Janet Jackson Opens Up About Her Brother Michael's Death



  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    For gods sake tha is what brothers and sisters do tease each other my brothers did and do with me and me with them. It is natures way of hardening you up for the outside world it's natural not cruel or unusual
  • Janet's book has been in the works for awhile, so it isn't something that she just decided to write a few months ago. She has also mentioned before how Michael used to taunt her about her weight, so this isn't the first time she has addressed that issue either. In fact, I am almost positive that Latoya has also addressed the family riding Janet throughout her life about her weight.

    Quite frankly, I think it's awful that Michael used to make fun of her, especially after Joe made fun of him so much! You would think that after the things Joe used to say to Michael that he would have been a little more sensitive to Janet's feelings, particularly since he knew how much she looked up to him. If he was concerned about her weight, there were other ways that he could have addressed it with her. He didn't have to call her a cow! Lisa has also said that Michael gave her a hard time for gaining a few pounds when they were married. I hope he doesn't start giving Paris a hard time about it if/when she gains a little weight. Another thing that really bothers me about the family giving Janet such a hard time about her weight is the fact that no one has ever mentioned anyone saying anything to Tito about his weight, and he certainly wasn't nearly as thin as the other brothers.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    But the thing is tht is what most brothers do take the p out of you my brothers did my children do it to each other idont mean they make each other cry but it is jesting that they love too do in fact when my daughter left home she missed all of that and popped home for another round of it
    But with Janet she has taken it seriously if we are to believe this I feel Michael is kind and thoughtful but in the safety of his own home and family he liked to wind people up saying that my children always lookafter each other and protect each other
  • I am not going to say anything about the details of Janet and Michael's relationship because I have no right to comment but I will say this: Hurt people hurt other people. Just that simple.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    For gods sake tha is what brothers and sisters do tease each other my brothers did and do with me and me with them. It is natures way of hardening you up for the outside world it's natural not cruel or unusual
    exactly. It may not be right but that's the way it is. My brother was a horror, teased me mercilessly, but it doesn't mean he didn't love me. Simply human nature.
  • She is quite the actress... I love the way she says that she is not grieving because there is "more to come". I feel the same way Janet.
  • I come from a large family of 12 my parents had 10 girls and one boy and one adopted brother and trust me living with all those siblings was hell. We fought all the time and called each other names too but it was all done in fun thats what sisters and brothers do but trust me when I tell you there was so much love and we never took any of it to heart. we laughed about it after. So I know Michael didnt mean anything by it Im sure Janet called him names too sometimes during their childhood thats what all kids do to each other. Im sure she knew that her brother loved her very much so I dont think she should take it that far with saying it was abuse. I feel she is wrong for saying that.
  • I think Janet was being sincere.

    By The way...The Best Is Yet To Come is an old Frank Sinatra song.


    Michael worshiped all of these older actor's and actresses that he grew up watching.
    Pay attention to what MJ says in this video.

  • Michael Jackson (as Frank Sinatra) and Diana Ross 1971
  • For gods sake tha is what brothers and sisters do tease each other my brothers did and do with me and me with them. It is natures way of hardening you up for the outside world it's natural not cruel or unusual

    Totally agree with you! with whom you can have a relationship like that if not with your brothers and sisters?
  • Anyone watching her Dateline interview now?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Anyone watching her Dateline interview now?

    I am now, thanks!
  • she's a very good actress <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • yes watching it...thank god my mom called me to tell me if was on lol...then i was checking this site to see any updates..lol..thanks to all
    huggs n faith to all
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    She was talking about her difficulty about letting herself grieve for Michael (wonder why <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) and then she said, "There's more to come, more to come".
  • I love the fact that her interview is this long. This is great publicity for Janet and the Jackson family.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Janet talks about watching this in the Dateline interview:


    So much fun! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I missed it- shoot!- Well, I am sure it will be on youtube soon. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> LOVE the home movies!
  • the part about teasing about her bottom reminds me of the bashir interview where he makes the comment about black people have big behinds ( or however he said it exactly)
  • This is the first interview done by a Jackson that I enjoyed. I am so happy that the Jacksons were a large family and they had each other to lean on for comfort because that Joe was a piece of work. Without each other no telling how they would have turned out. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • this interview shows otherwise of the article posted before. don't believe these articles saying she felt verbally abused <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> . i loved the interview as well. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    If he was concerned about her weight, there were other ways that he could have addressed it with her. He didn't have to call her a cow!

    But you don't know whether he confronted her in any other ways or not. Janet said Michael used to look at magazines and show her pictures of women, saying: "This is what your butt should look like." That is basically another way to tell her to lose weight, it's not merely teasing.

    I don't know if you have any overweight friends or family members, but it can be very hard to convince them that they have to change. I have a very overweight friend, and you don't want to know how many times I've asked her how her diet's going, offering her help, etc. She doesn't care. And when people start getting rude, she likes to blame them, complaining about them being mean or something. Like Janet. But the thing is, as Michael himself pointed out in the Michael Jackson Tapes, you get frustrated, you don't want your friends or family members to be big, you want them to do something about it.
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    I really enjoyed the interview myself.It seems that MJ and Janet are the only ones who has talked about Joe Jackson abusing them physically and mentally. I do remember Janet saying in another interview that Joe spanked her because she was in Joe's and Katherine's room. I think that was beating she was talking about that she couldn't remember what she did. I think she was 3 years old at the time. Janet said she was searching the internet of photos of her and the family. Then she was youtubing came across MJ's private home videos of herself. Did you think this was strange? You could tell when she was lying or keeping info about MJ. Her eyes would shift to the left.
  • the part about teasing about her bottom reminds me of the bashir interview where he makes the comment about black people have big behinds ( or however he said it exactly)
    that's a fact though
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