: The 16-Year-Old Boy Who Killed His Molester
    Tue 10/19:
    Susan Boyle, Jackie Evancho, Debby Boone - The Next Big Thing
    Wed 10/20:
    First TV Interview - Tyler Perry Speaks Out About Being Molested
    Thu 10/21:
    Lisa Marie Presley Speaks Out About the Death of Michael Jackson

    I mean, she is having 2 programs about "Molestation cases" and then "Michael Jackson"?
    I hope is for good, really.

    I expect a big apology from Oprah.

    At times, I think that the one who may have been molested by some adult in the past was Michael himself <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • I think she could be if she apologized, admitted she was wrong and went about trying to clear Michaels name.

    Remember, even Aphrodite Jones thought Michael was guilty at one point.

    Yeah, I heard she was wrong and then changed her heart about it. Saw the video on it.
  • There is another thread on here talking about Michael's Angels. Heisinme09 and I believe that Oprah could redeem herself quite nicely if she brought these "angels" on to discuss the truth about Michael's innocence and the truth about who Michael really is. We are going to do an online petition that will need signatures. Do we have any volunteers to help spread this through your twitters and Facebook pages?

    I want to help in any way I can! =D
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