

  • LoveOvercomesTheBattlepaintfromapri-1.jpg

    Love (xoxo) represents us, the heart represents the hoax, and the arrows represent the things that try to throw us offguard (TMZ, lies, the family, ect.).

    The arrows are constantly charging at the heart, but love always find a way to keep the heart going, no matter how many times the arrows come, they do not escape, because every attempt the hoax encounters stays with it because it could possibly lead to something else!

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I also came across these today and really loved them....

    Believe and trust; through stars and suns
    Through life and death, through soul and sense
    His wise, paternal purpose runs
    The darkness of His providence
    Is starlit with Divine intents
    (Author unknown)

    When nothing on which to lean remains,
    When strongholds crumble to dust:
    When nothing is sure but that God still reigns,
    That is just the time to trust.

    It's better to walk by faith than sight,
    In this path of yours and mine:
    And the darkest night, when there's no outer light
    is the time for faith to shine
    (F.B. Meyer)

    These are beautiful, Doll. The first one is by Whittier

    by John Greenleaf Whittier

    "And I went into the Vale of Beavor, and as I went I preached repentance to the people. And one morning, sitting by the fire, a great cloud came over me, and a temptation beset me. And it was said: All things come by Nature; and the Elements and the Stars came over me. And as I sat still and let it alone, a living hope arose in me, and a true Voice which said: There is a living God who made all things. And immediately the cloud and the temptation vanished, and Life rose over all, and my heart was glad and I praised the Living God." -- Journal of George Fox, 1690.

    Still, as of old, in Beavor's Vale,
    O man of God! our hope and faith
    The Elements and Stars assail,
    And the awed spirit holds its breath,
    Blown over by a wind of death.

    Takes Nature thought for such as we,
    What place her human atom fills,
    The weed-drift of her careless sea,
    The mist on her unheeding hills?
    What recks she of our helpless wills?

    Strange god of Force, with fear, not love,
    Its trembling worshipper! Can prayer
    Reach the shut ear of Fate, or move
    Unpitying Energy to spare?
    What doth the cosmic Vastness care?

    In vain to this dread Unconcern
    For the All-Father's love we look;
    In vain, in quest for it, we turn,
    The storied leaves of Nature's book
    The prints her rocky tablets took.

    I pray for faith, I long to trust;
    I listen with my heart, and hear
    A Voice without a sound: "Be just,
    Be true, Be merciful, revere
    The Word within thee: God is near!

    "A light to sky and earth unknown
    pales all their lights: a mightier force
    than theirs the powers of Nature own,
    And, to its goal as at its source,
    His Spirit moves the Universe.

    "Believe and trust. Through stars and suns,
    Through life and death, through soul and sense,
    His wise, paternal purpose runs;
    The darkness of his providence
    Is star-lit with benign intents."

    O joy supreme! I know the Voice,
    Like none beside on earth or sea;
    Yea, more, O soul of mine, rejoice,
    By all that he requires of me,
    I know what god himself must be.

    No picture to my aid I call,
    I shape no image in my prayer;
    I only know in Him is all
    Of life, light, beauty, everywhere,
    Eternal Goodness here and there!

    I know He is, and what He is,
    Whose one great purpose is the good
    Of all. I rest my soul on his
    Immortal Love and Fatherhood;
    And trust Him, as his children should.

    I fear no more. The clouded face
    Of Nature smiles; through all her things
    Of time and space and sense I trace
    The moving of the Spirit's wings,
    And hear the song of hope she sings.
  • In Our Darkest Hour
    In My Deepest Despair
    Will You Still Care?
    Will You Be There?
    In My Trials
    And My Tribulations
    Through Our Doubts
    And Frustrations
    In My Violence
    In My Turbulence
    Through My Fear
    And My Confessions
    In My Anguish And My Pain
    Through My Joy And My Sorrow
    In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
    I'll Never Let You Part
    For You're Always In My Heart
    .Michael Jackson
  • Thank you SOL for posting the full version of Revelation by Whittier. It is truly stunning, deeply moving, very spiritual, indeed beautiful. The book I have had only one verse quoted and no name. I appreciate it very much. X0
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    So I gave it a try... and wrote a poem. Bear with me I'm not english my vocabulary is limited and I'm not an expert <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but I just wanted to share with you. I followed a good advice and went in a place that I love to search for inspiration, so I went back to the park:

    I went back to the park
    My heart filled with expectations of spark
    The faithful wind was there blowing
    The leaves by him were all chanting
    A song of nature elevating
    The spirit in another dimension experiencing
    An exquisite sensation of bliss
    A precious moment worth a thousand kiss
    To be remembered in times of anguish
    to make the pain disappear, as fast as it takes to make a wish
    I stayed there until the night
    until the pain was out of sight
    Because Love is what I found at the park
    Illuminating my path when I went back.

    God bless you all my friends and let the light shine always. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I love it Sarahli!
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Sweet and lovely !!
  • I want to dedicate this poem/prayer for PoetryInMotion whose thread got linked with mine, perhaps our hearts were the same:

    When there is so much pain all around
    And I am being pulled and pushed to the ground
    My tears do fall
    And unto You I call
    Falling at Your feet
    Weeping I come
    Like Mary Magdalene as one
    With trembling hands I reach
    Will you take my soul to keep?
    And this broken heart to mend?
    Keep me here with you, do not send
    I don't want to go there
    Where no one seems to care
    A world full of violence
    Where lies make no sense
    And cleverness pays dividends
    Where minds don't grasp the truth
    They need you to give them proof
    It happens time and time again
    I pray you say to me "this is the end"
  • I want to dedicate this poem/prayer for PoetryInMotion whose thread got linked with mine, perhaps our hearts were the same:

    When there is so much pain all around
    And I am being pulled and pushed to the ground
    My tears do fall
    And unto You I call
    Falling at Your feet
    Weeping I come
    Like Mary Magdalene as one
    With trembling hands I reach
    Will you take my soul to keep?
    And this broken heart to mend?
    Keep me here with you, do not send
    I don't want to go there
    Where no one seems to care
    A world full of violence
    Where lies make no sense
    And cleverness pays dividends
    Where minds don't grasp the truth
    They need you to give them proof
    It happens time and time again
    I pray you say to me "this is the end"

    I just want to say Thank You to everyone for the beautiful poems and sayings they are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them and for the inspiration <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Let's please keep this going in the name of LOVE 4 MJ <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    MJsBabydoll...I love this! Thank you for sharing & for the dedication <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Love, Hugs, & Blessings to All!
    Keep the Faith <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Michael....I LOVE You MORE!!
  • Thank you MJforeverandAlways. How could someone who wrote such deep, heartfelt, sincere words be a Troll? I write poetry. maybe I am one too? I posted this before, but I wanted to post it again, it seems relevant, and knowing what Michael has been through in his life with many false accusations. From one who knows what that feels like, I can only say that it hurts a lot.

    You know my heart, You know my pain
    Without You in my life, I know there is nothing to gain
    Many have accused me of things that were not true
    I had no one else, but I always had You
    I walked alone
    From dusk till dawn
    With bleeding feet and empty hands
    A heart so heavy but I continued to make a stand
    Sitting in the darkness, wading through the mud
    I kept my sights on the heavens above
    Standing alone being accused
    Until in my mind I became confused
    I have looked to You for my release
    This endless torment has to cease
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063



    P.S. I love your poems, MJsBabyDoll! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thank you trublu and Gema <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Love you.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes MJsBabyDoll your poems are great love them too <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thank you MJforeverandAlways. How could someone who wrote such deep, heartfelt, sincere words be a Troll? I write poetry. maybe I am one too? I posted this before, but I wanted to post it again, it seems relevant, and knowing what Michael has been through in his life with many false accusations. From one who knows what that feels like, I can only say that it hurts a lot.

    Unfortunatelly, trolls do know a lot about Michael, but can´t fool people for too long <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • Unfortunatelly, trolls do know a lot about Michael, but can´t fool people for too long <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->[/quote]

    Dear Gema, do you really believe that someone who writes with such beauty and purity, and has stirred something deep within is a Troll? Is this what your HEART says or is this something in your mind? I ask you with L.O.V.E, because we cannot recognise L.O.V.E with the mind.....the mind is full of fears based on past negative experiences and conditioning. If L.O.V.E stood before us, could we recognise it? (hug)

    This is Sarahli's signature:

    "We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
    In a world full of lies to tell the truth is a revolutionary act.
    Only God knows what's in the heart of people, so let's stop judging. Just let God decide."

    I ask all of us....are these just mere words?

    By the way Sarahli, I loved your poem and thank you for the kind compliments about my poetry. And I thank PoetryInMotion for inspiring the poet in all of us and for this very positive thread that is helping us all come together in faith in Michael's name. I hope when he reads our posts, they will make him smile and give his soul some peace.

    I love you dearly Michael, always and forever. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654

    Unfortunatelly, trolls do know a lot about Michael, but can´t fool people for too long <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Dear Gema, do you really believe that someone who writes with such beauty and purity, and has stirred something deep within is a Troll? Is this what your HEART says or is this something in your mind? I ask you with L.O.V.E, because we cannot recognise L.O.V.E with the mind.....the mind is full of fears based on past negative experiences and conditioning. If L.O.V.E stood before us, could we recognise it? (hug)[/quote]

    Doll I have to say I'm with Gema on this one. When he was here I was of the opinion it didn't matter if he was/wasn't Michael but then he refused to deny it and said some things in the chatroom that were so obviously implying he was. Not coincidental things but things like asking someone to let them speak to a sick child they know as if to imply they could cure them, we all know what's been said about Michael's ability in that respect. The real Michael would of course do that but here? Not at all he'd be revealed, it was an attempt to make people think he actually was him. There was no harm in the poems but that healer stuff is messing with people's minds. And his presence was causing friction between the other members as he knew it would. Souza did the right thing by stepping in I think before it went any further. Not to say he did have malicious intentions he might just enjoy the attention. Also how do we even know he wrote those poems they could have come from anywhere?
  • By the way I wish no one any harm or ill intent. Just voicing the questions that arise in my heart and wanting to keep my mind open to higher influences, and not be guided by mine or other's fears.


  • Doll I have to say I'm with Gema on this one. When he was here I was of the opinion it didn't matter if he was/wasn't Michael but then he refused to deny it and said some things in the chatroom that were so obviously implying he was. Not coincidental things but things like asking someone to let them speak to a sick child they know as if to imply they could cure them, we all know what's been said about Michael's ability in that respect. The real Michael would of course do that but here? Not at all he'd be revealed, it was an attempt to make people think he actually was him. There was no harm in the poems but that healer stuff is messing with people's minds. And his presence was causing friction between the other members as he knew it would. Souza did the right thing by stepping in I think before it went any further. Not to say he did have malicious intentions he might just enjoy the attention. Also how do we even know he wrote those poems they could have come from anywhere?[/quote]

    Dear your name by the way!

    I "hear" what you are saying, I really do. None of us know Michael personally, so we do not know what he would or would not do. I hear over and over people saying, "Michael would not do that....Michael would do this", and quite frankly that is being judgemental based on what we can see of him from the surface of his public persona. He is a person and very human...only he knows what he may or may not do in the situation that he could be in right now. Could it be that he would want to reach out to his fans over the internet whom he loves very much as we all know. He has given his life for them. So you are saying that someone else with a beautiful mind and heart could have written those poems....well, then PIM is fortunate indeed to know someone like that.

    I love you. (hug) <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    MJsBabyDoll, I´ll put it this way.

    PIM was old news.
    His moves were predictible and he behaved as expected.

    We knew what the next step was about to be and @Souza took the right decision.

    Souza mentioned that if any one had a problem with it, you could PM her <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    MJsBabyDoll, I have explained this issue to you a zillion times. If you still have problems with it, so be it, but this will be discussed in PM and NOT on the forum. I see you only joined last October 28, so I don't see how you can judge me, who has been dealing with this for over a year. Next time you will get an official warning.

    This thread will also be locked, just like any other threads disrespecting the decisions of the mods or admins, most definitely when I have explained it to you many times.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

This discussion has been closed.