Is anyone else quite scared?



  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Courage doesn't mean to have no fear, but to go ahead inspite of it.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Souza maybe you should check what's wrong with the videos posted here lately - I can only see half of the screen - is it something wrong with my computer or what?!

    I thought I had my resolution too small as well, but now I'm pleased to know it's not just happening to me LOL. I wasn't having any problems viewing vids here, until recently. I found that if I increase my resolution, then the text is entirely too small to read:)
    I do not think it's about leadership.

    Do you think leaders never get scared? They are immune?

    I guess I didn't choose the best's not like I'm quivering in my boots here <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> , but sometimes I am anxious and nervous about what is to come. I think it's only natural. The unknown can often be unsettling, especially when we are talking about serious world affairs.

    I have no problem admitting I feel this way from time to time. In some ways I think it can make you stronger.

    Thank you all for your comments, peace and love to all.

    Well, maybe I was wrong.
    But I know some people born leaders, not made leaders (like leadership can be teached - I know they claim they can teach you , but it has to be native in my opinion) and I've noticed there's something different about them... I mean it's not random they are what they are...they are special not because they are more inteligent or cultivated, but because of some sort of mentality...they think big, they have prospective, they have Vision, they can see things coming when the others don't even think about it... and they don't seem to be nervous or scared in any circumstances...

    And I truly believe Michael is one of them.
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    Scared? No.
    Afraid? Not really.
    Concerned? Yes
    Doing my part? Trying to.
    Do I think MJ is dead? Not on your life!

    Just have to put it all in perspective is all. Don't fret.
  • I think it just goes to show how far we have come during this hoax, many are now seeing that there is far more involved than meerly getting back at the media etc... Fear was not a great factor in the early days, everything was far more about investigating Michael's 'death' and a process of learning about why he did it. Now we are at a point where we are being shaken up a bit because we realise that this really does involve us and it is about us, us being Michaels army of love and actually playing a specific role in this real life movie and we are now discovering the extent of our role. This is personal and will bring many emotions. Many have awoken to the fact that things are coming to a head on a global scale. This has not happened before in our history and this is mainly because of the internet. Truths are being exposed and we are learning to think for ourselves. We have become so used to seeing our world from a distance as it is usually in 2D format, seeing something on tv enables us to keep a certain distance. We are now discovering that this is real, something deep within us is being touched and will undoubtedly create fear.
    We are also not certain about the outcome but we know we have to go forward, united in our mission. Our world in changing rapidly and it cannot keep up this momentum for much longer. Our numbers are growing and the more the lies are revealed, the more others will question and find the truth. Many people find the truth hard to believe but the most important thing is for them to see is the lies, it is human nature to find the truth when you firstly know of the lie.
    I strongly believe that our current reality is about to change and on whatever level you look at this, it is the biggest thing we have experienced and we are learning to be guided by light and love and of course Michael. Michael showed us what to do, he was not in a position to come out and tell us the truth and in some ways this would not have helped us as the whole point is that we look and learn for ourselves rather than being told. By creating the biggest lie by hoaxing his death, he created a way in for those who doubt the what we are told, which was the most productive way to get peoples attention and take us on this journey. His biggest message was to feel love and give it others, to be of truth and respect and the biggest one of all was the importance of forgiveness. This is not about letting someone off the hook, but knowing that person deep down is just the same as all of us once the mask is removed. We are all facing the mirror now and we may not be able to change the world single-handed but we can change ourselves and if we all do this then it would result in healing the world and the so called darkness would lose its grip because without our blind compliance they have no power. Its not about them, it's about US!!!
    The end of this journey will be one worth every ounce of energy and emotion we have put into this. Like Michael said "It's a great adventure, there's no need to be nervous".
    This is a great thread and it needed to be raised, there is a lot of support here for everyone, we have come a long way and grown strong roots which can only get stonger. In my heart I know everything will be ok xx
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    You guys are amazing and an amazing family. There is a really clever bunch here that I haven't seen anywhere on other hoax forums. Here we really discuss serious things and deep thoughts. I kinda feel recently that it's not a division only between believers-non believers, but also between believers.

    What I've seen and noticed mostly recently is that among believers appeared like a separating line; there are those believers who are just waiting for the BAM but not really digging deeper to understand all the faces of the situation, and resume themselves at being believers and waiting for the Day; and there are the other believers who have these deep thoughts and high understanding of the situation at a more serious level, who don't waste time looking for Michael's eyes in the clouds in the sky and think it's a clue. There are those believers who think at a higher level, and probably it was achieved because of the 15 months experience that we gained. The process of learning has hit people differently.
    I noticed that like the non-believers, there are also believers who don't get into deep thoughts.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    As I write now I am not scared at all but rather curious and in the expectation to know how things will evolve and how we will really begin the fight. I am rather excited about that so I am not really scared and it's a really unusual feeling because I am a quite shy person but when it comes to things I really believe in I don't know it's like I let my true self express itself more. For the moment I feel like I am a very good soldier in the heart, I really want to make that change, I want to do something I feel it deep in my heart, but I don't know how we (army of love) will be used exactly...or even if we will be used...(after BAM).

    There are things that I absolutely cannot stand in this world and I just have to think about that to give me the strength. I also had some hesitations and questions on the how will we do it, telling myself they are stronger and so on....but I reflected on that and I asked myself, what is their strongest asset? What is it that permits them to act with total impunity? And to me the answer is rather simple... it's because the majority of the people is not aware of what is going on. Their big advantage is that people live according to the laws of the illusion they have created and don't even have a clue on what is happening. We are just a minority 'in the know' even if more and more people get to realize the truth....but it's not enough.

    So, if this is their big advantage the only way to counterbalance that situation is to raise awareness on a global scale. To let people know what is really going on and make the minority in the know become the majority. I think that we can do that.

    Also, nobody mentionned here the 2012 event but I think that it is an important piece of the puzzle. Even if it's not necessarily the end of the world I am sure that TS didn't mentionned that just for fun. I myself strongly believe that something big will happen in the years to come that will change, let's say 'the system'. Considering this, I believe that Michael has important information about what is going to happen... the dark side surely knows too.........and the thing is that they don't want us to know, this must be about something that affects us all. Michael hoaxing his death is really not just a game but very important issues are behind. In a way I feel like an end is coming so Michael is the winner here, whatever happens. He will do his "job" (with us?) to let people know and they will be responsible for the choices they will make after that. The consequences should not be late to appear I presume.

    In the end maybe that the success of that global awareness mission will be to have been able to let the message out and be heard by as many people as possible. We know how media are corrupt and wouldn't never let that kind of information be widespread, so in itself it is a huge thing that is under process.

    Also, we obvioulsy cannot convince all the people. Afer the message has been spelled out, what they will make of it is under their responsibility.
  • @sarahli, I would like to share my thoughts on 2012 because I agree this is a huge piece of the puzzle, probably the most important piece. I see this whole thing slightly differently to most people here. I think that both sides are kind of working together for the same goal. Light/love guides us towards unity, peace, love and understanding and fear guides us towards finding the answers/ solution to the apparent terrifying agenda which is shown in many ways on the net. Personally I think that their is a mutual agenda here which is one of awakening to our true selves and our real power within. Love and fear are pushing us in the same direction and once the lies become more transparent the more people will feel disillusioned by what they see and start to question and search for the truth. As I said in my earlier post, for the world to wake up they need to firstly see the lies. They are becoming so transparent now and their terminology is very obvious, like using the words NWO agenda. We do not need to force people to see the truth, this will come in their own time, it's the lies first that will make people open their eyes and this is well and truly being exposed without any help from us. They are exposing themselves so is it control that they really want or is it a process of making us think that this is what they want to awaken us through fear. Many now understand the true reality of an awakening, this is extemely powerful and once humanity is at this point collectively (likely 2012) then the power of the dark forces will become useless and insignificant and they will not be able to acheive the agenda that is currently feared by many. We will be way too powerful for them to have any control over. I think that 2012 is a planned event rather than just prophecy, as I feel that this is about human evolution of conciousness rather than a need to control because there is only one way out of this, to awaken our inner conciousness. All we need to do is look at ourselves individually as this is where we can make a change. We have all made others suffer at some time in our lives, no-one is perfect so we need to learn to take personal responsibility and then forgive ourselves and learn from our own mistakes and also to forgive others as they start to see their own behaviour. We have become used to living in a world which blames others for everything, this is what needs to stop. Lets show others how to take responsibilty for who we are and what we have done then others will feel far safer and able to see their own actions and know that they will not face ridicule, rejection or hatred because we will give them unconditional love and understanding. We are all the same deep down and we need to accept eachother rather than reject and judge eachother.

    I have no doubts whatsoever that we are heading towards a loving and emotionally responsible world where we can create our own vision together.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thank you Believe 777 for your thoughts about 2012 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> . I feel that this is a process that is about to take place and people will have to face the truth, the reality of what our world really is. Indeed the dark side's foundations are trembling. Now I have a different understanding and viewpoint on what 2012 is about. I believe in God and for me there is a divine planned event taking place. This higher consciousness is part of it but it will not make itself just by raising awareness IMO, something will "force" people to see the truth. When I say "force" I mean that it will be so overwhelming that people will be obliged to take heed, they will not just listen and move on. I don't know how/what exactly but to me a new era is coming and maybe it joins your viewpoint here and your conclusion as well.......... I feel that it will be for the good of humanity. No matter what happens, it will end in a positive way.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I feel that it will be for the good of humanity. No matter what happens, it will end in a positive way.
    I hope you are right. I'm really scared and I'm also scared of the BAM too because I feel MJ would only appear to save us from the disaster that is planned by the NWO elite.
    So I'm afraid of that day. The worst is yet to come. I'm willing to fight, no doubt about that but I'm not expecting things to be wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The BAM is scary, and it means it's time to fight back. Isn't that scary?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thank you Believe 777 for your thoughts about 2012 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> . I feel that this is a process that is about to take place and people will have to face the truth, the reality of what our world really is. Indeed the dark side's foundations are trembling. Now I have a different understanding and viewpoint on what 2012 is about. I believe in God and for me there is a divine planned event taking place. This higher consciousness is part of it but it will not make itself just by raising awareness IMO, something will "force" people to see the truth. When I say "force" I mean that it will be so overwhelming that people will be obliged to take heed, they will not just listen and move on. I don't know how/what exactly but to me a new era is coming and maybe it joins your viewpoint here and your conclusion as well.......... I feel that it will be for the good of humanity. No matter what happens, it will end in a positive way.

    Thankyou sarahli, I agree with you 100%, I think the divine plan and manipulated one are working together. This is what I mean about awakening consciousness, awakening god within because when the illusion of our current exsistance is shattered this is what we are we are left with and it may take more than awareness which is why the massive fear inducing threat is making itself known. Fear induces the fight or flight response and this is when we feel the rawness of our own spirit come to life. Force may be used but fear itself I see as this force, lets hope that humanity wakes up before this threat can be made real, I believe strongly that we will and as you say it will all have a positive ending/beginning.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I feel that it will be for the good of humanity. No matter what happens, it will end in a positive way.
    I hope you are right. I'm really scared and I'm also scared of the BAM too because I feel MJ would only appear to save us from the disaster that is planned by the NWO elite.
    So I'm afraid of that day. The worst is yet to come. I'm willing to fight, no doubt about that but I'm not expecting things to be wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The BAM is scary, and it means it's time to fight back. Isn't that scary?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am not scared of the BAM I am in the expectation of what is going to happen then maybe I will be scared depending on what it will be. Yes the NWO also have prepared something and certainly want to hijack the 2012 event to deceive us we know more or less that they will try to do something and this Hoax has not revealed everything. So really for the moment I am not scared, I just put my trust in God and everything should be Ok. An important thing that I want to say is that fear is normal, there is no shame to have some fears but we have to learn to go beyond that and don't let it creep in because it is well known that fear prevents us from acting. What is the best reaction to adopt in front of someone or something that scares you? I asked myself that question....and I don't know why but I thought that maybe that turning that fear into anger against that person or thing scaring you would be a good way to evacuate it...nobody has the right to scare us in order to control us. We should not be afraid but outraged and angry and use that to fight back. To stand up for our rights.
  • There are times when I feel that this Hoax is like a BIG multi-level labyrinth with the very top level being the finish and the BAM. Faith is what helps climbing the levels, it is where the focus gradually shifts from seeking evidences that MJ is alive to his message and understanding the link with broader global/spiritual issues.

    So, am I frightened? The hoax does not frighten me at all, I see it as a unique adventure where I am discovering an amazing man, MJ, whilst having the opportunity to learn about things I knew relatively little about (Soon to become a pyramidologist!) and also contribute a little bit to communicating his message and making this World a better place.
    Fear really doesn't come into it, it is a negative feeling, the same as doubt and I really don't like those very much, they tend to make the mind go backward rather than forward! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Creating Fear is a well known trick used to control people. Remember this redirect from TS:
    "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."
    — Alan Moore (V for Vendetta)

    Whilst I do not yet fully understand what MJ intentions really are, I feel comfortable that he means good and my TRUST he has... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    With L.O.V.E
    I wasn't scared at all at the beginning because I was convinced Michael did this as part of a show - an innovative form of movie. I was thrilled by the idea.
    Now that I see all the links with NWO, masons, illuminati or how you want to call them - I am worried a bit.
    Worried because I always believed in the existence of the ocult organizations who control everything, even the governments, who have their people running the most important institutions of this planet, but I never believed I could have a part in fighting them. It was not my problem....
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I am never afraid of going forward and fighting for what I defend the most in this world. Never. The only thing that scares me is to be wrong. Not to face the fight.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    I believe fear is a God-given defense mechanism. I think being scared can actually be beneficial at times, sharpening our senses, giving us a little heart excercise, making us aware of danger.......not to mention the title message in TS's update #6 asked the question: "Scared yet?" I think a little fear will make us better equipped soldiers in the A.O.L. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    Sorry, I should have said TS's last post, rather than update #6, waited too late to edit.
  • There are times when I feel that this Hoax is like a BIG multi-level labyrinth with the very top level being the finish and the BAM. Faith is what helps climbing the levels, it is where the focus gradually shifts from seeking evidences that MJ is alive to his message and understanding the link with broader global/spiritual issues.

    So, am I frightened? The hoax does not frighten me at all, I see it as a unique adventure where I am discovering an amazing man, MJ, whilst having the opportunity to learn about things I knew relatively little about (Soon to become a pyramidologist!) and also contribute a little bit to communicating his message and making this World a better place.
    Fear really doesn't come into it, it is a negative feeling, the same as doubt and I really don't like those very much, they tend to make the mind go backward rather than forward! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Creating Fear is a well known trick used to control people. Remember this redirect from TS:
    "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."
    — Alan Moore (V for Vendetta)

    Whilst I do not yet fully understand what MJ intentions really are, I feel comfortable that he means good and my TRUST he has... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    this is a modernization of thomas jefferson: when the people fear their government , there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.
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