Prince’s “Welcome 2 America” Press Confusion…Er Conference



  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    I have to say I have always liked Prince's music just as much as I like MJ's music - always have always will....and I was DEFINITELY there in the 80's and before then too... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think the media perpetuated the BS about them "hating" each other.

    Perhaps one day we might even find out that Prince has been helping Michael in this somehow, someway....along with a few other "big name" celebrities. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • [youtube:2gn2l2zn]
  • SkySky Posts: 62
    this is why prince turn down "bad"

    What he says at the end of the video is interesting.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Cute! Yes we are coming to the age of lay down your weapons, and lay down your EGO'S.
  • [youtube:i3s86d89]

    Is that footage from the 02 Arena? I know someone said that that was the case but I am not too familiar with the arena. If so, that is a huge red flag to me. I also find it funny that people, who are not following this adventure with MJ, automatically noticed the similarity to this press conference and MJ's. I think this was done on purpose. I also thought it was interesting that he announced this at the Apollo, one of the central places the media focused on when MJ transitioned on June 25th. I still remember the sign on the Apollo Theatre. Also, the Apollo reminds me of the moon mission, which makes me think of moonwalker, etc. So maybe, I am going left field but I cannot help but notice these possible connectors. Perhaps, Prince is welcoming Michael to America on December 25th? It would make everything full circle but I doubt Michael would be there physically though due to safety. Or maybe, I am completely wrong. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • [youtube:icqoqnkb]

    Is that footage from the 02 Arena? I know someone said that that was the case but I am not too familiar with the arena. If so, that is a huge red flag to me. I also find it funny that people, who are not following this adventure with MJ, automatically noticed the similarity to this press conference and MJ's. I think this was done on purpose. I also thought it was interesting that he announced this at the Apollo, one of the central places the media focused on when MJ transitioned on June 25th. I still remember the sign on the Apollo Theatre. Also, the Apollo reminds me of the moon mission, which makes me think of moonwalker, etc. So maybe, I am going left field but I cannot help but notice these possible connectors. Perhaps, Prince is welcoming Michael to America on December 25th? It would make everything full circle but I doubt Michael would be there physically though due to safety. Or maybe, I am completely wrong. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I posted about the O2 footage on page 2 of this thread, it's a comment from someone who was at the Prince press conference in New York:

    From, regarding the video footage that was played during the press conference:

    I was there. Stephen Hill (BET) said it was from the O2. The first clip was Prince playing Guitar. The second clip was the Controversy/Housequake medley with clips of celebrities at the concerts talking about how much they liked Prince's music. I don't know that it was a finished DVD per se, but the clips were definitely from the O2 concerts. They showed the O2, the symbol stage, Cora, Maceo, and the Twinz. I'm trying to remember exactly what Stephen Hill said about the clips (ie. did he use the word "dvd").
    The Prince welcoming the King (in whatever way) would most certainly be a Purple Day.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I also thought it was interesting that he announced this at the Apollo, one of the central places the media focused on when MJ transitioned on June 25th. I still remember the sign on the Apollo Theatre. Also, the Apollo reminds me of the moon mission, which makes me think of moonwalker, etc.

    The outside announcement at the Apollo makes me think of the start of Thriller..

  • I also thought it was interesting that he announced this at the Apollo, one of the central places the media focused on when MJ transitioned on June 25th. I still remember the sign on the Apollo Theatre. Also, the Apollo reminds me of the moon mission, which makes me think of moonwalker, etc.

    The outside announcement at the Apollo makes me think of the start of Thriller..


    In August 1967, The Jackson 5 performed at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem for their amateur night. The Apollo’s amateur night audience was known to performers as the toughest audience around. Many performers had been discovered here and it was an important night for the young group. After their set, The Jackson 5 won first prize and brought the house down.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    In August 1967, The Jackson 5 performed at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem for their amateur night. The Apollo’s amateur night audience was known to performers as the toughest audience around. Many performers had been discovered here and it was an important night for the young group. After their set, The Jackson 5 won first prize and brought the house down.

    Awesome! I would loved to have seen that...

    Connections, connections everywhere we look!
  • no not from media i do not belive them i got it from books bot michael can we plz let tis go i'm sorry if i upset any 1

    You didn't upset me at all. I am just very curious where you got that from. I never heard Mike say he hated Prince, and I never heard Prince say he hated Mike. As far as I am concerned it was a healthy and friendly rivalry between them and in my opinion they had respect for each other. I even think they might have been better friends than any of us have ever known.

    Yeah, I feel the same. The only time I've heard of Mike talking about Prince, is when he spoke of his songwriting. He said he had to write songs down quick when he thought of them or God would "give them to Prince" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Didn't Michael supposedly say something simalr to Kenny O during the This Is It rehersals? Maybe that was a big clue! Maybe we need to keep our eyes on Prince!
  • no not from media i do not belive them i got it from books bot michael can we plz let tis go i'm sorry if i upset any 1

    You didn't upset me at all. I am just very curious where you got that from. I never heard Mike say he hated Prince, and I never heard Prince say he hated Mike. As far as I am concerned it was a healthy and friendly rivalry between them and in my opinion they had respect for each other. I even think they might have been better friends than any of us have ever known.

    Yeah, I feel the same. The only time I've heard of Mike talking about Prince, is when he spoke of his songwriting. He said he had to write songs down quick when he thought of them or God would "give them to Prince" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Didn't Michael supposedly say something simalr to Kenny O during the This Is It rehersals? Maybe that was a big clue! Maybe we need to keep our eyes on Prince!

    for all we know they could have both been sitting there when the comment was made <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • You can't compare MJ and Prince because in my mind there is no comparison but Prince is a legend and anyone that thinks otherwise needs to go listen to some Prince lool
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Welcome 2 America Prince!!!
    Back in the day I had MJ and Prince music blaring and Thriller VHS playing and Purple Rain!
    I think the rivalry was made by the media. Both are great artists and I wouldn't compare them one bit. Prince was made fun of too when he changed his name to the unoronouncable word and I believe that was a contratual move.
    I am positive I never heard a public word of ill will about any artist from Michaels lips. All were fighting the same battle as he was and all were put under the thumb of the major money makers. Unfairly! Michael made a stand and voiced his opinion and Prince did too by changing his name so he could still create.
    Nice thought that is leading up to something....
    You just never know!!!!!
    Prince said that and Michael said Keep watching The best is yet to come!

    I think it's best to put ill will towards Prince away and keep your heart on L*O*V*E mode.

    That's the Michael Way <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Thank you for all the video links and info!!!
    I think the jacket with the scrollwork and chain Prince is wearing is very Michael, I liked it!!! I love that scrollwork and always watch for it on clothes for me!

    We Love you Michael! And Prince!
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    I meant to add that Michael said we can change the world by being more loving and open minded, that change will come about. Not a quote just a general feeling of all he stands for.
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I totally agree 2 Bad, well said.
  • Was just waiting for someone to post about the press conference... And then somehow connect this to the hoax, just like the guy who works in the cafeteria of my uni is connected to the hoax or the guys who drives the trams in the town where I currently live etc etc <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .

    About Prince fans not liking Michael, I don't think it's necessarily about Michael (personally) but the fact that someone ALWAYS has to mention Michael somehow when discussing Prince! Now wouldn't it annoy you guys if people kept bringing up Prince or comparing their talent whenever you visited a Michael site (or watched a YT video)? I luv ma Prince and I luv ma Mike and it pains me when people go that way, talking loads of crap when they could just relax and appreciate the beautiful gifts that are MJ and Prince.

    What further pains me is that I missed out on tickets to P's Copenhagen concert and that he's "postponed" the Antwerp concert <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> . What's a girl to do now?
  • What further pains me is that I missed out on tickets to P's Copenhagen concert and that he's "postponed" the Antwerp concert <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> . What's a girl to do now?

    Just wait it out... The date on which Prince will appear in the Antwerp Sportpaleis may or may not be confirmed during the second half of October. What about trying to get tickets for his Herning gig on 10/22? I know it's sold out, but you might hit a luck and lay your hands on tickets from someone who due to circumstance can't go.

    There are still rumors about Prince doing a gig in Rotterdam on November 8, so you're not the only one who's waiting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    What further pains me is that I missed out on tickets to P's Copenhagen concert and that he's "postponed" the Antwerp concert <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> . What's a girl to do now?

    Just wait it out... The date on which Prince will appear in the Antwerp Sportpaleis may or may not be confirmed during the second half of October. What about trying to get tickets for his Herning gig on 10/22? I know it's sold out, but you might hit a luck and lay your hands on tickets from someone who due to circumstance can't go.

    There are still rumors about Prince doing a gig in Rotterdam on November 8, so you're not the only one who's waiting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I hope it works out for you!! I bet that is a good show!
  • Melzy777Melzy777 Posts: 501
    Where can I get my Team Jackson t-shirt and sequined boxing gloves from? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I must've been living under a giant rock covered in magic mushrooms because I have enough love in my heart to admire Prince and MJ in their own right and would never have known that I must choose one or the other... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    And, I hear that Prince is a JW and goes door knocking.... How unfamiliar? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • What further pains me is that I missed out on tickets to P's Copenhagen concert and that he's "postponed" the Antwerp concert <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> . What's a girl to do now?

    Just wait it out... The date on which Prince will appear in the Antwerp Sportpaleis may or may not be confirmed during the second half of October. What about trying to get tickets for his Herning gig on 10/22? I know it's sold out, but you might hit a luck and lay your hands on tickets from someone who due to circumstance can't go.

    There are still rumors about Prince doing a gig in Rotterdam on November 8, so you're not the only one who's waiting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    yeah, I'm checking up on it everyday but it just seems like there won't be any time to fit another concert in before Abu Dhabi if he doesn't do it soon. I'm a poor student and need to book tickets in advance. Believe it or not but it's cheaper to go to Antwerp from Sweden than to Herning! It's a real hazzle trying to get there. If I wasn't so broke I wouldn't care but I can't actually afford to go to any of his concerts but thought that Copenhagen and Antwerp were at least within reach. Guess we'll have to wait together <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> .
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