
  • To my mind it was originally photoshopped (even if you keep it since 2009). In the upper-left corner I see the face, of course it doesn't look like HIS face, on the mid-left side, next to the elbow I see like a head of a cartoon wolf and some animal next to him. That's what i see
  • I've always thought this photo was manipulated by Ben and his crew. Yes, they took a photo of the person in the ambulance and yes they were given a heads up to have someone there that morning, but when they got to the office, Ben realized the photos did not look like the MJ we all know it didn't clearly show MJ so when they heard he was dead, they knew they could make millions, and they fixed it to show the face of MJ. That ghostly face under the paramedic's arm is a result of the "fixing" Without time to really check their work, and being in a hurry to get the picture out,they left behind that blurred image.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Great catch! I never noticed this before. I have looked at this photo at least 50 times.
  • I see the face to the left of the EMT's elbow. It is very strange indeed. Not sure what to make of it. Maybe it's a reflection of Michael looking into the ambulance. IDK. I don't believe it's his aura or anything like that because then we are saying he is dead, which most of us here beLIEve otherwise. So, again IDK.

    But, the ambulance shot I do believe is photoshopped with the picture from his 30th anniversary concert, when he falls to the floor after dancing with Usher and Chris Brown. I think I am able to attach it to my post here.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh for God's sake that's not even the same angle. We debunked that ages ago.<br /><br />
    In my opinion is his face around bad era, this pics were photoshoped, clearly.
    <br /><br />Right logic, wrong conclusion.<br /><br />Bad era MJ in the pic means the MJ is from the 1980's. That's it. You can't assume from that fact that the photo is shopped as that is jumping to a conclusion. You're skipping a step. There's no shop lines, there's at least 4 different photos of the same scene which are in effect individual frames captured nearly simultaneously on a fast shutter speed, 4 photos necessitating they all be shopped exactly the same exact at 4 minutely different angles and perspectives, all 4 done without any shop lines from no known series of photos of MJ from 1980's, suggesting that the exact angle and perspectives needed to be set up to create a facial image of 1980's era MJ to be shopped onto the pic, we have 2 independent video footages of the scene on the day the pic was allegedly taken showing the alleged photographer in position and having opportunity to take the pics as reported, and the pic was sold and presented to the public with no disclaimer that the photo was altered, which would make the publication open to a class action consumer fraud suit of which they would most certainly pass the buck on to the person who sold them the pic with no disclaimer that it was altered, that person being Ben Evansted. <br /><br />I mean come on how complicated and risky is all that. Why bother? Take MJ 25 years just to plan shopping the photo for the hoax, considering we need him from the Bad era to model for it.<br /><br />Why in the world would you bother with all that nonsense when you could just so easily use a dummy. One is even available. Refer to Leave Me Alone video.<br /><br />[size=14pt]Bad era MJ suggests that the MJ in the pic is fake. Logical conclusions start and end right there.[/size]<br /><br />Now, what are some possible explanations for the MJ in this pic looking like Bad era (= approx. 30 year old) MJ?<br />-The MJ is a mannequin<br />The MJ is a person who looks like MJ when he was 30<br /><br />So of these two logical, realistic explanations for the pic, one is more realistic and logical then the other. The MJ is a mannequin is the most logical conclusion we can draw from the information in front of us (ambulance pic).<br /><br />Take it or leave it.<br /><br />Ps. I see the face. Could have been added, sure. My argument is referring to the patient with the endotracheal tube, the "MJ", not the face mid left side. I can't explain that part.
  • Great catch! I never noticed this before. I have looked at this photo at least 50 times.

    I found something describing this on twitter. But I didnt believe it.
    I think that it is either a dummy or a paste job.

    Very sketchy.

    Thank you everyone for the positive comments...

    One Army

    One L.O.V.E
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I don't know who it is either but to me it looks a little like Charlie Chaplin! If it is a reflection of who was taking the photo, it certainly isn't Ben.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Stefy, that TII pic isn't shopped either. The gap in the letter is the door that's on stage in the LED screen. That door is clearly visible in several other pics of the TII stage as well as in the movie.

    Also debunked over a year ago.
  • Stefy, that TII pic isn't shopped either. The gap in the letter is the door that's on stage in the LED screen. That door is clearly visible in several other pics of the TII stage as well as in the movie.

    Also debunked over a year ago.

    Thank you for clearing this up. Respect.
  • Bec wrote: Oh for God's sake that's not even the same angle. We debunked that ages ago.
    Who's we? I don't recall a thread on it being debunked. Not to say that there wasn't one. It looks very similar to me anyway. Well, maybe you are right, the angle is a bit off, but you can respond with a little more L.O.V.E. in the tone of your post.
  • close up of face in reflection
  • Emergency report...
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Bec wrote: Oh for God's sake that's not even the same angle. We debunked that ages ago.
    Who's we? I don't recall a thread on it being debunked. Not to say that there wasn't one. It looks very similar to me anyway. Well, maybe you are right, the angle is a bit off, but you can respond with a little more L.O.V.E. in the tone of your post.

    We, I guess meaning the old mjhd.com crew.

    Sorry I'm just frustrated that the new guard isn't up to speed on this ancient info. But really it's not your fault. Our data base was destroyed and we lost everything. There are no archives 8/4/09-this forum opening 12/09 to access. That's 4 months of stuff gone. Some stuff we copied to MJKIT but not everything and it was considered bad taste to do so, so it was frowned upon, minimizing the transfer of info. Shame.

    So my frustration lies with that regime. Not you. I'm sorry I am misdirecting at you. Forgive me, I need to chill. I was wrong to be so sharp with you.
  • Bec wrote: Oh for God's sake that's not even the same angle. We debunked that ages ago.
    Who's we? I don't recall a thread on it being debunked. Not to say that there wasn't one. It looks very similar to me anyway. Well, maybe you are right, the angle is a bit off, but you can respond with a little more L.O.V.E. in the tone of your post.

    We, I guess meaning the old mjhd.com crew.

    Sorry I'm just frustrated that the new guard isn't up to speed on this ancient info. But really it's not your fault. Our data base was destroyed and we lost everything. There are no archives 8/4/09-this forum opening 12/09 to access. That's 4 months of stuff gone. Some stuff we copied to MJKIT but not everything and it was considered bad taste to do so, so it was frowned upon, minimizing the transfer of info. Shame.

    So my frustration lies with that regime. Not you. I'm sorry I am misdirecting at you. Forgive me, I need to chill. I was wrong to be so sharp with you.

    Lol I don't recall my reflection find to be old. I thought it was rather new.
    I'm also glad that the forum is back up.

    I commend Souza for taking the time to fix it.

    Remember. Respect. LOVE.
  • close up of face in reflection

    OMG Thank you! Only now I can see it!
  • close up of face in reflection

    OMG Thank you! Only now I can see it!

    Thought that would help! A close friend of mine did that screen snap for me real quick whilst I was watching a Youtube vid. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Does not mean the pictures were not manipulated as the whole story was manipulated.

    We have seen the ambulance pictures with and without faces, all kind of portrait photos of cast with and without added eyes, we have seen several video takes of the ambulance backing out and how the spectator witness bus was being parked in the takes, we now saw that the "live" video reportages from UCLA to the Coroner's took three different flight routes - all of that to create fog and make finding the truth as difficult as can be.

    We still do not know what happened, almost 2 years later. We found a considerable number of inconsistencies and got trained to identify them faster now.
    However, we are still dependent like babies on the information given to us - spoonfed as on day one. We will never know if Michael does not come out and explains in the public eye.
    Even then we would not be sure that the reportage is not falsified and manipulated.
    Plus we are bonded. Bonding is required for conditioning.
    Or we start walking on our own feet and start thinking and acting 4 ourselves.
  • You are forgiven Bec. Just so you know, I am not part of the new regime, which by the way, I feel they do pretty good getting up to speed with all that is out there and on here. I am part of the old mjhd.com crew...practically from the beginning. Maybe so old I forgot there was even a thread about the debunking of the 30th anniversary picture. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Listen, members will say what they will say and neither you or I will agree with everything everyone has to say. But, we have to keep an open mind and respect each other's posts. I want everyone to feel comfortable about posting. I want to feel comfortable posting.hts. And, I certainly don't want to take this site for granted. As we saw, it can all be gone in a flash. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    If it wasn't for Souza's determination and commitment to the hoax and to us, we'd all be walking around in a "State of Shock", like a bunch of "Thriller" zombies and boy would we be in a "Jam!" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • You are forgiven Bec. Just so you know, I am not part of the new regime, which by the way, I feel they do pretty good getting up to speed with all that is out there and on here. I am part of the old mjhd.com crew...practically from the beginning. Maybe so old I forgot there was even a thread about the debunking of the 30th anniversary picture. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Listen, members will say what they will say and neither you or I will agree with everything everyone has to say. But, we have to keep an open mind and respect each other's posts. I want everyone to feel comfortable about posting. I want to feel comfortable posting.hts. And, I certainly don't want to take this site for granted. As we saw, it can all be gone in a flash. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    If it wasn't for Souza's determination and commitment to the hoax and to us, we'd all be walking around in a "State of Shock", like a bunch of "Thriller" zombies and boy would we be in a "Jam!" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    Remember. RESPECT...LOVE
  • Exactly we need to learn to respect eachother, and as you know our opinions are not all the same. My opinion can be as good as yours. So the best is to be respectful and if you don't agree it is fine but just write with respect and not offending the person.
    God bless everyone.
  • Uh...I think the face looks like Michael's son Prince.
    Look at it again....look at the nose!
    Looks like Prince with his eyes closed??? Same lips and all.
    Was Prince supposedly in the ambulance??
  • Uh...I think the face looks like Michael's son Prince.
    Look at it again....look at the nose!
    Looks like Prince with his eyes closed??? Same lips and all.
    Was Prince supposedly in the ambulance??

    From what I have heard, from Katherine and a few other people, Prince Paris and Blanket were already at the hospital when the ambulance left...
    lol it took about 30 minutes for the guy to get out of the driveway...

    Something weird for a "experienced" ambulance driver....
    which also adds to the theory that they were doing all they could to block the ambulance window.

    See photo..

    the garbage wasn't scheduled to go out that day...

    something else to think about...

  • Uh...I think the face looks like Michael's son Prince.
    Look at it again....look at the nose!
    Looks like Prince with his eyes closed??? Same lips and all.
    Was Prince supposedly in the ambulance??

    I also wanted to add that I love your posted photos!
  • Uh...I think the face looks like Michael's son Prince.
    Look at it again....look at the nose!
    Looks like Prince with his eyes closed??? Same lips and all.
    Was Prince supposedly in the ambulance??

    I also wanted to add that I love your posted photos!

    Oh Thank You!

    And to add to your answer about Prince and the others being already at the hospital I remember
    reading an article about him riding in the ambulance....It was early on though, in 09'.
    Who knows the real truth?? ALso about the garbage cans.....looks like we were purposely
    supposed to catch that as a clue. This hoax is full of images, clues and inconsistancies.

    This is a great thread!
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