Michael 'denied' his addictions, Katherine Jackson says



  • What I don't like is the constant talk that he was on drugs. Somehow, to the world that believes he is dead, an overdose of Propofol is going to look like it was HIS fault. I don't care how many drugs I was taking, that doesn't excuse a doctor from being negligent.
    Sorry, it just looks like he is being tried and convicted in the media court again.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    "I spoke to him about them once, when I had heard [about them]," she replies, her eyes welling up with tears. "And he denied it. I was telling him I didn't want to hear one day that he had overdosed because it would break my heart, it would kill me to. But he kept saying he wasn't, he wasn't on it, 'Mother you don't believe me.' He kept saying that: 'My own mother don't believe me.' "

    Katherine says she does not want to hear the overdose that would break his heart and "would kill" her, but did not happen ..

    In Katherine we have seen perhaps certain gestures of sadness, no tears, not the great pain felt by the loss of a son
  • I'm gonna say that I know that Michael adored his mother. But sometimes when I watch her in interviews, there is a look in her eyes that says she is totally clueless. I'm sorry but she appears to be one who could be easily led to say anything for the camera. I don't believe that Michael was a street addict always looking for the next fix. But I have to agree that he did at one time have a known addiction to prescription meds. He will always be addicted to them and for that reason, doctors should not be prescrribing them to him, the asses <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> To me that is the greater crime. No I don't believe he used them all the time, or feinded for them, but if he were given them indiscriminately, he would require higher dosages in order for him to reach the same effect. That is the definition of addiction that I allude to. Not that he needed them every minute of the day. But that his system would trigger a greater need for them if they were introduced into it again, and again. It would take more to do less. And for that reason, any doctor who would knowingly prescribe them to his should be in jail.
  • I'm gonna say that I know that Michael adored his mother. But sometimes when I watch her in interviews, there is a look in her eyes that says she is totally clueless. I'm sorry but she appears to be one who could be easily led to say anything for the camera. I don't believe that Michael was a street addict always looking for the next fix. But I have to agree that he did at one time have a known addiction to prescription meds. He will always be addicted to them and for that reason, doctors should not be prescrribing them to him, the asses <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> To me that is the greater crime. No I don't believe he used them all the time, or feinded for them, but if he were given them indiscriminately, he would require higher dosages in order for him to reach the same effect. That is the definition of addiction that I allude to. Not that he needed them every minute of the day. But that his system would trigger a greater need for them if they were introduced into it again, and again. It would take more to do less. And for that reason, any doctor who would knowingly prescribe them to his should be in jail.
    I am getting on my soapbox, because this is a rant I believe in!

    I am a big believer in what someone does in their own business. Yes, this means even when they are doing drugs. Frankly, I think this is our own body and it just isn't anybody's business, but of course those people should be expected to live in a society. I am not saying let street junkies raise kids and whatnot.
    That is where the laws should lie and it should only be associated with neglect or crime. Don't tell me that every parent that takes a little something or has a drink neglects their kids. It just isn't the truth. It is a lie to keep Doctors in business.

    Consider the truth. A person that does a little drug that is not prescribed to them and they get through the day better they are not only committing a crime but they are convicted by their peers as being a filthy addict. Take that same person who has relatively the same drug prescribed to them by a doctor who they pay to see (and sometimes at higher doses) and they are now perceived as a good person by addressing their needs through medical help.

    Consider more truth. The media has spoon fed the public that drugs are bad because people OD and such. Unfortunately, some of this is truth but that person had some issues to begin with (like too young, uninformed about their meds, or just plain stupid). The fact of the matter is you can OD on anything that comes off the shelf and stupid drug addicts do just that. In fact, the drug most common mixing with other drugs is the ingredient in common cold medicines. Any responsible person can read a label on ANY drug and take it accordingly. For heavens sake, in the old days Morphine came right from the pharmacy.
    This problem is also a big reason why our health care is such a mess! Most drugs should be over the counter with proper labeling. We shouldn't have to pay a doctor $300 (or more) to give us a bottle of pain pills when we sprain something (If there is no obvious reason to go get Xrays or something like that). Addicts will be addicts with or without doctors, because they buy on the street. Don't sell me a bunch of baloney about protecting me. I can READ!

    Where I believe a doctor would be negligent has nothing to do with higher doses unless that dose is near fatal or incapacitating. What I believe is the patient should be given the truth. Prescribed at a fair and safe level of WHATEVER drug they chose. There are millions of under medicated people in pain in this country because of propaganda. Negligence begins when a drug is administered in a manner not consistent with it's safe use, such a Propofol in a home setting without proper equipment, and administering something above a safe level.

    Off my soapbox..lol!
  • And I am one of those who at one time was in constant pain because I refused to take everything that was "prescribed" to me. I have found that doctors will indiscriminately prescribe you anything, not taking into consideration any medical history, to get you in the office for profit and out of it as quickly as possible to collect from the next patient. It is a racket. They're like, oh that didn't work, well let's try this one,(straight out of the samples box) and so on and so on. They try to make you their guinea pig so you'll keep coming back. The pharmaceutical companies and the doctors of this country are all networking for the good of their pocketbooks. It's a racket. It needs to STOP!

    FYI, if you're in pain like me from a degenerative dis disease resulting in muscle and joint misery, go get some Alleve or Nyproxen (the main ingredient in Alleve), sold over the counter at pharmacies everywhere. Getting a migrane? Pop a room temp coke & swallow an alleve. Get your hiny in a quiet, dark space for about 30 minutes. Close your eyes. Take a nap. It will come, but it will not be as debilitating nor will it last as long. It works every time <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> and can save you a fortune and a lot of headache.

    BTW - I don't hold stock in the company <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm only just a client.
  • God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .
  • God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    It's the answers that are given that pisses me off <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> The family could stop this if they would only answer the questions differently.

    YES. Michael admitted to being addicted to a pain med in blah, blah, blah. He sought and got help for that and he has not had any problems with that since. So, no he is not an addict. He had a dependency of which he has since corrected. Of course he does not want to live in constant pain no different than any other human being, including you Oprah. But to say that he's an addict would be pushing the envelope. Wouldn't you agree <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Let us all remember that Katherine is still a strict jevoah's witness... They are not allowed to lie! Not once did she say that Michel was infact addicted to drugs, all she said was "he kept saying he wasn't on it"... For all we know, that could actually be the truth. Also, I would like to point out that a Woman's son does not have to die for her to worry and care for him to the point of tears. IMO we have no need to stress this "hoax", unless Katherine one day makes a statement about Michael infact being deceased. We'll see what monday brings! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • if he admitted it once why wouldn't admit it again. for fear of losing the kids? speaking of the kids . shouldn't debbie be quite upset about their being on ophra? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    All I can say is: There must be a reason. If I'm to believe in a hoax, then the drug thing is part of it because there's no getting away from the reports that a Propofol overdose caused his death. It's really no surprise to me that the media has run away with it and labeled Michael a drug addict. Maybe that's the whole point. Michael knew that would happen, sure as the sun rises in the morning. I believe he's using that to serve his purpose.

    There are only two alternatives: 1) Michael created an elaborate plan to hoax his death another way (one that everyone would magically realize the wonderful person he is) but somehow - beyond his control - it was attributed to Propofol, which makes him look like a drug addict, or 2) Michael really did die, is not influencing anything, and people are taking advantage of the sad situation for profit. Do you believe either of these happened? I don't.

    Things are always darkest before the dawn. The BAM is supposed to be something BIG. It's supposed to shock people and wake them up. So let most of the world believe he's dead. Let the media disparage him once more. (They're going to do it, anyway.) That's what's expected. Michael's going to give them the UNEXPECTED. Don't lose hope. Faith is beLIEving in what you don't see...yet.

    Here's one more thing to consider: From the start, there have been conflicting accounts of Michael's behavior, demeanor, health, etc. Any two people who saw him at the same time in the same room always seem to give very different stories. That's totally illogical.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    All I can say is: There must be a reason. If I'm to believe in a hoax, then the drug thing is part of it because there's no getting away from the reports that a Propofol overdose caused his death. It's really no surprise to me that the media has run away with it and labeled Michael a drug addict. Maybe that's the whole point. Michael knew that would happen, sure as the sun rises in the morning. I believe he's using that to serve his purpose.

    There are only two alternatives: 1) Michael created an elaborate plan to hoax his death another way (one that everyone would magically realize the wonderful person he is) but somehow - beyond his control - it was attributed to Propofol, which makes him look like a drug addict, or 2) Michael really did die, is not influencing anything, and people are taking advantage of the sad situation for profit. Do you believe either of these happened? I don't.

    Things are always darkest before the dawn. The BAM is supposed to be something BIG. It's supposed to shock people and wake them up. So let most of the world believe he's dead. Let the media disparage him once more. (They're going to do it, anyway.) That's what's expected. Michael's going to give them the UNEXPECTED. Don't lose hope. Faith is beLIEving in what you don't see...yet.

    Here's one more thing to consider: From the start, there have been conflicting accounts of Michael's behavior, demeanor, health, etc. Any two people who saw him at the same time in the same room always seem to give very different stories. That's totally illogical.

    I couldn't agree more, there is SO much evidence and we can't start mistrusting our own intuition and intellect, how else do we explain all the conflicting stories put out there by the Jacksons themselves, not the media making stuff up like they usually do. The Jacksons play a huge part in all of this, they truly are an incredible family. If it weren't for their contradictions and "slip-ups" we'd have a lot less reason to believe Michael is going to come back. If they all told the same story we could still speculate on a hoax but the reasons would more likely point to him disappearing to save his own life.
  • God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    Talking about migraines, I am the queen of migraines. I have them 3 times a week. I went to the neurologist, and he is convinced I am stressed. Dah!! I could have told him that <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> They had prescribed me so many migraine pills, fiorinal with codene, imitrex, Zomig,just by reading the ingrdients it scared me. The best part is they made me drowsy, so I stop taking medication. I live with my migraines. Just think having all those meds in your body in a day, you can't survive. That's why i strongly believe Michael was not a drug addict, this was part of his plan all along. This is the only way everyone believed he died. Or else if he was in good health and faked his death what was he going to use as a bate?
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    Exactly....well said. As well, Katherine's response summed it up for me. "I asked him ONCE". If it was my son and I thought he might be in danger and I was hearing things or seeing things or my other children mentioned to me they were staging an intervention....etc. Then I would surely to goodness ask more than ONCE. I agree, this is the story that needed to be spread around. TMZ started with that from the beginning they said "it is common knowledge here in LA that Michael Jackson is an addict" They even went on to allude to the fact that he was a hardcore addict and everyone around town knew. That can't be possible for many reasons....3 of those being Prince Paris and Blanket. There is no way that everyone would turn a blind eye to Michael's hardcore addiction when the three young children were in his primary care. Also Michael could just turn his addictions on and off to suit. Surely there would have been some witnesses that would come forward but instead it is the opposite - Raymone Bain didn't see it, Tom Messereau didn't see it, LMP said she didn't ever actually see it, 1/2 of his family said they didn't see it, the other half says they staged the interventions but no one mentions having seen it, he had an insurance test that didn't alert to anything, Cherilyn Lee said she tested his blood and nothing crazy turned up, his body guards said that he may have been in an altered state here and there but if he had lupus then he would need to take something sometimes. The things about his drug taking seem to be particularly staged ie) Grace who has never spoken publicly about MJ, all of a sudden decides to go public and rats him out about his drug use around the time he died, Susan Etok??? said he arrived in England with boat loads of drugs etc. Two very odd and staged stories in my opinion.
  • lol were back on the drug thing, he was addicted when his hair got burned and after that it was all good but the media just had to paint him in that light as a drug addict couldn't he have overcome it and live his life again? NO because it's MJ and he always had to be the bad guy according to the media but I have a question who do you think you're fooling we are not ignorant we know whats going on so please stop disrespecting our intelligence and stop with the bullshit
  • God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    All I can say is: There must be a reason. If I'm to believe in a hoax, then the drug thing is part of it because there's no getting away from the reports that a Propofol overdose caused his death. It's really no surprise to me that the media has run away with it and labeled Michael a drug addict. Maybe that's the whole point. Michael knew that would happen, sure as the sun rises in the morning. I believe he's using that to serve his purpose.

    There are only two alternatives: 1) Michael created an elaborate plan to hoax his death another way (one that everyone would magically realize the wonderful person he is) but somehow - beyond his control - it was attributed to Propofol, which makes him look like a drug addict, or 2) Michael really did die, is not influencing anything, and people are taking advantage of the sad situation for profit. Do you believe either of these happened? I don't.

    Things are always darkest before the dawn. The BAM is supposed to be something BIG. It's supposed to shock people and wake them up. So let most of the world believe he's dead. Let the media disparage him once more. (They're going to do it, anyway.) That's what's expected. Michael's going to give them the UNEXPECTED. Don't lose hope. Faith is beLIEving in what you don't see...yet.

    Here's one more thing to consider: From the start, there have been conflicting accounts of Michael's behavior, demeanor, health, etc. Any two people who saw him at the same time in the same room always seem to give very different stories. That's totally illogical.

    But why?! I've been a member on this forum for quite some time and I know all the different theories on why he'd fake his death but they're all vague or, as I said before, too far-fetched. I can't think of any realistic reason to why Michael would want all this drama after everything that he has gone through, I mean would any of you (after avoiding the limelight for years and at the age of 50, still raising young kids)? What's the point with this "BAM" you know?The TII shows would've been enough of a BAM since he would've been blessing us with our magic again but sadly something might not of thought of it as meant to be <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .
  • Also if any of you read Latoya's book she did say her mother was not the quiet meek person that she showed to the public and that she was an actor at times "My mother's Jekyll-and-Hyde behaviour" So Katherine is not that innocent, quiet, meek woman after all and if she wants to give the media a good show even with all the tears to protect her son then she will give them a show of their life. Also before Michael's death you hardly ever saw Katherine in the public eye but now she's everywhere. Think about it folks they are all giving us a good and somewhat convincing act.
    Exactly!! Katherine didn't care about the media or attention...she is doing it now because our certain someone has asked her too and his name begins with M <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    All I can say is: There must be a reason. If I'm to believe in a hoax, then the drug thing is part of it because there's no getting away from the reports that a Propofol overdose caused his death. It's really no surprise to me that the media has run away with it and labeled Michael a drug addict. Maybe that's the whole point. Michael knew that would happen, sure as the sun rises in the morning. I believe he's using that to serve his purpose.

    There are only two alternatives: 1) Michael created an elaborate plan to hoax his death another way (one that everyone would magically realize the wonderful person he is) but somehow - beyond his control - it was attributed to Propofol, which makes him look like a drug addict, or 2) Michael really did die, is not influencing anything, and people are taking advantage of the sad situation for profit. Do you believe either of these happened? I don't.

    Things are always darkest before the dawn. The BAM is supposed to be something BIG. It's supposed to shock people and wake them up. So let most of the world believe he's dead. Let the media disparage him once more. (They're going to do it, anyway.) That's what's expected. Michael's going to give them the UNEXPECTED. Don't lose hope. Faith is beLIEving in what you don't see...yet.

    Here's one more thing to consider: From the start, there have been conflicting accounts of Michael's behavior, demeanor, health, etc. Any two people who saw him at the same time in the same room always seem to give very different stories. That's totally illogical.

    But why?! I've been a member on this forum for quite some time and I know all the different theories on why he'd fake his death but they're all vague or, as I said before, too far-fetched. I can't think of any realistic reason to why Michael would want all this drama after everything that he has gone through, I mean would any of you (after avoiding the limelight for years and at the age of 50, still raising young kids)? What's the point with this "BAM" you know?The TII shows would've been enough of a BAM since he would've been blessing us with our magic again but sadly something might not of thought of it as meant to be <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    If I knew why, I guess I wouldn't be here seeking the answers. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I think it really depends on what theory you subscribe to. Since you know most of them, you understand where "all this drama" could come into play with the Illuminati or murder conspiracy theories...Really, any theory that would require distraction because the drug story definitely distracts.

    If you think the BAM is all about Michael's comeback to the stage then yes, this is over-the-top drama. But if you feel that the BAM is about larger issues, all this drama may be a necessity.

    One more thought: Who said Michael was avoiding the limelight? I tend to think he was avoiding all the media BS, not the limelight. He was also raising a family. If he was avoiding, why even bother doing the TII shows?
  • It is going to be scary interesting. Watch the intro. Many curious questions Oprah asks.

    <!-- m -->http://thecelebritycafe.com/feature/mic ... 11-06-2010<!-- m -->
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    God, I can't take this anymore..... How many times will they keep saying he was a drug addict and give these tearful interviews? if this is to be revealed (the hoax) why they keep putting us down? At least this is how I feel. Do I have to blindly believe in this situation even if they constantly say such sad things, Katherine in tears, and all that? I mean I am a believer, but my faith is dropping volumes

    Unfortunately believing in something doesn't always necessarily make it true... I can't see any reason to why Michael would want his family to push the drug "thing" and to Oprah of all people! Yes there are many theories but ones that aren't too far-fetched? I believe not. All I see is: a sad story = publicity = money - sadly enough. It truly breaks my heart <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> .

    It's the answers that are given that pisses me off <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> The family could stop this if they would only answer the questions differently.

    YES. Michael admitted to being addicted to a pain med in blah, blah, blah. He sought and got help for that and he has not had any problems with that since. So, no he is not an addict. He had a dependency of which he has since corrected. Of course he does not want to live in constant pain no different than any other human being, including you Oprah. But to say that he's an addict would be pushing the envelope. Wouldn't you agree <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I wish they'd get off it with the drugs. For once I'd like to see Oprah talk about nothing regarding drugs and pedo*** stuff and just stick to the positive. I don't watch tv. Just as well. Don't think I could sit through the whole show. I don't think Michael was an addict. Never did. I'm even questioning the time he went into rehab [ when Elizabeth made that announcement] Seems odd to me that Michael of all people, would air that laundry. I'm having a hard time believing anything the family has said regarding the drug issues, if they really said anything at all. I don't recall now if any of that is on video or just in print. What purpose is served by defaming him further. I'm also having serious concerns about the children being in that house. Something is knawing at me. I also feel something is going to happen. Positive or negative - I don't know. Have been feeling it for about 4 or 5 days now. Haven't felt this way regarding Michael since June 25.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    I'm starting to think this "drug addiction" is indeed a smoke screen. I had doubts about there being a "drug addiction" even when it first came to light back in the 90's (personally I think Michael just wanted a break from the media limelight in light of the allegations going on at the time, he was probably unbelievably stressed out - so they used the "drug addiction" excuse to give him a break). Remember the Deiter Weisner deposition? Michael admitted he could have been "impaired" when signing contracts...thus eluding to a "drug addiction". Also, recall when he was questioned about his performance during the 30th anniversary show (he sounded very nasal while singing- which some speculated he was having more procedures done on his nose), Michael claimed that no he sounded that way because he was "medicated" for a cold he'd recieved from his kids (even Liz showed up to the event "sniffling and congested" too- lol! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )

    and now this "drug addiction" is tagged to his "death".

    I personally don't think Michael was ever a drug addict. Did he take alot of medication? perhaps, if he had Lupus---but it doesn't make him an addict. Micheal read ALOTof books---he studied things, he knew what would make him look like an addict so he prepared for the "role" well (even made a song about drug addiction)(smoke screening again)...so that it would be "believable" now.

    As far as Katherine and this "denial" stuff...it's all part of the plan...there are too many inconsistancie's about the "drug addiction" theory to be ignored, the biggest one being the autopsy. No mention of the Lupus - which would have required a great deal of medication which would have shown up in the tissue histology, and all the major organs were fine despite years of pain med abuse?...hmmmm, okay. He was also given large doses of orange juice for dehydration(which in large doses CAUSE dehydration), yet his potassium levels weren't elevated according to the autopsy? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> You could go on and on, but you get the idea.

    Oprah had to ask (to get the ratings), Katherine had to answer (to protect her son)...but drug addict?...no. I don't think so
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