Is anyone else quite scared?

trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Ok, forgive me if this sounds silly...

Recently, I have been getting rather anxious regarding what is to follow regarding the hoax and the world in general..

I believe this hoax is a lot more that just to prove the media wrong or revenge..

What we have already learned about NWO and such is already rather frightening and sickening but I'm convinced we don't even know that half of it.

Obviously, it's very important that we DO know, as otherwise this hoax would be useless, and I see this a positive thing as this gives me hope that it's not too late and something can be done to improve the situation.

Now my question to my fellow hoax investigators is, are you also feeling this way sometimes? Do you feel mentally prepared about what might be to come?

Any opinions would be much appreciated.


  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Hi to all! I recently decided to open myself an account too (after a long time reading in silence).
    So, first, nice to meet you all.

    This is a subject I thought about a week ago myself too, it is something I feel too. Probably on other extents.
    I am scared..... oftenly. There is such a battle inside that sometimes I feel like I lose ground.
    Now that you opened the discussion, let me tell you my fears.
    There are some days when it feels better and I feel very confident, and there are days when I lose all my equilibrium. My deepest fear is that I sometimes think that I am fooling myself, that it is all in our heads. That the whole situation and the message that it carries is extremelly good, it's something that happens once in a lifetime, to have people awakened to the message and to the corruption and media brainwashing. And then I think it is amazing, but what if it is only in our conception? And then everything is shaken. Then I re-think and balance myself again, but I am never stable. In my heart and mind there are ups and downs all the time. Sometimes I am terribly afraid. I just want to understand all this better, to understand the whole situation completely. But there are questions with no answer. And those holes need to be filled in order for me to understand everything and assimilate it at its full meaning.

    I am a whole heartedly supporter of Michael (I never use the word "fan", I don't like it, it doesn't define what I feel) since I was 5 years old. For real... Now I am almost 24.
    I admire and support him with all my heart as I always did, I defend him against anything and anyone. I don't know how to express it better, it's something so deep in my heart, an endless respect, support, love to Michael that probably even if I am good at words, I still can't express it exactly. I love him as he is, as person and not only as an artist. Plain and simple. I feel like he's a piece of my heart, a piece of me, because I find myself in him, sometimes I feel that this world was not meant for me, I fell from another place. Lost here somehow, where people misunderstand my very move or action. I know how it feels like, I've been there. That's why him- as person- is a piece of me.I understand his message and what he has always tried to do and express, because I simply feel it in my heart completely.

    But yes, I feel scared..... I am scared that I can be wrong.. And this whole amazing situation to be something we all wish for (that change) but only a surreal world that seems tangible and beautiful but unreal.This is my deepest fear. All I want is just to know he is ok, healthy and happy. Then everything else can be done. It's like a physical pain for me, not only soul pain; because everytime I think about how he suffered and what he has been through , it's like putting a digger in my heart.I feel despair sometimes, because I don't know how can I help him, what to do, if only he'll tell what does he need and want from us, because I am sure that we still don't discuss the whole thing and that there are much much more subjects to touch. If only we'd have that drift, what else to do and what subjects to touch.
    I am here and I want to help him with all my heart. If only I knew what else to do for him. Sometimes I feel like my hands are tied.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Hey trublu-

    The one thing nobody can take away from you is education. Learning from our past, to educate future generations is most important. This forum has many thoughts, many interesting points of knowledge.

    I don't be believe in letting fear guide my life. The future holds many wonderful mysteries. For me, I choose to look at those as a positive thing. That being said, I am cautious to a fault. I question everything that comes out of the media's mouth. The recent remarks about difficult days ahead don't worry me too much. I know what I believe in and I am comforted by those beliefs. It's human nature to feel frightened of the unknown. I think you are completely reasonably to ask for's not silly at all, my friend!

    With the dawn of history at our foot each day, we are given a choice. To let fear in our hearts or to let love rule. Keep reading, keep learning but, do it for love, not out of fear.....fear breeds fear. Keep positive and know we are loved.

    Many Blessings to all......and an extra dose for you trublu <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    It's a fair question, considering Michael himself asked, "Are you scared yet?" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    If God is on our side who can be against us. There may come difficult times, but realistically we will each eventually die sometime, and we will face each hurtle as it comes. But as Wishingstar said, arming ourselves with understanding, knowlege and wisdom is the best thing we can do. I somehow feel with Michael leading the way, anything is possible, and it gives me peace. I think that's part of the struggle on this site, is that we want badly to prove he is alive and is behind the millions of details and coincidences, because instinctively we want him as our leader to take this planet to a better and higher level, and we know the planet's in trouble now. No pressure Michael, we love you. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Welcome _Anna_!
    I am a whole heartedly supporter of Michael (I never use the word "fan", I don't like it, it doesn't define what I feel) since I was 5 years old. For real... Now I am almost 24.
    I admire and support him with all my heart as I always did, I defend him against anything and anyone. I don't know how to express it better, it's something so deep in my heart, an endless respect, support, love to Michael that probably even if I am good at words, I still can't express it exactly. I love him as he is, as person and not only as an artist. Plain and simple. I feel like he's a piece of my heart, a piece of me, because I find myself in him, sometimes I feel that this world was not meant for me, I fell from another place. Lost here somehow, where people misunderstand my very move or action. I know how it feels like, I've been there. That's why him- as person- is a piece of me.I understand his message and what he has always tried to do and express, because I simply feel it in my heart completely.
    I for one, and I'm sure there are many more, feel exactly like you so eloquently stated. We are all one big happy family here (mostly <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ).
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Thank you MJonmind!
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Ok, forgive me if this sounds silly...

    Recently, I have been getting rather anxious regarding what is to follow regarding the hoax and the world in general..

    I believe this hoax is a lot more that just to prove the media wrong or revenge..

    What we have already learned about NWO and such is already rather frightening and sickening but I'm convinced we don't even know that half of it.

    Obviously, it's very important that we DO know, as otherwise this hoax would be useless, and I see this a positive thing as this gives me hope that it's not too late and something can be done to improve the situation.

    Now my question to my fellow hoax investigators is, are you also feeling this way sometimes? Do you feel mentally prepared about what might be to come?

    Any opinions would be much appreciated.
    Well, this is exactly what I have been thinking since I knew about NWO and other stuff too. I 'm also scared. But the problem is : I can't tell other people I 'm scared. Everyone will think I'm crazy. I'm just keeping the fear to myself. There is nothing I can do for the time being. The worst is jet to come. There will be a real thriller, I believe. But I don't know in what way or in which direction. It might be a war, an earhthquake or even a new unknown desease!!!! Just think about it!!I think for me life has changed completey.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Hello everyone, thank you so much for your lovely replies..and welcome Anna! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think starting this thread was a good thing, seeing as we obviously don't have many people to talk to about it other than each other.

    I personally think it's ok to be scared sometimes, and is completely normal, as long it doesn't stop you doing what you want/need to be doing.
    I am terrified of flying, but I still get on that plane regularly to go and see my family, as much as when I'm up there I think, 'what the *%$! am I doing 30 000 feet in the air?!" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    My worries are specifically tied to what is to come after the 'Bam', not only to do with Michael, but to do with the whole world.

    I think so many people are concentrating on evidence that Michael is alive and the bam date that they've forgotten/don't seem to realise that it is probably to do with a whole lot more than Mr Michael Jackson. I think it's about him, you me and the entire world.

    I am not the least bit worried about whether he will come back or not, I believe 100% that he is alive, and as to a comeback, i think he will, but if he doesn't then that is his choice and I respect that. I do think however, that even if he didn't 'come back' physically for all to see, somehow all will be revealed and this is what I find scary sometimes.

    On a positive note, i think love can conquor all and we all need to stick together and carry on spreading MIchaels message no matter what.

    This hoax has changed me, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

    I have much love for you my fellow hoaxies! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Fear, is a great motivator......One day at a time. We need to stick together so we can be heard. Knowlege is POWER..Love you all...xoxox
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Sometimes I think: What is going to happen tomorrow??? I know the The Illuminati are speeding up their agenda. So i must say: I am scared of what they are planning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And yes, you are right!!!! It's not about MJ. It's about us and the entire world. I'm afraid that the Bam has something to do with the fighting for our freedom. So in a way It's nice to know that MJ will Bam. But he will only BAM when things get really bad. People are waiting for that BAM but may be they don't know how the world will look like before he bams.
    I'm afraid of that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ok, forgive me if this sounds silly...

    Recently, I have been getting rather anxious regarding what is to follow regarding the hoax and the world in general..

    I believe this hoax is a lot more that just to prove the media wrong or revenge..

    What we have already learned about NWO and such is already rather frightening and sickening but I'm convinced we don't even know that half of it.

    Obviously, it's very important that we DO know, as otherwise this hoax would be useless, and I see this a positive thing as this gives me hope that it's not too late and something can be done to improve the situation.

    Now my question to my fellow hoax investigators is, are you also feeling this way sometimes? Do you feel mentally prepared about what might be to come?

    Any opinions would be much appreciated.
    Well, this is exactly what I have been thinking since I knew about NWO and other stuff too. I 'm also scared. But the problem is : I can't tell other people I 'm scared. Everyone will think I'm crazy. I'm just keeping the fear to myself. There is nothing I can do for the time being. The worst is jet to come. There will be a real thriller, I believe. But I don't know in what way or in which direction. It might be a war, an earhthquake or even a new unknown desease!!!! Just think about it!!I think for me life has changed completey.

    yeah there are no real conversation starters for this. everybody knows there is always someone who thinks that these people aren't dead after they pass. in fact that is the thought that propelled me to stumble onto this site.i think the best we can do for now is to pass on every good peice of information there is about michael and when it happens he will be in a better position to be looked at differentlly.not to mention it should wake people up to the media.

    sensationalism. i think one really big aha moment for me was during some kind of story a news group was doing on some kind of a flood situation. the reporters were in this canoe giving there report like the water was so high and right acroos the front of them come these two guys walking in like oh i guess mid calf high water <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    you know it isn't always going to be easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys in all of this either. i find that to be the scariest.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    I'm not scared, I'm pissed off. I am sure we don't even know a quarter of the shit going on, but whatever it is I want to know and I want it to stop. I am ready and will do whatever it takes.


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    we want the BAM so bad but maybe we don't know what we wish for....if there's an army of love being built, that means there's gonna be some sort of "battle" right?
    what kind of battle it's gonna be - we have no idea.
    We are here mostly for Michael and we're ready to follow him and ONLY him.

    But as we don't know what's in store for us, we have reasons to be at least cautious, if not scared.
    I know I've said this before, but I can't forget it: my first dream about Michael after June 25th was with him asking me "Aren't you scared yet?"

    Maybe because I was watching Ghosts too much, I don't know...
    Souza maybe you should check what's wrong with the videos posted here lately - I can only see half of the screen - is it something wrong with my computer or what?!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Souza maybe you should check what's wrong with the videos posted here lately - I can only see half of the screen - is it something wrong with my computer or what?!

    That's probably because of your screen resolution. I'll see if I can make them a little smaller.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Souza maybe you should check what's wrong with the videos posted here lately - I can only see half of the screen - is it something wrong with my computer or what?!

    That's probably because of your screen resolution. I'll see if I can make them a little smaller.

    Should be better now. If it's still cut off, it's time for a new computer <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • DoDo Posts: 850

    I'm not scared, I'm pissed off. I am sure we don't even know a quarter of the shit going on, but whatever it is I want to know and I want it to stop. I am ready and will do whatever it takes.

    We all do but what CAN we possibly do?? I'm afraid we can't fight against that big superiority (like NWO) because honestly, not many will join us. And IF they do, things will get out of hand very quickly, there will be alot of chaos and riots, and there will be other people, ready to 'take the power' and 'suppress' the majority in a civil or uncivilized manner. This happens since the beginning of mankind. How are we supposed to fight against the invisible (at least in many people's mind) enemy?
    Souza maybe you should check what's wrong with the videos posted here lately - I can only see half of the screen - is it something wrong with my computer or what?!

    That's probably because of your screen resolution. I'll see if I can make them a little smaller.

    It's OK now, thank you...I can save the money for a new screen <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

  • I'm not scared, I'm pissed off. I am sure we don't even know a quarter of the shit going on, but whatever it is I want to know and I want it to stop. I am ready and will do whatever it takes.

    You are right, I'm so angry because he had to do this.Why couldn't they just leave him alone ? Why would not let him have a beautiful and peaceful life with his children ? Michael is a wonderful man and he deserves to be happy .Of course we don't know a lot, and maybe we will never know.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    I'm not scared, I'm pissed off. I am sure we don't even know a quarter of the shit going on, but whatever it is I want to know and I want it to stop. I am ready and will do whatever it takes.

    We all do but what CAN we possibly do?? I'm afraid we can't fight against that big superiority (like NWO) because honestly, not many will join us. And IF they do, things will get out of hand very quickly, there will be alot of chaos and riots, and there will be other people, ready to 'take the power' and 'suppress' the majority in a civil or uncivilized manner. This happens since the beginning of mankind. How are we supposed to fight against the invisible (at least in many people's mind) enemy?

    We can educate ourselves, making people around us aware and when the shit hits the fan, we need to be ready. If people will hear the truth like we have, they will get angry too. The public is their biggest enemy and the people getting awakened and fighting them is their biggest fear. They loose their power as soon as people wake up. I am waiting for the cue, I know we can't reach that many now, but he can.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • DoDo Posts: 850

    I'm not scared, I'm pissed off. I am sure we don't even know a quarter of the shit going on, but whatever it is I want to know and I want it to stop. I am ready and will do whatever it takes.

    We all do but what CAN we possibly do?? I'm afraid we can't fight against that big superiority (like NWO) because honestly, not many will join us. And IF they do, things will get out of hand very quickly, there will be alot of chaos and riots, and there will be other people, ready to 'take the power' and 'suppress' the majority in a civil or uncivilized manner. This happens since the beginning of mankind. How are we supposed to fight against the invisible (at least in many people's mind) enemy?

    We can educate ourselves, making people around us aware and when the shit hits the fan, we need to be ready. If people will hear the truth like we have, they will get angry too. The public is their biggest enemy and the people getting awakened and fighting them is their biggest fear. They loose their power as soon as people wake up. I am waiting for the cue, I know we can't reach that many now, but he can.

    Souza, I hear what you are saying, and I know HE can reach a lot of people, and that a relatively small group of us might make the difference, but do you think we can win the fight? They have so much power and influence, they never gonna give that up. They worked years and years to become what they are. Money and power are such ugly things, that they might eliminate the people who revolt. I'm afraid the majority of mankind is much too scared to give up their (false) sense of security, just like you are not feeling well for a while but too afraid to go to a doctor, afraid to get bad news. I do wanna fight and help (waiting for the leader right now!) but who will fix the chaos, who is to be trusted and take charge to make this world a better place? (Michael for sure, but he can't do it alone, neither can we, and again, when we all revolt worldwide, the chaos will become too big to fix. Oh darn, I have to stay positive but my experience is that people are not too interested if I tell them what I have learned this last 15months.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    I'm not scared, I'm pissed off. I am sure we don't even know a quarter of the shit going on, but whatever it is I want to know and I want it to stop. I am ready and will do whatever it takes.

    We all do but what CAN we possibly do?? I'm afraid we can't fight against that big superiority (like NWO) because honestly, not many will join us. And IF they do, things will get out of hand very quickly, there will be alot of chaos and riots, and there will be other people, ready to 'take the power' and 'suppress' the majority in a civil or uncivilized manner. This happens since the beginning of mankind. How are we supposed to fight against the invisible (at least in many people's mind) enemy?

    We can educate ourselves, making people around us aware and when the shit hits the fan, we need to be ready. If people will hear the truth like we have, they will get angry too. The public is their biggest enemy and the people getting awakened and fighting them is their biggest fear. They loose their power as soon as people wake up. I am waiting for the cue, I know we can't reach that many now, but he can.

    Souza, I hear what you are saying, and I know HE can reach a lot of people, and that a relatively small group of us might make the difference, but do you think we can win the fight? They have so much power and influence, they never gonna give that up. They worked years and years to become what they are. Money and power are such ugly things, that they might eliminate the people who revolt. I'm afraid the majority of mankind is much too scared to give up their (false) sense of security, just like you are not feeling well for a while but too afraid to go to a doctor, afraid to get bad news. I do wanna fight and help (waiting for the leader right now!) but who will fix the chaos, who is to be trusted and take charge to make this world a better place? (Michael for sure, but he can't do it alone, neither can we, and again, when we all revolt worldwide, the chaos will become too big to fix. Oh darn, I have to stay positive but my experience is that people are not too interested if I tell them what I have learned this last 15months.

    Yes I think we can. I KNOW we can, as long as we keep believing that we can. Do not underestimate the power of the people. They are what they are and they have what they have because we allow them to, keep that in mind. As soon as we will stop allowing that, their power will fade away. FEAR is our worst enemy.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Although I agree that we should be strong and fight for what we believe in (which is what we're doing I think), I think there's no shame in admitting that we are sometimes anxious about what's to come. I think it's only natural given the situation as we know it.

    As long as it (fear) doesn't stop us, I think it's ok.

    We all just need to stick together. The more of us there are the more powerful we are. (even if there are ones like me who get worried from time to time <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )

    The elite have much more money and power than us, true. But we, the 'average' outweigh them by millions.

    I guess we need to be spreading the message more.
    It's a matter of leadership maybe.
    The ones of us who are not meant to be leaders because we don't have a leader mentality - are afraid I guess.

    Maybe we should try to change our way of thinking because most of the time we are what we think we are.

    So not fear is my worst enemy, I am my worst enemy when I say "I'm scared" or "I can't do it, it's too difficult for me" and so on...

    Maybe we should remember Michael said "There's nothing to be nervous about <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> "
  • FEAR is our worst enemy.

    Let's look at what the word F.E.A.R. all stands for.


    F.E.A.R Lyrics

    For each a road
    For everyman a religion
    Find everybody and rule
    F*** everything and rumble
    Forget everything and remember
    For everything a reason
    Forgive everybody and remember

    For each a road
    For everyman a religion
    Face everybody and rule
    F*** everything and rumble
    Forget everything and remember
    For everything a reason

    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)

    Finding eternity arouses reactions
    Freeing excellence affects reality
    Fallen empires are ruling
    Find earth and reap

    Fantastic expectations
    Amazing revelations
    Final execution and resurrection
    Free expression as revolution
    Finding everything and realizing

    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)

    (Fantastic expectations
    Amazing revelations
    Finding everyone and reuniting
    For everything a reason)

    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    You got the fear
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I don't know if scared would be the best word for me in all this. What I feel is that sometimes everything just gets out of my hands, it's like you know you are on the right way but at on point a storm comes and confuses you. And if in this storm there's no one to guide you, you just lose it. This is how I feel. And sometimes the need of someone to guide us is so big
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I do not think it's about leadership.

    Do you think leaders never get scared? They are immune?

    I guess I didn't choose the best's not like I'm quivering in my boots here <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> , but sometimes I am anxious and nervous about what is to come. I think it's only natural. The unknown can often be unsettling, especially when we are talking about serious world affairs.

    I have no problem admitting I feel this way from time to time. In some ways I think it can make you stronger.

    Thank you all for your comments, peace and love to all.
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