"The Man in the Mirror" (a look at us)

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi everyone:

I'd be curious to know how much attention we all paid to Michael between 1999-2009 (the last decade before 6/25/2009). I think it's important for multiple reasons, and hope that you will vote in the poll I've created.

Thanks! LOVE to you all.


  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I voted first option. I first found out about him when I was at the age of 5, so it's been 19 years now. I've always been there and always will....
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    First option is for me. Voted
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I voted second option.
  • Thank you!
    You know you can vote anonymously... No need to say how you voted if you wish not to. It's up to you. Casting an honest vote is what matters.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    You don't really have a choice for it on the poll, but Bashir made me wash my hands of Michael. I essentially walked away and didn't even think about MJ again until the O2 conference.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I'm saying mine because I'm not ashamed of it. I don't think it matters how much we knew then, what matters is what we know now.
  • You don't really have a choice for it on the poll, but Bashir made me wash my hands of Michael. I essentially walked away and didn't even think about MJ again until the O2 conference.

    Thanks, Bec! I hope that those who want to offer an explanation that's not captured in the poll will post, like you, and say so (explain).
  • I'm saying mine because I'm not ashamed of it. I don't think it matters how much we knew then, what matters is what we know now.

    I certainly appreciate your honesty, trublu (I was brutally honest myself!), but I disagree with the latter part of your statement... "We Are The World", and looking at our own attitude toward Michael in the decade before he passed/"passed" can teach us some important lessons about ourselves, the world (humanity), Michael, and the power of the media. If it's true, for instance, that Michael's message and his real personality pretty much got drowned out by the messages put out by the media, don't you think that would be an interesting finding, and one which makes a statement?

    I personally come from a place of regret and remorse... I fell in love with MJ around age 10-11, followed and admired him for a while... And then, somewhere along the line, I forgot what he was all about. I did my homework big-time after 6/25/2009, and discovered so many songs I'd never known about! So many beautiful messages, so much amazing music!

    There's a saying, "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing."

    If we abandoned MJ, we shouldn't be surprised that the world did... We should own up to our mistake (I'm guilty as charged), try to make amends for it (I'm trying!), learn the lesson, and try to teach others the lesson...

    Confronting the "man in the mirror" is one of the hardest things in life, but also one of the most essential - if we are to call ourselves humans.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I'm saying mine because I'm not ashamed of it. I don't think it matters how much we knew then, what matters is what we know now.

    I certainly appreciate your honesty, trublu (I was brutally honest myself!), but I disagree with the latter part of your statement... "We Are The World", and looking at our own attitude toward Michael in the decade before he passed/"passed" can teach us some important lessons about ourselves, the world (humanity), Michael, and the power of the media. If it's true, for instance, that Michael's message and his real personality pretty much got drowned out by the messages put out by the media, don't you think that would be an interesting finding, and one which makes a statement?

    I personally come from a place of regret and remorse... I fell in love with MJ around age 10-11, followed and admired him for a while... And then, somewhere along the line, I forgot what he was all about. I did my homework big-time after 6/25/2009, and discovered so many songs I'd never known about! So many beautiful messages, so much amazing music!

    There's a saying, "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing."

    If we abandoned MJ, we shouldn't be surprised that the world did... We should own up to our mistake (I'm guilty as charged), try to make amends for it (I'm trying!), learn the lesson, and try to teach others the lesson...

    Confronting the "man in the mirror" is one of the hardest things in life, but also one of the most essential - if we are to call ourselves humans.

    I really do see your point and I agree.

    I don't however regret my lack of knowledge from that period, because I felt, even though I wasn't a 'fan' that Michael was a good person who put out great music.

    I cannot live with regrets you see, it's something I have learned not to do, I am just happy I know what I know now.

    I can only speak for myself, I cannot have regrets for other people who thought horrible things about him because that wasn't me.

    Love to you
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Funny you should mention this, truthprevails. Back on May 6th I blogged:
    <!-- m -->http://exploringthehoax.wordpress.com/2 ... ucifixion/<!-- m -->
    The Living Crucifixion

    I’m remembering what drove me to obsessively research this hoax in the first place and it’s bothering me today.

    WE crucified Michael Jackson. We treated him horribly. We falsely accused him. We let him down.

    We used to love him. We used to listen to his music and call his name and shout and cry and clamber for any glimpse of him, buy any product he endorsed, emulate his every move and way of dress, he was a God. We championed him, we revered him, we hoisted him up upon a towering pedestal, and then we destroyed him.

    We drug him down, into the filth and the mud. We painted him with the most heinous and hideous of all crimes on a prosecutors whim and when 12 jurors acquitted him we still did it anyway. We forced him to wear the scarlet letter of shame and disgrace as an innocent man and we did it gleefully… and we did it not because he earned it, we did it simply because he’s different. We crucified Michael Jackson because he’s weird.

    You might say, “who’s we? Not me.” But the WE I speak of is us, the news consumer, the voting demographic, the vocal majority, the general public. WE who read the news and watch the TV. WE who believe the headlines at face value. WE who have no dissent and stand idly by. The living crucifixion of Michael Jackson played out in real time before our eyes, over a matter of years while we bought the papers and watched the interviews and listened to the commentaries and performed passive silence. We so easily forgot who he was in favor of the image that was being portrayed to us.

    I sometimes wonder if humanity really even deserves Michael Jackson. After giving so much of himself to mankind only to have mankind slowly, progressively, and completely destroy him, Michael Jackson would truly have to be the second coming of Christ to want to come back to save it. Wouldn’t we just let him burn all over again?

    And at the same time I so badly need him to come back and prove them all wrong. In one fell swoop he could prove the media distorts and the DA is corrupt and everything we have thought to be true a lie… by making the ultimate comeback.
  • I understand, trublu... That is fine. If you wish to also vote in TMITM III (which is about perceptions of MJ), that would be great. TMITM II is about the album "Invincible", and when people listened to it and what they thought.

    I truly hope that others on this forum will see some value in these polls...

    All the best!
  • bec:

    I fully agree with your "Living Crucifixion" - don't recall seeing it before. Very good points, as well as great writing! I think I was driven by guilt too, on some level... I was living in the States when news of MJ's passing spread like fire, and so many people said so many things at the time... And I felt that most of them weren't truly informed about MJ - and I realized that I was one of them, one of those who had something to say despite not really knowing what they were talking about. So I started the research... Read "Dancing the Dream" and "Moonwalk" (for the first time), watched all the music videos and speeches and interviews, read the Aphrodite Jones book, looked at everything that Michael's friends and collaborators said about him... And I was so shocked at the discrepancy between the real MJ and the image created by the media! I was horrified, and it hit me like a ton of bricks - what the world (WE) had done to him. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • I haven't hear of the name Michael Jackson until June 25, 2009... so... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • I haven't hear of the name Michael Jackson until June 25, 2009... so... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Um, hmm, are you sure you're not pranking me? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Do you have a TV set in your home? Radio? Or maybe cousins who have a TV set or radio?

    I certainly wasn't prepared for this - i.e. someone on this forum not hearing of MJ prior to 6/25/2009. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> I imagined that anyone old enough to be here would have heard of MJ before then. If you're telling the truth, then I apologize I didn't include that option in the poll... Your answer, in the form of this post, will count. You simply heaven't heard... Got it. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • these answers make me feel kind of weird. i really never gave michael a hugh amount of thought over the years but i vividly remember when some of the parts from bashir program were played ,i believe during the trial or just before i could completely understand what michael was trying to convey about what was happening with kids being made to grow up too fast ect. i could even get what he meant about sleeping in the same bed. and trust me i am not one to be loose about that kind of stuff. my kids especially at that time had barely ever spent any time out of my sight. i can not understand how i was able to connect with what he was saying and get it.

    that has been one of the saddest parts for me that i missed seeing so much of his work when it was fresh and new. but maybe if i had i would have fallen prey to the tabloid bs. idk
  • I haven't hear of the name Michael Jackson until June 25, 2009... so... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Um, hmm, are you sure you're not pranking me? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Do you have a TV set in your home? Radio? Or maybe cousins who have a TV set or radio?

    I certainly wasn't prepared for this - i.e. someone on this forum not hearing of MJ prior to 6/25/2009. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> I imagined that anyone old enough to be here would have heard of MJ before then. If you're telling the truth, then I apologize I didn't include that option in the poll... Your answer, in the form of this post, will count. You simply heaven't heard... Got it. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I'm not kidding around. Yeah, I have TVs, but I wasn't watching the news before 6-25-09, so... . When I first heard that he was 'dead', I was like, "Who is that. That name doesn't ring a bell", but when I turned to the news and heard that he was (cough)dead (cough), that's when I found out that he...was...the King of Pop and he's the reason why I listen to pop.

    ***ugg, I remember that day like it was yesterday. I don't think I ever cried that much over a two-month period time; I mean I was crying EVERYDAY, especially when I heard Usher and Jermaine sing at the memorial... I broke out.***
  • these answers make me feel kind of weird. i really never gave michael a hugh amount of thought over the years but i vividly remember when some of the parts from bashir program were played ,i believe during the trial or just before i could completely understand what michael was trying to convey about what was happening with kids being made to grow up too fast ect. i could even get what he meant about sleeping in the same bed. and trust me i am not one to be loose about that kind of stuff. my kids especially at that time had barely ever spent any time out of my sight. i can not understand how i was able to connect with what he was saying and get it.

    that has been one of the saddest parts for me that i missed seeing so much of his work when it was fresh and new. but maybe if i had i would have fallen prey to the tabloid bs. idk

    Thank you for sharing that, suspicious mind. I think some people are natural empaths who instinctively understand certain things... Maybe you are one of them! No need to vote if you don't feel comfortable doing so... Posting an answer instead, with whatever you wish to express, is great.
  • I voted number 2. I never really followed Michael's personal life and dont watch television that much I am a book person I love to read but not the tabloid trash. I was never interested in things like that so I never really knew what was going on with him personally but I can honesty say with no hesitation that I always and I mean always loved his music. I remember my older sister taking us to the movies to watch that movie with the rats and I loved Ben from the first time I heard it. I also fell in love with "She's out of my life" too and then Spechless. My whole family knew how much I loved Michael Jackson's songs. So I can say in a sense that I have always been a fan of his music. I heard some of the stories about him but I refused to ever believed anything about him that I heard because I thought that for someone to have such beautiful songs had to be a beautiful person inside. I remember watching their cartoons and also their variety show that's how much I loved Michael Jackson's music and him. As I grew older the love for his music was still there it never faltered up to now but like I said I never really kept up to date with his personal life.
  • I haven't hear of the name Michael Jackson until June 25, 2009... so... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Um, hmm, are you sure you're not pranking me? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Do you have a TV set in your home? Radio? Or maybe cousins who have a TV set or radio?

    I certainly wasn't prepared for this - i.e. someone on this forum not hearing of MJ prior to 6/25/2009. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> I imagined that anyone old enough to be here would have heard of MJ before then. If you're telling the truth, then I apologize I didn't include that option in the poll... Your answer, in the form of this post, will count. You simply heaven't heard... Got it. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I'm not kidding around. Yeah, I have TVs, but I wasn't watching the news before 6-25-09, so... . When I first heard that he was 'dead', I was like, "Who is that. That name doesn't ring a bell", but when I turned to the news and heard that he was (cough)dead (cough), that's when I found out that he...was...the King of Pop and he's the reason why I listen to pop.

    ***ugg, I remember that day like it was yesterday. I don't think I ever cried that much over a two-month period time; I mean I was crying EVERYDAY, especially when I heard Usher and Jermaine sing at the memorial... I broke out.***

    OK, you mean to say that you had heard of "the King of Pop" but didn't know the real name was Michael Jackson? So you only made the connection on 6/25/2009? I understand. That's very interesting. I think a lot of people were crying pretty hard on and after that day. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I cried later...
  • I haven't hear of the name Michael Jackson until June 25, 2009... so... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Um, hmm, are you sure you're not pranking me? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Do you have a TV set in your home? Radio? Or maybe cousins who have a TV set or radio?

    I certainly wasn't prepared for this - i.e. someone on this forum not hearing of MJ prior to 6/25/2009. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> I imagined that anyone old enough to be here would have heard of MJ before then. If you're telling the truth, then I apologize I didn't include that option in the poll... Your answer, in the form of this post, will count. You simply heaven't heard... Got it. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I'm not kidding around. Yeah, I have TVs, but I wasn't watching the news before 6-25-09, so... . When I first heard that he was 'dead', I was like, "Who is that. That name doesn't ring a bell", but when I turned to the news and heard that he was (cough)dead (cough), that's when I found out that he...was...the King of Pop and he's the reason why I listen to pop.

    ***ugg, I remember that day like it was yesterday. I don't think I ever cried that much over a two-month period time; I mean I was crying EVERYDAY, especially when I heard Usher and Jermaine sing at the memorial... I broke out.***

    OK, you mean to say that you had heard of "the King of Pop" but didn't know the real name was Michael Jackson? So you only made the connection on 6/25/2009? I understand. That's very interesting. I think a lot of people were crying pretty hard on and after that day. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I cried later...
    I had never heard "King of Pop" either. I was 13 at the time, the only thing I was watching was cartoons. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I mean I never watched the news; whenever someone turned to the news, I would leave the room. Not doing that anymore!
  • reasonables:

    I see... Thanks for clarifying! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Apologies again for not envisioning this scenario... I'm glad you know about MJ now. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • reasonables:

    I see... Thanks for clarifying! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Apologies again for not envisioning this scenario... I'm glad you know about MJ now. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Not much... I heard the crazy stories and rumors and not much else.

    God bless.........2good2btrue
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Well, i've always been a huge fan of him, as long as i can remember myself, since the age of 6, when i first saw "Thriller" i fell in love with him, he was like a magic to me,from that on he became my hero, year after year i started to love and respect not only Michael Jackson- a musical phenomenon, but also Michael- as the greatest humanitarian and kindest man in this world.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I loved Michael ever since I was a child. Thriller was released when I was 7 but even before that I loved his very earliest songs, Ben was one of my favourites. I always felt a kinship with him in a way because he had an isolated childhood and so did I, though I never experienced the awful things he did, his suffering was so many times worse. I was like many people shocked when he "died", more so than I could have imagined, I cried so much for days, until the questions and intuition took over. He had and continues to have such a huge impact on my life and I'm glad that even when I read all the garbage that was printed about him I instinctively knew that's all it was. Garbage. The accusations against him were ridiculous and the witchhunt he suffered would not have happened to anyone else, it was more than most people could bear. Yet he did so with grace and humility and I hope he gets his payback from all those who wronged him.
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