Questions regarding TS



  • I think TS has a lot of valid points that lead me to believe he is somewhat in the know as well. My problem with the whole subject of TS is that one main message presented in his posts is the fact that you need to think for yourself. But, that is a contradiction to what happens sometimes on this forum. The people that speak against or question TS have been verbally bashed and sometimes banned in the past.

    So, it's not so much TS that makes me question him. It's actually how people are treated on this forum when they question TS. If people are truly thinking for themselves, they don't have to believe in TS if they don't want to. But those people are made to feel like the bad guys here.

    Now, I understand that there may be other reasons why those people have been banned other than bashing TS that I am not aware of. But, if people are truly thinking for themselves, and they choose not to believe in TS completely, then they shouldn't be bashed for thinking for themselves.

    I guess this whole hoax has made me a bit suspicious and untrusting, which is not my character. I live in a place where the crime rate is next to nothing. In fact, my state has been called the safest state in the US. We are trusting and kind people. I pray to God that I have not been duped and played the fool. I pray that in the end, the good guys win and the bad guys go down.

    I don't want to offend anyone by this post. I just wanted to express the way I have observed things. This is how I see things...through my eyes...others probably see it differently.
    I agree completely
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    @Mo and @ Gema

    You both said what I was thinking. Firstly Michael is psychic and has always been, it does not mean he can see whole events as they would happen in the future, but he knew when doom would approach, just did not know in what form.

    I think it is a God given talent, and so yes there is a hand of God in it. I believe Michael is a CHOSEN ONE, just like God did many things before to rid the world of evil and he entrusted one man to lead the good people out of evil. The same way Michael is chosen to lead us away from all the crap that is going on in the Entertainment Industry. The Church (not the NWO agenda holders) but the faithful have been trying to dissuade the followers from being so carried away by Entertainment be it TV, Movies or Music. They have been talking about subliminal brain washing and influencing since I was in school some 15 years ago. It has gotten more advanced now as we see the Rihanna and others songs where the message is not just in the backward masking but also in their videos etc.

    Michael is spearheading the movement to bring down the bad in the Entertainment Industry. And maybe like Noah, who was given a heads up years before to build the ark (I think it took him some 60 years), God gave him a few ideas to pull this off. Of course, all the details could not be in place but he could know he was midpoint at the Pepsi accident and so he could count the end.

    If you believe Michael is a healer, then yes he DOES have a very strong connection with God. Or else this is just a cover up leading us down the wrong part because the EVIL don't want us to probably pray to Michael for miracles and so prevent him from becoming a saint, cos I know healers work many more miracles after they die.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh come on guys. Elvis did this long before MJ and even if you don't believe that...

    Elvis's personal doctor was investigated in his death attributed to overdose and rumors of a death hoax have been around ever since.

    So no psychic or divine explanations necessary. There was precedent to follow.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I think TS has a lot of valid points that lead me to believe he is somewhat in the know as well. My problem with the whole subject of TS is that one main message presented in his posts is the fact that you need to think for yourself. But, that is a contradiction to what happens sometimes on this forum. The people that speak against or question TS have been verbally bashed and sometimes banned in the past.

    So, it's not so much TS that makes me question him. It's actually how people are treated on this forum when they question TS. If people are truly thinking for themselves, they don't have to believe in TS if they don't want to. But those people are made to feel like the bad guys here.

    Now, I understand that there may be other reasons why those people have been banned other than bashing TS that I am not aware of. But, if people are truly thinking for themselves, and they choose not to believe in TS completely, then they shouldn't be bashed for thinking for themselves.

    I guess this whole hoax has made me a bit suspicious and untrusting, which is not my character. I live in a place where the crime rate is next to nothing. In fact, my state has been called the safest state in the US. We are trusting and kind people. I pray to God that I have not been duped and played the fool. I pray that in the end, the good guys win and the bad guys go down.

    I don't want to offend anyone by this post. I just wanted to express the way I have observed things. This is how I see things...through my eyes...others probably see it differently.
    I agree completely

    I have not witnessed this. I have witnessed the opposite. No one wants to have an intelligent debate over TS's authenticity, rather they prefer to drop the "TS IS BS" line and run. When time after time no one can back up their argument, sure, some eyes get rolled. It's a fairly natural reaction but it's not bashing. I have a thread stickied right now which anyone can read in it's entirety and copy and paste examples here of someone getting bashed for not believing that TS may be legit. If someone can do that, I'll admit I'm wrong and denounce the behavior.

    It's so counter productive anyway. Who cares if someone doesn't believe. It's their loss.
  • I believe that this has all been in the works for longer than 20 years, more like 50 years. from the day the man was born his "destiny" lay before him.

    How did he know? Because he communicated with a higher power, the music is channelled through him. He has psychic abilities.

    And before you write me off as "wacko, crazy, a nut". This all comes from Michael's own mouth, research his quotes and interviews specifically one he gave to Barbara Walters and check out Kenny Ortega on Oprah's show last year.

    Or watch the very first video I ever made. Please excuse the quality but I was a novice.

  • I believe that this has all been in the works for longer than 20 years, more like 50 years. from the day the man was born his "destiny" lay before him.

    How did he know? Because he communicated with a higher power, the music is channelled through him. He has psychic abilities.

    And before you write me off as "wacko, crazy, a nut". This all comes from Michael's own mouth, research his quotes and interviews specifically one he gave to Barbara Walters and check out Kenny Ortega on Oprah's show last year.

    Or watch the very first video I ever made. Please excuse the quality but I was a novice.


    Oh yes! I remember that video! I watched it months ago! I really liked the topic and premise of it! =D <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I think TS has a lot of valid points that lead me to believe he is somewhat in the know as well. My problem with the whole subject of TS is that one main message presented in his posts is the fact that you need to think for yourself. But, that is a contradiction to what happens sometimes on this forum. The people that speak against or question TS have been verbally bashed and sometimes banned in the past.

    So, it's not so much TS that makes me question him. It's actually how people are treated on this forum when they question TS. If people are truly thinking for themselves, they don't have to believe in TS if they don't want to. But those people are made to feel like the bad guys here.

    Now, I understand that there may be other reasons why those people have been banned other than bashing TS that I am not aware of. But, if people are truly thinking for themselves, and they choose not to believe in TS completely, then they shouldn't be bashed for thinking for themselves.

    I guess this whole hoax has made me a bit suspicious and untrusting, which is not my character. I live in a place where the crime rate is next to nothing. In fact, my state has been called the safest state in the US. We are trusting and kind people. I pray to God that I have not been duped and played the fool. I pray that in the end, the good guys win and the bad guys go down.

    I don't want to offend anyone by this post. I just wanted to express the way I have observed things. This is how I see things...through my eyes...others probably see it differently.
    I agree completely

    I have not witnessed this. I have witnessed the opposite. No one wants to have an intelligent debate over TS's authenticity, rather they prefer to drop the "TS IS BS" line and run. When time after time no one can back up their argument, sure, some eyes get rolled. It's a fairly natural reaction but it's not bashing. I have a thread stickied right now which anyone can read in it's entirety and copy and paste examples here of someone getting bashed for not believing that TS may be legit. If someone can do that, I'll admit I'm wrong and denounce the behavior.

    It's so counter productive anyway. Who cares if someone doesn't believe. It's their loss.

    Bec - I agree with You!
    Anewfan, You are offending nobody, and whilst I see things differently, I totally respect your opinion.

    It is interesting because I have never felt that people who were expressing their opinions in a positive way were being "bashed". TS is a member on this site and TS needs to be treated exactly with the same level of RESPECT as anybody else on here! Everybody can have their opinions, TRUE, very few are supporting them with 180 pages of written evidences however!
    I am personally saddened when I read comment such as "TS is BS" or equivalent, with NOTHING at all to back up the claim! This is not helpful! It does not help the investigation or help other members in providing counter argument. It is WORTHLESS!

    TS indeed says " Do Think for Yourself" and people are indeed entitled to reach their own conclusions once they have considered the facts. TS does not say go and spray your opinions around without backing them up by facts, TS ask people to think before they act. If I look back at the events that surrounded the Breaking News announcement, clearly a big proportion of fans do not think for themselves! they just react to whatever the media throw at them!

    TS last two redirects before the Breaking News Announcement were the Orson Wells War of the Worlds media Broadcast (Breaking news each day for a week) and "Remember, Remember the 5th November! How could TS know that an album called "Breaking News" was going to be announced on the 5th November and that a hectic weeks of "News/releases" was going to follow?
    I guess that relatively few people would have been in the know!
    I hope that TS has got a good HEART...! XX

    With L.O.V.E
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Firstly I'll say that I do believe TS is genuine. I also see what is being said about people who don't believe in TS being bashed. Maybe bashed is not the right word, it is more like being dismissed with a casual "go educate yourself" or "go do some reading". This is something as a newer member I have experienced once or twice and it's condascending. I hadn't even mentioned TS by the way.

    There seems to be an opinion that the longer you've been a registered member, the more you know or the more you've read. I remember reading someone pointing out that their opinions get ignored as all the big personalities seem to assume they already have all the answers and if you don't agree with it you've either not read enough or you're not that bright. This is wrong and isn't what a forum should be about, it should be about everyone being able to express their ideas freely. Being a newer member does sometimes feel like being the new kid in school whether that's done intentionally or not. The term "go educate yourself" implies the person saying it is in posession of the full facts and knows the reasons why this was done, which is actually their interpretation of why and how based on what they have read, researched and formed an opinion on. It's like saying "educate yourself to my way of thinking as it's the right one". I don't think anyone here has the right to say that. We can read every single thread on every topic but it has to be our own decision and our own interpretation. If we all follow exactly what someone says just because of who they are we're not thinking for ourselves at all (something we were warned about by the admins at one point).

    There are so many different theories on the forum and obviously people will have different opinions and interpret things differently. I personally wouldn't have a problem with someone who doesn't believe in TS, NWO, Illuminati, the double theory etc because that's their decision to make not mine. I know I'll probably get grief for saying all this stuff but I think it's a valid point that was brought up. If we dismiss those who don't subscribe to a certain theory then we're an exclusive club and I don't think that's what anyone wants, we're supposed to be an army even if we don't all march to the same drum. I understand the frustration that people who think they have figured out what's going on feel in trying to explain that to others who don't want to listen, but we're never all going to agree and there shouldn't be "sides" when it comes to TS.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I have said this many times. I believe that MJ was a healer, healing with his voice and may be with his hands, using energy to heal and I am sure that a hug from him would have felt like a calming electric shock healing a soul.
    I also believe that he had a great intuition and could predict situations.

    Regarding TS, he is another poster and has always talked with respect to others and one must send respect back, even if one does not agree with his posts.

    We are tolerant and don´t need to follow anyone if we don´t feel comfy <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> If one goes for TS´s posts is free to do it and also the ones who don´t want to follow him must be respected for their choice.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I am glad that I can safely say my opinions in here. As I said, I didn't open this thread to bash but just to say my opinions and give arguments on each opinion, to explain why I feel insecure about this subject.

    I have read TIAI's updates far more than once each update, line by line, so no, I am not coming here to state things without reading. And still there is a strange feeling I have and I cannot ignore it.
    bec wrote:
    Oh come on guys. Elvis did this long before MJ and even if you don't believe that...
    Elvis's personal doctor was investigated in his death attributed to overdose and rumors of a death hoax have been around ever since
    If I ever see Elvis or at least see the court statement in Eliza's case that says Jesse is her brother and that Jesse is Elvis, then I will believe it, eventually. But Elvis is not a proof, for me, in the actual situation with Michael. I simply cannot believe an insider (be it Elvis' personal doctor or the woman who says she's been in contact with Jesse) just because they say so.It's in my nature. I don't believe anything just because someone says so.
    TheRunningGirl wrote:
    TS indeed says " Do Think for Yourself" and people are indeed entitled to reach their own conclusions once they have considered the facts. TS does not say go and spray your opinions around without backing them up by facts, TS ask people to think before they act.
    You know what bothers me in this? this specific thing you mention, TheRunningGirl.I mean TS says to think for yourself, then he pours phrases like "if this is not hard evidence then what is it??Anything?" and here I feel some kind of mindcontrol that will make you think "jeez, it means I am idiot. Because for me the numerology just doesn't weigh as HARD EVIDENCE. The guy must be right, anyway, I am awful at numbers, so he must be right, I can't debunk him". You know? And they go with it.I do not. I don't know, I don't like the subtle pushing he plays. Also, he says to think for yourself but and insists for everyone to read his posts and also give them to TINI followers and if that doesn't convince them, then nothing will. I am sorry but TS's words are very complicated and he is like dragging you into a huricane. You read pages and pages and then feel like you read 16 pages and still don't find that hard evidence.He doesn't make clear statements. I wonder- if he wanted the people to read and understand his idea then why isn't he more clear and "close" to us? I've read all the 150 pages I have saved here in my computer and STILL I don't know what evidence he says he brought: the numerology and what else? this is evidence? I feel like reading words but not meaning, sometimes.

    That what keeps me having a bad vibe.I feel like I'm being played a mindncontrol game, being told to "think for myself" when in fact this is a way to plant things in your mind almost unconsciounsly.I don't say he's fake, I can't do it just by my own opinion and feelings. But if I feel something not right, I feel it and it's there. And I don't understand it.And if i didn't want to dig more into it i would just have said "I don't follow him. Period".And I wouldn't have my mind now burning trying to get at the bottom of this if it didn't interest me.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I have said this many times. I believe that MJ was a healer, healing with his voice and may be with his hands, using energy to heal and I am sure that a hug from him would have felt like a calming electric shock healing a soul.
    I also believe that he had a great intuition and could predict situations.

    Regarding TS, he is another poster and has always talked with respect to others and one must send respect back, even if one does not agree with his posts.

    We are tolerant and don´t need to follow anyone if we don´t feel comfy <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> If one goes for TS´s posts is free to do it and also the ones who don´t want to follow him must be respected for their choice.

    Gema I think you have just summed up so well what I was saying too, and I think the stories of Michael being able to heal will finally be heard. I read that he didn't want anyone to know because he is such a humble person, it all makes the false accusations against him even more despicable and evil. As the true stories of his healing abilities and his pure heart start to replace the nasty vindictive ones one by one the lies will be eradicated from the history books.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Maybe that we can say that some people will be convinced about TS being genuine, legit... or not... only when it all ends. As TS said if the information he has provided cannot convince you then (for the moment) nothing else will. I don't remember him saying that reading his posts was compulsory, people are free to do it or not... but of course it is necessary to read them to first have an opinion and it requires time and study. Most, if not all, of the people who said that TS was BS or not legit did not present any fact or counter explanations to prove it. That's the point.

    Anna... I just have a question but what a hard solid evidence should look like for you? Bearing in mind that this is a hoax and that things cannot be obvious.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    bec wrote:
    Oh come on guys. Elvis did this long before MJ and even if you don't believe that...
    Elvis's personal doctor was investigated in his death attributed to overdose and rumors of a death hoax have been around ever since
    If I ever see Elvis or at least see the court statement in Eliza's case that says Jesse is her brother and that Jesse is Elvis, then I will believe it, eventually. But Elvis is not a proof, for me, in the actual situation with Michael. I simply cannot believe an insider (be it Elvis' personal doctor or the woman who says she's been in contact with Jesse) just because they say so.It's in my nature. I don't believe anything just because someone says so.

    Could you please read my posts before replying to them? Please read the words, in order, without substituting or adding or leaving any out, and then if you want to reply to what I actually wrote, please do!

    Elvis DIED, his personal Doctor was INVESTIGATED in regards to his DEATH, and there have been RUMORS about a hoax death EVER SINCE. These are 3 HISTORICAL (accepted) FACTS. I am not talking about THEORIES or present court cases.

    MJ doesn't have to a psychic or enjoy divine intervention to conjure up this scenario playing out in the public eye when planning a death hoax of his very own. Elivis's situation sets precedent. THAT's the point.

    Ps. I'm not convinced that Elvis died personally but my OPINION is off topic which is why I included BOTH scenarios in my original post.
  • TS has given us a lot more than the numerology.
    Who validated TMZ has an insider? and who can now deny that they indeed are! Who first pointed us to V for Vendetta? and who can now denied that it is part of the current script!
    Who pointed to a breaking news event on November 5th? And who can deny that it was!
    Who has been telling us about media corruption for a long time? And who can deny that it is part of the Hoax now!
    Who pointed us in the direction of Elvis? And haven't we got an Eliza court hearing date now!
    Who was called S.T.U.D.Y before becoming TS? And is Education an important part of the Hoax!
    And I could go on and on... but let me stop here! We all have the same information so... it is there for all to see.. hopefully!

    TS is not only about Clues, it is also MJ's message, it is also getting to know MJ, it is also understanding the overall Hoax rational (MJ AIR - Art is resistance; ARG: Alternative Reality Game: Lies to make Truth) and looking forward to its next development (DVD easter egg, Ark of the covenant, Truth about the great flood, MJ's "Mission", 2012).

    TS is our guide and one can choose to beLIEve Him or ignore Him - I 100% BeLIEve in TS - And who said that TS was only TS on this site? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


    With L.O.V.E
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I have not witnessed this. I have witnessed the opposite. No one wants to have an intelligent debate over TS's authenticity, rather they prefer to drop the "TS IS BS" line and run. When time after time no one can back up their argument, sure, some eyes get rolled. It's a fairly natural reaction but it's not bashing. I have a thread stickied right now which anyone can read in it's entirety and copy and paste examples here of someone getting bashed for not believing that TS may be legit. If someone can do that, I'll admit I'm wrong and denounce the behavior.

    It's so counter productive anyway. Who cares if someone doesn't believe. It's their loss.

    You could copy and paste this response for starters in your thread. These are the kinds of responses I'm talking about. It's rude and condescending, which are the words I should have used in my initial post instead of bashing. You and Anna have gone back and forth with your opinions on TS and then finally this kind of response is given that I feel silences some members. I have seen it often. Now, pretty soon there will be a posse surrounding Anna (and probably me) in this thread.....with "words" being spewn at us. Telling us to get out if we don't like it. (or something like that)

    It does remind me of bullying....and I don't like it. Again...this is how I see it...others probably don't.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I have not witnessed this. I have witnessed the opposite. No one wants to have an intelligent debate over TS's authenticity, rather they prefer to drop the "TS IS BS" line and run. When time after time no one can back up their argument, sure, some eyes get rolled. It's a fairly natural reaction but it's not bashing. I have a thread stickied right now which anyone can read in it's entirety and copy and paste examples here of someone getting bashed for not believing that TS may be legit. If someone can do that, I'll admit I'm wrong and denounce the behavior.

    It's so counter productive anyway. Who cares if someone doesn't believe. It's their loss.

    You could copy and paste this response for starters in your thread. These are the kinds of responses I'm talking about. It's rude and condescending, which are the words I should have used in my initial post instead of bashing. You and Anna have gone back and forth with your opinions on TS and then finally this kind of response is given that I feel silences some members. I have seen it often. Now, pretty soon there will be a posse surrounding Anna (and probably me) in this thread.....with "words" being spewn at us. Telling us to get out if we don't like it. (or something like that)

    It does remind me of bullying....and I don't like it. Again...this is how I see it...others probably don't.

  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    anewfan do you mean because I said "it's your loss"? But that's how I feel, if someone doesn't believe it doesn't make me angry or frustrated, if anything I feel a little sad for them because it IS their loss. It's a shame to disregard good information just because you don't know the messenger. That information is lost for them. It's their loss.

    Does that clarify where I'm coming from a little better?
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    anewfan do you mean because I said "it's your loss"? But that's how I feel, if someone doesn't believe it doesn't make me angry or frustrated, if anything I feel a little sad for them because it IS their loss. It's a shame to disregard good information just because you don't know the messenger. That information is lost for them. It's their loss.

    Does that clarify where I'm coming from a little better?

    I meant to copy this response....the one I quoted was not rude....(bonks myself in the noggin)
    Could you please read my posts before replying to them? Please read the words, in order, without substituting or adding or leaving any out, and then if you want to reply to what I actually wrote, please do!

    Elvis DIED, his personal Doctor was INVESTIGATED in regards to his DEATH, and there have been RUMORS about a hoax death EVER SINCE. These are 3 HISTORICAL (accepted) FACTS. I am not talking about THEORIES or present court cases.

    MJ doesn't have to a psychic or enjoy divine intervention to conjure up this scenario playing out in the public eye when planning a death hoax of his very own. Elivis's situation sets precedent. THAT's the point.

    Ps. I'm not convinced that Elvis died personally but my OPINION is off topic which is why I included BOTH scenarios in my original post.

    I guess I see people take only parts of people's posts all the time. The way you responded seemed rude with all the caps. Maybe you didn't mean it that way...maybe you did. That's what's so hard about things being written as opposed to being spoken. They can be interpreted differently by everyone.

    Maybe that's why some of us think that people are being rude to one another on here and others don't see it. It's all in the way you interpret someone's response. This response may be interpreted as rude even though it's not intended that way. I wanted to use it as a way to back up my earlier post. (But obviously that was a big FAIL on my part, since I didn't even quote the right post. I blame it on my hair color.) <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I too raised a question about TS a while ago - pertaining to the 2002 will:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15419<!-- l -->
    I think it's OK to be skeptical provided we have good reasons for that... Let's keep the debate civil. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    anewfan do you mean because I said "it's your loss"? But that's how I feel, if someone doesn't believe it doesn't make me angry or frustrated, if anything I feel a little sad for them because it IS their loss. It's a shame to disregard good information just because you don't know the messenger. That information is lost for them. It's their loss.

    Does that clarify where I'm coming from a little better?

    I meant to copy this response....the one I quoted was not rude....(bonks myself in the noggin)
    Could you please read my posts before replying to them? Please read the words, in order, without substituting or adding or leaving any out, and then if you want to reply to what I actually wrote, please do!

    Elvis DIED, his personal Doctor was INVESTIGATED in regards to his DEATH, and there have been RUMORS about a hoax death EVER SINCE. These are 3 HISTORICAL (accepted) FACTS. I am not talking about THEORIES or present court cases.

    MJ doesn't have to a psychic or enjoy divine intervention to conjure up this scenario playing out in the public eye when planning a death hoax of his very own. Elivis's situation sets precedent. THAT's the point.

    Ps. I'm not convinced that Elvis died personally but my OPINION is off topic which is why I included BOTH scenarios in my original post.

    I guess I see people take only parts of people's posts all the time. The way you responded seemed rude with all the caps. Maybe you didn't mean it that way...maybe you did. That's what's so hard about things being written as opposed to being spoken. They can be interpreted differently by everyone.

    Maybe that's why some of us think that people are being rude to one another on here and others don't see it. It's all in the way you interpret someone's response. This response may be interpreted as rude even though it's not intended that way. I wanted to use it as a way to back up my earlier post. (But obviously that was a big FAIL on my part, since I didn't even quote the right post. I blame it on my hair color.) <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I posted like that because the person I was replying to obviously had not caught the information the first time. Things get missed. I was trying to avoid that happening again.

    But regardless, perception is everything, so if you think I'm rude, please by all means, scroll right past my posts.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    You could copy and paste this response for starters in your thread. These are the kinds of responses I'm talking about. It's rude and condescending, which are the words I should have used in my initial post instead of bashing. You and Anna have gone back and forth with your opinions on TS and then finally this kind of response is given that I feel silences some members. I have seen it often. Now, pretty soon there will be a posse surrounding Anna (and probably me) in this thread.....with "words" being spewn at us. Telling us to get out if we don't like it. (or something like that)

    It does remind me of bullying....and I don't like it. Again...this is how I see it...others probably don't.

    I avoided to answer this thread although I saw it. I have to say you're right. And I hope this thread remains decent and in good terms in order to be able to discuss this problem. If someone comes and cuts it from the root with heavy words the subject will finally die, because of the incapacity of discussing it. People have very different opinions and I don't know why if you are different, if you don't think like the majority, you are considered: not in the know of the whole thing, not able to express a logic opinion, not good for being on the forum, ect.

    I hope this thread remains in good terms as it was and who doesn't agree he/she can express it but stop being harsh to those with an opposite or different opinion.
  • rayvynrayvyn Posts: 139
    I think TS has a lot of valid points that lead me to believe he is somewhat in the know as well. My problem with the whole subject of TS is that one main message presented in his posts is the fact that you need to think for yourself. But, that is a contradiction to what happens sometimes on this forum. The people that speak against or question TS have been verbally bashed and sometimes banned in the past.

    So, it's not so much TS that makes me question him. It's actually how people are treated on this forum when they question TS. If people are truly thinking for themselves, they don't have to believe in TS if they don't want to. But those people are made to feel like the bad guys here.

    Now, I understand that there may be other reasons why those people have been banned other than bashing TS that I am not aware of. But, if people are truly thinking for themselves, and they choose not to believe in TS completely, then they shouldn't be bashed for thinking for themselves.

    I guess this whole hoax has made me a bit suspicious and untrusting, which is not my character. I live in a place where the crime rate is next to nothing. In fact, my state has been called the safest state in the US. We are trusting and kind people. I pray to God that I have not been duped and played the fool. I pray that in the end, the good guys win and the bad guys go down.

    I don't want to offend anyone by this post. I just wanted to express the way I have observed things. This is how I see things...through my eyes...others probably see it differently.
    I understand what you say, and I can say that I feel like that too, sometimes, and I don't want to refrain from saying my opinion, because I do think for myself. People who have different opinion or even oposite opinions are somehow told or insinuate "what the hell are you doing here?". But I hold on with my teeth on what I believe and my brain does think on its own, so we are free to express what we believe and think. That's why I wanted to open this thread and say what bothers me and what I do not find as stricking evidence. Others might think differently, and that's ok, but that doesn't make one opinion wrong and the other right. So I support everyone to stop being afraid to be bashed if they want to state their own convinctions and opinions.
    I address ths to no one in particular.

    Anna, I agree with you 100%. And by the way, I don't believe in numerology either.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    You could copy and paste this response for starters in your thread. These are the kinds of responses I'm talking about. It's rude and condescending, which are the words I should have used in my initial post instead of bashing. You and Anna have gone back and forth with your opinions on TS and then finally this kind of response is given that I feel silences some members. I have seen it often. Now, pretty soon there will be a posse surrounding Anna (and probably me) in this thread.....with "words" being spewn at us. Telling us to get out if we don't like it. (or something like that)

    It does remind me of bullying....and I don't like it. Again...this is how I see it...others probably don't.

    I avoided to answer this thread although I saw it. I have to say you're right. And I hope this thread remains decent and in good terms in order to be able to discuss this problem. If someone comes and cuts it from the root with heavy words the subject will finally die, because of the incapacity of discussing it. People have very different opinions and I don't know why if you are different, if you don't think like the majority, you are considered: not in the know of the whole thing, not able to express a logic opinion, not good for being on the forum, ect.

    I hope this thread remains in good terms as it was and who doesn't agree he/she can express it but stop being harsh to those with an opposite or different opinion.

    I second with of both of you posted.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I think TS has a lot of valid points that lead me to believe he is somewhat in the know as well. My problem with the whole subject of TS is that one main message presented in his posts is the fact that you need to think for yourself. But, that is a contradiction to what happens sometimes on this forum. The people that speak against or question TS have been verbally bashed and sometimes banned in the past.

    So, it's not so much TS that makes me question him. It's actually how people are treated on this forum when they question TS. If people are truly thinking for themselves, they don't have to believe in TS if they don't want to. But those people are made to feel like the bad guys here.

    Now, I understand that there may be other reasons why those people have been banned other than bashing TS that I am not aware of. But, if people are truly thinking for themselves, and they choose not to believe in TS completely, then they shouldn't be bashed for thinking for themselves.

    I guess this whole hoax has made me a bit suspicious and untrusting, which is not my character. I live in a place where the crime rate is next to nothing. In fact, my state has been called the safest state in the US. We are trusting and kind people. I pray to God that I have not been duped and played the fool. I pray that in the end, the good guys win and the bad guys go down.

    I don't want to offend anyone by this post. I just wanted to express the way I have observed things. This is how I see things...through my eyes...others probably see it differently.
    I understand what you say, and I can say that I feel like that too, sometimes, and I don't want to refrain from saying my opinion, because I do think for myself. People who have different opinion or even oposite opinions are somehow told or insinuate "what the hell are you doing here?". But I hold on with my teeth on what I believe and my brain does think on its own, so we are free to express what we believe and think. That's why I wanted to open this thread and say what bothers me and what I do not find as stricking evidence. Others might think differently, and that's ok, but that doesn't make one opinion wrong and the other right. So I support everyone to stop being afraid to be bashed if they want to state their own convinctions and opinions.
    I address ths to no one in particular.

    Anna, I agree with you 100%. And by the way, I don't believe in numerology either.

    Neither do I. In the slightest bit.

    But TS's "proof" isn't based on numerology. MJ invented his own little numbers thing, the Dangerous Code. TS deciphered it and showed us how the hoax is intertwined in the code (or vice versa, the code is intertwined in the hoax).

    The Dangerous code is very complex, and not based on "numerology". The greatest proof is that no one before TS (or since) has been able to crack the Dangerous code. Throughout this hoax, nearly every single "proof" or theory that has been presented has been shared by several people, presented simultaneously, worked on as a group project, or thought of before, after, during, since.... the hive mind concept.

    TS's deciphering of the Dangerous code stands alone as a solo presentation. This is interesting.

    One theory to explain this is that TS is the inventor of the code. A code so complex that it cannot be cracked/hasn't been cracked except by one individual suggests that the one individual also invented it.

    So it's like connecting the dots. ONE person deciphers the code. And the code happens to fit into all the major events of the hoax/all the major events are based on or track back to the code. This suggests that the hoax was planned ahead of time based on the code. Which in turn suggests that TS not only invented the code, but also the hoax.

    Is anyone following me?

    So yes, I agree numerology is nonsense. But someone making up their own brand of numerology and then planning events based on it is not at all nonsense.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    But TS's "proof" isn't based on numerology. MJ invented his own little numbers thing, the Dangerous Code. TS deciphered it and showed us how the hoax is intertwined in the code (or vice versa, the code is intertwined in the hoax).

    The Dangerous code is very complex, and not based on "numerology". The greatest proof is that no one before TS (or since) has been able to crack the Dangerous code. Throughout this hoax, nearly every single "proof" or theory that has been presented has been shared by several people, presented simultaneously, worked on as a group project, or thought of before, after, during, since.... the hive mind concept.

    TS's deciphering of the Dangerous code stands alone as a solo presentation. This is interesting.

    One theory to explain this is that TS is the inventor of the code. A code so complex that it cannot be cracked/hasn't been cracked except by one individual suggests that the one individual also invented it.

    So it's like connecting the dots. ONE person deciphers the code. And the code happens to fit into all the major events of the hoax/all the major events are based on or track back to the code. This suggests that the hoax was planned ahead of time based on the code. Which in turn suggests that TS not only invented the code, but also the hoax.

    Is anyone following me?

    So yes, I agree numerology is nonsense. But someone making up their own brand of numerology and then planning events based on it is not at all nonsense.
    I think you said this well, without any disrespect to those questioning. I feel this thread topic is valid and helpful to TS because truth should stand up no matter the scrutiny. I am a questioning open-minded person. And my over-all sense of the hoax details including TIAI/TS is the choreography and planning including any numbers with all the ways dots connect is simply too much for a mere mortal. In fact having grown up in Christian circles immersed in Bible study from birth practically, I know that all the Old Testament prophesies fulfilled and words Christ spoke, early historical writings have a fraction of dots to connect to what Michael has managed IMO. In the past I heard statistically the chances of all the prophecies being fullfilled by Jesus were huge. I believe Michael is a genius but I don't think it would be possible without special divine help. Of course there's a chance it could be evil help, but I don't believe so. And talk about healing, I've been mystified as have many others as to the effect on me in those early months, of this person MJ, profound; it has never happened to me before. It's only time that will tell. If nothing happens after the end of 2012, I will know for sure it's like an Elvis thing again, and I was hoodwinked. Sometimes even now I have my doubts and get discouraged, but reviewing TS gets me back on track. TS is the stablizer for this grand scheme, the anchor.
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