If MJ does return, a Concert might not even happen.



  • You know what sucks I was going to see him in London for the first time ever <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> but I'm not mad he saved his own life he might not ever perform again but I'm sure he will give us music but one more moonwalk wouldn't hurt lol
  • I haven't felt that anyone one on this site will be mad when Michael returns. If there is any anger, it would only be directed at the circumstances that existed to force Michael to take such drastic measures. And after all that Michael has done for the millions of people he has touched with his music, his charity and humanitarian contributions, there is nothing to forgive. If anything, we should be asking his forgiveness. I will be in such a delirious state of bliss, joy, love and hope when he does make himself known again that there'll no room for any other feelings.
  • Michael's true fans will understand why he left and understand when he returns. As stated, why would he return to do concerts? He did his concert, This Is It. He wanted to give us one last show and he did. When Michael comes back, I am sure he has a bunch of projects he will be/is working on. I am sure he is a multitasker and his mind is spinning thinking about all of the possiblities out there and he is using this time to work on many things. I really don't think any of us will be angry when he returns. Myself, I just want to know that he is safe and happy. He deserves nothing but the best and a chance to live his life the way he really wants to. I think his real fans will love and understand him no matter what. If someone is angry when he returns, well then they just don't understand the real reason why we are here. Take care, Love to all.
  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    There's more than a million people on this planet. And there may be thousands who'll have hatred inside of them for the rest of their lifes if he comes back.

    you can guarantee i am not one of those <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> that why we teach those who hate, into loving <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Michael's true fans will understand why he left and understand when he returns. As stated, why would he return to do concerts? He did his concert, This Is It. He wanted to give us one last show and he did. When Michael comes back, I am sure he has a bunch of projects he will be/is working on. I am sure he is a multitasker and his mind is spinning thinking about all of the possiblities out there and he is using this time to work on many things. I really don't think any of us will be angry when he returns. Myself, I just want to know that he is safe and happy. He deserves nothing but the best and a chance to live his life the way he really wants to. I think his real fans will love and understand him no matter what. If someone is angry when he returns, well then they just don't understand the real reason why we are here. Take care, Love to all.

    I agree with all my heart
  • lovemjlovemj Posts: 129
    i would just be happy when and if he returned i wouldnt need a concert just knowing he,s safe and well would be enough for me even though theres nothing i,d love better than to see michael live performing but or even to see him live would be enough for me i love michael so much he deserves to do what he wants <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Michael's true fans will understand why he left and understand when he returns. As stated, why would he return to do concerts? He did his concert, This Is It. He wanted to give us one last show and he did. When Michael comes back, I am sure he has a bunch of projects he will be/is working on. I am sure he is a multitasker and his mind is spinning thinking about all of the possiblities out there and he is using this time to work on many things. I really don't think any of us will be angry when he returns. Myself, I just want to know that he is safe and happy. He deserves nothing but the best and a chance to live his life the way he really wants to. I think his real fans will love and understand him no matter what. If someone is angry when he returns, well then they just don't understand the real reason why we are here. Take care, Love to all.

    This is true!!! This I also think....
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Michael's true fans will understand why he left and understand when he returns. As stated, why would he return to do concerts? He did his concert, This Is It. He wanted to give us one last show and he did. When Michael comes back, I am sure he has a bunch of projects he will be/is working on. I am sure he is a multitasker and his mind is spinning thinking about all of the possiblities out there and he is using this time to work on many things. I really don't think any of us will be angry when he returns. Myself, I just want to know that he is safe and happy. He deserves nothing but the best and a chance to live his life the way he really wants to. I think his real fans will love and understand him no matter what. If someone is angry when he returns, well then they just don't understand the real reason why we are here. Take care, Love to all.

    Wow, like some other people here, I agree with you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Just a question - if Michael does 'Bam', do you think he will remain in hiding? And if so for how long? I mean, he's obviously there for a reason, it would only make sense to come back when it's safe, but when is that and what needs to happen for that to be the case?

    Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I have been thinking lately about a "BAM" possibility and how I would react if and when that happens.
    I think it would be a good thing.

    If it is true that this hoax has been created to expose how news travels fast and how different medias serve news according to the agenda at the moment, and it has been the case that MJ has been used and abused by how the media has portrayed him in the past labeling as names we already know, then I find almost neccesarely that MJ tells the world.

    If the case is "the greatest show on earth", he needs to say it as well.

    I think that up to this point, MJ´s message has become more important than his concerts and if he comes back on stage, would be a good idea for him to "promote" his messages to reach us all.

    I got very impressed 1st time I watched a MJ speech. It reached my heart dearly and, to be honest, I deeply miss more of those <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    We, MJ supporters and fans are a little "odd" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> (or at least I see myself odd <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->)some of us can see beyond, others can think outside the box, others are naive, others very religious... but at the end we are united by him and that is per se "the greatest show on earth".

    What do people say? MJ fans are the best and most loyal of the world!!

    So, a Bam is going to be more than welcome if ever happens and if not I guess we have learned a bit on the way.
  • Think he can still dance at 52? :p
    As long as he's being taken care of, he can do anything! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Michael's true fans will understand why he left and understand when he returns.


    I think his real fans will love and understand him no matter what.

    It's not about being a "true" or "real" fan, it's about using brains and common sense. I'm sorry to say it, but the vast majority of his "true" and "real" fans never understood his message, and still don't. Unless he literally spoon feeds these people about why he did what he did when he pops up again they will never understand.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Michael's true fans will understand why he left and understand when he returns.


    I think his real fans will love and understand him no matter what.

    It's not about being a "true" or "real" fan, it's about using brains and common sense. I'm sorry to say it, but the vast majority of his "true" and "real" fans never understood his message, and still don't. Unless he literally spoon feeds these people about why he did what he did when he pops up again they will never understand.

    So may be is time to start spoon feeding.
  • Michael's true fans will understand why he left and understand when he returns.


    I think his real fans will love and understand him no matter what.

    It's not about being a "true" or "real" fan, it's about using brains and common sense. I'm sorry to say it, but the vast majority of his "true" and "real" fans never understood his message, and still don't. Unless he literally spoon feeds these people about why he did what he did when he pops up again they will never understand.

    So may be is time to start spoon feeding.

    The problem with spoon feeding is that if people don't research, read, learn and understand, they won't become aware. If Mike tells plain out why he did what he did, people won't have learned anything. But I agree that at a certain point there's no other option but to spoon feed...
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    After 15+ months, those fans are not the researching types. Spoon feeding is needed.

    Yes to spoon feed!!
  • After 15+ months, those fans are not the researching types. Spoon feeding is needed.

    Yes to spoon feed!!

    I can already picture you as the captain of the demonstration " SAY YES TO SPOON FEEDING!" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    AAahhhh <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I was on my way creating the pic <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> you read my miiiind <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Now seriously,

    If MJ wants himself to deliver the message reaching everyone, he has no other option than doing it sooner or later.

    We are looked upon as weirdos, lunatics, non reliable, mental, not able to let it go, conspiracists, wakos....in two words, non trustable.

    Only Michael can reach out to everyone , or one of his family members could, but not us. We give the impression of being sectarians.
  • Hi Mo:
    I get what you are saying about the spoon feeding and I agree with you. I am a true/real fan of Michael's for 40 plus years and I understand what he stands for. I have very good common sense and have done a lot of research. I have been very successful in turning non believers into believers. However, there are many "fans" out there that are just into Michael cause he's "cute" or sings great so on and so on. Those are the fans that need the spoon feeding. But would it matter? Would they understand what Michael is about? I am finding more now than ever, people just don't care about causes or even people. Some times I think "they" are lost causes and can't be made to understand anything. So back to the reading, researching and using brains and common sense....maybe we need a thread on how our people can reach others, how they approach others concerning Michael, what he stands for... I find talking about all the good he has done for the world can really open up good conversation with others. Others as in sensible people, I do avoid negative people at times just because it's a waste of good energy. I visit this forum religiously everyday, I am not a huge poster, I can tell you in my line of work, I reach many people and my favorite topics of conversations are food, Michael and my dogs! Sounds crazy.....everyone who knows me knows I am crazy and silly. But I believe in reaching people through sense of humor, laughter and true human kindness. It works trust me. Maybe we need to start listing suggestions on how we can spoon feed people???? Take care, Love to All
  • cassicassi Posts: 175
    I think Michael can dance just fine, he never lost it, if you ask me. Also, i can just picture him doing one last performance, like he did in moonwalker when he performed Come Together. One final bow on the stage, for his children, for us.

    I beLIEve that soon the world will know what we know, and that is, that Michael is innocent. After everything is exposed no one will be able to blame him for faking his death. IDK, but this is how I feel in my heart anyway <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> .
  • hachimanhachiman Posts: 188
    So when do you think he'll come back? Read this: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=49&t=14073<!-- l -->
  • Hi Mo:
    I get what you are saying about the spoon feeding and I agree with you. I am a true/real fan of Michael's for 40 plus years and I understand what he stands for. I have very good common sense and have done a lot of research. I have been very successful in turning non believers into believers. However, there are many "fans" out there that are just into Michael cause he's "cute" or sings great so on and so on. Those are the fans that need the spoon feeding. But would it matter? Would they understand what Michael is about? I am finding more now than ever, people just don't care about causes or even people. Some times I think "they" are lost causes and can't be made to understand anything. So back to the reading, researching and using brains and common sense....maybe we need a thread on how our people can reach others, how they approach others concerning Michael, what he stands for... I find talking about all the good he has done for the world can really open up good conversation with others. Others as in sensible people, I do avoid negative people at times just because it's a waste of good energy. I visit this forum religiously everyday, I am not a huge poster, I can tell you in my line of work, I reach many people and my favorite topics of conversations are food, Michael and my dogs! Sounds crazy.....everyone who knows me knows I am crazy and silly. But I believe in reaching people through sense of humor, laughter and true human kindness. It works trust me. Maybe we need to start listing suggestions on how we can spoon feed people???? Take care, Love to All

    Hi sandythyme,

    In my opinion, no one is a lost cause... I do feel that we, the ones who understand Mike's Message, have the obligation to spread it. Teaching people through sense of humor, laughter and true human kindness is an excellent way, although every now and then you will have to be firm. People who reject your "education" will eventually somehow end up in a situation which reminds them of your "lessons", and they will start thinking for themselves after all even though it might be on a small scale. Then it's Mission Achieved. Stay positive <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Thanks Mo, I really appreciate your reply. I take one day at a time and keep plugging away! Most days I feel successful....and then there are other days......Thanks again, Take care!!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Look, he's been gone for 15 months. 15!! And imagine how the fans would feel if he returned. They would feel pain if they found out that they'd been tricked by someone they loved and adored. So if MJ explains why he did this, fans might think about it, but a Concert might not still happen. Now for those on this site who won't forgive him, he had no choice. He did it just to get away from papparazis, teach the tabloids a lesson, etc or maybe someone was hired to have him dead just for his money. I would be happy if he was on the news right at this moment and I wouldn't feel sad at all and neither should you. As for Conrad Murray, nothing much on him yet. God bless.

    Imagine how the people will feel when they find out they have been lied to about almost everything in this world. Yet they still need to know.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Look, he's been gone for 15 months. 15!! And imagine how the fans would feel if he returned. They would feel pain if they found out that they'd been tricked by someone they loved and adored. So if MJ explains why he did this, fans might think about it, but a Concert might not still happen. Now for those on this site who won't forgive him, he had no choice. He did it just to get away from papparazis, teach the tabloids a lesson, etc or maybe someone was hired to have him dead just for his money. I would be happy if he was on the news right at this moment and I wouldn't feel sad at all and neither should you. As for Conrad Murray, nothing much on him yet. God bless.

    Imagine how the people will feel when they find out they have been lied to about almost everything in this world. Yet they still need to know.

    Exaaaactly! The fans (I'm his #1 fan by the way lol) will be just fine if they just get over themselves and their imaginary relationship with him (myself included haha, if I can do it you can do it! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) and WAKE UP!!
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