How many of you believe?



  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    You are quoting "paid in advance" and "works on a budget" so that came from someplace. Explain please <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    From the horse's mouth:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=219&t=17892<!-- l -->
    So do you think it's environmental or political? Spiritual? And, if he had to do this to save his children (physically), why are they not with him, and are now more accessible?

    Environmental, political and spiritual, the whole package. I don't think his kids were in immediate physical danger, I was talking about their future and that of other children.

    Thanks Souza. Sometimes, we just need reminders as we become so overwhelmed with info <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->)
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    How many of you feel MJ will return July 2011? See you in July 2011 is my thoughts.

    How many of you feel Dr. Murry Is a paid actor and soon all will be revealed? I think he is payed for his participation in this production and I am depending on all to be revealed.

    How many of you feel Michael had to fake his death to save his children and his own life? Not to save his life, but to take back everything that was robbed from him

    How many of you believe Pearl Jr. aim & intention is to help Michael Jackson! Pearl stood up for Michael during 2005 trial and is a beLIEver like us, so no criticism from me.

    How many of you believe this is a real trial with all the toys sitting around the court room? I have trouble seeing this as real, so no.

    How many of your believe Mikes mom that her son has passed away? She's acting. and doing a fine job of it too.

    How many of you believe Janet in regards to Mikes supposed death? I don't buy what she has said. I think she is playing her part well.

    How many of you believe Mike is under witness protection program? No. not in witness protection program.

    Please answer the questions and thank you:)
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    I agree with your answers also Souza!

    It is about to bust it is about to pop!!!
    Soon it wll be the return of the
    King of POP <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    How many of you feel MJ will return July 2011?
    * I think based on his autograph signature "See you in July 2011" that YES it will be July this year.

    How many of you feel Dr. Murry Is a paid actor and soon all will be revealed?
    * YES, the clues are all there. His Coke ads and his Youtube "Don't worry..."speech sealed the
    deal for me!

    How many of you feel Michael had to fake his death to save his children and his own life?
    * I think he was being threatened and it had gone to far. I sometimes think that all of the
    clothes he wore in "Thisisit" was to hide his bullet proof vest. I don't believe the children were
    being threatened though....they have been in the public eye too much. Michael wouldn't have
    allowed that if this were the case.

    How many of you believe Pearl Jr. aim & intention is to help Michael Jackson!
    * I think that in a hoax situation it has to be someone's job to get the infomation out there to the
    general public. Since she is friends with the family, I say absolutely.

    How many of you believe this is a real trial with all the toys sitting around the court room?
    * No way....the toys and trash cans are too much. None of this appears real at all.
    Also, not enough coverage in main stream media. Only TMZ has the scoop.

    How many of your believe Mikes mom that her son has passed away?
    *This is a hard one that baffles me. Her writing a book about killed me. That is the one thing I don't could she write a book knowing that this is a hoax?? I guess she is just doing what she can
    to make this even more realistic.

    How many of you believe Janet in regards to Mikes supposed death?
    * Janet seems very untruthful to me. Her story has changed a million times about where she was on
    June 25th when it happened. She also has a strange problem of SMILING when things get tough!

    How many of you believe Mike is under witness protection program?
    Yea, I do. But I think they are allowing him some creative freedom from behind the scenes. I think
    he has access to computors and can still do what he always did. Just protected.
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    Love your response Lovely one:) Much apreciations!!
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    How many of you still believe after Elizabeth passing away and Dr.Klein's having to surrender the medical records:(
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Please answer the questions and thank you:)

    How many of you feel MJ will return July 2011?

    Well, now that it has been blabbed inter-galactic, I now think it was an expectation generated inside the camp, to divert us from the real time. According to theory, everything is being accomplished with a nod to significant dates—which may or may not be those which we may anticipate. I think MJ gets a charge <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> out of stirring the crowd to prolonged frenzy, sustaining this as long as he can. By July, everyone will be beyond NUTS. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> No return by August, they will all be crying again, that he's really gone. OR, that the One who was revealed, is not really him...and "the real one" is really gone. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    How many of you feel Dr. Murry Is a paid actor and soon all will be revealed?

    I haven't spent much time looking at Murray. First he was an enemy, and then, he's somehow, just another suspected hoax player, having a softspoken persona which doesn't ring true, as there is no real depth to his personal (not the MJdeath-business) story. In pix I have seen, after murdering the most beloved King of Pop, he is freely going about his business, (jogging??? doesn't he know about women scorned <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> and snipers?) on purpose, as if he means to be seen, almost as if trying to bait someone.

    Now that I've had my look, I think he is a cop. Some people will know what I mean. Look at him. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> Of course it will all come out.

    How many of you feel Michael had to fake his death to save his children and his own life?

    I don't see EVER any kind of scenario of this type which would exclude him from taking his kids under with him <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    Grandma may love those kids to death, even if she is playing a role, but unless she's armed to the teeth with assault rifles and all the other kids know how to use them, as well, none of the people in that compound are safe, from enemies seriously after a targeted billionaire's throat. People are abducted, murdered, chopped up and made to disappear 4ever, every day for even a few thousand dollars.

    This HAS probably been a real threat to MJ in the past and, is nothing to play around with. So, he's not. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> His kids are nowhere near that place, living like the average school kid. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    He can't do this Hoax unless he is traveling light. But, if the newly unmasked kids at the compound are actors, decoys for the Hoax cameras only, NO one is actually living there, NO children are ever sitting ducks, there, and his real children are completely incognito, elsewhere. Hence, all the chaos fed to the press, is to give appearance of activity in the family Homestead... Heck, Oprah was there, at the house, lending credibility. How would she even know if they lived there or not?

    It's JUST TV.
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Tell a Vision, telling people what to believe....

    How many of you believe Pearl Jr. aim & intention is to help Michael Jackson!

    She may just be another MJ Players Thespian. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> Perhaps steering thought & emotion.

    How many of you believe this is a real trial with all the toys sitting around the court room?

    Never saw the 2005 court in session, only stills with a giraffe once. I just thought MJ was goofing off, when the judge was away, in chambers or at recess to relieve tension. Of course, when I got the revelation <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> of such tension, I knew that no nonsense is even thought of, much less permitted in a real courtroom. Maybe on a set, like Law & Order, in between acts,
    or The Three Stooges , anytime. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    How many of you believe Mikes mom that her son has passed away?

    I believe that she believes that he could be or is in some kind of danger or stealth police operation, which makes her worry and cry, and go along with the fiction, for his safety. MJ probably didn't tell her that, moms just suspect the worst <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> when their sons keep secrets, and “have to disappear for awhile” <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Then, too, there is the rumor that MJ is done with his K.o.P. act, and of course this is monstrously, tear-jerking sad. But it IS over, isn't it. A 52 year old man is not the heartthrob of little girls, and all his big girls are married to other men with grown kids of their own. His middle aged Girls won't be following this act to the ends of the earth, too much longer. He knew it. He and Spike Lee eulogized "Michael Jackson", once and for all time, better than any other memorial so far <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> THAT guy is HIStory, IMHO, pretty certain. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> It is very sad.

    His mom could be simply being a Mommy <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> ; it is bittersweet, realizing that the boy you bounced on your knee is "going gray", that all kinds of time has passed by. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Such a bizarre, sweeping sentiment of pride and pain all at once. It feels sad, but no one died. The IDEA of the man goes on forever, just like he said.

    How many of you believe Janet in regards to Mikes supposed death?

    Janet is too busy to keep her stories straight. Even so, she's too smart to flub this up, unless purposely! Ha! Perhaps by design, the inconsistencies in her story are a whisper to the fans that his death is fake. She's leaving crumbs for us <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> , right in front of the press!

    How many of you believe Mike is under witness protection program?

    If he were a star witness at a different trial, he could be...but it would be a real trial, not the Murray thing, which I think is a diversion. Maybe he IS, all this time, in safekeeping for some mob takedown. But

    the authorities do not let the one in safekeeping give their position away <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> DAILY <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> , by surfing the web, which we know he does, in order to monitor all his Hoax “Games” (for example, one, the <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> game of “Forget Me Not” maintaining his momentum for two years, while he is “gone”.)

    So, naw, he's not in Witness Protection for the Murray thing. There IS a humongous ring of medical professionals linked with big pharma who conveniently have anyone they want to, killed. It is the easiest thing in the world, bar nothing. If THIS were the MJ/ Murray case, as loose ends, both would have already died in “an unfortunate accident" or by their own hands, so,

    I don't really believe there is anything THAT dark and deadly going on here, but, we'll see. MJ seems to be laying low, so we just have to keep an eye on Dr. Murray, then. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
    Report this postReply with quoteRe: How many of you believe?
    by Its her » Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:49 pm

    Integrity wrote:
    Please answer the questions and thank you:)

    How many of you feel MJ will return July 2011?

    Well, now that it has been blabbed inter-galactic, I now think it was an expectation generated inside the camp, to divert us from the real time. According to theory, everything is being accomplished with a nod to significant dates—which may or may not be those which we may anticipate. I think MJ gets a charge out of stirring the crowd to prolonged frenzy, sustaining this as long as he can. By July, everyone will be beyond NUTS. No return by August, they will all be crying again, that he's really gone. OR, that the One who was revealed, is not really him...and "the real one" is really gone.

    Very interesting perspective!
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    How many of you feel MJ will return July 2011? Well, everyone is familiar with this picture (the contrast and/or levels have been increased to make it clearer), right? It could also mean he was lying with "this is it" being actually it, and he'd do a new concert July 2011 which I doubt. He made it very clear that this is it, if it even was MJ at London O2 PRCF. Who knows?

    How many of you feel Dr. Murry Is a paid actor and soon all will be revealed? All in time, my friend. All in time, - when the time is right.

    How many of you feel Michael had to fake his death to save his children and his own life? How does it save his children? Media will interview them now when Michael is out of the spotlight. For his own life, yes and no. He wanted to get rid of all the enemies temporarily if he lives but he will come back so it's more of a "no" to me.

    How many of you believe Pearl Jr. aim & intention is to help Michael Jackson! I don't know who he is, lol.

    How many of you believe this is a real trial with all the toys sitting around the court room? I don't know, friend.

    How many of your believe Mikes mom that her son has passed away? His whole family is in the hoax, - and if you ever see his mom crying it's because Michael is her very own son. What Michael is doing is very risky and her mom must be sorta worried in a way or another..

    How many of you believe Janet in regards to Mikes supposed death? I don't know.

    How many of you believe Mike is under witness protection program? I can't answer this or the question above, sorry.
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